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I was on an overnight trip to the Chicago area, so I took the opportunity to visit a bunch of stores in search of transformers. I must have gone to 12 or more places, including about 4 Targets, 2 or 3 Walmarts, 2 Kohls, a KB Toys, and 2 or 3 TRUs. Most places were pretty wiped out, but I did get a pretty good haul when you combine them all.

I was able to complete my collection of Robot Heroes figures (I think they're cute -- sue me) but it took going to just about all of the stores mentioned above to do it. I also picked up:

* Voyager Prime (only one of these and about 4-5 Megatrons at a TRU)
* High Score 100 (game controller) and Meantime (watch) Real Gear Robots -- I had never seen either of these in person, but they had them at this same TRU
* Target-exclusive Jazz repaint
* Target-exclusive set of 3 Optimus Prime Titanium figures for $3.24 (!) -- it had fallen behind (or been placed behind) some other toys and so it had dropped out of the system, but I had a clerk look up the last price for me
* Alternators Optimus Prime & Rollbar (at a Walmart, in a display in the middle of the aisle, way far away from the Transformers section)

And to top it all off, my set of 4 Takara Encore figures (Optimus Prime, Megatron, Soundwave and Starscream) was waiting for me on the porch when I got home.
[quote name='icruise']I was on an overnight trip to the Chicago area, so I took the opportunity to visit a bunch of stores in search of transformers. I must have gone to 12 or more places, including about 4 Targets, 2 or 3 Walmarts, 2 Kohls, a KB Toys, and 2 or 3 TRUs. Most places were pretty wiped out, but I did get a pretty good haul when you combine them all.

I was able to complete my collection of Robot Heroes figures (I think they're cute -- sue me) but it took going to just about all of the stores mentioned above to do it. I also picked up:

* Voyager Prime (only one of these and about 4-5 Megatrons at a TRU)
* High Score 100 (game controller) and Meantime (watch) Real Gear Robots -- I had never seen either of these in person, but they had them at this same TRU
* Target-exclusive Jazz repaint
* Target-exclusive set of 3 Optimus Prime Titanium figures for $3.24 (!) -- it had fallen behind (or been placed behind) some other toys and so it had dropped out of the system, but I had a clerk look up the last price for me
* Alternators Optimus Prime & Rollbar (at a Walmart, in a display in the middle of the aisle, way far away from the Transformers section)

And to top it all off, my set of 4 Takara Encore figures (Optimus Prime, Megatron, Soundwave and Starscream) was waiting for me on the porch when I got home.[/quote]

What!? G1 Jazz repaint is out! fuck...I still can't find '08 Bumblebee.
Found Arcee and Bumblebee at Kohl's, much to my surprise.

Today, found Longarm, Dreadwing and Recon Barricade at Target. Passed on Recon Barricade, since it looked just like a recolor only.
TF Animated figs are pretty hit or miss for me from what I've seen so far, but with the right paint job, this Megs could look damn sexy:

[quote name='icruise']Target exclusive Jazz repaint

And to top it all off, my set of 4 Takara Encore figures (Optimus Prime, Megatron, Soundwave and Starscream) was waiting for me on the porch when I got home.[/quote]

Which one is the Target Exclusive Jazz repaint? Is that the G1 colors? I didn't know it was a Target Exclusive (!)

And what are the Takara Encore figures? Are these just the Japanese reissues from a few years back, like the American ones Toys R Us mostly had as exclusives from Hasbro?
[quote name='karkyco']Which one is the Target Exclusive Jazz repaint? Is that the G1 colors? I didn't know it was a Target Exclusive (!)

And what are the Takara Encore figures? Are these just the Japanese reissues from a few years back, like the American ones Toys R Us mostly had as exclusives from Hasbro?[/QUOTE]

I know the G1 colors Jazz is exclusive to Target...I don't think Final Battle Jazz is, but don't quote me on that.

I believe the reissues are the G1 molds. IDK if that's what you were asking. I know that Optimus, Megatron, Starscream and Soundwave the current encore figures available for pre-order.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']I know the G1 colors Jazz is exclusive to Target...I don't think Final Battle Jazz is, but don't quote me on that.

I believe the reissues are the G1 molds. IDK if that's what you were asking. I know that Optimus, Megatron, Starscream and Soundwave the current encore figures available for pre-order.[/quote]

Cool, thanks. I just don't know what these "Takara Encores" are.
The Tallahassee Toys R Us has gotten in a movie voyager restock, the shelf was full. I couldn't believe my eyes. :D It was a very beautiful thing! They have plenty of Ratchet's, lots of Megatrons, a few Ironhides (I picked up one, there are only one or two left so be quick), and a few Starscreams. No Optimus Primes and no Blackout, but I was still happy that they got some in! Good stuff.

