The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Kinda nonsense reasoning. There are lots of old games from dated consoles that are still well regarded. Lost Planet has clean gameplay, pretty damn impressive graphics even now, and even the story isn't bad (can't say that about a lot of new gen shooters). It also had customization and unlocks on the MP side that hardly any other games at the time had (it wasn't really the CoD copycat era yet). What exactly makes it not a "very good game"?
Just because I don't agree with you makes it nonsense reasoning? There are some great early-gen titles, I'm just saying it didn't get criticized as much back then because there weren't a whole lot of great games on the 360 to choose from back then. It wasn't a bad game, but nothing about it was unique or special either. Just let it go man, some people don't think it was a "very good" game.

Honestly, I kinda agree with Preedatore. I'm surprised that it got a third game, the series wasn't that popular to begin with (which is probably why all the preorder reward tiers weren't reached).

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Just because I don't agree with you makes it nonsense reasoning? There are some great early-gen titles, I'm just saying it didn't get criticized as much back then because there weren't a whole lot of great games on the 360 to choose from back then. It wasn't a bad game, but nothing about it was unique or special either. Just let it go man, some people don't think it was a "very good" game.

Honestly, I kinda agree with Preedatore. I'm surprised that it got a third game, the series wasn't that popular to begin with (which is probably why all the preorder reward tiers weren't reached).
Yeah man, Lost Planet sucks pretty bad

Just because I don't agree with you makes it nonsense reasoning? There are some great early-gen titles, I'm just saying it didn't get criticized as much back then because there weren't a whole lot of great games on the 360 to choose from back then. It wasn't a bad game, but nothing about it was unique or special either.
Are you just borrowing lines from Preedatore? "Just because I don't agree with you ______?"

No, I think it's a nonsense reasoning because the game still holds up today graphically, mechanically, through variety, etc. I just think the "It was an early game on said console, so the reviews were higher when they should've been lower." argument is nonsense.

By all means, it's not the greatest TPS out there, but it's still a solid 7 easily. And it's a solid 7 because it actually was unique... Ice planet, bugs with thermal energy infused in their blood that can be used as a power source, killed by shooting weak points, at which point you absorb their vital fluids into a device that heals your body and keeps you warm so that you don't freeze to death (an actual game mechanic that did a lot for the pacing of missions). Massive multistage boss battles with different approaches to victory, sometimes against Akrid, sometimes against humans and Vital Suit enemies. A variety of heavy weapons that were absurdly powerful but also extremely unwieldy on foot, that could be picked up by Vital Suits for their proper use. Not to mention the Akrid vs human multiplayer mode that pretty much has never had an equal in any other game ever...

If none of that is "unique or special", I have no idea what those adjectives mean to you. Granted, the game could have been better, but that hardly says a whole lot. Almost every game made 5+ years ago could have been better. Games released a few months ago could have been better...

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I propose we have Mooby Mondays where we just hate on everything for one day.

If you don't hate it, you can't talk about it because it's Mooby Monday!


Ummmm, I hate that idea, it's stupid and stuff..... :roll:

My god. Idiotekque, why do you need to defend your opinion every time someone doesn't like a game as much as you do? We all have different opinions.

And no, I'm not borrowing his opinions. That's just how I see it. Preedatore stated his opinion, and I don't think his opinion was offensive or agressive in any way. He explained his reasoning pretty well too. Lost Planet has never been an immensely popular series, nor a great series, so it is kind of odd how it got a 3rd game. I did like the first game in the series though, so I wouldn't mind trying the second, or the third game (once it reaches $5). I expect the 3rd game to suck though, because of the new developer.

No reason to blow his opinion or mine out of proportion.

My god. Idiotekque, why do you need to defend your opinion every time someone doesn't like a game as much as you do? We all have different opinions.

And no, I'm not borrowing his opinions. That's just how I see it. Preedatore stated his opinion, and I don't think his opinion was offensive or agressive in any way. He explained his reasoning pretty well too. Lost Planet has never been an immensely popular series, nor a great series, so it is kind of odd how it got a 3rd game. I did like the first game in the series though, so I wouldn't mind trying the second, or the third game (once it reaches $5). I expect the 3rd game to suck though, because of the new developer.

