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[quote name='diddy310']haha...that was the most well covered up fan run-in ever.[/QUOTE]
Is that what happened? Was wondering why all that bouncing was going the hell on.
yeah, you could see him get tackled when they were showing the close up of the Miz and then getting dragged away by the ramp when they zoomed out again.
[quote name='diddy310']yeah, you could see him get tackled when they were showing the close up of the Miz and then getting dragged away by the ramp when they zoomed out again.[/QUOTE]

I didn't see the tackling. Guess I needed to be watching the HD feed or something.
"And then I'm gonna give you a dirty Sanchez!
That was the best promo I've ever heard Miz deliver.

I love Miz exerting is presence into Wrestlemania like this. They treated him like an afterthought, so he's making himself #1 priority of the show.
[quote name='diddy310']haha...that was the most well covered up fan run-in ever.[/QUOTE]
I was trying to figure out what the hell was going on when he was looking at shit but nothing going on. Funny stuff.
So yeah...Miz pretty much has to win his Wrestlemania match, but I kind of doubt they'll actually go through with it. Maybe a cheap flash pin or something that makes Miz look like shit in victory, but that's probably the best anyone can hope for at this point.

Love that Cena brought the rap again, and this time it totally fell flat. Only way he redeems himself at all at this point is a serious promo on the level of the one he did with Piper before that Barrett/Orton match, but I'm not sure he has another one like that in him.

Agreed on the fan run-in, that's the best job they've ever done covering it up. Which of course makes me want to see it twice as badly.
Just saw this tidbit on another site.

The Miz has become the first person to hold the WWE Championship for over 100 days in over two years. The last person to do so was Triple H, who held the title for 210 days before losing it at Survivor Series 2008.
When the fan jumped in, the only reason I knew it happened was the guy saying 'Runner, we have a runner!' on the audio. Other than that, it was really well covered.

I was a big fan of ending with Miz. That's exactly what they need to keep doIng with him to make him an even remotely credible threat.
[quote name='007']When the fan jumped in, the only reason I knew it happened was the guy saying 'Runner, we have a runner!' on the audio. Other than that, it was really well covered.[/QUOTE]
I had to go back and listen for that. Very clear once I was listening for it.
I can't help but think Cena's rap was deliberately weak (even as someone who hates Cena promos, this was one of the worst I can recall by a long shot) - there wasn't really a way to have him "win" against The Rock.

More importantly, the feud is going in the right direction; the focus should be on Miz vs Cena. Miz's work tonight emphasized someone who is rightfully pissed off that they've been overlooked this whole time. Combined with Cena's weak as fuck promo, the writers really stressed that Miz is a crucial element here. And about bloody time, too - seeing as he's the guy holding the belt.

...oh, excuse me. Championship.
[quote name='Blackout']It didn't seem like the crowd remembered the People's Elbow.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking the same thing. I mean, obviously they remembered it, but it didn't elicit much response. Not sure if the crowd was just feeling odd or what - I wouldn't blame them, as booing Cena, then booing the Miz for attacking Cena, then having a fan run in would probably make things a little awkward. But the People's Elbow pretty much had the same reaction the rest of the attack did.

Middle finger (albeit unintentional), uncensored "bitch" and "ass" tonight. Guess the temporary PG abandonment isn't quite over yet.
Taker's opening promo was good, and the video package's editing with a move starting at WM 25 and ending with 26 was incredible. The Orton-Nexus brawl was laughable. Orton's shots missed by miles, and Cole's over-acting was Tenay-level bad. Then they did an Otunga-Orton match which was also hurt by A - Otunga's lack of skill and B - Cole's yelling and bullshit. Sunny's video was really good given their PG limitations, and it's a shame they followed it up by having Cole just bury the women's division dead by insulting the match constantly over the house mic. Loved JBL's return, promo, and fantastic selling of the Stunner. Austin as ref...I take umbrage at your previous assertion but cannot be arsed to respond appropriately. it's been done seemingly a million times and it's always the same thing. Same deal tonight - came out, cut a promo, hit a stunner, drank, did another stunner, laughed, and left. I really wish they could come up with something remotely new for Austin. Sheamus-Danielson was nothing but an angle for next week's actual match with Sheamus's career on the line. Loved the "TAP OR SNAP! I HAVE UNTIL 5!" sign. Ziggler's on Raw now, which of course means NOTHING during the road to WrestleMania. Vickie was awful on commentary, and I'm not looking forward to her match with Trish next week. Cena's promo was good, and Miz's attack was fantastic. That was easily the best thing on the show, but it wasn't exactly hard to top what was on this show.