There were no movie deluxe in this shipment, but there were deluxe figures from other lines...and two Ultimate Bumblebees. Just a heads up for anyone in the area.
Before I start let me just say major YMMV...

Beginning of the year the wal-mart near my house had a tons of Optimus Prime 20th anniversary figures for $50 and they just vanished. Today I walked in and what did I find.

Optimus Prime 20th Anniversary $25 (6 available)
Voyager Prime & Voyager Jetfire $15 each (about 20 each)
Alternators Sunstreaker, Skids, Riccohet $15 each

Several Cybertron Deluxe (smokescreen, skywarp, prime, 3 or 4 others) for $8
Several Cyberton Voyagers (soundwave, quickmix, 2 others) $15
Plus a few of the giant Cybertron figures marked down to $48

Cochese it was the super walmart off Highway 92 in woodstock off 575 exit 7.

Got my Prime for $25 :applause:

ANY chance you could pick me up a 20th and a Sunstreaker!!?!?!??!?!

I won't be back in town until the 7th, and I know they'll be gone again. My parents are headed to Florida tomorrow for a funeral, so I can't ask them either.

I would be IMMENSELY in your debt.
You lucky bastards...

Tonights search results

Walmart - NOTHING

TRU - Voyager Ironhide and Voyager Starscream...picked up Ironhide because I already had ss.

Target... Titanium 3 inch Bumblebee.
any San Francisco folks who still want some Voyager Prime, Megatron, Starscream, and Ironhide.

there's still some vogayes left at the TRU San Mateo, as of 1 pm.

remember to bring those coupons. it might come in handy. just bought some gi joes 5pack.
Spotted Leader Brawl today (passed -- am not spending $40 on it, although it looked nice) and picked up Payload and Titanium Sunstorm. Found all at Target.

Titanium Sunstorm's co-sell is Ultra Magnus, which means there's a chance in hell that it might show up now and then on store shelves.

I found Payload and Sunstorm at the same Target I found Longarm and Recon Barricade yesterday. The scanners said there were no more of either in stock. I'm tempted to go back tomorrow to see if they get more, but probably won't.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']DUDE!!!!

ANY chance you could pick me up a 20th and a Sunstreaker!!?!?!??!?!

I won't be back in town until the 7th, and I know they'll be gone again. My parents are headed to Florida tomorrow for a funeral, so I can't ask them either.

I would be IMMENSELY in your debt.[/quote]

Cochese I was able to grab a optimus for you the next morning, no dice on sunstreaker the 2 they had left were no longer there.

To everyone else pming me on prime, sorry no dice. The one I picked up for Cochese was the last one. I know of another walmart that has a few, but they are still at $50...
Ultimate Bumblebee at the target in Sterling, VA. Way too much money for me to spend on something that is going to sit on the shelf and gather dust. Plus when my 5 year old nephew comes over, he's gonna want to play with it and that's not a good idea. Guess I am skipping this one even though that's probably going to be the last time I see him on the shelf. Doubt this will ever go clearance.
[quote name='ITDEFX'] Guess I am skipping this one even though that's probably going to be the last time I see him on the shelf. Doubt this will ever go clearance.[/quote]

I bet it will. It's a much more kid-centric item than the 20th Anniversary Prime, and it's going to be this holiday season's big-ticket transformer. Given the demand, I bet stores are going to order as many as they can.

The only thing that will make this one harder to get on clearance is that it will be in more demand for all age groups, so more competition once it does go on clearance.
Yeah even though I was able to get the ultimate bumblebee for $76 I haven't busted it open. Debating about whether or not to keep it. The quality compared to the 20th prime is somewhat lacking. Just pushing the plastic button on the front seems a little flimsy.
[quote name='kjauburn']Yeah even though I was able to get the ultimate bumblebee for $76 I haven't busted it open. Debating about whether or not to keep it. The quality compared to the 20th prime is somewhat lacking. Just pushing the plastic button on the front seems a little flimsy.[/quote]

Well the Takara version is much better, from what I've heard. The longer and better looking/chrome smoke stacks, I think it is also more metal and has electronic lights and sounds built in, like the Matrix lights up. I don't think the US hasbro version does that, but I haven't opened mine to find out.