No reason to blow his opinion or mine out of proportion.
I'm just replying. It's not as big of a deal as you think it is. I don't know why you take simple explanatory posts as aggressive.


  1. 1.
    a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

There's a difference between a civil debate and an aggressive argument. There's no reason to get all defensive with this "omg, you're freaking out because I don't agree with you" stuff. Maybe you're reading words on a screen as offensive, but I don't really know why.

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I'm just replying. It's not as big of a deal as you think it is. I don't know why you take simple explanatory posts as aggressive.


  1. 1.
    a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

Ok. I'll reply the same way you have, since it's "not aggressive". You're a hater and full of nonsense. Oh, and your opinion is wrong. Done.

Are you just borrowing lines from Preedatore? "Just because I don't agree with you ______?"

No, I think it's a nonsense reasoning because the game still holds up today graphically, mechanically, through variety, etc. I just think the "It was an early game on said console, so the reviews were higher when they should've been lower." argument is nonsense.

By all means, it's not the greatest TPS out there, but it's still a solid 7 easily. And it's a solid 7 because it actually was unique... Ice planet, bugs with thermal energy infused in their blood that can be used as a power source, killed by shooting weak points, at which point you absorb their vital fluids into a device that heals your body and keeps you warm so that you don't freeze to death (an actual game mechanic that did a lot for the pacing of missions). Massive multistage boss battles with different approaches to victory, sometimes against Akrid, sometimes against humans and Vital Suit enemies. A variety of heavy weapons that were absurdly powerful but also extremely unwieldy on foot, that could be picked up by Vital Suits for their proper use. Not to mention the Akrid vs human multiplayer mode that pretty much has never had an equal in any other game ever...

If none of that is "unique or special", I have no idea what those adjectives mean to you. Granted, the game could have been better, but that hardly says a whole lot. Almost every game made 5+ years ago could have been better. Games released a few months ago could have been better...

I got ur solid 7 right here, son. :joystick:

So... how did you chip your shoulder? It happened ~a week ago, si? Also your worms review is informative.

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Ok. I'll reply the same way you have, since it's "not aggressive". You're a hater and full of nonsense. Oh, and your opinion is wrong. Done.
And now you're blowing things out of proportion. Preed and I talked via PM; he was posting from his phone, hence the abridged "troll" post. It's not a big deal. As for you, I usually agree with your opinions on games. I never said you were full of nonsense, I just thought the early release rating impact was a nonsense point. But I explained why I thought so, I didn't just bitch at you saying you're wrong. Why does simple difference of opinion have to be such a big deal?

But if you wanna just be sarcastic and snarky about it, alright.

I got ur solid 7 right here, son. :joystick:

So... how did you chip your shoulder? It happened ~a week ago, si? Also your worms review is informative.
Birth defect. [customspoiler= What can you do. ]

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Can you find Counter Strike?
I feel like these pop up every couple years.

And Daggerfall always comes out on top.

Also for LP3, its worth mentioning that the dev isnt the same as the one for the previous LP games. the LP3 dev is the dev that made Legendary.

Oh boy. Well at least Peet will enjoy it.
Having beaten Legendary (Review if you actually give a shit), I will say that Lost Planet 3 could be great if they just channel the Kraken boss fight for the entire game and forget about everything else they did when developing Legendary.

But it will probably just be 6 hours of bad box-jumping puzzles with respawning enemies and a hitchy framerate.

Lost Planet 1 was cool, but I didn't like LP2 at all. Me and my bro bought it for the co-op and it sucked.  Maybe it was the TV or the connection, but we never had this problem with any other game on the 360.  The characters looked really small and blended into the backgrounds way too much.  We spent half our time trying to figure out where we were on the screen and the other half dying because of it. 

I do think it was pretty popular for #1 which is why #2 happened, but I though #2 wasn't as popular so it is a bit surprising to see #3 come along. 

Lost Planet 1 was cool, but I didn't like LP2 at all. Me and my bro bought it for the co-op and it sucked. Maybe it was the TV or the connection, but we never had this problem with any other game on the 360. The characters looked really small and blended into the backgrounds way too much. We spent half our time trying to figure out where we were on the screen and the other half dying because of it.

