The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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You guys are swagless. Humble isn't comfortable with buyers getting a cut of its charity bundle - that seems reasonable to me.

The trade thread should be more palatable now. Thank sweet fuck for that.
Trudat. Now you won't have to sort through 8 million people trying to pawn off the same effing 10 keys for fifty cents to a dollar.

I never resold any keys from HIB but I did give duplicates to friends of mine that didn't have the game.
Same - I wish I could give away some of my extra HB & Groupees stuff.

But, everybody seems to have already have the same stuff!

I just hate extra-keys go to waste w/ this new procedure, since they don't turn into Steam-gifts if I wind-up w/ something I already own automatically "activated" into my Steam-account.

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Same - I wish I could give away some of my extra HB & Groupees stuff.

But, everybody seems to have already have the same stuff!

I just hate extra-keys go to waste w/ this new procedure, since they don't turn into Steam-gifts if I wind-up w/ something I already own automatically "activated" into my Steam-account.
Just post your extra keys here or the steam gifting thread. All the posters have dat shizz, but there's definitely some lurkers that'll snatch dat up

Cheapy, please ban me from this site if you care about me and you want to minimize my exposure to AIDS and cancer.

Good looks!!

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Since they're going w/ this new system on HB, hopefully it's smart enough to not waste keys. Hopefully, it just analyzes your Steam-accounts and then SKIPS accounts that already own the game and moves on.

It's either that or Steam needs to implement a system where anything you buy/get that's an extra-key, it turns into a Steam Gift.

Cheapy, please ban me from this site if you care about me and you want to minimize my exposure to AIDS and cancer.

Good looks!!
Yeah, I'd recommend stop coming here, or any cheap video game site, for that matter. By the way Humble Bundle is going, soon enough you're going to have to contract diseases to download their games. Totes worth it to get dem games for a buck, though.

Sweeeeeet. Another reason why this is the first AssCreed game I'm legitimately even somewhat excited for.

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Since they're going w/ this new system on HB, hopefully it's smart enough to not waste keys. Hopefully, it just analyzes your Steam-accounts and then SKIPS accounts that already own the game and moves on.

It's either that or Steam needs to implement a system where anything you buy/get that's an extra-key, it turns into a Steam Gift.
On new bundles, it appears to recognize that you've already registered something but I'm not certain about this. I can confirm that it will not retroactively automatically add keys from previous bundles because I loaded my Humble Bundle with Android 7, checked my Steam account, and I'm still a proud non-owner of Anodyne.
Sweeeeeet. Another reason why this is the first AssCreed game I'm legitimately even somewhat excited for.
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to AC4, gameplay-wise. It don't sound like AC4 has that great of a story, when compared to the AC games, from what they saying. I so hope they're wrong - b/c that's been always the thing that I've loved and found most consistent w/ the AC series.

I do need to get AC3 Deluxe - since I'm falling behind b/c of this yearly release crap.

The Last AC that I really dug was AC:B.

I still think from what I played on the AC games (AC1 up to AC:R), AC2 and AC:B are the best of the club.

AC:R was disappointing as Hell (new mission types sucked; not really much new here), even though I thought it was still good - namely b/c of its story & characters were still very good.

Due to abuse that Blackwell Deception offer is ending early. If you haven't gotten it now is the time.
I was just about to post this.

This new Humble system would work -perfectly- for giveaways like this. It would ensure nobody that didn't own the game would get a copy.

Then again, doing a similar giveaway on a site like STEAMGIFTS would work just as well.

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Yeah, I'm really looking forward to AC4, gameplay-wise. It don't sound like AC4 has that great of a story, when compared to the AC games, from what they saying. I so hope they're wrong - b/c that's been always the thing that I've loved and found most consistent w/ the AC series.

I do need to get AC3 Deluxe - since I'm falling behind b/c of this yearly release crap.

The Last AC that I really dug was AC:B.

I still think from what I played on the AC games (AC1 up to AC:R), AC2 and AC:B are the best of the club.

AC:R was disappointing as Hell (new mission types sucked; not really much new here), even though I thought it was still good - namely b/c of its story & characters were still very good.
I've actually never played Revelations or 3. Apparently I'm not missing much though. Agree about the story - a lot of people think it's a bit hokey, but I love that sci fi weird stuff. And this is a franchise where the yearly release really does it a disservice. Something like COD, as much as I despise it, is made for a yearly release. Keep the gunplay sharp, and release a good multiplayer, you're set. Mixing up the single player campaign and polishing it is icing on the cake. Nobody buys COD every year for the single player. Assassin's Creed though...stop with it. You can't make these longish ( 25-35 hours) games every year and expect them to be great. It looks like Black Flag has a chance to break that, but still. Even releasing every two years would make such a difference, probably. Of course, the almighty money grubbing will never allow it, most likely.

