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[quote name='Purple Flames']Gues who's got a new book coming out:


I believe the working title was " The Book I Wrote to Cash in on My Ex-Husband's Fame: I Can't Afford My Accustomed Lifestyle on My Own and I Already Siphoned His Accounts Dry"
That would say THAW in the mirror.

I approve.


EDIT: Is Kendrick on Price is Right a sad sign for TNA? I can kinda see it both ways. Also, Mr Beef linked to the cageside seats blog. They have done a spectacular job addressing the massive problems with TNA as a promotion (Awesome Kong got $400 per match, and was not resigned because she asked for a 15% raise - i.e., $460 per match). That particular article is great because it does a good job addressing how Dixie is more concerned about cultivating the *image* of TNA as a caring promotion, and behind the scenes runs the promotion in a massively exploitative way.

Now, you may be skeptical and think this is all hearsay. But look at what TNA does publicly: the Gut Check Challenge. YOU PAY THEM to be evaluated and essentially serve as enhancement talent for them. That's something they aren't ashamed of. They're a deplorable promotion.
From that same article:

Indeed, the absolute absurdity of the situation became even clearer in an astonishing interview Survivor star Jonny Fairplay (Remember him? Me neither) gave to USA Today here discussing his TNA earnings:
"I signed a $150,000 contract with TNA Wrestling for a year. I ended up 8 appearances for 40 minutes. Then I signed a second contract and they didn't use me. So, I'd like to thank them for $300,000 for 40 minutes' worth of work."
Fairplay later revealed he had been given health insurance too. Wonderful. So for those of you keeping track: the same company with a sizeable portion of the roster working day jobs to make a decent living, that doesn't pay for its wrestlers to get checked out at the hospital and refused their (proven) top ratings draws Gail Kim and Awesome Kong liveable wages (choosing to instead release them and allow them to go to WWE) paid Jonny Fairplay $300,000 for 40 minutes' work.
SMH. I'm all for TNA to try and succeed, but good fucking god; they need to get their financial priorities straight.
If I remember correctly, Johnny Fairplay was the guy from Survivor who pretended his grandmother was dead to earn the sympathy vote to end up winning that season. He also got dropped on his face by Danny Bonaduce.

I remember when he was trying to get into TNA, but I didn't realize that he got THAT much dough for so little an effort.
[quote name='mykevermin']I forgot what an appalling looking creature he is:

If you can find the WWE NXT episode online with producer's commentary, he's all over that one.[/QUOTE]

THAT'S what he looks like?! I'm not believing that that is a real person! no way! he's got fake teeth or something, or fucking his face up on purpose! NO ONE LOOKS LIKE THAT!! No fucking way!!!!


Spoilers for the new season of NXT:

The cast of NXT Season Five features six runner-up contestants from previous seasons. The cast is as follows:

* Byron Saxton with Pro Yoshi Tatsu

* Conor O'Brian with Pro Vladimir Kozlov

* Darren Young with Pro Chavo Guerrero

* Jacob Novak with Pro JTG

* Lucky Cannon with Pro Tyson Kidd

* Titus O'Neil with Pro Hornswoggle

Pretty sure that Kevin Dunn has but a wisp o' hair left on top of his head anymore, courtesy of male pattern baldness. He was in either Beyond the Mat or Wrestling With Shadows for a good bit...but it's been years upon years since I've watched either movie.

Watched the Price is Right clip. Nobody knew who he was, and the afro dude in contestant's row was more over than he was. Jesus Christ TNA should be ashamed of themselves.
I feel like Kendrick hasn't even had a match in 2011. Last I remember seeing him was the EY/OJ New Years segment.
[quote name='ShinSolidus']Spoilers for the new season of NXT:

The cast of NXT Season Five features six runner-up contestants from previous seasons. The cast is as follows:

* Byron Saxton with Pro Yoshi Tatsu

* Conor O'Brian with Pro Vladimir Kozlov

* Darren Young with Pro Chavo Guerrero

* Jacob Novak with Pro JTG

* Lucky Cannon with Pro Tyson Kidd

* Titus O'Neil with Pro Hornswoggle

Kendrick on the show is really messed up. There wasn't a mention he was a wrestler or that he worked for TNA. He wasn't even playing for charity in TNA's name or anything. The only thing he was playing for was his bank account. Just sad.
I actually kinda liked
Byron Saxton
I didn't realize he was actually a
I thought when he was on
ECW that he was just a commentator
That whole list of pros reads like a shitty match lineup for WWE Superstars™.

