Transformers Toys - Deals & Discussion


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Zmonkay said:
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Latest Transformers news:

  • Dark of the Moon toyline to be released at retail on May 15, 2011
  • Transformers Prime toyline to be released at retail in October 2011
Latest Transformers figures available at retail now:

  • Generations Warpath, Kup, and Scourge
  • Dark of the Moon Preview Pack Cyberverse Optimus Prime
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[quote name='ITDEFX']I feel for ya, however My Ironhide's left side cannon WON'T stay attached :(
Barracade's Right foot snapped off, but it's ball jointed so it's ok...however for some reason his left arm is now 2 inches longer then his right... is this suppose to happen? it has some sort of springy thingy.[/quote]

Mine is like that too, but i think its because the sizes are different on both arms so that both arms have to have a specific gun.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']The repaint Starscream is exclusive to Target.[/QUOTE]

Ah didn't know that, thanks for letting me know! Saves me some time from going into TRU and finding out they don't have it.
[quote name='icruise']Barricade has a spring-loaded punch gimmick. But his arm should snap back into place.[/QUOTE]

OH good :)

Now I need to find a re-issue Jazz (no repaint), Rachet and of course leader class Prime...but target has been out for weeks ;|

I still have the rain check......somewhere for target's sale price..
Final Battle Jazz is showing up at a bunch of my Targets and Walmarts.

Leader class Saw one the other day at Target as well.

Seems the China shortage might be coming to an end.
[quote name='georox']I'm hoping for a Leader Class Blackout as last I knew its suppose to be larger in size than the others.[/QUOTE]
The only rumor I've hear regarding Blackout is a repaint as Evac.

I finished my Deluxes today (skipping the repaints). Whee!
Found Rescue Ratchet and Thundercracker at Wal-Mart in Laguna Niguel yesterday.

No sign of the Target exclusives, though they all seem to be getting the recolored Real Gears. I want the wristwatch one, but haven't gotten it yet.
Picked up the G1 repaint of Starscream the other day at Target, looks pretty nice. Is the Movie Thundercracker exclusive to Wal-Mart? I'll have to look for one soon.
I am going to be putting a bunch of stuff up on eBay. Y'all have first crack. Please PM me with any interest, rather than post here.

All of these are from my Transformers backlog. Yes, I have one. I like to open one a week or so, and these just never got opened.

These are all sealed in box. I'll be glad to detail condition of the box for you if that's important:

Energon Ultra Magnus (same as in this eBay auction)
Energon Autobot Swat Team (K-Mart exclusive recolors of Prowl & Rodimus)
R.I.D. Cryotek (Target exclusive same as in this eBay auction)
Beast Machines Blast Punch Optimus Primal
Beast Machines Night Slash Cheetor
Armada Super Optimus Prime w/Sparkplug (recolor)

Universe Ramjet w/4 Minicons (TRU exclusive)
Universe Sunstorm w/ 4 Minicons (Wal-Mart exclusive)

Cybertron Brakedown GTS
Cybertron Shortround
Cybertron Backstop

R.I.D. Basic Optimus Prime
R.I.D. Basic Ultra Magnus
R.I.D. Basic X-Brawn and Scourge 2 pack
R.I.D. Spychangers Ironhide, Crosswise, Hot Shot, and W.A.R.S.

Commemorative G1 Tracks
Commemorative G1 Grapple
Commemorative G1 Smokescreen
Commemorative Ricochet (redeco of G1 Jazz w/Targetmaster)

This one is loose:

G1 Pretender Landmine w/ accessories, instructions, tech specs
(some paint and sticker wear, but complete except for box)

I would be willing to trade for PS3 games, especially Motorstorm, Lair, VF3, Resistance, and (yes) Transformers. Used PS3 games would need to be complete and like-new.

Thanks for looking, and once again: please PM me instead of posting here.
My Masterpiece Skywarp from BBTS shipped today, also had the $8.99 Titanium Starscream from the clearance sale in my pile of loot so I saved that for when Skywarp came in. I'll probably take some pictures of Skywarp when I get it.

The Movie Thundercracker toy is exclusive to Wal-Mart right? Just want to make sure before I drive out to a Wal-Mart, since none are really close to me.
[quote name='GenDV138']The Movie Thundercracker toy is exclusive to Wal-Mart right? Just want to make sure before I drive out to a Wal-Mart, since none are really close to me.[/QUOTE]
Finally was able to pick up Jazz G1 and Starscream G1, picked up 2 of each. Saw Thundercracker as well but passed up on it. Still no Bumblebee '08 Concept....:cry:

EDIT: Thundercracker I saw was at Target so I don't think its exclusive...well it had a G1 color too it so that might be a Target thing only.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Finally was able to pick up Jazz G1 and Starscream G1, picked up 2 of each. Saw Thundercracker as well but passed up on it. Still no Bumblebee '08 Concept....:cry:

EDIT: Thundercracker I saw was at Target so I don't think its exclusive...well it had a G1 color too it so that might be a Target thing only.[/QUOTE]
I've never heard of a g1 Thundercracker. Are you sure about that? I just got the normal Thundercracker at Walmart earlier today, but haven't opened him up yet.
[quote name='icruise']I've never heard of a g1 Thundercracker. Are you sure about that? I just got the normal Thundercracker at Walmart earlier today, but haven't opened him up yet.[/quote]

Well it might just be the regular thundercracker then, maybe its not Walmart exclusive:



It sure looks like its got its G1 colors:

Here's a pic of Transformers Animated "Bulkhead":

Looking good!
Don't know if this has been posted and it's kind of on-topic... someone took a bunch of pics of their G1 Bluestreak and made this in photoshop:


It's pretty nuts.
Heh, I loved the show when I was a kid, and liked the new movie this summer.

