Valkyria Chronicles - Gen. Discussion & Info

I've ended up concentrating mostly on my scouts, shocktroopers, and snipers. Since later Orders allow scouts to easily destroy tanks, lancers don't have much use to me anymore. I only take out Largo for the extra CP, and my lone engineer is dedicated to defending the Edelweiss. Right now, I'm on Chapter 13 and my three main classes are Elites (level 11 or higher) while the lancers and engineers are around level 8. I've only completed two skirmishes, so I haven't been doing much grinding. Shooting for A ranks on story missions works better for me.
[quote name='BostonCollegeFan']What's the stipulations of A ranks? Just number of turns?[/QUOTE]

As far as I know, yes. This is why scouts are so important. Later on, you'll get an upgrade for the Edelweiss that makes scout rushing even easier.
What's the correct way to use scouts? I really don't use them as I don't see the advantage to just running ahead and knowing where the enemy is :(
They offer up a lot of value for little CP. Sprinkle some of Welkin's magical Order dust on them and they become great tank killers while being able to soak up a surprising amount of damage. What I like to do is start battles with a minimum amount of people defending my home base. Then, I'll rush Alicia forward to take any secondary enemy camps and spawn my main attack force there.

Scout tactics really depend on the map, though.
Oh didn't know they could become tank killers. I have trouble with enemy tanks though.

Thats the thing though, the late game scares me deeply. I'm not good at SRPGS, and my tactic right now seems to blitzkreig with the tank and have everyone behind it guarding the week spot and the rear while it takes the front frontier. I'm guessing when you need to capture more than one stornghold that will start being a bad strategy.
I've learned that sometimes it's best to leave Welkin behind. There are better ways you can use the 2 CP that he gobbles up. But since you're not very far into the game, sometimes you don't have a choice, and he DOES make a good shield. Just keep in mind that it's usually possible to beat each map within a few turns and you may find yourself getting more creative with the toolset.
[quote name='BostonCollegeFan']What's the correct way to use scouts? I really don't use them as I don't see the advantage to just running ahead and knowing where the enemy is :([/quote]

From about midway through the game on my first playthrough I was using Alicia with a strong weapon at least 2 or 3 times at the outset of each battle, scouting the lay of the land and usually taking out a few enemies as well.

That said, I don't think I ever used another scout besides Alicia (other than the battles in which you're forced to use Welkin on foot).
I'd love to see any one of you new guys to the game beat the Mission on Chapter 18 in a single turn. Probably the toughest thing to do in the entire game.
[quote name='bvharris']That said, I don't think I ever used another scout besides Alicia (other than the battles in which you're forced to use Welkin on foot).[/QUOTE]

Aika is (almost) as good. I found it better to use them together for those 1-3 turn wins up until Alicia unlocked all her personal potentials later in the game.
I just cracked the game open today, despite having it since November. I played through Chapters 00, 01, and 02, scoring a B, D, and B, respectively. Having got the hang of the battles, I started over and scored A, B, A.

I'll apologize in advance for not reading through the entire thread to see if this has been answered, but is it possible to go back and play the battles without starting over?
[quote name='thelonepig']I'll apologize in advance for not reading through the entire thread to see if this has been answered, but is it possible to go back and play the battles without starting over?[/QUOTE]

Not in the first playthrough. In a New Game+, however, they're repeatable. (This makes the technical answer to your question "no.")

There are repeatable skirmish battles that you should begin to get access to shortly if grinding is your concern.
[quote name='Magus8472']There are repeatable skirmish battles that you should begin to get access to shortly if grinding is your concern.[/quote]

Should it be? I haven't had any difficulty yet, but the game seems to be easing me into it.
[quote name='thelonepig']Should it be? I haven't had any difficulty yet, but the game seems to be easing me into it.[/QUOTE]

Only if you consistently get low ranks (which you don't seem to be). There are a few missions where the difficulty spikes but in those cases better preparation does more to improve the outcome than stronger units and equipment.
[quote name='thelonepig']Should it be? I haven't had any difficulty yet, but the game seems to be easing me into it.[/quote]

If you manage to get the hang of the mechanic, there aren't any battles that are too tough. And as has been mentioned plenty of times, there are plenty of one turn "exploits" later on.

The only true challenges I've had are the Hard level skirmishes on the New Game +, some of which can be quite tricky.
Just beat Chapter 5, after about 17 turns :(. Got a "D" rating but whatever. It's impossible for me to get anything above a C so.

Lost all my guys in the battle though, I didn't know that
he runs away after a certain amount of damage
so I kept position my guys to die so my tank could go behind him to kill him. Had I known
he runs away
I probably could've done it in much less :(
[quote name='BostonCollegeFan']Alright then.

