W: Nintendoland (Wii U-Digital Download) H: Paypal/Amazon GC

I edited mine at 11:59 then again because i think that i won., but i guess with the Time Change i may be only winner at the Discretion whether Goomba Chooses to do after 11:59 or Ends at 11:59 Exactly.
[quote name='Shady3011']I did the math, and Goomba will earn $8.77 more if he goes with the auction ending at midnight.[/quote]

When you say midnight, do you include all posts at 12:00 AM?
[quote name='ethwang']When you say midnight, do you include all posts at 12:00 AM?[/quote]

No. Midnight is 12:00:00 AM at least from my understanding.
[quote name='Josef']If a coupon/weekly sale ends on 2/28/09, then it's good through and including 2/28/09. Bids for this auction should be good through and including 11:59 PM. I believe that was what he intended. But it's Goomba's call though.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I think the ambiguity comes from the fact that he said "at 11:59." If he had just said, "The auction ends at the end of the day on 3/2/09," then of course it would end at the stroke of midnight. When something ends "at" a certain time, though, it typically means that as soon as the clock hits that time, it's over (see the earlier eBay example). Sure it sounds weird and arbitrary to end an auction "at 11:59," but it's not an unreasonable interpretation.

That having been said, I can't imagine why Goomba would choose the option that leaves him with less money, and there's no point in turning a friendly auction into a clusterfuck. This is CAG, not eBay.
oh man, I wonder how this auction is going to turn out with so many question marks regarding what time the auction should have ended.
Well just let Goomba decide and whatever Goom says is what Goom says. No point in having a convo about it when all it comes down to is what you he wants.
[quote name='ethwang']I'm assuming he would take that option too--the clock is too inaccurate a measure for taking in bids. This auction method needs to change in order for ridiculous bids/out-bids in the last 1:00-1:15 of every auction in this forum.[/quote]

The absolute number 1 reason why I never list a specific ending time. This always happens. My auctions end when I want them to on the day of and no one else knows when that is.
Oh wow, I just got back from work and man oh man ... I missed like 50 posts or more, a huge debate over the fundamentals of my auction. Now I feel bad :(

Okay first things first, I originally intended this to end at 12:00 midnight. Meaning that my original intentions were to allow all of the bids at 12:00 to be accepted. The problem was that when I said the sale ended at 12:00 AM people were thinking that I meant 3/01/09 at midnight (which would be right before 3/02/09). In order to TRY and make it clearer I just said 11:59 EST on 3/02/09 to make it more clear on what day the auction was ending.

That being said, I did re-post the auction as ending at 11:59 PM which I did mean to say that 11:59:99 or whatever was still allowed, and it is. As the CAG clock does show the 11:59. I would really like to give all the 12:00'ers the chance to get their bids in, but technically speaking I'd be breaking my own rules. So here's what I will do:

All the bids with the clock showing 11:59 will be the final bids. All bids 12:00 and after will be disqualified. Yes, this will cost me more than $10.00 but I do believe it's the only fair thing to do, even though it sucks for those who put the bids in the last second. The reason I'm doing this is because even though it causes me to have a little less money, it seems the only right thing to do and my reputation is at line. dv8mad is smarter for not having specific ending times and perhaps in the future I will implement a rolling bid ending time (say for instance bidding will end at 10:00 PM, but for each bid around 10:00 PM that is entered I will extend the auction by 5 minutes. That way the last minute bidders have a good window and opportunity to outbid each other. The truth is, the eBay system is flawed as is any specific time because 99% of the bids come in the last few minutes.

Obviously I want to sell all my items for the most that I can, but the way I see it, if you really wanted an item then you could have bid a little earlier if it's only a dollar or so difference. When I put bids in for dv8mad's items or other lowball auctions I try to up the past sellers by a few bucks to ensure I have a good buffer of bids between us.

I'm going to be doing another one of these auctions this week, so it's a good learning experience. Again, to the 12:00 bidders I'm really sorry, but I have to stand firm this time around. Many of these games I have multiple copies of though so don't worry, you'll probably be seeing them again soon :)

With that, I will go to bed and will update the list tomorrow and include shipping prices and such. Thanks guys. I really do appreciate your outpouring of support.
Actually, we were arguing over the 11:59 bids, Goomba. We already knew the 12:00 bids were no good going by the end time. We just got confused over whether you meant it ended at 11:59 on the dot or at midnight. That's at least partly the reason why I didn't counter bid.

Anyway, it's your auction, your rules. It's all water under the bridge now. We just love arguing over semantics. ;)
Again, thanks Goomba for the terrific sale, which seems like it was a success. Congrats WHFinest on the win.

chyea i rock ^_^
once again, good show matt
hit me up on psn if you multiplayer at all, always good 2 play with gentleman and not 8 year olds who just found out what noob means
** UPDATE **

Hey guys. I just got up (worked late last night as most of you know) and I'm packing up items for eBay and such. I will update the main post today with price + shipping in the main post tonight (late tonight). Payment information for my Paypal accounts is at the bottom of the post, so with those two things you should have no problem sending the payments :)

Please be sure to include your CAG name and item names in your payment memo so I can get the right things to the right people. I'll be sure to leave you positive feedback on CAG's iTrader as well. Please do the same when you receive them. Thanks!
Aww I guess I didnt win the mystery box after all,but at least now I have a better understanding of the ending time for these style auctions (was too sure before this as were many of us)...well 62t be sure to post the contents of your box!!
Not completely complaining, but wow you should've updated this a little better. I see a $12 big for Ninja Gaiden during the first day and up until then you showed it was only at $10.0 or something like that so everyone didn't know and bid below that. I saw $10.50 as highest and put $11.52, but on the first page there's $12 bid. :(
[quote name='pr3mium']Not completely complaining, but wow you should've updated this a little better. I see a $12 big for Ninja Gaiden during the first day and up until then you showed it was only at $10.0 or something like that so everyone didn't know and bid below that. I saw $10.50 as highest and put $11.52, but on the first page there's $12 bid. :([/QUOTE]

There were a lot of bids in the last hour so it is impossible to keep it up to date.