Screens -


Quotes -
Cole - The Undertaker was interrupted by the MIGHTY MAJESTIC WARRIOR, HHH!
Undertaker - At WM, two icons will do battle, and in the end, there can only be one. The word on the street has it that many feel that this is the year the streak is broken. That Father Time and injuries are gonna finally catch up to me. And then there are those who feel like it’s the King of Kings, the Game HHH who has what it takes to bring me down and end the streak. Well HHH, let me remind you and everyone else what’s happened at the last two WMs. What happened to someone else who thought they had what it took to bring me down - perhaps the greatest of all-time, Shawn Michaels. There will be no excuses, no regrets, no count outs, no DQ, and NO RULES. OUR MATCH AT WM WILL BE NO HOLDS BARRED! In a match like this, the possibilities of what can happen are endless, but there is one thing that is iron-clad, and that is the end result. It’s like you said HHH - you end the streak, and I die.
Guy - NOOOO!
Taker - OR YOU DIE TRYING! HHH, at WM, you will rest in peace!
Punk - You put McGillicutty on the shelf, but where we’re gonna send you is much, much worse! Drag that piece of garbage to the ring.
Alberto - MY NAME IS ALBERTO DEL RIO! BUT OF COURSE, YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT! It is my destiny to be the new World champion! At WrestleMania! And Christian, you and I, we’re gonna fight! BUT NOT TONIGHT! You first have to defeat my friend EL GRANDE BRODUS CLAY!
Cole - The war of words between John Cena and THE SO-CALLED PEOPLE’S CHAMP THE ROCK continues!
Cole - Can you imagine if Sunny was around today? SHE WOULDN’T BE ABLE TO KEEP HER HANDS OFF ME!
Cole - After this match, I’ll tell you who the ref will be for my first-ever WRESTLEMANIA MAIN EVENT MATCH!
Cole - CAN I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE!? At WrestleMania, I’m gonna compete in my first-ever match and well of course, IT’S IN THE MAIN EVENT! In my hand, I hold the contract - the man who signs these documents will have the honor of holding MY HAND UP HIGH WHEN I DEFEAT JERRY LAWLER! I actually respect Lawler, and so I chose a ref who’s impartial. I had extensive coversasions with this man and he’ll be fair, so at least Lawler has a fighting chance. I’d like to introduce this man. A former WWE Champion. He’s one of the most iconic figures in WWE history. And much like me, he’s a legendary Texan! YOU KNOW HE’S HERE! YOU KNOW THIS MAN IS HERE! YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR AN HOUR TO CHEER FOR THIS MAN! AU-STIN! AU-STIN! AU-STIN! YOU PEOPLE ARE FOOLS! YOU’RE ALL FOOLS. I SUCKERED YOU IN. ME, MICHAEL COLE! MY REFEREE IS NONE OTHER THAN JBL!
JBL - Thank you! I knew when the great JBL left and went to NYC, you’d all understand. And after what you went through with no champions, all of your teams becoming so irrelevant just like the state of Texas and I knew that the GREATEST, LONGEST-REIGNING WWE CHAMPION IN SMACKDOWN HISTORY - you’d all welcome me with your simple Southern hospitality. Thank you. BUT THIS IS SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU. Michael Cole, you’re right - JBL is going to WrestleMania! THE MAIN EVENT. There’s other matches, a guest host, whatever - NOBODY HAS EVER DEBUTED AT WRESTLEMANIA IN THE MAIN EVENT UNTIL NOW! I’m so proud that this grizzled vet that I mentored, I saw the dues you paid to become a star for these people and I saw what Lawler did you how - how he mistreated you. HE WAS NOTHING MORE THAN A BULLY - IT’S WRONG that the strong pick up the weak just because they can and I’m proud of you for standing up to that bully. The fact that Jack Swagger is training you and the world will know that you’re a world-class athlete and that leaves just one simple thing missing… AN UNBIASED REFEREE! And while Michael, I can buy everyone in this building, their mamas, their papas, their foreclosed homes and cars - I’M NOT JUST A MULTI-MILLIONAIRE, I’M A MAN OF INTEGRITY. That’s why when I sign this contract, JBL comes home. You’re gonna tell your grandkids and you’ll save your ticket stubs FOR THIS MOMENT. JBL’S RETURN TO THE MAIN EVENT OF WRESTLEMANIA!