Usually after I finish a chapter I use all my points at the shops and graveyard, although i'm only up to chapter 5 now. Seeing that guy above say his characters are level 7 though is making me kind of nervous; mine are all level 3 (I do the equal amount between all thing) and he's only 2 chapters ahead of me :([/QUOTE]

Ever since I got my butt wupped in that battle, I've been doing the kloden forest skirmish battle which I can win easily and have been leveling up my careers. I think they were about all at level 5 before I started doing that. Just figured I'd let you know, so you have that in perspective.
Quick question about the anime:
How are characters like Selvaria and Isara in the anime? Did I miss something about when the anime is supposed to take place?
I love that this thread is updated so often. I missed this game when it came out due to so many other games. But I loved the demo and the art style and plan to get it soon. The thread being upped so often speaks well of the game.
[quote name='BREVITY']I love that this thread is updated so often. I missed this game when it came out due to so many other games. But I loved the demo and the art style and plan to get it soon. The thread being upped so often speaks well of the game.[/quote]

I personally think it was the best game of 2008. At the very least, the most overlooked.

I beat it a while ago but I still pop it in once a week or so to play a couple skirmishes. That speaks highly of it's replay value - there should be some DLC on the way as well.
Oof. Did Chapter 13 in 5 turns. Restarted a few times after running Alicia headfirst into enemy shocktroopers, but once I took the first base it was golden. Strangely, you-know-who didn't do much. Seems like they showed up just to get you to move faster. And I did. Much faster.

I should also note that fitting the Edelweiss with accuracy upgrades can be extremely handy. Managed to snipe a tank's radiator from halfway across the map.
[quote name='OatmealMu']Oof. Did Chapter 13 in 5 turns. Restarted a few times after running Alicia headfirst into enemy shocktroopers, but once I took the first base it was golden. Strangely, you-know-who didn't do much. Seems like they showed up just to get you to move faster. And I did. Much faster.

I should also note that fitting the Edelweiss with accuracy upgrades can be extremely handy. Managed to snipe a tank's radiator from halfway across the map.[/quote]

That's the one where you have to run across the open field with all the trenches while mortars rain down, right? I remember thinking that one looked quite intimidating at the outset, but once I got my guys moving up the right side it became pretty easy.

I agree that the surprise guest doesn't really do much other than intimidate, at least in that battle.
I know touching downed enemy troops on the field causes them to vanish and they can longer be attended to by a medic but seeing the CPU AI never attends to the fallen is there any advantages to going and touching them?

Just wondering if this opens up more weapon,battle suits,etc.. upgrades faster in the R&D Lab.

I was finally able to start playing this game recently. I'm on chapter 5 right now. I can't seem to get any grade higher than a D, though. Even though none of my squad mates ever die, and it's not like I'm taking an insane amount of turns.

Out of curiosity, if you get better grades do you get a different ending or anything like that? Or do you just get better rewards?
Up to the infamous Chatper 7 now. Haven't tried it yet but I know it'll be disasterous as I keep struggling to finish these missions heh. Anyone willing to share a strategy that they use for when they play?
[quote name='BostonCollegeFan']Up to the infamous Chatper 7 now. Haven't tried it yet but I know it'll be disasterous as I keep struggling to finish these missions heh. Anyone willing to share a strategy that they use for when they play?[/QUOTE]

Had to replay it a couple times before I got a C rank last week so it's still fresh in my mind.

Take out the machine guns on the tanks first w/lancers and the Edelweiss. Probably will take 2-3 turns depending on level. Also you gotta have an engineer around to fix the Edelweiss and restock your lancers.

In the meantime, two things: 1) Send a scout to blow down the blue walls using grenades so that the tank will have to shoot them and expose the coolers. 2) Get someone always ready to climb up the tank and drop a grenade on the coolers when exposed. Make sure you get the one that faces south first before the crazy indestructable chick shows up. Reason: once in place, she will always be next to that side of the tank and she'll kill you every time if you get close to that side. As I recall, she won't go after the Edelweiss so protect your troops first. You can try to use lancers and the Edelweiss to shoot the coolers but as I recall, they'll take 3 shots to blow up. Easier to have one of your troops drop a grenade in it. One grenade, it's done.

When she does show up with her reinforcements, you'll need a shocktrooper or two (or sniper) to kill her troops. They'll be coming in from the upper right of the map. So put those two near the base in the lower right of the map so you can pick them off when they arrive from above on the cliff. Or you can just shell them with your tank as they get closer. I did a combo of both sniper and mortars to kill the lackeys.

