Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

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all i'm geting is 48 hour codes. I would like to win some points or the face plate. Can some one post a pic as to what it looks like?
For those concerned about winning too many prizes this is from the FAQ of the website.

Q. Are there prize limits?
A. There is a limit of one Grand Prize per person/address/household. There are no limits for the other prize levels.

Although as someone posted earlier, it also says: Limit one (1) online game play per person/email address per day.
Some of you guys have some pretty good luck. I've played a little over 100 times, stopped counting about 110, and haven't even won any MS points. I'll just keep playing the odds.
I think I'll stop counting once I have a couple hundred XBL codes.

I'm up to 66 now with no payout... don't know if I'll make it to a hundred.
[quote name='cyrix`']You guys realize it takes like an average of 200 plays to get an ms point code.[/QUOTE]

Its still random though, I have 1400 points and 3 face plates. I stopped playing for several days because of a dry spell then won like 700 more points and two face plates with in a couple hundred tries.

WOOT!! Just won 200 more points and finally the game pack!! Now I just hope they mail it out.
Ungh, 200 or so, only 100 points
I guess this is a silly question, but can we stack these?
Or if it expires, can I use another?
or am I doomed only to use one per gamertag?
Thank you so much CAG! I just registered the other day on this fine site and saw this contest and after about 400 or so attempts I won

400MS points
and the Forza Motorsports 2 and Fuzion Frezy Game Pack!

I love you CAG!
[quote name='TheGlow']Ungh, 200 or so, only 100 points
I guess this is a silly question, but can we stack these?
Or if it expires, can I use another?
or am I doomed only to use one per gamertag?[/quote] That's odd, I see an edit button next to your post.
Well, got the faceplate at around 225 I assume. Ill count later.
Nice considering I was born in 1911. H4w.

Yea, I noticed the edit button too but then I thought it was for me only on my post *shrug* Guess not.
Bah what good are all these trials then?
Make a buncha fake gamertags to bust up my friends for the weekend?
I thought I built up enough to last me a year...

Bah and ms points dont stack either?
Only got that one once so far anyways...
I wonder how ugly the face plate is if I actually do get it...
Anyone need a game pack? I just won an extra that I am looking to trade. I've been ripped off in trading one, traded one successfully (to zombinieumarli, gave him the confirmation code) and am looking to trade another. I am really looking for M$ points, either from tropicana or CC B1G1 deal. If you're interested drop me a PM with a points value amount. I have been ripped off once, and I have zombinieumarli as a reference for anyone that has questions.
[quote name='phillyphlier']Anyone need a game pack? I just won an extra that I am looking to trade. I've been ripped off in trading one, traded one successfully (to zombinieumarli, gave him the confirmation code) and am looking to trade another. I am really looking for M$ points, either from tropicana or CC B1G1 deal. If you're interested drop me a PM with a points value amount. I have been ripped off once, and I have zombinieumarli as a reference for anyone that has questions.[/QUOTE]
Leave bad feedback for the guy who ripped you off, and good for the guy who went through.

We have a trader rating system! Use it!
So, is there really a higher chance of winning something in the wee hours of the morning/reeeal late at night, like someone mentioned?
[quote name='TheGlow']
Bah and ms points dont stack either?
Only got that one once so far anyways...
I wonder how ugly the face plate is if I actually do get it...[/quote]

lmao...that guy was just mocking points are stackable
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']So, is there really a higher chance of winning something in the wee hours of the morning/reeeal late at night, like someone mentioned?[/quote]

its random, but if you enter a contest and you're 95 out of 100 entries (late night) vs 10 out 100 (daytime) i guess that means your odds are better?
[quote name='geniusboy91']its random, but if you enter a contest and you're 95 out of 100 entries (late night) vs 10 out 100 (daytime) i guess that means your odds are better?[/QUOTE]

It depends on several things. IF it is truly random, in that each entry has the same chance of getting a prize, then it makes no difference how many people are entering at any given time. The problem with that is that they will end up giving away many more prizes than they planned if more people do what we are doing. However, if they dole out X amount of each prize per hour (thus insuring they only give out as many as they planned to), then, yes, it clearly does matter how many people try to get it - not that you have less of a chance but that once the prizes are claimed for whatever time period they set up (1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, who knows?), no one else will get them. Maybe that's why we see such huge droughts occasionally? If we only knew *exactly* how they were doing this! ;)
[quote name='PyroGamer']Leave bad feedback for the guy who ripped you off, and good for the guy who went through.

We have a trader rating system! Use it![/quote]

Sorry, I haven't learned to navigate the site very well yet. How do I do this?
[quote name='io']It depends on several things. IF it is truly random, in that each entry has the same chance of getting a prize, then it makes no difference how many people are entering at any given time. The problem with that is that they will end up giving away many more prizes than they planned if more people do what we are doing. However, if they dole out X amount of each prize per hour (thus insuring they only give out as many as they planned to), then, yes, it clearly does matter how many people try to get it - not that you have less of a chance but that once the prizes are claimed for whatever time period they set up (1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, who knows?), no one else will get them. Maybe that's why we see such huge droughts occasionally? If we only knew *exactly* how they were doing this! ;)[/quote]

