The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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Steam just updated:

We have several small changes today around trade offers, emoticons, and profile backgrounds:

  • Emoticon item descriptions in inventory, trade, and market will now show a preview of the small size emoticon.
  • Profile background item descriptions in inventory, trade, and market now have a link to preview the background full-size.
Finally... so many emoticons look rubbish when used in chat.

I think it comes down to bad cooperation between third party devs and MS. MS gave Turn 10 access to a lot of internal info and testing content when they were making Forza, and it plays flawlessly at 1080p and 60FPS. Titanfall's beta runs at 792p, which is disappointing but since you're playing from the couch (and it's a nice smooth 60FPS as well), it's not very noticeable (and this is coming from someone who's a Nazi about resolution and framerate), and it will be upped to around 900p on release (which honestly is almost impossible to determine the difference with when couch gaming). I don't understand why other devs aren't getting the same treatment, or whether or not they're just mucking things up, because the XB1 is fully capable of 1080p.

I'd imagine it will get worked out as time goes on, but at the moment it is pretty pathetic. At least XB1s didn't come out of the box defective.
According to Destructoid, Forza was only 1080p and 60fps because of the use of the cloud.

I've been playing Diablo III, I mentioned it briefly in the Amazon thread but since I sort of consider this the main thread I'll mention it here also... Its actually a pretty fun game... If one forgets that its suppose to be Diablo. If it had another name and was just suppose to be in Diablo's genre I think it would be well received and beloved. As is, after one act (I think), feels like the soul is still missing. Though it felt a bit better when Town Portal was introduced and items I couldn't use till I identified them. (Granted, you don't have to pay for the ID so it still feels a bit off.)

But my biggest grip is the always connected... Not much of a surprise I know but after spending quite a bit of money in Marvel Heroes, and the fact that Marvel Heroes is always on, I wasn't expecting such a complaint... but here it is Monday late night/Tuesday early morning, now just morning, and its been down this entire time... Apparently, Blizzard does maintenance on Valve/Blizzard time... I know Gazillion (Marvel Heroes) does patches and preformed maintenance in 2-4 hours. (Its just insane if you ask me.)
I'm certain that Blizzard has many, many, many more servers on the back end for D3 than Gazillion has for Marvel Heroes. That's probably an advantage for Gazillion, actually: they have a much easier task when it comes to patching game servers, verifying that everything was properly updated, and ensuring that the servers sync correctly with one another before bringing the game back up. No matter how much automation Blizzard uses for patching servers, 10x the nodes means 10x the potential failure points.

(I loves me some Marvel Heroes, but they're not immune from super-long downtimes. Their first major patch was something like 6GB in size; and after having it up for a couple hours, they discovered some game-breaking bugs and had to roll back to the previous install. So some people ended up downloading a 6GB patch, then a 6GB rollback, then another 6GB patch once they squashed the bugs. Thankfully they haven't made that mistake again since.)

Hey, has anybody bought this? I clicked the link and it goes to Paypal via a "Payloadz" website redirect. It looks a little shifty.
I tried to load that site at work, and the company firewall gave me a "hey, that's a skeevy site, we're blocking it" error. That's enough of a warning for me to keep my money far away.

New Humble Bundle is out ! Tempted to buy. All the games have cards, and the average is pretty low atm :)
Hmmm... I don't have any of the games in the base tier, but I own both of the BTA titles. What to do, what to do...

Banished looks fantastic. Think I might have to bundletag it for the rest of you.
That's one of the town simulators I've been keeping an eye on. Clockwork Empires is the other.

Buying a longer miniUSB cable would be a cheap solution (or USB extention cable). Meritline is a good source for cheap cables. I'd also recommend CentralComputers as a good source for cheap cables locally if you're in the Silicon Valley. My $2 Bluetooth dongle works fine for me, even clear across the room. I do have it plugged into my front USB ports since I need to dis-reconnect it once in a while after boot-up.
I use Monoprice for all my cabling needs.

FAKE CAG ALERT!!! A REAL CAG wouldn't pay for Asheskitty. Not one red cent.
Not even if she had cards?