I don't even know who Jacob Novak or Conor O'Brien are.
Can some one explain to me why Brian Kendrick going on Price is Right is fucked up? I mean I think any of us would try to go on there for fun and for free stuff. I understand the fact that he is a TNA wrestler makes it easy to say something, but come on. I read all of that TNA working conditions article and it sucks. It sucks that the TALENT is treated like that, but Kendrick is free to go on as many gameshows as he wants and I wish him luck.
Wow. I thought I could care less for NXT until this season. There are reasons that these guys didn't make it. They sure are generic looking. Awesome pros. It looks like a ring full of people who get canned after Wrestlemania during spring cleaning. Sad to say, but really. Except Kozlov is with Santino with some success and Chavo will be there forever.

Must suck for Darren Young since he was sorta on the Raw roster or shunned to Superstars just to end back up in NXT.
[quote name='OnyxPrimal']Can some one explain to me why Brian Kendrick going on Price is Right is fucked up? I mean I think any of us would try to go on there for fun and for free stuff. I understand the fact that he is a TNA wrestler makes it easy to say something, but come on. I read all of that TNA working conditions article and it sucks. It sucks that the TALENT is treated like that, but Kendrick is free to go on as many gameshows as he wants and I wish him luck.[/QUOTE]

For the same reason WWE loves guys who are 6'2" and 300+ pounds. They want their product to be "larger than life." They want their talent to be recognized everywhere for who they are.

Brian Kendrick as a person is free to do whatever he wants to do. I don't begrudge him going on a game show. I watched a ton of Price is Right as a kid, I'd love to go on it (unless I got that yodeling mountainclimber game, fuck all that).

But he is a quasi-celebrity (as Patton Oswalt said, "I'm on basic cable, I get pussy.") who was treated as just another dude in the crowd. Another dime a dozen game show schmuck. Which is not how a major pro wrestling promotion should want their talent to be seen: as just another game show loser. This is no embarrassment to Kendrick, but to TNA, who fucks their talent and tries to put on a friendly image of their company. This seems to reinforce just how bush league TNA is.

Think of the conversation we'd be having if Kendrick never showed up in TNA, was never part of the I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-ECW angle last year, and wasn't competing for the X-Division championship (at some point, everybody does) last year. If he just walked away from WWE and spent time in the indies, hopping b/w Chikara, PWG and ROH, none of us would be talking about how Kendrick looked pathetic by being on a game show. We'd say its awesome.
[quote name='mykevermin']
Brian Kendrick as a person is free to do whatever he wants to do. I don't begrudge him going on a game show. I watched a ton of Price is Right as a kid, I'd love to go on it (unless I got that yodeling mountainclimber game, fuck all that).

But he is a quasi-celebrity (as Patton Oswalt said, "I'm on basic cable, I get pussy.") who was treated as just another dude in the crowd. Another dime a dozen game show schmuck. Which is not how a major pro wrestling promotion should want their talent to be seen: as just another game show loser. This is no embarrassment to Kendrick, but to TNA, who fucks their talent and tries to put on a friendly image of their company. This seems to reinforce just how bush league TNA is.

Think of the conversation we'd be having if Kendrick never showed up in TNA, was never part of the I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-ECW angle last year, and wasn't competing for the X-Division championship (at some point, everybody does) last year. If he just walked away from WWE and spent time in the indies, hopping b/w Chikara, PWG and ROH, none of us would be talking about how Kendrick looked pathetic by being on a game show. We'd say its awesome.[/QUOTE]

OK... I was reading it more as people giving Kendrick shit, much like some do Justin Credible over his Olive Garden job, and not that TNA is shit all stupid. I still think it's awesome he was on though. I'd love a shot at spinning the big wheel. :)
Damn the wheel, I'd wanna play Plinko! Everyone knows Plinko is the shit. And yeah, that yodeling mountain climber guy scared the fuck outta me when i was a kid.
[quote name='sykotek']Just venting...

PG wrestling has me jaded when it comes to returning Attitude Era wrestlers. I was happy with Rock's return, but Rock's initial promos were quite repetitive and long winded. As I watched this weeks Raw, I should've been happy to see Stone Cold, but the first thing I saw was the new shirt. As he walked around the ring, I started to think how it wouldn't be okay to have him flipping the bird on TV and then they started framing the image closer to cut it off. Lastly, imagined or not, I swear I saw him double-fisting Red Bulls.