Sign - Hodge 4 HOF!
Cole - NO! WHY! WHY!
King - That may have been the greatest moment in TV history.
Sheamus - For the last couple of months, I been on a losing streak, but next week, that’s gonna change when I become the new U.S. Champion. Whadya say fella? If I don’t beat ya, I’LL QUIT!
Cena - They say everything’s bigger in Texas - THERE’S PEOPLE AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE… We’ve got a lot of different people in the crowd. Some are very excited. Some are very angry. I got one guy who’s angry - angry at me. THE ROCK! I don’t get it though - he can make fun of me, and he calls me various breakfast cereals - Fruity Pebbles. He does that impression of me - you can’t see me! PEEKABOO! I think it’s funny. But a couple weeks ago, I said something about the Rock AND SHUT THE FRONT DOOR did he get mad. BALONEY FUDGE AND MUSTARD HE GOT MAD AT ME. He was very angry that I addressed him in rap. I FOUND A SOLUTION - I’ll address him in hip hop. (massive boos) It’s a great crowd. Last week, Rock showed the world that his ass is soft. He talked trash from his iving room and wouldn’t take his glasses off. He couldn’t afford a plane ticket or rent a helicopter? Rock chose to stay home and read off a telepromptor. You can see the words in his glasses - only itme you see me homie is when I’m whipping that rock bottom. They say Rock is unbeatable - he’ll put Cena on the shelf, but after last week, all Rock’s beating is himself. Once again, I’m standing here. I’m a fruity pebble and you’re a yabba dabba disgrace. You wanna be the people’s champ? JUST SHOW UP! I’m so glad this is over so I can take it off my check list - Rock didn’t win, but it’s okay - I’ll give him a pearl necklace. Rock, you make it too easy to get you. You might as well attack my dog cuz every week he attacks my shitzu. To make amends, I bought the Rock’s new T-shirt. Rock, make ‘em chant your name, give us all a fun night! But don’t call me out again dude, cuz that’s bringing a knife to a gunfight.
Miz - Cena, you and your little buddy the Rock and everyone else has disrespected me FOR THE LAST TIME! Do you see a pattern here? Every time you and Rock get your panties in a wad, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU. If the Rock was here,t he same thing would happen to him. Cena, you like to rap - well try this one on for size. The Rock, John Cena, Macho Man and Liz, Stone Cold and Bret Hart are NOTHING COMPARED TO THE MIZ! And one more thing, Hello Rock! We haven’t eben introduced - I’M THE MIZ - THE WWE CHAMPION AND THE STAR OF WRESTLEMANIA. YOU ARE ONLY THE HOST OF WRESTLEMANIA. YOU SHOULD KNOW YOUR ROLE AND BE THE BEST RYAN SEACREST THAT YOU CAN BE! If you have the guts to show up at Raw or WM, let me tell you exactly what will happen - I will take your little eyebrow, your 45 catchphrases, your shades, your father, roll it up into a ball and stick it straight up your candy ass because I’M THE MIZ AND I’M …(attacks Cena and hit’s the Miz’s elbow) AWESOME!
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[quote name='Survivalism']I don't know about "nearly every," but I certainly have a special disdain for custom titles no matter who's carrying them.[/QUOTE]