I do think it was pretty popular for #1 which is why #2 happened, but I though #2 wasn't as popular so it is a bit surprising to see #3 come along.
Yeah LP1 did gain some popularity, so I can understand the 2nd game happening.. it's just the 3rd game that was weird. I think the popularity for LP1 did kinda die off a bit.

And now you're blowing things out of proportion. Preed and I talked via PM; he was posting from his phone, hence the abridged "troll" post. It's not a big deal. As for you, I usually agree with your opinions on games. I never said you were full of nonsense, I just thought the early release rating impact was a nonsense point. But I explained why I thought so, I didn't just bitch at you saying you're wrong. Why does simple difference of opinion have to be such a big deal?

But if you wanna just be sarcastic and snarky about it, alright.

Birth defect. [customspoiler= What can you do. ]
lol you can't reflect this back on me, I never made a big deal out of it to begin with. I think it's cool you like the game so much, more power to you. I wish I could like some games more than I currently do.

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How far have you progressed in The 39 Steps? Pithy impressions :?:
I haven't even downloaded it yet; that New Game just means I added it to my Backloggery. I'm usually good about checking the "Now Playing" box so when my sig rotates it'll say as much. I am planning on playing it soon, though, but more because I'm an unabashed achievement whore than because of the source material.

It's labeled "Show Market Price on Inventory Page (Experimental!)". I don't think it's available right now for Firefox, though. :(
Oh snap, I didn't see that there were options under the Community tab on the left. Cool feature!

lol you can't reflect this back on me, I never made a big deal out of it to begin with. I think it's cool you like the game so much, more power to you. I wish I could like some games more than I currently do.
I'm not trying to reflect anything. All I'm saying is that I was only expressing my opinion and debating a point. I'm not the one posting snarky replies and accusing someone of being aggressive simply because of a different opinion. I don't get that, but I suppose you read my posts incorrectly and got the wrong idea.

With as many games as we have, it's hard to replay older stuff with the same amount of enjoyment as in the past. That said, I went through the first few levels of LP1 a little while back and it's a pretty nice PC release. Have you seen that fur? The game is probably worth it for the fur graphics alone.

Well, now the debate on what's a review for a bad game? I read kotaku, where it's a should you play it and not 1-10 or1-5 scoring scale. It gives more of a meaning to the review. To the point about games people hate, sometimes people have bad experiences with the game or certain functions of the games can be a big turn off. Just cause you hate a game don't mean you're wrong, just bring up some things they did wrong, and let the person judge accoringly.
So, to go a little off-topic:

Any recommendations for MMORPGs? On Steam would be great, but I'm open to anything.

I've been playing The Secret World for a while and I definitely plan on keeping it in the rotation, but I also have a fantasy RPG itch. I also have a Tera account (got a collector's edition from Gamestop right before it went B2P) and it's interesting, but I'm not loving it yet (altough I should probably push on through, I'm still on the first island). I also have SW:TOR collector's edition, but I haven't opened it.

Anyway, any thoughts people have would be great. I would prefer a game where you can solo most of the content (I don't have a problem joining up for dungeons a la TSW and I'm willing to join a guild, but my schedule is so up and down that I don't want to feel like I'm letting people down if I have to focus on work for a few weeks). I prefer a fantasy theme and I like customization of characters, but I don't mind if your look is completely dependent on your armor. I played in the GW2 free weekend and I liked it, but I'm not sure I'm ready to pay ~$40 or more yet. I could also get the GW complete collection at gamestop, but I'm a little nervous that the level cap is 20. I know that Rift is F2P, but the Best Buy near me has Rift: Storm Legion for $20 and it seems like the extras might be worth it.
I'm not very interested in a subscription based game (I've never played WOW), but if it is part of a truly amazing experience, I'll consider it. Thanks!
Well, now the debate on what's a review for a bad game? I read kotaku, where it's a should you play it and not 1-10 or1-5 scoring scale. It gives more of a meaning to the review. To the point about games people hate, sometimes people have bad experiences with the game or certain functions of the games can be a big turn off. Just cause you hate a game don't mean you're wrong, just bring up some things they did wrong, and let the person judge accoringly.
Yeah, scoreless systems are nice. When I post reviews (short or long) here on CAG, I hardly if ever score the game, I just bring out the good and the bad and conclude with whether it's fun or not. I think that's the key.