Autsin is the PG era Austin.

RIP Attitude era. ='(

Edit: It has been brought to my attention he was drinking Keystone, I don't know my beers, my mistake. I'll leave the image up as is though, gotta cover up those fingers. JBL says Toasty.[/QUOTE]

THAT'S MY SIGN!!.. The one err... behind AUTSIN.

I had a really good time at RAW last night. We were yelling at the AUTSIN guy all night long. He thought he was Sting with his shitty facepaint.

Well, time for Smackdown spoilers:

* Booker T got a big pop from his hometown crowd when he, Michael Cole and Josh Matthews came out to announce.

* Edge opens the show and challenges Alberto Del Rio to a fight. Del Rio and Brodus Clay come out. Edge attacks but is dropped by Clay. Christian come out to make the save but Del Rio and Clay get the upperhand. Teddy Long comes out and announces a tag team match for tonight's main event.

* Kane beat Wade Barrett by DQ when The Corre attacked. Big Show came out and saved Kane. Teddy Long comes out and makes it a tag team match with Show and Kane vs. Barrett and Heath Slater, the rest of Corre is banned from ringside. The tag match ends in a DQ also as The Corre interferes. Big Show nails Ezekiel Jackson and Barrett with a chair.

* Cody Rhodes is backstage heading to the ring.

* Cody Rhodes wins a squash over JTG while still wearing his suit.

* Michael Cole interviews John Cena and clips air from The Miz's attack on RAW. Jack Swagger comes out to attack Cena. Cena clears the ring of Swagger and goes after Cole. Swagger saves Cole from the Attitude Adjustment but gets laid out with one for himself.

* The Sin Cara video is shown again.

* Layla defeated Kaitlyn and beat her up after the match.

* Rey Mysterio beat Drew McIntyre.

* Triple H comes out and talks about how he will win at WrestleMania. Undertaker comes out and they face off. Triple H does the crotch chop and Taker "cuts his throat" before leaving.

* Christian and Edge defeated Alberto Del Rio and Brodus Clay in the main event.
[quote name='OnyxPrimal']OK... I was reading it more as people giving Kendrick shit, much like some do Justin Credible over his Olive Garden job, and not that TNA is shit all stupid. I still think it's awesome he was on though. I'd love a shot at spinning the big wheel. :)[/QUOTE]

I was one of the few people who didn't dump on Justin when that came out. Dude was putting in 40 a week (and going to school as well, I think). I can't disrespect that at all.
[quote name='mykevermin']I was one of the few people who didn't dump on Justin when that came out. Dude was putting in 40 a week (and going to school as well, I think). I can't disrespect that at all.[/QUOTE]

I can't hate on that either. At least he was trying to make a living.

As for Kendrick, it's just ridiculous because the guy works for a company that gets what, 1-1.5 million dedicated viewers a week on a national cable show, as well as putting out monthly PPVs. At one point last year he either had the X-Division title or was in a program for a few months chasing after it. He presumably doesn't have the extra cash for the plasma TV or trip to the Bahamas so he has to win them on a game show. TNA needs to pay these guys decent money. All these stories are so messed up. What the fuck is going on?
[quote name='OnyxPrimal']OK... I was reading it more as people giving Kendrick shit, much like some do Justin Credible over his Olive Garden job, and not that TNA is shit all stupid. I still think it's awesome he was on though. I'd love a shot at spinning the big wheel. :)[/QUOTE]Me too. Ever since I first saw it as a kid, spinning that huge wheel and passing the first showcase have been one of my lifelong dreams.

[quote name='ShinSolidus']Damn the wheel, I'd wanna play Plinko! Everyone knows Plinko is the shit. And yeah, that yodeling mountain climber guy scared the fuck outta me when i was a kid.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='mykevermin']I was one of the few people who didn't dump on Justin when that came out. Dude was putting in 40 a week (and going to school as well, I think). I can't disrespect that at all.[/QUOTE]
He's supporting a family too, IIRC.
[quote name='ShinSolidus']Spoilers for the new season of NXT:

The cast of NXT Season Five features six runner-up contestants from previous seasons. The cast is as follows:

* Byron Saxton with Pro Yoshi Tatsu

* Conor O'Brian with Pro Vladimir Kozlov

* Darren Young with Pro Chavo Guerrero

* Jacob Novak with Pro JTG

* Lucky Cannon with Pro Tyson Kidd

* Titus O'Neil with Pro Hornswoggle

Winner's pro gets to keep his job during WWE's spring cleaning?
There was a rumor that instead of what we're getting now for NXT 5, it'd be Legends coaching their own children instead. I thought that would've made for a more interesting show, honestly. But I guess that's why I'm not hired by the E.
[quote name='ShinSolidus']Well, time for Smackdown spoilers:

* Triple H comes out and talks about how he will win at WrestleMania. Undertaker comes out and they face off. Triple H does the crotch chop and Taker "cuts his throat" before leaving.