I've actually never played Revelations or 3. Apparently I'm not missing much though. Agree about the story - a lot of people think it's a bit hokey, but I love that sci fi weird stuff. And this is a franchise where the yearly release really does it a disservice. Something like COD, as much as I despise it, is made for a yearly release. Keep the gunplay sharp, and release a good multiplayer, you're set. Mixing up the single player campaign and polishing it is icing on the cake. Nobody buys COD every year for the single player. Assassin's Creed though...stop with it. You can't make these longish ( 25-35 hours) games every year and expect them to be great. It looks like Black Flag has a chance to break that, but still. Even releasing every two years would make such a difference, probably. Of course, the almighty money grubbing will never allow it, most likely.
Yeah, while the AC stuff is kind of ridiculous, sci-fi, and weird - I really love the labyrinth-worth of stories, plots, characters, and madness that AC throws at us. This is what has NEVER disappointed me w/ the series. I might want to throw my controller at my 1080p monitor w/ every cliffhanger ending - but, other than that, the rest of the story stuff I've been digging. I really hope AC4 doesn't disappoint me w/ the story-stuff.

I actually play COD's for the ENTIRE package - especially the SP and of course the MP. I think COD does well for itself b/c the SP Campaigns are short - they're in the 5-10 hours ballpark. By the time you're done, you feel exhausted b/c of the way the constant action goes. You're drained - and you feel done. I seem to do about 5-10 hours w/ SP; then around another 10 hours w/ MP - and I'm normally by then done and ready to move onto something else.

AC games have often felt TOO BIG and TOO LONG to get yearly releases - which I think could be the same problem that many have felt w/ Batman: Arkham Origins. It really hit me hard, after AC:Revelations - that these games need more gameplay mechanics that work...or something. It just ain't doing enough for me, anymore.

Back to Batman -> Now, I ain't played Batman: AO; but I just ran through Batman: AC - Harley Quinn's Revenge DLC today...and while I did like it, I was glad it ended when it did. Didn't feel too long, didn't feel too short. Gameplay-wise, that didn't feel much different than Batman: AC or AA - and I fear that might be a problem I could have with Batman: AO.

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IGN is full of crap, Revelations was the best one yet in terms of gameplay mechanics and controls and shit like that. Overall it's far better than AC1 if not the rest. I can't judge 4 but I've played all the others. Aside from the storyline, Revelations is the best one.

Whatever, got ma AC4 Gold Edition pre-order ready.

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IGN is full of crap, Revelations was the best one yet in terms of gameplay mechanics and controls and shit like that. Overall it's far better than AC1 if not the rest. I can't judge 4 but I've played all the others. Aside from the storyline, Revelations is the best one.
Oh, I'd put AC:R over AC1. I still think AC1 is the worst of the club by far.

I thought AC1 was WAY overrated. I didn't like cut & paste voice-work, NPC's, and missions. Didn't like forcing you do a few side-quests before mains, as well. Plus, last 3rd of the game wasn't that great, either - it turned into an action-fest.

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... This is what has NEVER disappointed me ...

I actually play... for the ENTIRE package... 5-10 hours...By the time you're done, you feel exhausted ...You're drained - and you feel done. I seem to do about 5-10 hours...and I'm normally by then done and ready to move onto something else.

... have often felt TOO BIG and TOO LONG ...I think could be the same problem that many have felt ...It really hit me hard...It just ain't doing enough for me, anymore.

...while I did like it, I was glad it ended when it did. Didn't feel too long, didn't feel too short. ...and I fear that might be a problem I could have...
It's like reverse Mad Libs.

Yeah, while the AC stuff is kind of ridiculous, sci-fi, and weird - I really love the labyrinth-worth of stories, plots, characters, and madness that AC throws at us. This is what has NEVER disappointed me w/ the series. I might want to throw my controller at my 1080p monitor w/ every cliffhanger ending - but, other than that, the rest of the story stuff I've been digging. I really hope AC4 doesn't disappoint me w/ the story-stuff.