WWE tag belts (the pennies), Divas belt, the spinner, ROH TV belt...

[quote name='niceguyshawne']I think they actually found something that Cole does worse than announcing.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='KaneRobot']Giving him an idiot gimmick where he always says the wrong city is pretty much the only way I'd ever be entertained by Ron Killings.[/QUOTE]

I'll always associate it with Shane Douglas.
[quote name='BigPopov']This.

I side with McMahon on the issue personally. There's a long history of title holders / top talent in the industry holding belts & appearances for ransom. That's what McMahon wanted to avoid.

The funny thing about the "I'll do it tomarrow" excuse is that tomarrow comes, you often hear the same thing. What's wrong with today? McMahon did what he needed to do.[/QUOTE]

Haha it's exactly like I said. Mostly brainwashed by McMahon and most importantly, severly lacking in knowledge of wrestling's past.

Please explain to me how Bret could have even remotely done what Flair and Luger did and I'll drop it.
First things first - I went to see Nicole Atkins & The Sea tonight (amazing, check them out) and she mentioned being a huge WWF fan when she was a kid. She said that her favorite was the Ultimate Warrior and she'd run around the house with Warrior's makeup on. She then said "My, how the mighty have fallen.. I've turned to the dark side of WWF though. The Iron Shiek was at The Troubadour (venue in LA) and gave me a shirt that said "The Ultimate Warrior is a no good mother fucker" and it's my favorite shirt, I wear it all the time."

Tonight's Raw.. are you guys serious?

The Undertaker's promo was horribly scripted and poorly delivered.

I'm tired of them burying the women's division. I'd rather them just not have women's matches altogether than have them constantly be buried. It's annoying.

JBL's returned was unplanned, unexpected, and unexciting. JBL being involved in the match would make me have even less interest than I already have (which I didn't think was possible). Autsin's involvement isn't anything special and I'm not hyped for it - I feel bad, though, because as JBL was getting up for the last Stunner spot, Autsin raised his hand for a beer and JBL got hit in the back of the head. Cole's "NO.. NO.. GOD NO" reaction was beyond terrible. I don't understand why he agreed to come back only to get buried.

Speaking of buried, yay, another Sheamus burial. Hey, if he doesn't win next week, he's fired! Along with Kelly Kelly, Vickie, Dolph, and Edge. It's an extremely annoying stipulation that has lost all shock value. It'd be better if Sheamus would vow to win the title, drop it the next week, and be stuck in midcard hell until Vince steps down and Triple H steps up and pushes him into oblivion.. that's what's going to happen.

I don't understand why the focus is on The Rock and Cena. Okay, I understand - there needs to be a storyline to The Rock hosting Wrestlemania. Got it. Have him bury Cena, have Cena bury him.. but continue? Really? They're not having a match at Wrestlemania. I'm told that they're building up for a Rock/Cena match at next year's Wrestlemania, so who knows.

Cena's end spot was done well enough, and I did enjoy the "I bring it via satellite" shirt. Miz's interference was unexpected. His promo, as usual, was solid gold. People's elbow was fantastic.

I feel bad for The Miz, though. It's his first Wrestlemania with the title. The buildup should be focused on him, not Rock/Cena.

Also, a spoiler regarding Triple H and Undertaker.. well, not really a spoiler, as it's pretty expected, but
The Undertaker
is advertised to appear at an event here in May.

[quote name='mitch079']Autsin 3:16 says I just assed your whup. And that's the line on the bottom cuz so says Cold Stone.[/quote]

[quote name='Scorch']I feel bad for The Miz, though. It's his first Wrestlemania with the title. The buildup should be focused on him, not Rock/Cena.[/QUOTE]

The problem with that is that Miz can't sell PPV's. He just isn't WM main event caliber at this point no matter how much some people want him to be. "I'm the Miz and I'm awesome" isn't going to juice PPV buyrates.
Just venting...

PG wrestling has me jaded when it comes to returning Attitude Era wrestlers. I was happy with Rock's return, but Rock's initial promos were quite repetitive and long winded. As I watched this weeks Raw, I should've been happy to see Stone Cold, but the first thing I saw was the new shirt. As he walked around the ring, I started to think how it wouldn't be okay to have him flipping the bird on TV and then they started framing the image closer to cut it off. Lastly, imagined or not, I swear I saw him double-fisting Red Bulls.

Autsin is the PG era Austin.

RIP Attitude era. ='(

Edit: It has been brought to my attention he was drinking Keystone, I don't know my beers, my mistake. I'll leave the image up as is though, gotta cover up those fingers. JBL says Toasty.
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He was most definitely drinking Keystone, not Redbull. I found it hard to believe at first but even in the PG-era they'll apparently show beer drinking.
I somehow missed the Mistico video but just saw it now. Great stuff. As soon as they have Brodus Clay or Mason Ryan squash him and make him look pathetic it'll probably be over, but hopefully that is a ways off. Nothing against Clay as he looks like a character from Saturday Night Slam Masters, but having people like Khali randomly squash Mysterio while Mysterio was world champion didn't do him any favors.