I really wanted to get the MP04 - Optimus with Trailer combo in one pack.
[quote name='karkyco']Well the Takara version is much better, from what I've heard. The longer and better looking/chrome smoke stacks, I think it is also more metal and has electronic lights and sounds built in, like the Matrix lights up. I don't think the US hasbro version does that, but I haven't opened mine to find out.

I really wanted to get the MP04 - Optimus with Trailer combo in one pack.[/QUOTE]

I think the 20th Anniversary Prime is awesome. IDK about the smokestacks, but it seems to have a nice amount of metal, and the Matrix lights up. But it doesn't have built in sounds. The display stand does, but it's not built in. A really cool feature I thought was that you can move Prime's faceguard so it looks like he's talking.
My local TRU had a huge restock of TF toys recently, although much of it was Classics and even Cybertron stuff. But they did have quite a few new voyagers. No new deluxes, though.
Got lucky this morning before work and finally found the newer deluxe figures.
I got an '08 Bumblebee and the new Barricade.

They had the new Jazz target exclusive and battle damaged Jazz but I didn't have enough cash on me.

Today is pay day so during lunch I went back and they were all gone. Hopefully I see him again.
Transform your summer prizes are still shipping, got 2 hoodies in today =P Very nice, quite heavy. Before anyone asks the extra is already spoken for, but people still may get some Pepsi Primes and other shinys from the contest that entered so keep an eye out for another week or two. I'm in Michigan btw, not sure where they came from as I tossed packaging already and I don't want to dig for it.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']I think the 20th Anniversary Prime is awesome. IDK about the smokestacks, but it seems to have a nice amount of metal, and the Matrix lights up. But it doesn't have built in sounds. The display stand does, but it's not built in. A really cool feature I thought was that you can move Prime's faceguard so it looks like he's talking.[/quote]

Yeah I'm not bashing it, I absolutely love mine, but it's just what I've heard in regards to the differences. That's awesome that it does light up, and the base is outstanding with the sound quotes.

However, if I recall correctly, it was mentioned somewhere that Hasbro either made the original/first run of them with more metal, and later releases contained less die cast metal/more plastic, or all of the Hasbro ones had less die cast goodness than the Takara/Japan release. Don't know how true that is.

The major complaint was that the smoke stacks were shortened and no longer chrome in the US version, but that's to be expected as some of our fellow citizens could kill themselves with a plastic spoon, let alone a giant Optimus Prime figure. So the goverment just HAS to protect us from ourselves.
I just got the G1 repaint jazz and the leaderclass Brawl at Target, only brawl they had. Nowhere else has had any wave 2 figures yet except there, they had 5 or so Jazz left and one Dreadwing which I was tempted to get.
Brawl is really nice in robot form, transforming it to vehicle form is a bitch though and it just has a few tiny tabs holding the treads in the right place in vehicle form.
just visited San Jose Toy Collectible Show.

ahahahaa... concept camaro BB was selling between $25 (lowest) and $40 (highest)

ahahahahaha... oopppssss.... almost fell off the chair. :lol:
[quote name='karkyco']However, if I recall correctly, it was mentioned somewhere that Hasbro either made the original/first run of them with more metal, and later releases contained less die cast metal/more plastic, or all of the Hasbro ones had less die cast goodness than the Takara/Japan release. Don't know how true that is.[/quote]
The original Hasbro Prime, the DVD release Prime, and the Takara Prime all have the same exact amount of die cast metal. (I have them all.)

All three have different paint jobs, and the US version's have short stacks.
[quote name='cwalker3']The original Hasbro Prime, the DVD release Prime, and the Takara Prime all have the same exact amount of die cast metal. (I have them all.)

All three have different paint jobs, and the US version's have short stacks.[/quote]

ion blasters were different on the american releases also
Couple of things:

1) No more Barricade at my Kohls. Sorry.
2) Jazz repaint at my Target. Sweetness, picked one up. G1 repaint Starscream there, too.
3) Bunch of different deluxes at a Walmart here. Recon Barricade, the boom truck, the Silverado from the game, etc. Sorry, didn't remember them all.
2 Target stops had Final Battle Jazz, Barricade as a Security Car, along with a pickup truck with a huge decepticon logo over the hood and roof of the car...was pretty cool but I passed.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']2 Target stops had Final Battle Jazz, Barricade as a Security Car, along with a pickup truck with a huge decepticon logo over the hood and roof of the car...was pretty cool but I passed.[/quote]

What are you crazy:hot:! Dropkick is the second best deluxe in the line...