Good example of silly scoring, I read a bunch of reviews on Omerta before I bought it. Almost all of them gave it between 4-6 out of 10, yet almost all of them said at one point in the review "... but it's really fun and I can't stop playing it". Doesn't make much sense to give a game such a low rating if it's fun and addictive.

So, to go a little off-topic:

Any recommendations for MMORPGs? On Steam would be great, but I'm open to anything.

I've been playing The Secret World for a while and I definitely plan on keeping it in the rotation, but I also have a fantasy RPG itch. I also have a Tera account (got a collector's edition from Gamestop right before it went B2P) and it's interesting, but I'm not loving it yet (altough I should probably push on through, I'm still on the first island). I also have SW:TOR collector's edition, but I haven't opened it.

Anyway, any thoughts people have would be great. I would prefer a game where you can solo most of the content (I don't have a problem joining up for dungeons a la TSW and I'm willing to join a guild, but my schedule is so up and down that I don't want to feel like I'm letting people down if I have to focus on work for a few weeks). I prefer a fantasy theme and I like customization of characters, but I don't mind if your look is completely dependent on your armor. I played in the GW2 free weekend and I liked it, but I'm not sure I'm ready to pay ~$40 or more yet. I could also get the GW complete collection at gamestop, but I'm a little nervous that the level cap is 20. I know that Rift is F2P, but the Best Buy near me has Rift: Storm Legion for $20 and it seems like the extras might be worth it.

I'm not very interested in a subscription based game (I've never played WOW), but if it is part of a truly amazing experience, I'll consider it. Thanks!
If you wanna try something different and silly, you could give MapleStory a try. :lol: Mabinogi is an amusing free one as well. There's also Pangya, which is a golf MMO... Hey, it's different, right?

I'd probably recommend you give Tera more of a chance (great game, great combat system, just weak writing, repetitive missions, and almost no voiceovers) or that you pony up to buy GW2, which everyone seems to rave about. It sounds like its approach is similar to TSW in a lot of ways, especially since you can do most things solo.

So, to go a little off-topic:

Any recommendations for MMORPGs? On Steam would be great, but I'm open to anything.

I've been playing The Secret World for a while and I definitely plan on keeping it in the rotation, but I also have a fantasy RPG itch. I also have a Tera account (got a collector's edition from Gamestop right before it went B2P) and it's interesting, but I'm not loving it yet (altough I should probably push on through, I'm still on the first island). I also have SW:TOR collector's edition, but I haven't opened it.

Anyway, any thoughts people have would be great. I would prefer a game where you can solo most of the content (I don't have a problem joining up for dungeons a la TSW and I'm willing to join a guild, but my schedule is so up and down that I don't want to feel like I'm letting people down if I have to focus on work for a few weeks). I prefer a fantasy theme and I like customization of characters, but I don't mind if your look is completely dependent on your armor. I played in the GW2 free weekend and I liked it, but I'm not sure I'm ready to pay ~$40 or more yet. I could also get the GW complete collection at gamestop, but I'm a little nervous that the level cap is 20. I know that Rift is F2P, but the Best Buy near me has Rift: Storm Legion for $20 and it seems like the extras might be worth it.

I'm not very interested in a subscription based game (I've never played WOW), but if it is part of a truly amazing experience, I'll consider it. Thanks!
I think TSW and ST:TOR are going to be the two with the most single player story based content.

I don't know that there are going to be any fantasy based ones with a single player experience of the caliber of those two games. Now I say this with full disclosure that I haven't really played any fantasy based MMOs extensively but I've tried a number of them out and they all just felt to me like an MMO that I'm running around in by myself, vs SWTOR and TSW I can actually see could very well function as single player games in their own right.