I have the deluxe megatron movie toy (whatever the actual name of the thing is called). Not exactly sure, it was free, part of a gift set of free movie swag (came in a box with a hat)..sister works in the industry.
And I thought the drought was over.

On Monday, at Wal-Mart, I saw tons of Rescue Ratchets and Thundercrackers. Today there were none. Nothing else, either.

Target had one G1 Starscream.

Kohl's had nothing. Well, I couldn't really tell because it looked like a landfill, but I didn't see any.

Toys R Us had two Voyager Primes and one Leader Brawl. That's all.

Last night, the other Target had Starscream and G1 Jazz. I bought one of each and suffered through the world's slowest express lane, but now I think it was probably worth it. I bet they're all gone today.
Looks like Wal-mart has taken the older stuff OFF clearance across the board. Two Walmarts where I know they were on clearance (20th Prime for $25 and $50) are both back up to full price.

My Prime is nice, but I can't make the legs retract to transform into vehicle mode. Also, I picked up an Alternators Rumble (Civic Si), but I can't get it back together in vehicle mode either. WTF?
Yeah, I saw 6 Anniversary Primes at Walmart today, along with older Cybertron and Classics stuff. Hardly any movie stuff. At Toys R Us, though, they had the best selection I've seen in a long time. Looked like they got in one box of deluxes, one box of voyagers, and one box of only Deluxe Brawls (passed at first and then decided to go back and get one).

I saw a grandparent buying his grandson (who had just turned 6) an Ultimate Bumblebee. I was like, "You should probably be aware that it's pretty hard to transform that..." but he said "Oh, his father will have to worry about that." So I let it go. But that's really in inappropriate toy for a kid that age IMHO, despite what the package says.

As for Anniversary Prime's legs, they are very difficult to get to retract. You need to sort of squeeze on the bottom part of the drums on the sides of his legs and push up on the legs at the same time. The first time was the hardest. I couldn't figure it out and was afraid of breaking him.
I FINALLY found Barricade at a wal-mart. I also found Jazz but wasnt to interested in him. I am quite happy with my finds so far but Hasbro has really sucked at meeting the demand of the fans.
[quote name='icruise']Yeah, I saw 6 Anniversary Primes at Walmart today, along with older Cybertron and Classics stuff. Hardly any movie stuff. At Toys R Us, though, they had the best selection I've seen in a long time. Looked like they got in one box of deluxes, one box of voyagers, and one box of only Deluxe Brawls (passed at first and then decided to go back and get one).

I saw a grandparent buying his grandson (who had just turned 6) an Ultimate Bumblebee. I was like, "You should probably be aware that it's pretty hard to transform that..." but he said "Oh, his father will have to worry about that." So I let it go. But that's really in inappropriate toy for a kid that age IMHO, despite what the package says.

As for Anniversary Prime's legs, they are very difficult to get to retract. You need to sort of squeeze on the bottom part of the drums on the sides of his legs and push up on the legs at the same time. The first time was the hardest. I couldn't figure it out and was afraid of breaking him.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. And who the fuck buys a 6 year old a $90 toy? That thing will be broken within 2 weeks.
I got my Masterpiece Skywarp from BBTS today, looks pretty nice. Took me a bit to transform him, some parts were a little hard to move around. Got a few pictures of him and one next to MP Starscream. Click for larger images.

Very nice Gen. I personally can't wait for the Walmart exclusive MP Screamer to get here. I want one so bad, but just don't have the cash to lay down on an import, and that Skywarp just looks sooo nice.
[quote name='Zmonkay']Very nice Gen. I personally can't wait for the Walmart exclusive MP Screamer to get here. I want one so bad, but just don't have the cash to lay down on an import, and that Skywarp just looks sooo nice.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I'm also looking forward to the Walmart Starscream, was there any news on when it should be out?
[quote name='GenDV138']Thanks, I'm also looking forward to the Walmart Starscream, was there any news on when it should be out?[/QUOTE]

Last I heard it was supposed to be August or September. =/ I want it damnit.
[quote name='icruise']Yeah, I saw 6 Anniversary Primes at Walmart today, along with older Cybertron and Classics stuff. Hardly any movie stuff. At Toys R Us, though, they had the best selection I've seen in a long time. Looked like they got in one box of deluxes, one box of voyagers, and one box of only Deluxe Brawls (passed at first and then decided to go back and get one).

