Total Failure OTT

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Looks like my friend's music video is slated for a late Sept/early Oct. release. He said they're also going to be in a compilation DVD with the Dropkick Murphys.
[quote name='rabbitt']You good for some Castle Crashers tonight liquid? Rocko?[/QUOTE]
Probably, if you guys are playing, yeah.

[quote name='seanr1221']You decide on 3 games for the b2g1 sale, Rocko?[/QUOTE]
Hm? I'm not going to be buying anything.
The apartment above me has been blasting really, really corny rock and roll, lately. Like, Journey B-sides and shit that sounds like Christian rock -- BLASTING!!!

In a sleepless rage, last night, I slid a note under his door, asking him to turn it down. I would have spoke to him face to face, but I was enraged and in my underwear.
wowous' shoulder-length hair does look sort of Christian rock-esque. :whistle2:k
In the Sims 3 I built a super-expensive huge amazing house with 6 big screen TVs mounted up against a circular wall, then promptly sold it so I could move into a small 2-bedroom house. :cool:
[quote name='Brak']wowous' shoulder-length hair does look sort of Christian rock-esque. :whistle2:k[/QUOTE]

I have a nice monitor that has standard SVGA inputs and a DVI, I think...
I have everything that came with a 20gb pro xbox 360 system... is there any way I can hook the 360 to the monitor with what I have? Or do I have to go buy a 360 DVI adapter?

If I need an adapter, any of you want to loan your good buddy frosty one for a month or so? I should be able to return it around September. :D
[quote name='JolietJake']Like that piece of shit you bought?:booty:[/QUOTE]

I'm a little confused as to your definition of "piece of shit." The thing works awesomely.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Mechs don't really interest me.[/QUOTE]
Ahhh. You should try one though. MW was my first XBL game experience. I considered consoles as irrelevant for online multiplayer-gaming until I played it.

Check your PMs CF
It looks like amazon is sliding again on customer service.

About two years aggo I had regular problems with amazon customer service. Then they had the big T-day disaster and since then really focused on imnproving customer service. After a nine month boycott I tried using their store again and it really did impove. I got price adjustments, upgraded shipping, etc.

Well now, twice in one week they.'ve done somethign stupid.

First, I have a $50 gift card. I bought a $22 Nike Ipod sensor for my new runnign shoes. this left me with $28 on the gift card. The sensor won't ship until the end of the month.

Next, I ordered BlazBlue for $57 and used the remaining $28 on my gift card.

Well, I have these two orders, so I decided to combine them into one order. Well, the $28 dollars from my gift card disappeared. Poof.

So I contact Amazon. According to them I won't be able to use the remainder of my $28 on my gift card until the Nike sensor ships in August. But I don't even think that's fgonna happen. i think they had a glictch form the order combination. I'll find out. Either way, it's stupid, and CS was no help.

Then, blaz blue dropped to $55. In the past year several times Amazon has price adjusted my purchases if the price changed within a few days. Actually, their old policy was if the price changed within 30 days you cna get an adjustment. Well, I just asked for my $2 and was just told by CS that no longer follow that policy.
[quote name='darthbudge']Box Collection.


First, that was completely random. Second, yes, they're boxes and in those boxes are games. See, companies decided it was probably a bad idea to ship games without some sort of outer protection because discs have a tenancy to scratch, much in the same way your games come in cases, but I'm sure nobody refers to your collection of games as a "case collection." Why? Because that would just be silly.
[quote name='seanr1221']Installing the 360 harmony remote now :)

Is there a workaround to get it to control the triple?[/QUOTE]
No, the Harmony is IR and PS3 is Bluetooth.
[quote name='darthbudge']MechAssault is not the same thing as MechWarrior.[/QUOTE]
Indeed. MW3 & 4 are my fav's. MA is very competent as a simplified experience though, and in some ways was more fun for a first Mech game (much less of a learning curve).
[quote name='Rocko']No, the Harmony is IR and PS3 is Bluetooth.[/QUOTE]

I know, that's why I asked if there was a workaround (apparently there is a 60.00 one :roll:)

The things awesome though. I love how it turns everything on, even to the correct channel, with one press of a button.


Frost, I'll lend you mine.
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[quote name='munch']I know this late, but i don't know who are, or where you came from, but get the fuck out of here and take jolietjake with you.[/QUOTE]

What's your problem?
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