Maybe Elder Scrolls Online will be more story oriented along the lines of those two, I don't know. Then again even the single player ES games don't exactly have the story as their best feature.

I guess others would probably be better to answer this. I do like SWTOR and played it quite a bit 95% of the time solo, but it can get old after a while. I know TSW has its fans here too.

every time i go to play civ 5 i go to the C section of my steam library before i remember how much of a fucking egomaniac Sid Meier must be
:lol: I'm glad I'm not the only one who regularly goes 'C...WHAT? WHERE THE HELL IS CIV! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY GAME? DID IT GET REMOVED...oh Sid Meier :roll: '

:lol: I'm glad I'm not the only one who regularly goes 'C...WHAT? WHERE THE HELL IS CIV! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY GAME? DID IT GET REMOVED...oh Sid Meier :roll: '
I never had a problem with that since I use a genre based category system, but when I went into SAM to idle Civ V I had the same "wtf, where is it?" moment...

I also watch game trailer reviews (need another gif?) just because they completely end up too harsh on some games just for one mistake.
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So, to go a little off-topic:

Any recommendations for MMORPGs? On Steam would be great, but I'm open to anything.

I've been playing The Secret World for a while and I definitely plan on keeping it in the rotation, but I also have a fantasy RPG itch. I also have a Tera account (got a collector's edition from Gamestop right before it went B2P) and it's interesting, but I'm not loving it yet (altough I should probably push on through, I'm still on the first island). I also have SW:TOR collector's edition, but I haven't opened it.

Anyway, any thoughts people have would be great. I would prefer a game where you can solo most of the content (I don't have a problem joining up for dungeons a la TSW and I'm willing to join a guild, but my schedule is so up and down that I don't want to feel like I'm letting people down if I have to focus on work for a few weeks). I prefer a fantasy theme and I like customization of characters, but I don't mind if your look is completely dependent on your armor. I played in the GW2 free weekend and I liked it, but I'm not sure I'm ready to pay ~$40 or more yet. I could also get the GW complete collection at gamestop, but I'm a little nervous that the level cap is 20. I know that Rift is F2P, but the Best Buy near me has Rift: Storm Legion for $20 and it seems like the extras might be worth it.

I'm not very interested in a subscription based game (I've never played WOW), but if it is part of a truly amazing experience, I'll consider it. Thanks!

or the Game of Thrones one.

But Wartune is sexier!

Any recommendations for MMORPGs? On Steam would be great, but I'm open to anything.

Anyway, any thoughts people have would be great. I would prefer a game where you can solo most of the content (I don't have a problem joining up for dungeons a la TSW and I'm willing to join a guild, but my schedule is so up and down that I don't want to feel like I'm letting people down if I have to focus on work for a few weeks). I prefer a fantasy theme and I like customization of characters, but I don't mind if your look is completely dependent on your armor.

I'm not very interested in a subscription based game (I've never played WOW), but if it is part of a truly amazing experience, I'll consider it. Thanks!
Honestly, it sounds like it's time for you to try World of Warcraft.

1. Blizzard's systems have made it so that you can go through most of the game solo. There's a LOT for you to do solo. You can't avoid the community (it's an MMORPG after all) but you can join groups at will with the automated group systems (Dungeon Finder, and later Raid Finder). If you're after adventuring and questing on your own, it's like two games since you can explore both factions that have a lot of content exclusive to each side.

2. Fantasy theme

3. Customization. Ok here's where WoW loses out to some of the newer games, but your gear is a lot more customizable now with transmogrification. There's so much gear in the game that there's just a lot of different looks you can come up with.

The Battle Chest (base game, Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King) has been $5 on sale and takes you through level 70. Cataclysm has also been $5 and takes you through level 80. The current Mists of Pandaria expansion has been $10 and takes you to the current cap of level 85. So total investment to start with is $20 with a free month. And you can decide to invest after playing up to level 20 using on the F2P starter program.

If you know anyone with a currently active WoW account, get the to recruit you under the WoW Recruit-a-Friend program. Both of you will get some perks/freebies. It also gets your friend a free month of gametime, and you might be able to get him/her to foot half a month for you or something. :)

Good luck in your search for a game to play!

