[Video added] CheapyD Back on Bloomberg TV (9/14/06)

::uncomfortable pause:: made multiple appearances, which is always a good time. Overall though the interviewer didn't come off as much of a moron as last time.

Nice job. Was kind of strange that you were listed as the "Chief Executive Officer" of the CAG Podcast, but I guess they can't write ASS on the screen.
::uncomfortable pause:: made multiple appearances, which is always a good time. Overall though the interviewer didn't come off as much of a moron as last time.

Nice job. Was kind of strange that you were listed as the "Chief Executive Officer" of the CAG Podcast, but I guess they can't write ASS on the screen.
CheapyD will consume all who think the Wii is a gimmick!!!

weren't there initial reports that the anchor for this segment was more apathetic than the anchor for the first interview?

doesn't seem like it to me...she seemed more comfortable with gaming that the other guy.

and she did say A...although it could've easily been mistaken as an H.
She at least knew her stuff. She didn't say the Sony "P3" or MSoft's "X360" like that last moron. The fact that she mentioned Blue Dragon and Sakaguchi, and understood why that game is so important for Microsoft in Japan impressed me.

EDIT: Oh, and good job Cheapy. You did a great job.
lot of pauses, bad cute interviewer, good still messing up when they say the name CAG, bad less nodding, good

A better interview than last time, though you lack of mentioning historically accurate giant enemy crabs disturbs me.
Good job, Cheapy. You're doing us all a service by being a guy on TV who actually knows what they're talking about when they talk about games. You seemed as comfortable as on the CAGCast, minus the burps. Keep up the good work!
Cheapy...I dont know you and you dont know me, but yea you did a great job. To be honest, you convinced me to get Wii now....such a shame there isnt going to be that many consoles at the initial launch.
What was going on with the interviewer...lots of pauses. That'll learn 'em to not use the CAG approved outline.
[quote name='y2jrevolution']You made her nervous.....She wanted you man[/quote]Haha...she was falling all over herself. Did she ever sweep her hair back behind her ear? Great job Cheapy. You really (seemed) to know your stuff. You're becoming a gaming icon in the public eye.
Great Job Cheapy!

Just remember that you are talking to business people / non gamers and explain your points a little more.
[quote name='Billservo']What was going on with the interviewer...lots of pauses. That'll learn 'em to not use the CAG approved outline.[/QUOTE]

These pauses were, more than likely, due to her listening to the studio folks on her earpiece telling her what questions to ask. She was no more or less knowledgeable than the last guy. She just got better questions fed to her.
I didn't get to see the first one, but cheapyd did a good job for the interview, and basically showed that the reporter had no idea what she was asking.
Good to see you on the airwaves again, wish it was broadcast in the US.

Have you thought about an alternate name for your site so newscasters don't have to resort to awkward names to introduce you?. As much as I love what CAG stands for it isn't the most professional-friendly name. I can imagine an interviewer hesitating to say "........from Cheap Ass Gamer Dot Com" on public television. Is caggamer.com available?
Yeesh, the producers must be feeding the interviewers the questions because both this lady and the guy in the previous appearance were clearly not prepared to do the interview. Of course, it may very well have been Cheapy's massive sex appeal that flustered them (yeah, even the guy!).

Anyway, great job--you did improve from last time and came across as knowledgable and above all, prepared to talk next gen video games.
[quote name='sinewav']Good to see you on the airwaves again, wish it was broadcast in the US.

Have you thought about an alternate name for your site so newscasters don't have to resort to awkward names to introduce you?. As much as I love what CAG stands for it isn't the most professional-friendly name. I can imagine an interviewer hesitating to say "........from Cheap Ass Gamer Dot Com" on public television. Is caggamer.com available?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='kdunn77']Great Job Cheapy!

Just remember that you are talking to business people / non gamers and explain your points a little more.[/QUOTE]

Yeah i agree.
She sounded like she knew what she was talking about but stumbled because of the non answers to her specific questions asked.

Cheapy explained things well but at the end didnt answer the specific questions she asked.
[quote name='Ivanhoe']Yeah i agree.
She sounded like she knew what she was talking about but stumbled because of the non answers to her specific questions asked.

