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[quote name='steve nash']why is karen being such a cucking funt to double j?[/QUOTE]

She must be a wrestling fan. Every wrestling fan I know hates Jeff Jarrett! ;)
[quote name='Demolition Man']I just spend the past hour trying to "join party" thru Stonecoldfreak1 but however XBL won't let me join. This is after I've fixed the issue between my 360 and my Linksys router. Sorry guys.[/QUOTE]

Ok, that was pretty fucking funny. We'll do it again soon, there are other shitty WWE films on there. Plus Body Slam.

I watched that Fire Pro vid. It may have been worse than The Chaperone. God damn.

[quote name='Demolition Man']I just spend the past hour trying to "join party" thru Stonecoldfreak1 but however XBL won't let me join. This is after I've fixed the issue between my 360 and my Linksys router. Sorry guys.[/QUOTE]

I found this old WWF Most Unusual Matches Ever tape yesterday in the closet. It has the ladder match between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels, the $10,000 match between Razor Ramon and 123 Kid, and a few others.
You know, as much as we hate on WWE, they would never give us a double count out finish to a number one contender match and a 60 second heavyweight championship squash match between two established superstars on the same PPV.
[quote name='Scorch']You know, as much as we hate on WWE, they would never give us a double count out finish to a number one contender match and a 60 second heavyweight championship squash match between two established superstars on the same PPV.[/QUOTE]

No, no they did not...

Holy shit, that ending would piss me off as a result if I was watching a weekly show, on a pay per view that you're actually spending money to watch? Wow, they've got balls to insult their fans that much.
PWTorch's Caldwell (whose reviews I like to read, even if I think he's a shade too much into the idea that workrate is all that matters) clocked the Sting/Hardy match at 1:28.

TNA, you suck so much dick.
I dunno, something is up with that match. Hardy was acting pretty weird too, taunting throwing his shirt to the fans for a several minutes. Sting looked irritated by that. Maybe he was blasted out of his mind so Sting and ref decided to end is early? Hardy also completely no sold Sting's finisher. He was up in a matter of seconds.

It made absolutely no sense (even for TNA) to have Bischoff come out and change the stipulation only for the match to end literally a minute later. I'm guessing something went wrong.
The following happened after TNA’s Victory Road Pay Per View event went off the air last night.

The fans in the Impact Zone chanted “Bullsh**” while security walked Jeff Hardy to the back. There was a lot of negative chatter on the way out and a lot of people wondering what all this meant, if anything, for Hardy’s court date which is on March 21st, 2011.

So I'm guessing this is what Sting was saying "I agree" to.

I'm reading reports that Hardy was indeed high and was in no condition to perform.. and by "I'm reading reports", I mean that I'm reading twitter updates from other people who say they're reading reports.

Video up. View w/ VLC
Did the count seem fast?

I'm trying to reconcile, like blackout mentioned, why Bischoff would blather on about a match stipulation change for a match that took one move to end. The only thing that makes sense to me right now is that Sting and/or the referee went into business for themselves* and decided to kill the match.

*typically in wrestling parlance, that phrase has negative connotations. In this case, I think it makes perfect sense to end a match w/ someone fucked up out of their head as quickly as possible (if you're going to work it at all).

If Hardy was that ruined, TNA could have substituted someone else for him. It's not like they haven't done that in the past. 10 minutes of Sting/Flair (even at their current ages) would have sufficed. Then again, I'm sure we would all complain about TNA failing to deliver on their card as advertised.
It definitely wasn't a fast count. Maybe Hardy was supposed to kick out of it and he couldn't? I don't know. Something definitely seemed off, though. He was holding on to the ropes almost the entire time, and when it came time to lock up with Sting, Hardy appeared hesitant until Sting initiated it.

Rumor floating around that Hardy was placed in handcuffs and escorted out of the arena.. I want to know wtf is going on.
Count was normal, although Jeff's shoulders weren't all the way down.

I'm guessing Hardy was gone backstage, so they decided to have the No DQ or whatever stip Bischoff said to cover for him. As the match began, Sting and ref decided Hardy was too high to wrestle, so they killed the match.
I dunno, if they had been thinking creatively they could have come up with something. Hell, I've got one. Throw both #1 contenders into a last minute triple threat championship match (which would help resolve that match's lousiness as well...). Something, anything to give those fans that paid for the pay per view something.
I went to my first wrestling show ever (after being a fan for over 20 years; I'm 27, btw) .. WWE RAW house show in OKC today. Wasn't a bad show at all. Crowd was hot, but it really opened my eyes as to how many people out there still think wrestling is "real".