Motoki, It's not on sale, but can we get a review on Hate Plus?
I posted it on my feed/recommendations on Steam so it should show on the Hate Plus store page for everyone who is my Steam friend, but I'll cut and paste it here.

TL;DR is I really enjoyed it, actually more than Analogue. If you liked the first game you'll like this one, it's got enough differences to be unique, if you don't like the first one you probably won't like this one either.

This is the sequel to Analogue: A Hate Story which was a politically charged tale wrapped in the framework of a science fiction visual novel complete with cute Anime companions.

You don't need to have played Analogue to play Hate Plus but I would strongly recommend doing so as it gives you context for what happened to the world the AI came from and in particular really goes into depth about the character Hyun-ae.

Where the first game was Hyun-ae's story, this game is Mute's story. It's just as politically charged, probably even more so, and deals with the biggest mystery from Analogue, which was how a modern society reverted to conservative Neo-Confucianism ideals. If you're not familiar with Asian culture at all the nearest Western equivalent I can think of would probably be The Handmaid's Tale. This game deals with the events that lead up to that big change.

If it sounds serious, it is. And it isn't. It's all told through the personal journals and political council meeting minutes. In particular there several different people whose stories you follow over a series of years and get to see how the subtle and not so subtle changes to their society affect them.

There are also some really fun, light hearted moments with the AI companions including one where you are asked to bake a cake. In real life with a real recipe and then further are encouraged to take a picture of your cake with your companion and send it to the developer to get an achievement. It's all real and I have the achievement to prove it. It was a refreshingly fun meta moment to the game and there are a few others as well like a when the AI cheekily break the fourth wall at rare moments.

There are three main paths which in turn lead to multiple different endings depending on the choices you made. While the texts you read through are the same, the tone and the events that happen with your AI companion(s) are completely different so it really is worth playing through each of the 3 paths at least once.

The game takes place what's supposed to be a small spaceship that you, the space investigator, are on with your AI companion on a 3 day trip back to Earth where you both try to piece together the mystery of the Mugunghwa (the ship that Analogue took place on).

Each path is divided into 3 days where on each day you can only extract a certain number of logs before the ships battery is drained and needs to be recharged requiring you to wait 12 hours. So yes the game does ask you to play the game in installments over the course of 3 days. However there is a way out where once you power down and save you can hover your mouse over that save file, hit the 'S' key and then continue. Note if you do this you cannot get one of the achievements though.

Another alternative is to play day 1 of one path, then day 1 of the other, then day 1 of the 3rd, then 12 hours+ later do day 2 path 1, day 2 path 2 etc. This is what I ended up doing. I think it works well and gives a nice immediate contrast between the differing paths.

One of the changes in Hate Plus is you now get hyper links when people's names are mentioned that gives an image (in realistic art style) of the person with a commentary description from the AI. This made a big difference for me personally as I not only was able to keep track of the names better but also felt like I connected with them more.

Another change is that the AI are reading the logs in Hate Plus for the first time along with you and you get their reactions and commentary that really run the gamut. Even when going back through the documents you already read for the other paths you'll want to scroll through all of it to get the AI reactions because they do differ for each path.

If you do all the paths the game should take somewhere between 9-12 hours, which may vary depending upon how slow/fast of a reader you are, how much time you spend to stop and bake a cake, etc.

Overall I would highly recommend Hate Plus to anyone who enjoyed Analogue, has in interest in visual novels or is just looking for a strongly story oriented game.

Oh and there's some internet drama going on now over whether one of the achievements is actually obtainable or is just some sort of social meta experiment to get people talking and making theories and what not.

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Oh and there's some internet drama going on now over whether one of the achievements is actually obtainable or is just some sort of social meta experiment to get people talking and making theories and what not.
Is it the one you got for your microwave cupcake?

Honestly, it sounds like it's time for you to try World of Warcraft.

1. Blizzard's systems have made it so that you can go through most of the game solo. There's a LOT for you to do solo. You can't avoid the community (it's an MMORPG after all) but you can join groups at will with the automated group systems (Dungeon Finder, and later Raid Finder). If you're after adventuring and questing on your own, it's like two games since you can explore both factions that have a lot of content exclusive to each side.