My thoughts exactly, except in a more understandable and paragraphed form. Thanks. :applause:
This contest shows how futile it is to enter a contest where you can win a $2500 CC gift certificate or an Alienware computer or a Sony HDTV, etc. For most contests, you can only enter one entry per person. Here we are entering hundreds of times and it is still near impossible winning even the 2nd place prize for the 360 VIP package.
I've got a faceplate up for grabs for the first person who has a 100 point code to offer. I'll leave it up for a while. Just PM me and then I'll let you know if you were first (then you can give me the code and your address for the faceplate).
[quote name='phillyphlier']Anyone need a game pack? I just won an extra that I am looking to trade. I've been ripped off in trading one, traded one successfully (to zombinieumarli, gave him the confirmation code) and am looking to trade another. I am really looking for M$ points, either from tropicana or CC B1G1 deal. If you're interested drop me a PM with a points value amount. I have been ripped off once, and I have zombinieumarli as a reference for anyone that has questions.[/quote]
Id be wary of this guy. Wouldnt take a 1600 pt offer from me (im assuming because I didnt want to send first) - and id think my feedback shows im trustworthy here. Might be scamming because who knows if you will really get the game pack - but thats just how i see it.
[quote name='Pookymeister']Id be wary of this guy. Wouldnt take a 1600 pt offer from me (im assuming because I didnt want to send first) - and id think my feedback shows im trustworthy here. Might be scamming because who knows if you will really get the game pack - but thats just how i see it.[/QUOTE]

Bah - 150 feedbacks? Clearly you used a boosting partner! :lol:

On another note, I know it doesn't compare to the game pack, but I still have that faceplate window open. Who wants it? 100 points or an arcade game code like for Frogger or something would be nice ;). I'm patient - will probably be off CAG for about 45 minutes and then check back again...
Sorry pooky, but I had already sent that game pack to tahoesnowboarder. I only ended up getting one code from him b/c he never sent me the others he owed me. I stupidly let him only send one upfront.
[quote name='phillyphlier']Sorry pooky, but I had already sent that game pack to tahoesnowboarder. I only ended up getting one code from him b/c he never sent me the others he owed me. I stupidly let him only send one upfront.[/quote]

I was actually referring to the 2nd ( or was it 3rd time) you said you won a pack. So it was the 2nd time I asked - after you said you were stiffed the first time. It should be in your Private Message box if you happened to miss it
If im not mistaken you can just save the URL from the winning page.
I was going to do some of these at work, but our firewall has the work GAME blocked from all urls.
And the win results screen has the word game in it.
So as a test i did a couple and saved the urls.
sent it to me at home, did it there and they all came up fine.
even bookmarked the winning faceplate.
However, has anyone actually received any faceplates or game packs yet?

And in regards the stacking 48 hour trials, can you?
[quote name='TheGlow']If im not mistaken you can just save the URL from the winning page.
I was going to do some of these at work, but our firewall has the work GAME blocked from all urls.
And the win results screen has the word game in it.
So as a test i did a couple and saved the urls.
sent it to me at home, did it there and they all came up fine.
even bookmarked the winning faceplate.
However, has anyone actually received any faceplates or game packs yet?

And in regards the stacking 48 hour trials, can you?[/quote] I think it said 4-6 or 6-8 weeks. So I doubt anyone got theirs yet.
[quote name='TheGlow']If im not mistaken you can just save the URL from the winning page.
I was going to do some of these at work, but our firewall has the work GAME blocked from all urls.
And the win results screen has the word game in it.
So as a test i did a couple and saved the urls.
sent it to me at home, did it there and they all came up fine.
even bookmarked the winning faceplate.
However, has anyone actually received any faceplates or game packs yet?

And in regards the stacking 48 hour trials, can you?[/quote]

You can 't stack them, use them on silver accounts only. If you want to use them use 1 then after it expires use another.
All right, hell with it, whoever sends me an address can have the faceplate. I hate to see it wasted ;). I saw the thing about saving the URL. If no one responds, I guess I can try that. gone...
Well, if anyone else wants to give away a faceplate/other crap.....

...I'm always avalible.

I can pay you in......a child's smile.
There must be something wrong with the way I'm doing it, I've entered over 100 times, everytime I get AA4XPN3, and everytime I lose.
[quote name='khaos2639']There must be something wrong with the way I'm doing it, I've entered over 100 times, everytime I get AA4XPN3, and everytime I lose.[/quote]

keep trying, trust me, it works, ive gotten 1200 ms points, a faceplate, and 3 of the game packs, all with the freebie code, everyone else here has won their prizes using this code too, and yes it is the same code for everyone, everytime.
[quote name='kaptinmorgan']keep trying, trust me, it works, ive gotten 1200 ms points, a faceplate, and 3 of the game packs, all with the freebie code, everyone else here has won their prizes using this code too, and yes it is the same code for everyone, everytime.[/QUOTE]

Wow, that's some good luck. In all my tries I think I've gotten 5 or 6 faceplates (lost track) but only 1 game pack :lol:. Now I'm just trying occasionally for points (just did 50 and nothin').
I'm so glad I never got a faceplate. I probably would have just closed the window without even filling out the form LOL.
[quote name='cyrix`']oh yah and thank god for whoever invented autocomplete on firefox.[/quote]

you can use the autocomplete function on internet explorer as well
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