I took a ton of short videos. I might upload a couple to YouTube (the ones worthy of it) and share here, if anyone gives a damn.

Also, R-Truth is using his "Green Bay, Wisconsin...." fame to his advantage. Before asking his typical "WHATS UP" spiel, he asked the crowd "Somebody tell me where I'm at....?" Crowd fed right into his hands. Sigh.
They really should have replaced Hardy with someone else. I know people would be pissed at a card-subject-to-change main event, but it would have been better than a 1 minute fiasco.
[quote name='mykevermin']Did the count seem fast?

I'm trying to reconcile, like blackout mentioned, why Bischoff would blather on about a match stipulation change for a match that took one move to end. The only thing that makes sense to me right now is that Sting and/or the referee went into business for themselves* and decided to kill the match.

*typically in wrestling parlance, that phrase has negative connotations. In this case, I think it makes perfect sense to end a match w/ someone fucked up out of their head as quickly as possible (if you're going to work it at all).

If Hardy was that ruined, TNA could have substituted someone else for him. It's not like they haven't done that in the past. 10 minutes of Sting/Flair (even at their current ages) would have sufficed. Then again, I'm sure we would all complain about TNA failing to deliver on their card as advertised.[/QUOTE]

I'd call it on the same cadence of Nick Patrick's count at Starrcade. Sting hooked Jeff's legs back and put all of his own weight on Hardy's shoulders making it pretty much impossible to kick out. Jeff looked out of it beforehand.

All I read is that security escorted Jeff to the back after the match.
I would suggest throwing that belt in the trash compactor and washing their hands of him...which is a shame as I've enjoyed a good amount of his heel run.

According to, numerous TNA sources indicate that the main event for the TNA World Heavyweight Title at tonight’s Victory Road PPV lasted only 1 minute and 28 seconds because of backstage concern over Jeff Hardy. Other speculation is that Sting wouldn’t agree to wrestling a long match with Hardy if he was in bad condition. More details on what happened tonight should be coming out soon.

After the show event, fans in the Impact Zone chanted "Bulls***" while security walked Jeff Hardy to the back.

Jeff Hardy’s court date on drug charges is next Monday, March 21st.

so.. every reason you can think of is possible at this point

Apparently, this is real. I'm hoping it isn't though, because after hearing about all of the bullshit tonight I don't know what the fuck is going on.
TNA needs to be done with Jeff Hardy if this isn't some sort of angle. This isn't the first time the the guy has shown up blown out of his mind. I never liked him in the first place. And please, toss that dumb ass belt in the trash.

Oddly enough, Matt Hardy's match with AJ was actually pretty good. A botched move here and there, but overall a solid match. Hilarity ensued when Flair grabbed AJ's wedding vegetables.
[quote name='diddy310']I would suggest throwing that belt in the trash compactor and washing their hands of him...which is a shame as I've enjoyed a good amount of his heel run.[/QUOTE]

I've enjoyed it too, but the guy is lazy is the ring and a dope head. He could be so much better and contribute more to the company if he wasn't those two things. TNA knew what they were getting into when they signed him and gave him the big push, so I have no sympathies for them.

The rest of the PPV was idiotic and poorly put together and promoted. You have a hardcore match where the two guys can't win if one of them has their foot on the rope during a pin. You have the teasing of two tag teams breaking up for no reason. You have a first blood match where the guy wins by spraying fake blood on his opponent's chest. You have an Ultimate X Match with absolutely no build, filled with so many spots that could lead to injuries. You have a #1 contender match with no #1 contender. The entire show didn't even need to happen.
In other news, apparently Rey Mysterio has asked for his release

We’re still waiting on more details to come in but Rey Mysterio recently requested his release from WWE and told officials that he would retire if they did not grant his wish. We don’t know when Rey made the request but do know it was before WWE’s big Sin Cara press conference two weeks ago in Mexico. Stay tuned for more.
I think the name "Sin Cara" says it all. Fake Rey Jr. inbound.

And I really hope that Facebook graphic is fake, you know, for the sake of humanity.

A friend texted me about the TNA PPV. That is horrendous. It sounds like the Finger Poke of Doom 2.
[quote name='Scorch']I posted it a few replies back.[/QUOTE]

I was hoping for youtube since I can't get that to load.
What's the source on the Rey thing? It wouldn't shock me, there has been friction there in recent years. I assumed the Mistico signing was sort of a preventative measure so they'd still have someone that would allow them to market masks to little kids and stuff.