Steam just updated:

We have several small changes today around trade offers, emoticons, and profile backgrounds:

  • You can once again include a note with your trade offer, and these will display in a new style.
  • Emoticons are now supported in profile descriptions and showcases.
  • Emoticons are also supported in group announcements
  • The emoticon list is now sorted by game name, then by emoticon name.
  • Emoticon item descriptions in inventory, trade, and market will now show a preview of the small size emoticon.
  • Profile background item descriptions in inventory, trade, and market now have a link to preview the background full-size.
I like the new preview feature, hope the next update will include the card album that they mentioned during the beta.

They should let you preview the background in the context of having a profile covering the center of it, so you can see what parts of the image get covered up. This site allows you to do that, better than nothing.

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Guys, look how good I am at Video Games:


Also picked one of my four for February, 2019:


This has nothing to do with Steam or games but it's late and I couldn't think of anywhere better to post this.

The Learn To Code Bundle

PWYW for:

BTA for:

In this bundle you'll get lifetime access [through] to 8 actionable online courses, 826 total lectures, and more than 80 hours of content that will have you coding like a pro in no time. It's the perfect tool to brush up on old skills or learn to code from scratch.
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Okay, I decided to gamble and order it. Turns out mine is labelled "XBOX 360," not "Microsoft," so I most likely got a dud. Hope I get a working one this time.
Let us know how it goes. I have a '360' friend I'm trying to convert convince to try PC gaming, so I'm still considering getting one of these for him.

This has nothing to do with Steam or games but it's late and I couldn't think of anywhere better to post this.

The Learn To Code Bundle

PWYW for:

  • Programming Java for Beginners - The Ultimate Java Tutorial
  • PSD to HTML5/CSS3: Hand Code a Beautiful Website in 4-Hours!
BTA for:

  • Become a Web Developer from Scratch! (Complete Course)
  • Creating Responsive Web Design
  • Build a Website from Scratch with HTML & CSS
  • Learning Dynamic Website Design - PHP MySQL and JavaScript
  • IOS & Mac OS X Programming Tutorial - Objective C & Xcode
  • Web Programming with Python
Website-only access?

Why can't we get PDFs or eBooks? Feh. I really want this, but I don't want it to be tied to some site that may not be around. :(

I found the "always on" thing to be a bit of a nuisance when playing the demo and it did zap me back to the start of a level a couple of times when my wireless went flaky on me, but it was way more of an issue with the demo than in the full game (which makes me suspect some sort of shenanigans on Blizzard's part). I almost didn't redeem my $10 TRU key because the demo struggled so much to maintain a connection. However, I can see this being a dealbreaker for people with really sketchy or really slow internet service due to living in BFE or being unable to afford high-speed internet from a good provider.
Certainly not a deal breaker for me... I'm considering preordering the expansion pack, TBH, but I really wish they did the maintenance on another day... Or it wasn't 10 hours every time. (Maybe its not. I don't know... This is the first connected Blizzard game I own.)

Dust - bought last Summer Sale (I think). Played a lot straight away, then fell out of love with out. Can't remember exactly why. I think there was a challenge or achievement for a 10000000 hit combo that I got stuck on. Shame really. I need to go back and finish it. It's a very good game.
Its a 1000 hit combo and its easy to pull off... If you have no equipment equipped minus the Ugly Pendant.

Various suggestions on how to do it... A couple of videos in the link also.

So I'm sure I'm the only one who gives a shit about this, but Nancy Drew games are 75% off at GMG now and the ones that are on Steam do give a Steam key, but check because some are capsule. You can get an additional 20% off with the voucher code OQE4LG-WEQPSE-SMCME1 but you will have to buy more than one because they have a $10 minimum now to use vouchers. Who knew such evil would come from vouchers that worked on multiple items in the same cart?

Anyway, I'm psyched to finally be able to complete my Nancy Drew collection on Steam. :p

In completely unrelated news, Sketchy Retro Russian Racing Game aka Rock n Roll Racing 3D has gone completely free as a DRM free game now:

Details are here: but TL;DR is no matter what they tried or offered to do Blizzard wouldn't budge and is not letting them release the game on Steam even with some changed assets. They claim the game made $60,000 while it was up but that Valve never gave them any of it and that they then asked Valve to refund everyone which also was never done (I can vouch for that last part).

The devs did say they would continue to update the game on Steam for those who already have it and that they would also be updating the Steam-less free version as well.

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I keep puzzling over various articles like this one on how PS4 runs a game at 1080p and XBO runs it at a lower rez. The -only- time I run computer games at other than my native panel resolution is when they are really old games that don't support my panel resolution.