AGAIN? Wtf?!

Amazing picture of Autsin sign guy.. too funny.. he was aware it said Autsin, right?

Shelton Benjamin wrestled a dark match before SmackDown.. so.. guess he's coming back
[quote name='Scorch']
Shelton Benjamin wrestled a dark match before SmackDown.. so.. guess he's coming back[/QUOTE]

He should stay in ROH.
[quote name='Blackout']He should stay in ROH.[/QUOTE]

I agree wholeheartedly. ROH will let him do things WWE won't. Like, you know, win some matches, and use some awesomely killer moves.
[quote name='ShinSolidus']I agree wholeheartedly. ROH will let him do things WWE won't. Like, you know, win some matches, and use some awesomely killer moves.[/QUOTE]

Plus he's got a tag title match coming up against the Kings of Wrestling. I'd much rather see that then Benjamin vs. Yoshi Tatsu.
Can't knock him for going on a game show...who doesn't want to win free stuff. Though 1 of his WWE pot fines could have bought at least 1 maybe 2 of those awesome home theater chairs.
I think the dark match thing was just because they're in Houston and he lives in the area. I recall reading that he and Haas had just signed new contracts with ROH.
Speaking of ROH:

They are holding two iPPVs during Wrestlemania weekend (Friday and Saturda) under the title "Honor Takes Center Stage" Night 1 and Night 2. The cool thing is that they've priced the shows extremely competitively.

Basically if you pre-order both shows together, you'll get them both for $20! That's a freakin' steal! If you buy them separately, they're $14.99 each. Just throwing that out there for you guys.

And oh! I forgot to mention! ROH is bringing in some japanese Joshi talent as well. I've never seen Japanese female wrestling so I'm interested in seeing how they compare to the terrible American branded divas.


ROH World Title Match
Strong/Edwards Winner defends vs. Christopher Daniels

World Tag Team Title Match
The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli) with Shane Hagadorn defend vs. Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas)

Also scheduled to appear:
- Davey Richards
- El Generico
- Jay and Mark Briscoe
- Homicide
- Hiroyo Matsumoto, Ayumi Kurihara, Tomoka Nakagawa from S-Ovation in Japan will debut

Unfortunately nothing has been announced for Night 2 so far.
That sounds like a great match.

I read that ADR vs Edge isn't even being considered among the top three matches on the WM27 card. That says it all about Smackdown. Well, that and Dolph Ziggler moving to Raw now that he's hot (and you just *know* Sheamus will lose to Danielson next week, quit, and end up on SD). It's an overstatement to call it a B show at this point.
[quote name='niceguyshawne']If Sheamus goes to Smackdown, who will carry HHH's bags?[/QUOTE]

He'll hire someone with all his Chaperone monies !
[quote name='metaphysicalstyles']Man... that AUTSIN sign is excellent.[/QUOTE]

The AUTSIN sign was made 1000x better with the picture of the guy holding it.
[quote name='Ansé Solis']BTW, did you hear about LAX coming in and working a non-title match against the Kings of Wrestling?[/QUOTE]

Yeah. I really wish ROH would just stream all their shows online. Especially ones they are hyping up big time such as the New York show.
The Chaperone is on Netflix streaming? Oh man. If any of you guys with Live have your Netflix enabled, we really need a party-watch session with that (if it lets you party watch).
[quote name='KaneRobot']The Chaperone is on Netflix streaming? Oh man. If any of you guys with Live have your Netflix enabled, we really need a party-watch session with that (if it lets you party watch).[/QUOTE]

HAHAHA! We should totally do that. Just let me know when and I'll try to be there... with my AUTSIN sign.
[quote name='KaneRobot']The Chaperone is on Netflix streaming? Oh man. If any of you guys with Live have your Netflix enabled, we really need a party-watch session with that (if it lets you party watch).[/QUOTE]

I'd be up for that.
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