[quote name='Scorch']The Undertaker's promo was horribly scripted and poorly delivered...

...Cena's end spot was done well enough[/QUOTE]


[quote name='sykotek']JBL says Toasty.[/QUOTE]

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[quote name='mykevermin']Are you referring to the "NEXUS LEADER?" sign in the crowd? I couldn't tell who the pic was of.[/QUOTE]



As a bonus, here's the other one I mentioned:

[quote name='neocisco']The problem with that is that Miz can't sell PPV's. He just isn't WM main event caliber at this point no matter how much some people want him to be. "I'm the Miz and I'm awesome" isn't going to juice PPV buyrates.[/QUOTE]

I call bullshit on that. The onus is not on Miz to sell PPVs, but for the writer's to come up with something that sells a PPV with Miz on it. Miz is doing the best he can with what he's been given, but it only takes you so far.

Before this Rock detour happened, my vision for Cena/Miz was all about making people wait to see Cena get his hands on him. Initially, have Cena mock Miz and talk about how he's not even a threat. Then, have (sort of like now) Miz snap and just starting beating the shit out of Cena on a weekly basis and consistently get away with it. Essentially, turn Miz into Bobby Heenan... incite the crowd, then keep throwing people like Alex Riley at Cena to get away. Have him be the 'man behind the curtain', so the speak. If they had built it correctly for the past month or so, I'm certain people would pay to see Cena finally get his hands on Miz.

The reason no one thinks Miz can 'sell' a PPV is the sheer fact that he's been booked as a mid-carder while being champion. It was the same thing that happened with Sheamus and Swagger. It just goes back to the biggest problem of this era so far, and that's weak heels. Look at the feuds that have been lauded in the past few years... Hardy/Punk, Jericho/Michaels, JBL/Michaels... these are all feuds based around having a very strong heel character as a foil for the face. I think it's been myke or someone else pointing this out, but the only non-chickenshit heel around now is Del Rio.

There's this weird fear of making the heels look powerful now, which is bizarre. This WrestleMania is a huge example of it. Cena/Miz has had little to do with Miz, and zero of it has been Cena questioning whether he can beat Miz. Cole/Lawler has completely stacked the deck in Lawler's favor for no reason whatsoever... I mean, really, Lawler needs Stone Cold Steve Austin to beat MICHAEL COLE? And, let's not forget the single biggest offender this year... Randy Orton.

Orton/Punk is, literally, one of the worst builds I've seen in a really long time, as it makes absolutely zero sense. First, Punk is given a faction. Then, the feud with Cena ends and he decides to go after Orton because of a 2-3 year old incident (which is the best part of this thus far, and makes the rest even more depressing). Then... well, then Orton systematically dismantles the faction, burying them all in the process, and never seems to have a 'down' week. No matter what they do to him, he always has a SuperCena moment where he hits the RKO and walks away triumphant. It's not like he's just winning matches... he's taking backstage beatings and *still* winning. It makes no sense. None. The assumption here is that by the time Mania rolls around, it'll be down to just Punk or, at best, Punk and Ryan. To me, that makes no sense. There hasn't been a week where Orton hasn't made Punk look weak and stupid... and wouldn't the better build be Orton getting destroyed and stacking the odds against him? I mean, we've seen him literally dismantle 3-4 guys now, so why should we think that Punk by himself has any chance here?

It's like in an effort to think outside the box, they're disregarding the tried and true booking... but, you know, forgetting that it's the kind of booking that gets people interested in the first place. I just don't get it.
[quote name='007']

There's this weird fear of making the heels look powerful now, which is bizarre. This WrestleMania is a huge example of it. Cena/Miz has had little to do with Miz, and zero of it has been Cena questioning whether he can beat Miz. Cole/Lawler has completely stacked the deck in Lawler's favor for no reason whatsoever... I mean, really, Lawler needs Stone Cold Steve Austin to beat MICHAEL COLE? And, let's not forget the single biggest offender this year... Randy Orton.