Cheapy explained things well but at the end didnt answer the specific questions she asked.[/quote]

Nah, as others have said, she was being fed the questions by the show producers and they weren't sync'ing up for some reason. The long pauses were likely her waiting for them to give her a follow up question or some technical difficulty with that feedback between her and them. Also, some of those questions were leading and there wasn't really a way for Cheapy to answer them directly without compromising his own opinions/facts about the situation.

If anything, the interviewee made Cheapy look bad by not acknowledging the answers he was providing in a timely and pointed way. It was clear she wasn't really tuned in to what he was saying and could not get the timing down of when he was finished speaking or how to follow up with either a related question or segue into a new topic.
hey cheapy good stuff, from what i observed in the interview it seemed like things were a bit uneasy for whatever reason. Maybe the lag between both of you or whatever it was. Maybe she was not much of a video game player? It seemed like most of all was that some of your answers she was not ready for them, but then again what else are you going to say? IMO you were being level headed while she wanted you to pick a side lol. so who's going to win? come on man...you cant get any of the fanboys mad...you know that cheapy...the ATTACK OF THE NERDS!

your first interview you both seem much more comfortable on the air, this one was a bit akward.

But as usual, good job man, this is becoming routine for you already.
LMAO that lady didn't know wtf she was talking about... it was as if she just wanted you to go on for 5 mins while she sat back.

Anyways great job David... I sure as hell wouldn't be as smoothe on TV as you were that's for sure. :)
Holy shit dude you killed it. You were prepared and it showed. Very composed positive experience I think the CAGcasts are good practice that shows here. If there was any flaw it was the host/interviewer, maybe there was some time lapse in bettween feeds to either of you conversing but she let to much dead air in bettween her questions and instead of coaxing you it felt like she was on the attack. You were more prepared and and at ease than she. Great job.
CheapyD, great, great job! I sure hope that they invite you back again, nice work! Did I miss any mention of "massive damage" though during the interview?
Also, they lady asking the questions, she was awful, seriosuly.
[quote name='speedy05']CheapyD, great, great job! I sure hope that they invite you back again, nice work! Did I miss any mention of "massive damage" though during the interview?
Also, they lady asking the questions, she was awful, seriosuly.[/quote]

I think she was just mesmorized by the possibility of Cheapy's eyebrows jetissoning completely off his forehead or, the slightly more plausible scenario of them refusing to come back down and thus creating the first man ever with an "Eyebrow-Over" hairstyle.

Cheapy has the most expressive eyebrows in the history of Video Game Analysts. Bank on it!
[quote name='shipwreck']I think she was just mesmorized by the possibility of Cheapy's eyebrows jetissoning completely off his forehead or, the slightly more plausible scenario of them refusing to come back down and thus creating the first man ever with an "Eyebrow-Over" hairstyle.

Cheapy has the most expressive eyebrows in the history of Video Game Analysts. Bank on it![/QUOTE]

I was about to post how his eybrows looked like two mice fighting but you beat me to it. Good job though man, getting a camera presence down is hard business
[quote name='shipwreck']I think she was just mesmorized by the possibility of Cheapy's eyebrows jetissoning completely off his forehead or, the slightly more plausible scenario of them refusing to come back down and thus creating the first man ever with an "Eyebrow-Over" hairstyle.

Cheapy has the most expressive eyebrows in the history of Video Game Analysts. Bank on it![/quote]

(FriskyTanuki called it first.)
Thats the second time I have listened to people say the CAGcast as the C A G cast. OLR now bloomberg. Maybe Cheapy should rename it cheapasspodcast
[quote name='yukine'][/b]

(FriskyTanuki called it first.)[/quote]Of all the games in WarioWare, most people missed that one. They dumped the water on their heads instead of drinking it. I only saw one person get it right.

OT, but who cares.
Way to go Freddie! ... Er, I mean Cheapy.

Yeah, those awkward pauses just butchered the momentum. But I don't believe they were on your part or the interviewer's.

Oh yeah, you forgot the CHAINS, n-word, the CHAINS!
This was my first time seeing CheapyD. Despite the cartoon guy in the top left corner, I always imagined he looked like a bearded, glasses wearing professor type fellow.

Show seemed fine despite the host not being able to keep the pace going at times (it seemed like she wasn't even listening to the answers). Good work though, Cheapy.
bread's done