2. Fantasy theme

3. Customization. Ok here's where WoW loses out to some of the newer games, but your gear is a lot more customizable now with transmogrification. There's so much gear in the game that there's just a lot of different looks you can come up with.

The Battle Chest (base game, Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King) has been $5 on sale and takes you through level 70. Cataclysm has also been $5 and takes you through level 80. The current Mists of Pandaria expansion has been $10 and takes you to the current cap of level 85. So total investment to start with is $20 with a free month. And you can decide to invest after playing up to level 20 using on the F2P starter program.

If you know anyone with a currently active WoW account, get the to recruit you under the WoW Recruit-a-Friend program. Both of you will get some perks/freebies. It also gets your friend a free month of gametime, and you might be able to get him/her to foot half a month for you or something. :)

Good luck in your search for a game to play!
Gotta say I agree. It sounds as if it's time for you to try out WoW. WoW is all what you make of it. You can be hardcore or casual. Love the raids but at the same time I loved going around and trying to complete achievements.

The community can be awesome if you fall in with the right people. I actually think I was addicted to the damn game and had to quit cold turkey. I still think about going back but if I did I think my wife would leave me lol.

Is it the one you got for your microwave cupcake?
Haha no that one is easy, just email Christine Love a cell phone pic of a microwave cupcake in from of your virtual AI waifu and you're good to go.

The one I'm talking about makes reference the whole FF7 save Aeris rumor thing that people really ran and went crazy with. That and tied with a certain plot point that I can't really talk about without going into serious spoiler territory has caused some curiosity, consternation and nerdrage among some people.

Apparently people went so far as to comb through the game's code and claim it's impossible to get. Even SAM can't enable it either.

It's a mystery for now and Christine Love is remaining mum on it.

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I posted it on my feed/recommendations on Steam so it should show on the Hate Plus store page for everyone who is my Steam friend, but I'll cut and paste it here.

TL;DR is I really enjoyed it, actually more than Analogue. If you liked the first game you'll like this one, it's got enough differences to be unique, if you don't like the first one you probably won't like this one either.

Oh and there's some internet drama going on now over whether one of the achievements is actually obtainable or is just some sort of social meta experiment to get people talking and making theories and what not.
Damn, that's what I get for never checking my community feed. I would've bought it with the 10% off, but can't bring myself to buy a game at full price. First time it hits a sale I'm on it. Thank you for the review.

edit: When did Steam's community feed turn into the whole damn steam community, not your friends? I don't care what 175million people are doing.

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Damn, that's what I get for never checking my community feed. I would've bought it with the 10% off, but can't bring myself to buy a game at full price. First time it hits a sale I'm on it. Thank you for the review.

edit: When did Steam's community feed turn into the whole damn steam community, not your friends? I don't care what 175million people are doing.
Which one are you going to? If you do the Activity button for the drop down when you select your handle it should just be your friends.


Though it will also post news from any groups you joined or Greenlight stuff you may be following.

If you go through the Community link though then yeah that's just everything.

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Any opinons on Rock of Ages or Ghost Master?
I beat Rock of Ages a few days ago actually, and can say, it's worth it for the art and humor but not the gameplay.

The whole presentation is what makes the game something special, as it takes classic works of art and has them act out the most rediculous things possible. It's probably one of the more hilarious games I've played in quite some time, and I think any fan of Monty Python will really enjoy it.

Gameplay wise though it's pretty underwhelming. It's a mix of tower defense and marble madness, which sounds cool in theory, but the execution isn't very good. It almost always comes down to who manages to roll three balls first that decides the victor, as defenses are barely effective and the way you gather gold is a bit confusing (you get it from crashing into things, but this makes your ball break apart, which causes less damage to the enemy gate). You also can't go back to previous levels retaining your new towers, so replay value is very low (it took me about 5-6 hours to complete, while also getting all the keys which are almost completely unnecessary). That said it is fun to a point, but it never quite clicked with me and I was rather less than impressed most of the time I was actually playing.