If anyone can, I would pay shipping for any xtra TFs you pick-up also check my


Looking for Dropkick, Swindle, Arcee, and CC BumbleBee. PM me if you have these thanx.
[quote name='icruise']Yes, I recommend them. If you're interested in the reissues of Ironhide and Ratchet, Hobby Link Japan has them for around $24.50 if you order before the 10th. (Although the price can change depending on the exchange rate, apparently.)[/quote]

Good price and HLJ is a good retailer. I've used them before.

One thing, though -- if you've never owned/transformed a G1 Ratchet/Ironhide, know that it doesn't resemble the show version at all. The robot is a squat, skeletal thing that isn't much like a Transformer. The rest is a 'battle platform' that is just strange. The vehicle mode is nice, and it's certainly different. But if you were expecting anything even remotely close to the show's concept of a robot, you might put your $24.50 elsewhere.

If you can't tell, it's not my favorite Transfomer. ;)
Dropkick good, huh?

Hit the motherload today. Walmart in North Augusta had TONS of older stuff, including 20th primes ($50), Classic Deluxes, Voyager Primes (non Movie), Cybertron figures, etc. Only bought a classic Rodimus, but there is an aboslute shitton there. Hope it gets further reduced soon, I could pick some stuff up for some of you guys. Had a couple of the Wave 2 Movie Deluxes, but no BB.
[quote name='blandstalker']Good price and HLJ is a good retailer. I've used them before.

One thing, though -- if you've never owned/transformed a G1 Ratchet/Ironhide, know that it doesn't resemble the show version at all. The robot is a squat, skeletal thing that isn't much like a Transformer. The rest is a 'battle platform' that is just strange. The vehicle mode is nice, and it's certainly different. But if you were expecting anything even remotely close to the show's concept of a robot, you might put your $24.50 elsewhere.

If you can't tell, it's not my favorite Transfomer. ;)[/QUOTE]
Yeah, they're pretty weird. The whole "sticker for a face" thing is odd too. But I'd still like to have them.
[quote name='icruise']Yeah, they're pretty weird. The whole "sticker for a face" thing is odd too. But I'd still like to have them.[/quote]

As long as you know what you're getting, it's all good.

You know, for awhile I didn't get that the sticker was supposed to be a face. I thought the windshield was the head, or something -- there were Gobots that were like that. It was only one day that I was staring at it that it dawned on me that that was the head, and there was a little face on the sticker.
Target had every Deluxe Non-Exclusive figure in except the Concept Bumble Bee today, I had to pass on all of them sadly as my money went to the G1 repaint of Starscream which is very nice with the Jazz might I add. I wanted to get the Recon Barricade and the one decepticon truck... I hate money.
Recon barricade is OK, I guess, but I'm not crazy about his color scheme and the figure in general isn't quite as nice as I had hoped. I did break down and buy a regular barricade on ebay as well, though, as it looks like I'm not going to be able to find one in the stores. I've been all over and never seen a single one. I've only seen one concept Bumblebee (which I immediately snapped up) and have never seen a classic camaro Bumblebee either, but I did get that one online. Hasbro didn't seem to do a very good job of judging which figures would be popular.
My Bumble Bee had the thing that holds it in place in car form snap, feels like a *very* poorly made figure. I'm a bigger fan of Barricade and Blackout more than anything, so any repaints of those I'll end up getting. I'm hoping for a Leader Class Blackout as last I knew its suppose to be larger in size than the others.
[quote name='georox']Target had every Deluxe Non-Exclusive figure in except the Concept Bumble Bee today, I had to pass on all of them sadly as my money went to the G1 repaint of Starscream which is very nice with the Jazz might I add. I wanted to get the Recon Barricade and the one decepticon truck... I hate money.[/QUOTE]

Nice, looks like I'll have to go look for a G1 repaint Starscream tomorrow at Target or TRU, hope I can find one.
[quote name='georox']My Bumble Bee had the thing that holds it in place in car form snap, feels like a *very* poorly made figure. I'm a bigger fan of Barricade and Blackout more than anything, so any repaints of those I'll end up getting. I'm hoping for a Leader Class Blackout as last I knew its suppose to be larger in size than the others.[/QUOTE]

I feel for ya, however My Ironhide's left side cannon WON'T stay attached :(
Barracade's Right foot snapped off, but it's ball jointed so it's ok...however for some reason his left arm is now 2 inches longer then his right... is this suppose to happen? it has some sort of springy thingy.
[quote name='GenDV138']Nice, looks like I'll have to go look for a G1 repaint Starscream tomorrow at Target or TRU, hope I can find one.[/QUOTE]

The repaint Starscream is exclusive to Target.
bread's done