I actually play COD's for the ENTIRE package - especially the SP and of course the MP. I think COD does well for itself b/c the SP Campaigns are short - they're in the 5-10 hours ballpark. By the time you're done, you feel exhausted b/c of the way the constant action goes. You're drained - and you feel done. I seem to do about 5-10 hours w/ SP; then around another 10 hours w/ MP - and I'm normally by then done and ready to move onto something else.

AC games have often felt TOO BIG and TOO LONG to get yearly releases - which I think could be the same problem that many have felt w/ Batman: Arkham Origins. It really hit me hard, after AC:Revelations - that these games need more gameplay mechanics that work...or something. It just ain't doing enough for me, anymore.

Back to Batman -> Now, I ain't played Batman: AO; but I just ran through Batman: AC - Harley Quinn's Revenge DLC today...and while I did like it, I was glad it ended when it did. Didn't feel too long, didn't feel too short. Gameplay-wise, that didn't feel much different than Batman: AC or AA - and I fear that might be a problem I could have with Batman: AO.
Yup, I think a pretty logical conclusion is the longer a game is, the more spaced out their releases should be. 1)If you're gonna make a really long game, you better get it right. Nobody wants to play a crappy or underwhelming or disappointing game for more than 15 or 20 hours probably. 2)If games are really long, people get burnt out on them. People would probably get sick of games like Fallout or Elder Scrolls, as good as they are, if they came out every year, or even every other year. Granted, Assassins Creed isn't that long, but it's a game who's mechanics and environment, as they've been, aren't interesting enough to warrant a yearly release. Then again, I'm only a moderate AssCreed fan.

IGN is full of crap, Revelations was the best one yet in terms of gameplay mechanics and controls and shit like that. Overall it's far better than AC1 if not the rest. I can't judge 4 but I've played all the others. Aside from the storyline, Revelations is the best one.

Whatever, got ma AC4 Gold Edition pre-order ready.

Never Played ACR, but I can't imagine it's worse than the first one. The first one was pretty eye popping when it came out when you started the game. A huge, beautiful world, interesting mechanics and environment. Then you play for like 3 hours and realize how crappy and repetitive it is. That game sucked.

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Yup, I think a pretty logical conclusion is the longer a game is, the more spaced out their releases should be. 1)If you're gonna make a really long game, you better get it right. Nobody wants to play a crappy or underwhelming or disappointing game for more than 15 or 20 hours probably. 2)If games are really long, people get burnt out on them. People would probably get sick of games like Fallout or Elder Scrolls, as good as they are, if they came out every year, or even every other year. Granted, Assassins Creed isn't that long, but it's a game who's mechanics and environment, as they've been, aren't interesting enough to warrant a yearly release. Then again, I'm only a moderate AssCreed fan.

Never Played ACR, but I can't imagine it's worse than the first one. The first one was pretty eye popping when it came out when you started the game. A huge, beautiful world, interesting mechanics and environment. Then you play for like 3 hours and realize how crappy and repetitive it is. That game sucked.
Yes - by the time say that a new Elder Scrolls, a new Fallout, a new GTA, or any of those longer-winded games come out: I'm ready for them. It's been a number of years. And often, each one comes w/ some major changes & additions to the series' formula.

Skyrim's just one of those games I come back to every how many months for whatever my "fill" is. When I go back to it, I'm ready to lose likely another 5 hours to 30 hours for a while; then get away from it for a time-period (sometimes a month or maybe even more); and then eventually wind-up back to it some months later. I think b/c Skyrim has so many quest-lines (both main and side quest-lines) and its typical one-off MMO style one-and-done quests, the game is very easy for me to just pick up and play - and not feel lost. I might just finish one big quest-line (often side-quests) or two, then be ready to dump the game for a bit; feeling like I just finished some kind of DLC pack or something - when in actuality, that was just another portion of this big-as-can-be game. Skyrim base game alone, I got like 126 hours with it. And I'm sure I'll wind-up back to it.


AC:R - no way it's worse than AC1, in the gameplay department & copy-and-pasting department. I'll take AC:R over AC1 any day. Also, AC1 ran like garbage on my PC that I ran at that time; yet AC2 on the same PC and settings ran much better. Go figure.

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I agree with their rankings actually. The first Assassin's Creed should be last, but the overall story and setup was enough to rank it 5th. I thought Revelations was alright, but it did feel more like a money grab game with some very weak settings.