[quote name='bryenfury']man was i late to the party or what?? :(.[/QUOTE]

yea but there will be more auction in the future.
[quote name='62t']There were a lot of bids in the last hour so it is impossible to keep it up to date.


Yeah, but this was on the first day of the bidding. And he showed it at $10.00 or so for the rest of the week or w/e when he had it. I would understand if it was at the last hour or so, but this was the first day. nHe was the 2nd bidder on the item. And the person before him was only $9.50 I think, which would've meant he skipped his offer.

Edit: And BryenFury, you're the one I'm talking about. You bid $12 for NG at post #21. Which was before anyone else bidded anything close to that. Not sure why Goomba has someone else as winning it. Guess he just completely missed the bid.
[quote name='pr3mium']Yeah, but this was on the first day of the bidding. And he showed it at $10.00 or so for the rest of the week or w/e when he had it. I would understand if it was at the last hour or so, but this was the first day. nHe was the 2nd bidder on the item. And the person before him was only $9.50 I think, which would've meant he skipped his offer.

Edit: And BryenFury, you're the one I'm talking about. You bid $12 for NG at post #21. Which was before anyone else bidded anything close to that. Not sure why Goomba has someone else as winning it. Guess he just completely missed the bid.[/quote]

dude... look at the date for that. that was for the previous auction.
[quote name='dinobot']dude... look at the date for that. that was for the previous auction.[/quote]

Oh, my bad. I didn't know there was a previous autcion by him. :p Sorry for the (big i suppose) mixup
still waiting on what the shipping gonna be.. don''t know if i should just send $3 or more for the 3 ds games~ tell meee goomba!

I started the 2-3 process to verify my personal banking acoount so I can save you 3%. If you'd prefer me to send the $4.50 to your business account that accepts visa payments, I can send today
I'm waiting for my total with shipping before sending the money but I have a question first. Am I allowed to pay via debit card? I have a debit chequeing bank account associated with my paypal. So when I send the money it should be sent to your business account right. Sorry for all the questions, just wanted to clear it up so you get your money. =)
[quote name='8BitWonder']I was just wondering what my final total would be. I would much rather have the MS point code emailed. Thanks.[/quote]

I don't mind emailing it. Just pm me the email. I don't want you to post a personal email on a message board. I just need to get the ok from goomba that he has recieved payment.
Hey guys, I'm almost home again to update. I should be updating the list of who paid, and who owes what around midnight (12:00 EST). Thanks!
For those of you who have sent payments, thanks! I have updated your status on the main page and am currently packing your items.

For those who have not yet paid, the system is easy for doing so. Payment instructions are on the main page. I will be happy to weigh heavier items (DVD box sets and such) and will post prices + shipping on the main page. Thanks!
Here are some updated prices of what shipping is for heavier items:

Chinesekid1: $12.00 TOTAL (Master of Illusion is quite heavy/bulky). Still not a bad deal considering I spent almost $30 on these items... ^_^ oh well.
8bitwonder: $22.00 TOTAL (Code will be sent to you via Email or PM and game will be sent to you via First Class USPS Mail). Thanks!

** Payment instructions: **
1) If you are paying with PAYPAL DIRECT FUNDS (money already in your account that does not come from a credit card) please send your money to: [email protected]. This is my personal account that can only accept DIRECT FUNDS. Credit Card funds payments will be denied and I will have to send you a request from the proper account.

2) If you are paying with a CREDIT CARD/DEBIT CARD THROUGH PAYPAL please send your payment to: [email protected]. This is my Business/Premier account that can accept credit cards, but doing so costs me about 3% for US users and around 6% for all other countries including Canada. Obviously this isn't the best choice, but if you have to you have to. Not a problem.
Sounds great Mako1215. Gives me time to ship out some of the others ;) Thanks! I have almost 60 packages to pack between this, my Canadian business (GamesForCanada.com) and eBay hehe. Thanks again guys! My room is suddenly looking a lot more roomy. I'm going to be sad at all the empty game shelves, but it's for the best.
Thanks for the payments I will go back and update the main page. I just (sadly) spent almost an hour cleaning up the text, fixing the spoiler tags and grouping the main page into sections. I'm trying to get it 100% ready for my next sale to avoid any confusion over end times or rules or payment instructions. Thanks guys!
Hey there glad everything is being packed correctly
I sent payment to [email protected] for Persona 4 and Nocturne, but if you're going to ship tomorrow, please mail to the address I e-mailed you, or check your PM for my address (My spring break starts at the end of this week so I'll be home in NYC)
Thanks, sorry to be complicated! :)
I bought a copy of TvC for a guy about a month and a half ago or so. It was 6000yen new and 5000 yen used. Hopefully the prices have dropped since then. By chance, I happen to be going out today for the first time in quite awhile to look for stuff, so I'll add that to the list and get back to you on current pricing.

P.S. Your CML has an extra "h".
bread's done