Orton/Punk is, literally, one of the worst builds I've seen in a really long time, as it makes absolutely zero sense. First, Punk is given a faction. Then, the feud with Cena ends and he decides to go after Orton because of a 2-3 year old incident (which is the best part of this thus far, and makes the rest even more depressing). Then... well, then Orton systematically dismantles the faction, burying them all in the process, and never seems to have a 'down' week. No matter what they do to him, he always has a SuperCena moment where he hits the RKO and walks away triumphant. It's not like he's just winning matches... he's taking backstage beatings and *still* winning. It makes no sense. None. The assumption here is that by the time Mania rolls around, it'll be down to just Punk or, at best, Punk and Ryan. To me, that makes no sense. There hasn't been a week where Orton hasn't made Punk look weak and stupid... and wouldn't the better build be Orton getting destroyed and stacking the odds against him? I mean, we've seen him literally dismantle 3-4 guys now, so why should we think that Punk by himself has any chance here?

It's like in an effort to think outside the box, they're disregarding the tried and true booking... but, you know, forgetting that it's the kind of booking that gets people interested in the first place. I just don't get it.[/QUOTE]

As much as I don't want to pin this all on WWE being PG. I do believe that this is the biggest reason. You can't make heels look tough or unbeatable because that might upset the kiddies/parents/sponsers/network (take your pick). Orton was cowardly and thuggish as a heel. Yet Orton is still as thuggish as they come and still punting people in the head but now that he is face, he's become "Super Orton". And he's being cheered for it!

What is puzzling to me though and we've mentioned this before. CM Punk is justified in wanting his revenge on Orton due to him getting ganged up by Legacy, being punted in the head and not being able to defend his title. Yet he is the heel in a storyline to a guy who continues to punt defenseless people in the head. Now that can't be explained by PG-style booking or anything else.
I popped like a zit for JBL. I knew the plan was for Autsin to be the ref at 'Mania, but when JBL was announced by Cole I started clapping.


Chikara Pro Wrestling announced that Stan Bush(of "The Touch" from Transformers: The Movie 1986 fame) is going to perform during the fan event at King of Trios. WINNING!
Sean Waltman announced he's reviving the 1-2-3 Kid gimmick for Chikara Pro.

Rumor for SD vs Raw 2012 - Your newly created CAS can compete in NXT challenges and matches.

Austin says he has 5 more cans of whoop ass to serve before Wrestlemania (which is good, I really wanted to hear him on the mic last night.. maybe he will get on the mic in the future). The Rock tweeted "The want my attention...well now you got it...champ.", as well as "Wow can The People's Champ and THE MILLIONS recover from that devastating Dr.Seuss "final KO blow"? CENA = HOT SHAVED BARNEY ANUS GARBAGE.."
For those interested, and some of you might be, TNA star Brian Kendrick is currently on The Price Is Right as a contestant.

Further proof that times are tough in TNA.
[quote name='007']
The reason no one thinks Miz can 'sell' a PPV is the sheer fact that he's been booked as a mid-carder while being champion. It was the same thing that happened with Sheamus and Swagger. It just goes back to the biggest problem of this era so far, and that's weak heels. Look at the feuds that have been lauded in the past few years... Hardy/Punk, Jericho/Michaels, JBL/Michaels... these are all feuds based around having a very strong heel character as a foil for the face. I think it's been myke or someone else pointing this out, but the only non-chickenshit heel around now is Del Rio.
I'd agree. I mean, I still don't understand why they, up until last week, had the WWE Champion carrying around a male ring escort everywhere he went. I'm not making this into a gay joke thing like last week but rather I'm pointing out that by keeping Alex Riley at Miz's side they were effectively giving the appearance that Miz needed help rather than being a 1 man gang so to speak.

The current storyline they're building about Miz not being respected is getting pretty close to real life. Champions can do sneaky things, hell its basically how he won the belt in the first place but at a certain point you have to establish that your top guy is, well, the top guy. They look to be going in a good direction with Miz and building him up, finally, but everything they're going to build over the next few weeks is going to be torn right down to throw the belt back on Cena.

[quote name='007']
There's this weird fear of making the heels look powerful now, which is bizarre. This WrestleMania is a huge example of it. Cena/Miz has had little to do with Miz, and zero of it has been Cena questioning whether he can beat Miz. Cole/Lawler has completely stacked the deck in Lawler's favor for no reason whatsoever... I mean, really, Lawler needs Stone Cold Steve Austin to beat MICHAEL COLE? And, let's not forget the single biggest offender this year... Randy Orton.