I still need to finish AC3 come to think of it. I just got burned out since I started it right after Revelations. Assassin Creed games are tough playing back to back I've come to find, go figure.

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I agree with their rankings actually. The first Assassin's Creed should be last, but the overall story was enough to rank it 5th. I thought Revelations was alright, but it did feel more like a money grab game with some very weak settings.

I still need to finish AC3 come to think of it. I just got burned out since I started it right after Revelations. Assassin Creed games are tough playing back to back I've come to find, go figure.
IMHO - it's usually not a great idea to do games of series, especially if they are LONG (i.e. over 10-15 hours), back-to-back.

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IGN is full of crap, Revelations was the best one yet in terms of gameplay mechanics and controls and shit like that. Overall it's far better than AC1 if not the rest. I can't judge 4 but I've played all the others. Aside from the storyline, Revelations is the best one.

Whatever, got ma AC4 Gold Edition pre-order ready.
Revelations the best? I played and beat ever single AC game except Ac4(playing it now) and revs is da worst! Made me fall asleep doe. IGN's list is spot on.

IMHO - it's usually not a great idea to do games of series, especially if they are LONG (i.e. over 10-15 hours), back-to-back.
I definitely agree with you there. I was just put-off by the ending of Revelations so I felt the need to jump into and start AC3. Which didn't really help looking back.

I wanted to like my limited time with AC3 because I love the AC series, but there's just something about it that's less captivating to me and hasn't drawn me in to return and finish.

Thinking about it, maybe it's the departure from the Third Crusade and the 15th & 16th century Renaissance setting that I found interesting. Having spent a little time in Rome and Florence after I played Assassin's Creed 2 and before getting into Brotherhood & Revelations was quite fantastic. Perhaps I'm a bit biased by the intrigue of the historical settings in which I did not know a ton about before visiting. I left appreciative of everything and everyone I encountered. I even thought for a brief moment how epic it would be to scale the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore or Giotto's Campanile in Cathedral Square (Piazza del Duomo). Obviously it was just a thought.

Maybe it's also that we're usually more interested in what we don't know (foreign locations/history) than ones we do know (the American Revolution). I can't remember how many countless times I've had to read and write essays about the American Revolution from grade school through college. Don't get me wrong, I like the dawn of American history, but it doesn't captivate me as much since covering it all in depth through school.

Now Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag looks pretty damn good to me. The three main locations of Havana, Jamaica, and Bahamas could be great settings. Although, I'm sure the interaction with the environment will be the same like all the previous AC games. Controlling your own ship (upgradable over time) and battling on open waters is really drawing my interests.

Damn. I got carried away. Trick or Treat! Wait... no. Happy Halloween!

I'm OK with games being F2P, but... paying nine dollars just to get ONE CARD DROP? Hell no.
You could always just play the game... Not sure why cards are such a big deal. :)

Sadly, the original L4D is obsolete. Official updates ported all the campaigns and survivors over, and with better graphics, and more weapons, and three times the amount of special infected...
Really? You don't even need to have the original for that to "unlock" at all? That's pretty crazy... As for me *shrug* Oh well, I paid so little I'm not going to worry abut it.

Because of all the leigt Humble hate, and oh, Halloween I guess, time for some very quick fodder giveaways!

and of course, last and obviously best....

reached max, will MAYBE post more after midnight (CST, when these all end)

EDIT: Wow, surprised these got entries even before I posted them all...guess we've a crapload of people in the cag steam group...
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Maybe it's also that we're usually more interested in what we don't know (foreign locations/history) than ones we do know (the American Revolution). I can't remember how many countless times I've had to read and write essays about the American Revolution from grade school through college. Don't get me wrong, I like the dawn of American history, but it doesn't captivate me as much since covering it all in depth through school.

Now Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag looks pretty damn good to me. The three main locations of Havana, Jamaica, and Bahamas could be great settings. Although, I'm sure the interaction with the environment will be the same like all the previous AC games. Controlling your own ship (upgradable over time) and battling on open waters is really drawing my interests.

Damn. I got carried away. Trick or Treat! Wait... no. Happy Halloween!
Yep, that's a big reason I didn't have much interest in III. American history to me is SO FREAKING BORING. I've heard about the Revolution a zillion times. Don't need to play a game around it. Agreed w/Black Flag though, looks sweet. Much improved setting over III. Plus being a pirate=sickkkkk. Pirate themes need more play in video games. What good pirate games are there? Risen, Sid Meier's Pirates, and what?