I saw a grandparent buying his grandson (who had just turned 6) an Ultimate Bumblebee. I was like, "You should probably be aware that it's pretty hard to transform that..." but he said "Oh, his father will have to worry about that." So I let it go. But that's really in inappropriate toy for a kid that age IMHO, despite what the package says.

As for Anniversary Prime's legs, they are very difficult to get to retract. You need to sort of squeeze on the bottom part of the drums on the sides of his legs and push up on the legs at the same time. The first time was the hardest. I couldn't figure it out and was afraid of breaking him.[/quote]

I had a similar situation, I was at Target two weeks ago and was looking at a leader Brawl but sadly I didn't the money for it. As I was putting it down, out of nowhere, some soccer mom snatched it. Shes was forcing her child to like it (he was actually interested in those TF flashlights.) She kept glaring at me as if I was gonna grab it from her poor little son if she were to leave it.

I was thinking, WTF she wanted to make her son the coolest kid on the block by buying such an expensive toy.

Oh well, at least I got my Longarm and Dropkick. Dropkick is fucking awesome.
Ok, I've been off and on following this thread, and I've just now decided I'm going to try and take part in it. First, I'm quite pissed that the only transformers I seem to find around here are all the lame "protoforms". But here's what I've got going for myself at the moment: Bumblebee(71), Barricade, $20 Megatron, and Leader Optimus. The two figures I plan to pick up in the near future are Ironhide and Starscream, and if I can ever find one, a Camaro Concept Bumblebee.
[quote name='Ahadi']Ok, I've been off and on following this thread, and I've just now decided I'm going to try and take part in it. First, I'm quite pissed that the only transformers I seem to find around here are all the lame "protoforms". But here's what I've got going for myself at the moment: Bumblebee(76), Barricade, $20 Megatron, and Leader Optimus. The two figures I plan to pick up in the near future are Ironhide and Starscream, and if I can ever find one, a Camaro Concept Bumblebee.[/QUOTE]

Fixed it for you. ;)
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Fixed it for you. ;)[/QUOTE]

Boy are my cheeks red right now.

But I've read like seriously like the past 7 or so pages of this thread. I had no idea there was a "drought" of these toys. I mean, I had no idea there was such a demand for these. I haven't seen a $10 figure that wasn't a protoform since like seriously late June/early July.
Just got my first Convention Exclusive- Botcon 2007 Huffer!

And with the recent sightings of Wave 3 of the Target Sector Seven repaints, i'll hopefully soon have 3 versions of Armorhide!
[quote name='Ziv_Zulander']Just got my first Convention Exclusive- Botcon 2007 Huffer!

And with the recent sightings of Wave 3 of the Target Sector Seven repaints, i'll hopefully soon have 3 versions of Armorhide![/QUOTE]

Where'd you get them from? Those things skyrocket in price so fast.
[quote name='Vinny']Where'd you get them from? Those things skyrocket in price so fast.[/QUOTE]

I got it off a seller on TFW2005 for $40 shipped, Its not a seeker jet so the price wasn't too astronomical. Huffer has always been one of my favorite G1 characters and I think he deserved a decent homage.
So finally, today, I find Dropkick. At one (and only one) Target, I found Longarm, Payload, and Dropkick, but each only one at a time and on different days. This completes the Deluxes I need and I can finally stop compulsively dropping by Targets.

Also found the Titanium G1 Ultra Magnus, after resigning myself to the fact that I'd never see it.

I have to say that I really love this wave of Deluxes. Longarm and Payload were both really nifty, Arcee is good, and I haven't opened the rest yet. Really inventive transformations and terrific robots. Kinda wish Payload didn't have his gimmick sticking out like that, but the totally unexpected transformation more than makes up for it.
[quote name='Ziv_Zulander']Just got my first Convention Exclusive- Botcon 2007 Huffer!

And with the recent sightings of Wave 3 of the Target Sector Seven repaints, i'll hopefully soon have 3 versions of Armorhide![/quote]

What Sector 7 repaints...I can't find any info on them?
[quote name='CocheseUGA']I'm losing hope I'll ever see my Evolution of a Hero set from Target.[/QUOTE]

New estimated ship date= 11/25.

[quote name='lobitoh']there is a new code discount for 25%off plus free shipping

The good:

Lots of Cybertron and some Classics. Titanium Menasor. Softimus and Slumblebee. Voyager Ratchet (green), Starscream (plain), and Megatron.

The bad:

Leaders (excepting Brawl) and Deluxes are OOS or Coming Soon (what a joke!). FAB Frenzy isn't even listed. Lame, lame, lame.

Was going to order Meantime and Night Beat, but they're now 5.99 at Target and 6.99 on the Hasbro website. Still cheaper and shipped free with the promo, but just ehhh, and there are metric tons of the Real Gear things out there. Debating on Softimus & Menasor.
[quote name='sandman007']Picked up a rare sighting at Walmart: Optimus Prime Alternator $19.96[/QUOTE]

Damn... that was lucky. I paid $40 for mine on eBay around the time the movie came out (which probably inflated the price a bit).
Picked up the Death Star Vader for $37.49 shipped from HTS. Anybody else getting this? I'm a sucker for the Ultras...
bread's done