I can see it being a lot more fun with friends though, since the computer isn't very interesting to play against, but I can't vouch for this since I played on 360 and there isn't a single person online :whistle2:(

Basically, if you like quirky humorous games and/or Monty Python, pick it up. I can't imagine many people not finding it at least a little amusing, and the gameplay is still acceptable if not particularly noteworthy. Play it in small bursts or against friends, and I doubt you won't enjoy it :)

Looks like Gun Monkeys is giving away free Steam keys--of Gun Monkeys, that is--to people who own the game. Just start it up, idle on an empty server, and you'll get a key. The article doesn't say how many key drops you get, but it's probably more than one.

I don't have it, otherwise I'd drop a key here. I'd be happy to play with anyone sometime if they PM me a key though~ <3
We know

It looks like Gun Monkeys now generates free Steam keys if you're in an empty server too long.

I guess it's better than letting this online-multiplayer-only game die.

Gun Monkeys is great. I can't speak for the game itself, but I can speak to the fact that I bought it for $9 and make about $12 off the cards. And then was given a free copy. And now have the chance to get more free copies. So... it's cool.

Mooby hates it

Gun Monkeys is a mediocre-at-best, extremely simplistic 1v1 Arena platform shooter. Their initial asking price was too high, no one bought it, they lowered it dramatically, still no one bought it. The road to hell is paved with overpriced indie multiplayer-only games. This new gimmick is just meant to drive sales since I'm sure they are only talking about the official regional servers (and not private ones you make) so they'll no doubt have at least one other person on them.

But hey, I got a promotional copy and sold the cards so it's all good. I want to say I feel bad for anyone who bought the game at full price initially but... folks need to exercise a little discretion in their purchases.

But maybe not enough

Mooby is slipping... Gun Monkeys is absolutely AWFUL. Stupidest of all, the arenas are usually fairly vertical in construction and you can't even AIM your weapon. If you're looking left, you shoot left horizontally, if you shoot right, you shoot right horizontally. The controls and movement are the definition of floaty and clumsy, some weapons are utterly overpowered, the game is just a horrific mess.

Seriously, don't buy Gun Monkeys unless it's free. And even then, just idle it for cards. The game is really that bad.

I beat Rock of Ages a few days ago actually, and can say, it's worth it for the art and humor but not the gameplay.

The whole presentation is what makes the game something special, as it takes classic works of art and has them act out the most rediculous things possible. It's probably one of the more hilarious games I've played in quite some time, and I think any fan of Monty Python will really enjoy it.

Gameplay wise though it's pretty underwhelming. It's a mix of tower defense and marble madness, which sounds cool in theory, but the execution isn't very good. It almost always comes down to who manages to roll three balls first that decides the victor, as defenses are barely effective and the way you gather gold is a bit confusing (you get it from crashing into things, but this makes your ball break apart, which causes less damage to the enemy gate). You also can't go back to previous levels retaining your new towers, so replay value is very low (it took me about 5-6 hours to complete, while also getting all the keys which are almost completely unnecessary). That said it is fun to a point, but it never quite clicked with me and I was rather less than impressed most of the time I was actually playing.

I can see it being a lot more fun with friends though, since the computer isn't very interesting to play against, but I can't vouch for this since I played on 360 and there isn't a single person online :whistle2:(

Basically, if you like quirky humorous games and/or Monty Python, pick it up. I can't imagine many people not finding it at least a little amusing, and the gameplay is still acceptable if not particularly noteworthy. Play it in small bursts or against friends, and I doubt you won't enjoy it :)
You can beat it? o_O

I've only really played local co-op with friends, and it's awesome like that. Albeit it's kind of a screw around game, it's one of the best screw around games ever. I have to say that race mode, skiball mode, etc are way better than the castle defense mode. Although it is hilarious putting 10 mammoths in the way of your buddy and watching them swarm his balls...

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Which one are you going to? If you do the Activity button for the drop down when you select your handle it should just be your friends.


Though it will also post news from any groups you joined or Greenlight stuff you may be following.

If you go through the Community link though then yeah that's just everything.
Well that's embarrassing I don't know how to navigate steam.

I could have sworn clicking on the community link brought me to that page.

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