I definitely agree with you there. I was just put-off by the ending of Revelations so I felt the need to jump into and start AC3. Which didn't really help looking back.

I wanted to like my limited time with AC3 because I love the AC series, but there's just something about it that's less captivating to me and hasn't drawn me in to return and finish.

Thinking about it, maybe it's the departure from the Third Crusade and the 15th & 16th century Renaissance setting that I found interesting. Having spent a little time in Rome and Florence after I played Assassin's Creed 2 and before getting into Brotherhood & Revelations was quite fantastic. Perhaps I'm a bit biased by the intrigue of the historical settings in which I did not know a ton about before visiting. I left appreciative of everything and everyone I encountered. I even thought for a brief moment how epic it would be to scale the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore or Giotto's Campanile in Cathedral Square (Piazza del Duomo). Obviously it was just a thought.

Maybe it's also that we're usually more interested in what we don't know (foreign locations/history) than ones we do know (the American Revolution). I can't remember how many countless times I've had to read and write essays about the American Revolution from grade school through college. Don't get me wrong, I like the dawn of American history, but it doesn't captivate me as much since covering it all in depth through school.

Now Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag looks pretty damn good to me. The three main locations of Havana, Jamaica, and Bahamas could be great settings. Although, I'm sure the interaction with the environment will be the same like all the previous AC games. Controlling your own ship (upgradable over time) and battling on open waters is really drawing my interests.

Damn. I got carried away. Trick or Treat! Wait... no. Happy Halloween!
I think the reason I do have an interest in AC3 is because I live not too far from the Boston area - and doing more than jumping on rooftops; and exploring the wilderness. Since I ain't played an AC game in a while, I could really go for AC3: Deluxe for $15 or less. ;)

I'm really looking forward to AC4's locations. The whole pirates theme - yeah, that speaks to me. I really liked Risen 1 w/ some of its pirates elements and really dug Risen 2's focus on the pirates theme. I did like Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales, but its repetitive nature and its wonky-ness is what kept me away from playing it less than I really wanted to. I do have Age of Pirates 2, but I never actually installed or even touched it - it's just sitting on the shelf.

Yep, that's a big reason I didn't have much interest in III. American history to me is SO FREAKING BORING. I've heard about the Revolution a zillion times. Don't need to play a game around it. Agreed w/Black Flag though, looks sweet. Much improved setting over III. Plus being a pirate=sickkkkk. Pirate themes need more play in video games. What good pirate games are there? Risen, Sid Meier's Pirates, and what?
Yep, pretty much, I'd say: Risen 1 & 2; Sid Meier's Pirates.

I did play Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales - but it just got too repetitive and was too wonky for me to continue, after spending a few hours or so with it.

Unfortunately, I never played Sea Dogs.


Fallout 4 is rumored to be in boston
Yep - and I so do hope this happens.

I'd really love to see Fallout: Boston.

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Revelations the best? I played and beat ever single AC game except Ac4(playing it now) and revs is da worst! Made me fall asleep doe. IGN's list is spot on.
I said aside from story. It had the most refined gameplay and most options, versatility and ways to approach things with bombs and stuff. They did some interesting story things with switching time periods, but I didn't feel the storyline of Ezio running errands in Istanbul made much sense.

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Yep, pretty much, I'd say: Risen 1 & 2; Sid Meier's Pirates.

I did play Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales - but it just got too repetitive and was too wonky for me to continue, after spending a few hours or so with it.

Unfortunately, I never played Sea Dogs.


Yep - and I so do hope this happens.

I'd really love to see Fallout: Boston.
no no and yea risen is insteresting better than boobifeld bad company 2 and fallout 4 no stop making me using up money he heh

Yep, pretty much, I'd say: Risen 1 & 2; Sid Meier's Pirates.

I did play Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales - but it just got too repetitive and was too wonky for me to continue, after spending a few hours or so with it.

Unfortunately, I never played Sea Dogs.


Yep - and I so do hope this happens.

I'd really love to see Fallout: Boston.
I just don't get it. Pirates are sweeeeeeet...I just don't get why so many games dwell on such repetitive themes (zombies, space, traditional fantasy, military shooters), when there are other settings and genres being poorly represented. Pirates being one of them. Considering how popular vampires are in television, I'm surprised there aren't more games about them.

no no and yea risen is insteresting better than boobifeld bad company 2 and fallout 4 no stop making me using up money he heh
Hey, I thought BF:BC2 was awesome, actually - SP and MP.