[quote name='cdubb1605']I was hoping for youtube since I can't get that to load.[/QUOTE]

Did you download it and try to play it in VLC media player like Scorch mentioned? That file type won't play in your usual Windows Media Player. There are standalone FLV players out there but I'd highly recommend VLC anyway, it'll play just about anything you throw at it.
The Rey thing is making it around the 'net, but I picked it up from Google "rey mysterio request release threat" and it pulls up a ton of sites.. I don't know where it originated, though.
Just saw the "match". What a fucking travesty. TNA should be ashamed to have had that as a main event to a show people paid money to see on television.

They need to seriously dump Jeff along with that mockery of a belt, and if they don't, then they deserve every last bit to go out of business.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']

Apparently, this is real. I'm hoping it isn't though, because after hearing about all of the bullshit tonight I don't know what the fuck is going on.[/QUOTE]
No way that's real...
Uhhh... I just saw the main event, and it's hands down thee most awkward main event match I've ever seen.

Could you imagine having to live that down as Jeff Hardy? Goddamn.

Way too legitimately awkward for that to even be a work.

Or maybe they're trying a Charlie Sheen-esque gimmick for Jeff Hardy, where he'll be proudly proclaiming that he slammed 7 gram rocks before Victory Road, and made Sting look like an armless droopy-eyed child.
Just finished watching Sting v. Hardy 2. I think both guys knew ahead of time that the match was going to go that way. I think that's why Hardy took so much time pandering to the crowd and why both guys just seemed pissed after the match. The next few days and specifically the Impact tapings tomorrow will show a lot of insight as to whether or not this was all a work or if something is legit going on here.
Hardy looked pissed because he thought Sting did him dirty (even though he actually saved the match, in essence), and Sting looked pissed because his big return PPV was against someone high (which is far from safe and professional).
[quote name='Regian']

Hardy's entrance. Just wow.

Also, watch after the first lockup. Sting definitely says something along the lines of "We're going home".[/QUOTE]
Rewatched it, and Bischoff's shoehorned announcement was so he could go out there and whisper to them.

(Damn, he's slick.)
Agreed, Brak, pretty slick of Bischoff the way he told Hardy and Sting what was going to happen. It's clear that Hardy was just screwing around with the shirt to delay losing the match since he knew it was over (meaning his career). Someone else mentioned that Sting hooked both legs and posted on both of his own legs to hold Hardy down for the pin which is very clear. He knew Hardy would be a problem and potentially hurt him if he didn't end it immediately. Sting's "I agree, I agree." at the end was almost certainly in response to the "bullshit" chants.

Sting's first thought backstage? "Do I still have Vince's number somewhere?"
[quote name='Brak']Rewatched it, and Bischoff's shoehorned announcement was so he could go out there and whisper to them.

(Damn, he's slick.)[/QUOTE]

Yeah he is. I wouldn't have even noticed if I wasn't looking for it.

Hardy was absolutely GONE. His intro alone made it easy to see he was completely wasted.

Given the genuine effort at a kick-out Hardy was giving, the full weight Sting was putting into the pin, and the look Sting gave Hardy after he got up, I'm thinking that not only was the match obviously supposed to go longer but that maybe Hardy was supposed to re-claim the title.

"I agree"... Right about now I'm thinking Sting is giving a second thought as to whether he picked the classier operation upon his return to wrestling... To have someone like Jeff Hardy on your top card giving this absolutely pathetic outing and his recent run-in with the law I really have to question TNA.

As far as this situation it seems like they really didn't have a chance to rectify the situation if Bischoff was trying to get the word to them after they're already in the ring so I can't fault them for that. What they should be chastised for though, is for letting someone like Jeff Hardy pull them this far down the hole.
[quote name='HydroX']Crowd was hot, but it really opened my eyes as to how many people out there still think wrestling is "real".[/QUOTE]

Suspension of disbelief.
[quote name='powercreep']wedding vegetables.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Scorch']In other news, apparently Rey Mysterio has asked for his release[/QUOTE]

Hey, he's like the Carson Palmer of pro wrestling!

[quote name='Brak']Or maybe they're trying a Charlie Sheen-esque gimmick for Jeff Hardy, where he'll be proudly proclaiming that he slammed 7 gram rocks before Victory Road, and made Sting look like an armless droopy-eyed child.[/QUOTE]
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