Don't worry about guys going down, save them as you go and order reinforcements. You should have at least a couple lancers and the Edelweiss around to kill what's left of the tank. You'll need to take a stand there after you get all of the coolers destroyed. I'm sure there's a better way but this was how I did it on the 3rd time around after getting smoked by the indestructable gal with the shield and lance the first time. The second time I ran out of "space" and my base was overrun because I didn't get to the last cooler until the tank was right on top of my base (didn't blow enough walls down). I was one shell/CP short :bomb:

Good luck.
:O :O :O :O

Got it on the first try. Without using the instruction listed above, figured i'd try it first before resorting to that and did it on my first go. So awesome.

I almost lost
once sylvanias or whatever came, almost wiping me out
but I managed to pull through. Awesome.

Is the game this hard from now on or?
The game starts throwing more unique scenarios at you, forcing you to adapt your tactics. So, instead of simply having to capture an enemy's main camp, you'll have gameplay elements like in Chapter 7.
That's cool, although I could do without the half way
"Here's a unkillable enemy who will forcefull fuck you up no matter what you do"
type encounters.
Chapter 7 is definitely the worst in that regard. I think it happens maybe once or twice later but it's not as much of a beatdown. I never felt as frustrated with any of the later missions as I did with Chapter 7.

I really enjoyed that each level sort of had its own twist, though. It kept things from getting repetetive, although the map design in this was good enough that it never was in much danger of that anyway.
That's good. I think my favorite mission so far was in the beginning when you also had to defend. I hope there's more defense and recon team missions in the future. Getting tired of just offense.
So in my quest to find a copy of Valkyria Chronicles in English, I chanced upon, a UK-based online store.
They're selling it for about 30 pounds INCLUDING shipping to the US (27 pounds for the game, and about 2 pounds for shipping), which is about $43 USD for a new copy.
I just placed an order, and they say that they'll take about 2-4 weeks to process the order, so hopefully that means they have it in stock.

Also, has the platinum (ie cheap) versions of Uncharted and Ratchet, for about 16 pounds ($23 USD) each. Again, shipping to the US about 2 pounds ($3 US).

once it comes in make another post, you may have found a nice resource for us CAG.

I have just started, got two battles in and am totally excited to give it a good run this weekend.

Love it so far.
Will do Snake2715. As of now, says "awaiting stock pick", with an estimated dispatch date of March 19, which sounds about right.
If anyone is still having problems with Chapter 7, I just followed this guide/youtube video
to get it done in 9 turns/A rank. Basically just used turns 2 and 3 to take out all the turrets but my lancer's accuracy was pretty mediocre so I made a save whenever I actually hit a turret and reloaded it whenever I missed so I didn't lose any CP on missed shots. Guess it's a bit cheap but a certain enemy was incredibly cheap too in this mission so I didn't feel bad.
[quote name='V878']If anyone is still having problems with Chapter 7, I just followed this guide/youtube video
to get it done in 9 turns/A rank. Basically just used turns 2 and 3 to take out all the turrets but my lancer's accuracy was pretty mediocre so I made a save whenever I actually hit a turret and reloaded it whenever I missed so I didn't lose any CP on missed shots. Guess it's a bit cheap but a certain enemy was incredibly cheap too in this mission so I didn't feel bad.[/quote]

I didn't really have a problem on that mission, and I used mostly lancers to get the job done. I did it the old fashioned way though. Destroyed all the turrets, and then climbed on the thing. I died my first time because I didn't know that there was a difference between the ruined walls that were already in the path, and the ones you could knock down, so I spent a few turns actually destroying walls that I shouldn't have.
[quote name='Derrick1979']I know touching downed enemy troops on the field causes them to vanish and they can longer be attended to by a medic but seeing the CPU AI never attends to the fallen is there any advantages to going and touching them?

Just wondering if this opens up more weapon,battle suits,etc.. upgrades faster in the R&D Lab.


I believe you get more cash at the end of the mission for touching killed enemy troops.

It's not really worth going out of your way to trample some dead troops through enemy fire though.
I havent played this ever since that post about beating Chapter 7. That chapter kinda killed my enthusiasm. That and Lost and Damned and SF4, heh. Will get back into it tonight though :)
what happens when you walk up to a dead enemy's body? i want to say you pick up gear from them, weapons and the sort but i'm not sure.
[quote name='jalopez86']what happens when you walk up to a dead enemy's body? i want to say you pick up gear from them, weapons and the sort but i'm not sure.[/QUOTE]

Nothing (or, at least, nothing noticable). The gear comes from killing enemy Aces.
bread's done