BF3's SP was good, but nothing great.

I can't wait for FO4 - I'm ready for it!


I just don't get it. Pirates are sweeeeeeet...I just don't get why so many games dwell on such repetitive themes (zombies, space, traditional fantasy, military shooters), when there are other settings and genres being poorly represented. Pirates being one of them. Considering how popular vampires are in television, I'm surprised there aren't more games about them.
I'd still love a real Vampire: Bloodlines 2, if put into the right hands. Namely, I'm thinking Obsidian here.

While I'm not normally much into MMO's and all, I'm still curious what the hell CCP is doing w/ World of Darkness MMO.

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What got to me about that IGN thing, more than just putting Revelations last, their reasoning was bullshit. The tower defense only needs to be played one time, the tutorial, that's it. I completely avoided it after that and still got 100% sync in the game. And then they're basically saying the game has too much variety and versatility with the bombs, which were awesome if you actually bothered to learn/use them. I didn't use them until after I finished the game, and I regretted not taking the time to figure that out cause they really opened up some cool approaches to different combat situations. I guess you can criticize the city for being uninteresting, I don't know, I wouldn't defend the city as being great but it wasn't bad either.

I don't know why that article got under my skin, I need to go take some deep breaths.

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Like 90% are probably non-regulars...hell, probably users who have 1-5 posts...but oh well, these are fodder mostly and it gives some kind of bar from the majority of steamgifts...anything non-fodder I'll probably keep BGCQ...
Last time I did a CAG-group giveaway on SG (when the group was still private) it got 17 entries in the hour that it was open. Of those 17 only 4-5 were from legit SG users. The rest were suspended for various reasons (non-redeemed wins, account value too low, obvious dupe accounts.)

What got to me about that IGN thing, more than just putting Revelations last, their reasoning was bullshit. The tower defense only needs to be played one time, the tutorial, that's it. I completely avoided it after that and still got 100% sync in the game. And then they're basically saying the game has too much variety and versatility with the bombs, which were awesome if you actually bothered to learn/use them. I didn't use them until after I finished the game, and I regretted not taking the time to figure that out cause they really opened up some cool approaches to different combat situations. I guess you can criticize the city for being uninteresting, I don't know, I wouldn't defend the city as being great but it wasn't bad either.

I don't know why that article got under my skin, I need to go take some deep breaths.
go and play some Typing of The Dead Overkill :razz: you'll thank me later.

Sameeeee. Hard to believe new vegas released over three years ago now.

Wondering everybody's opinion here: Which of Bethesda's flagship franchises do you prefer: Fallout or Elder Scrolls?
Fallout: I like the dark moody vibe of it, plus the mechanics felt more natural to me. i like V.A.T.S. (Since It's from Bethesda, Fallout Tactics, 1, and 2 are excluded) plus I naturally liked the guns and weapons in Fallout. MIRV was fun to find, and Lincoln's rifle was awesome to begin with. I also liked the enemies more, Deathclaws included. Ghouls made for creepy enemies, some were powerful enough to scare me from being week. Plus there were some really great sidequests. I remember working for the "Vampires". I also remember killing the sheriff in Megaton for no reason besides that he seemed evil, then had Megaton all after me, making the game a lot harder to get through.

I need to play Fallout 3, I started it on PS3 for about 20ish hours and then stopped. I'm gonna play it on PC some day.
PC is soooo much better. Just installing graphics mods alone is such a huge upgrade. You can get rid of that green shade, improve the textures, etc. I played fallout 3 twice through on xbox. When I got my PC I bought the goty edition and loaded up all the mods I wanted, so it's sitting there ready to go whenever I decide to play through it again.

Edit: To answer my own question, I prefer Elder Scrolls. I love fantasy settings. I also love the different types of combat (magic, sword, archery), the guilds, the races. And that music. DAT FUGGIN MUSIC:

Double Edit: Also, Elder Scrolls has probably my favorite video game moment of all time. I never really played that many video games until college. My roommate had an Xbox, and had Oblivion, and convinced me to play. That moment when you step out of that tutorial dungeon for the first time, and see the lake and the Ayelid Ruins not too far off. Back in the day, Oblivion was a top notch graphical game for a hot minute. I'd never seen anything like that, considering up til then my video game experiences consisted of old sports games, adventure games, and things like super mario and sonic on nes and sega. It was stunning. I was hooked from that moment.

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