Yes, this. I mean we still haven't even established who the face/heel is in the Undertaker/HHH match. Is that intentional? It almost seems like it. That's really the only match that doesn't look to be face wins it automatically, simply because we don't even know who the face is. I'm inclined to think the streak automatically makes 'Taker the face but HHH certainly hasn't been very "heelish" in his promos. Why would they be afraid to just go all out turning HHH to a heel? The guy works as a heel, have him do it. My only thought though is that Vince doesn't want his own personal "guy" to be a heel.

Wrestling needs bad guys, hell sometimes they're more interesting and entertaining to watch than the faces (Miz, Punk). For some reason though, like you said, WWE seems almost afraid to let the bad guys win one every once in a while. Why can't we have a long title reign by a heel? Because all the Cenation children will pitch a fit if their guy doesn't win the biggest event of the year.

I mean haven't we seen Cena win Wrestlemania main event enough yet? For god's sake, the guy has main evented the last 6 Wrestlemania, 7 including this year (and won the title in them all except for Wrestlemania 24). At a certain point you've got to ask, is the guy being booked to win because he's popular or is he popular because he's being booked to win... everything.

And finally, yes I was excited to see the Rock show up again but are we really going to continue a feud with a (A)non-wrestler and (B) someone who doesn't even show up?
Question: Should it have been John Cena vs. The Rock in a "Icon vs. Icon" match at Wrestlemania instead of Cena vs. Miz? If so, who should Miz have defended the WWE Title against?
i'd love to have cena/rock main event mania... but, it wont happen. i'd love to see rock insert himself in the mainevent as a 3rd guy in the triple threat... wont happen. and i'd love for the rock to interfere, and help the miz win... wont happen. i just hope we aren't seeing some stupid "mike tyson" angle, where rock and cena were in cahoots. rocky helps cena win.
Miz is trying his hardest to sell Mania, but he's constantly being underhanded. I hate when they do these "tests" on stars they're trying to build up (Miz, Swagger, Punk, Sheamus, etc, etc). It doesn't solve anything and only hurts the product. Miz has grown on me a lot though. I actually want to see his match with Cena, but the build has been awful. That Cena promo last week was one of the dumbest things I have ever seen in wrestling. I couldn't believe that was a promo to build the main event of Wrestlemania.

Miz's stuff last night was pretty good. I liked the fact he did the Elbow, even though wrestling fans have the worst memory of all human beings and didn't seem to recognize what the hell he was doing.

I just hope we don't see Orton and Cena both win at Mania.
I'd of been more happy with Rock/Cena than Cena/Miz.

I think they should of saved Miz/Lawler for WM.

Who goes over in the Rock/Cena match though? As much as I want to say Rocky, I don't see SuperCena ever losing at a WM.
Cena's 6-1 at Wrestlemania (but undefeated in singles matches). His only loss was at WM24 in a triple threat match against Orton and Triple H.

Like I mentioned, I've heard they're building towards Cena/Rock at the next WM, but who knows. In a match between Rock and Cena, I honestly don't know who would win. I guess it depends on whether or not The Rock would have a movie coming out around the time of the match.

I'm fully expecting Rock to turn and help Cena win, but if he helped Miz win, it would definitely be fuel for a Cena/Rock match at the next WM.. and would be a HUGE win for The Miz. That'd be awesome.
One of my bigger problems with this build so far is that Cena/Miz seems like there's no drama to it. Really, I'm hard pressed to come up with a scenario after this build that involves Miz walking out of WM as champion. It's fairly obvious that The Rock will be involved somehow, and it's not as if they'd have him help Miz, since that'd *really* be not sending the fans home happy. Even if HHH/Taker went on after it, a Rock heel turn would sour the crowd entirely. I mean, after this build, wouldn't it be weird for Rock to not be seen at all during the match? So, really, he either is completely irrelevant in the outcome (unlikely), or he helps Cena (boring).