Does anyone here run games at other than their monitor's resolution? (when native res is supported)
i'm about 12 pages, or so, behind on this one...

with my previous laptop (ATi HD5830M), i routinely ran games at 720p or 900p if 1080p is too taxing. i haven't had too so much with my new laptop (GTX765M).
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Anyone had a case where a game purchased as a gift didn't show up in inventory? The money was removed from my steam wallet, I got a confirmation email, but nothing in inventory. It's always worked before.

So nobody's said anything about Steamworld Dig.  It's only 50% off and I'm waiting for 75%, but this is the first major price cut it's seen, I believe.  Any thoughts?

Are card drops really slow for anyone else today? Shaqfuing Wizorb taking forever and a half.

So nobody's said anything about Steamworld Dig. It's only 50% off and I'm waiting for 75%, but this is the first major price cut it's seen, I believe. Any thoughts?
I heard it was very good but also very short, so I'm also waiting for 75%. My insight is very useful.

So nobody's said anything about Steamworld Dig. It's only 50% off and I'm waiting for 75%, but this is the first major price cut it's seen, I believe. Any thoughts?
I liked it quite a bit. They give you a steady stream of upgrades from start to finish which made the ~5 hours of it feel well paced. The digging gameplay never became boring or tedious to me. I'd been waiting for a game just like that on Steam for awhile and it was more or less just what I wanted.

So nobody's said anything about Steamworld Dig. It's only 50% off and I'm waiting for 75%, but this is the first major price cut it's seen, I believe. Any thoughts?
You should buy it so you can give me your extra copy when it's bundled (hi Bruticis ((he likes to spy on my posts))).

So nobody's said anything about Steamworld Dig. It's only 50% off and I'm waiting for 75%, but this is the first major price cut it's seen, I believe. Any thoughts?
I've liked what I've played a lot, it sorta reminds me of Miner Dig Deep with light puzzle and metroidvania elements. It's pretty repetitive in that you are mostly just digging away collecting gems to sell to buy upgrades which let you dig further and get more gems, but it's an addicting sort of repetition that doesn't wear on you like it would in most games. I need to get back to it and see if it holds its charm for a few more hours (I think I'm about half way, 2-3 hours in), but I've been pleasantly surprised by what I've played so far and would definitely recommend it.

Lies, 'free after cards' means the game's own cards paid for the entire cost not just your card money in general.
This. And I think those days are long gone. In fact, even with the current Humble where you get a ton of card games in the $1 tier, I doubt you'll get $1 in Steam wallet from selling the cards for those games.

Free Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 CE upgrade keys at alienware arena. This is for the upgrade, not the base game which you'll need to use it.
For backlog yet to come!


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This. And I think those days are long gone. In fact, even with the current Humble where you get a ton of card games in the $1 tier, I doubt you'll get $1 in Steam wallet from selling the cards for those games.
Nor should it. It makes no economic sense for the cards to sell for more than the game.

(Sure you can argue the steam account and idle-time have value, but that argument is countered by: the game is the real item of value. not the cards.)

Any thoughts on the Capsules Computers IndieGala bundle ?

I don't use Desura or GOG, so the $1 tier is a definite no.

But what about the second tier ?

Wait for a happy hour.  Then again, it might not come.  $4 seems a decent enough price for all that stuff.

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Details are here: but TL;DR is no matter what they tried or offered to do Blizzard wouldn't budge and is not letting them release the game on Steam even with some changed assets. They claim the game made $60,000 while it was up but that Valve never gave them any of it and that they then asked Valve to refund everyone which also was never done (I can vouch for that last part).
From reading that thread I got a real sense that the devs do not in any way shape or form understand the concept of intellectual property rights.

Valve is releasing their Free to Play documentary on Steam on March 19th. 

I assume it will be free. It's in the F2P section and they'll be selling a Dota 2 pack along with it.

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From reading that thread I got a real sense that the devs do not in any way shape or form understand the concept of intellectual property rights.
IP laws/culture are very different elsewhere. US has some really batshit insane copyright laws (totally in violation of the original intention of copyright) thanks Disney!

Valve is releasing their Free to Play documentary on Steam on March 19th.

I assume it will be free. It's in the F2P section and they'll be selling a Dota 2 pack along with it.
WIth pay-to-skip four hours of Phil Fish interviews...

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