It's an issue that I have with pushing Miz aside here... The Rock being a focal point is almost as confusing as the face/heel dynamic of the Punk/Orton match. So, Rock is, technically, feuding with Cena. The Miz is trying to feud with both Cena and The Rock. Cena is more concerned with The Rock than Miz. However, none of them are working together. The Rock is feuding with Cena, but no one is even entertaining the idea that he could be working with Miz. There's nothing that ties any of this together, which is what I truly don't understand. We have a massive face, a guy who gets cheered or booed depending on a number of factors (who is he talking about, what city is he in, etc), and a straight heel.

Ugh. The more I think about it, the more of a clusterfuck it seems to be.

One more thing... it'll be easy to tell the level of Rock's involvment based on where the match is on the card. If HHH/Taker is last, it'll be medium. If it's last, a huge part of it will revolve around Rock. No question.
CM Punk brings it via satellite as well.


Just to remind all you Bradstonemaniacs, The Chaperone is available via Netflix Instant Streaming today.
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[quote name='Regian']For those interested, and some of you might be, TNA star Brian Kendrick is currently on The Price Is Right as a contestant.

Further proof that times are tough in TNA.[/QUOTE]


He probably won more money from the prizes there than working a year in TNA.
[quote name='Regian']For those interested, and some of you might be, TNA star Brian Kendrick is currently on The Price Is Right as a contestant.

Further proof that times are tough in TNA.[/QUOTE]Damn, can't believe I missed it. Is there a clip uploaded?

Also, slightly related:
And while we're on the subject of wasteful spending; throughout the financial disputes Killings and Konnan had with TNA, it was noted by several observers that, while TNA were pleading poverty to wrestlers and saying they couldn't pay outright for work-related medical care, Dixie had actually set aside $1 million dollars for the Voodoo Kin Mafia's DX challenge (as part of the utterly outrageous work/shoot angle in which Kip and James put up $1 million and offered to fight DX on live television). Dave Meltzer reported at the time that Carter hilariously had been convinced the match would happen, and was even going around and asking people in the weeks following why WWE hadn't answered the challenge yet. Why exactly TNA haven't ever set aside a similar amount of money for pesky things like liveable wages, hospital check-ups and paying for guys' operations is something only Dixie could answer.
There's much more in that link. Good lord, Dixie.

[quote name='BlueSwim']Question: Should it have been John Cena vs. The Rock in a "Icon vs. Icon" match at Wrestlemania instead of Cena vs. Miz? If so, who should Miz have defended the WWE Title against?[/QUOTE]
That sounds suspiciously like a new "Rock/Autsin/Jericho" storyline where Jericho beats them in the same night, except The Miz is Jericho in this situation.

...I actually wouldn't mind that, to be quite honest.

EDIT: Also, an update on Undertaker/HHH, with some sad news about Taker's arm.

The Undertaker got some very sobering news on his health recently. Reports were back in the beginning of the year that Undertaker's shoulder was not healing as fast as expected despite him working very hard during physical therapy. To follow up on that, Undertaker recently got some bad news from the doctor who performed the surgery to repair his rotator cuff. When he had the surgery back in November, the doctors said the damage was about triple of what they expected. Undertaker was told by the doctor that because he waited so long to have the surgery done, his shoulder is now permanently damaged. He will never regain full strength in it for the rest of his life. The irony of this is that the Buried Alive match where Kane would ultimately win the feud was supposed to be at Survivor Series, but was moved up to Bragging Rights since Undertaker was in such intense, constant pain. This news is why his match with Triple H at WrestleMania 27 was made a No Holds Barred match. A No Holds Barred match requires less bumps and holds. Also, it fits in the storyline, since their match at WrestleMania 17 ten years ago was also a No Holds Barred match. There's been no word on if this diagnosis will affect the outcome of the match. The match was originally planned to be a Streak vs. Career match with Triple H putting Undertaker over so that he can begin his career as Vince McMahon's eventual replacement (McMahon turns 66 on August 24) when he decides to retire or dies, which ever comes first (those in the company truly believe McMahon will actively run the company until he dies). But now, since Undertaker (who will turn 46 on March 24) has a permanently damaged shoulder that will no doubt accelerate his eventual retirement, Triple H may feel like he needs to stay around since Undertaker will be gone sooner rather than later. Many in the company feel this may be Undertaker's last WrestleMania. Not everyone is sure that he'll even be around after WM27. There are some who wonder if it's a deal like Steve Austin at WrestleMania 19, where he knows its his last match but doesn't want anyone to know that going in.
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