We had to import RPG Thread XII from Europe

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I don't get why Square would make DQX a MMO after the huge success of FF XIV :lol:.

Seriously, what is wrong with them.

Also anyone know if we are getting Rocket Slime 3 in America?
Wow, a lot of hate for DQX. Although the platform isn't ideal, this is my dream MMO. I can't wait for more details.

[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Also anyone know if we are getting Rocket Slime 3 in America?[/QUOTE]
Nothing's been announced AFAIK, but I sure hope so.
[quote name='Rodimus']How about this one?

Coincidentally, I'm up to that dungeon in the original Zelda right now. Never found the Red Ring, though :whistle2:( (ETA: Looked it up. Damned sneaky hiding place...)

(Don't know if Zelda talk is kosher here; would it be considered an RPG?)
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[quote name='panzerfaust']Why so much hate for MMOs? Seems like a really cool thing for DQ fans.[/QUOTE]

I don't hate MMOs, I hate the idea of of MMOs on the Wii.

And the fact that Square-Enix has already admitted themselves twice that their current MMO was terrible doesn't fill me with hope that they have a good sense of how to make an MMO that people would enjoy.
Oh it's on Wii? =/

Square had an impressive showing with FFXI. They should make a documentary on what the hell went wrong during XIV's development.
I wonder how "MMO" DQX is gonna be. I mean, from what I played of DQIX, it had some MMO qualities to it. If DQX is just slightly more in that direction, I could see it working.
[quote name='icebeast']There was Final Fantasy XIV on PS3...[/QUOTE]
To be fair, FF14 might have been awesome on console. But we'll never know because it failed so completely on PC. :lol:

Yeah, I don't know, I'm starting to think that this could work. I'm going to reserve judgment. I could be down for some low-impact co-op questing a la Borderlands, in a Dragon Quest milieu. They might pull it off.
FFXIV wouldn't of failed of they didn't rush to release the damn thing.Knew it was going to suck when they only had a 2 month beta test through July and August with a release in September.
[quote name='ihadFG']I wonder how "MMO" DQX is gonna be. I mean, from what I played of DQIX, it had some MMO qualities to it. If DQX is just slightly more in that direction, I could see it working.[/QUOTE]
this is the only reason why i can believe in DQ X. if they don't make it stupid like FF XI, i'll be down.

(yes, i said FF XI. not even mentioning the travesty that is FF XIV.)
I'm sure that there are plenty of diehard players still online. Are the servers actually going down in October or is this just an assumption based on Dark Souls coming out?

Either way, I need to go online at least one more time to get that item you only get by defeating someone else as the 3-2 boss. I stayed offline most of the time because I didn't want to get invaded by a Black Phantom.
[quote name='Indignate']I want it to be like Phantasy Star.

And have no fees.[/QUOTE]

PSO2 on consoles sounds better to me.
[quote name='ihadFG']I wonder how "MMO" DQX is gonna be. I mean, from what I played of DQIX, it had some MMO qualities to it. If DQX is just slightly more in that direction, I could see it working.[/QUOTE]

Like I said earlier, if it was like that I'd probably be interested. But that still doesn't negate the fact that basically any game with large scale online interaction is not ideally suited for the Wii. I mean Monster Hunter Tri basically proves it can work, but that game was still fairly cumbersome when it came to online, now some of that like the server structure and menu system was obviously more on Capcom's end (although who knows if Square-Enix will do any better), but stuff like a lack of voice chat and unified friend system was a pain.

I'm still leery of how they would choose to implement a friend and server system though, since this is from the same company who thought that randomly assigning you a server and then forcing you to obtain a World Pass to create characters on a different server (you know, like the one your friend might be playing on) was a good idea... of course that "feature" was removed four years after the game was released, but it still shows how crazy their ideas for MMOs have been even on the more well regarded FFXI.
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An official Square Enix FAQ regarding the game noted that while DQX can be played alone, it can only be played offline for the first few hours. After that, it's necessary to play online.

Moreover, Square Enix have cleared up any confusion regarding whether the game will require an extra fee on top of what gamers will pay for the title. Gamers will need to pay to play online.
Thanks for clearing that up. :roll:

I'm gonna have to change sides on the localization debate for this one now that we have all the facts. There's no way that an online-only Wii game which charges a subscription fee is feasible in the West. If we see it here, it will likely be sans subscription fee and/or only the Wii-U port.
[quote name='fwbweux']I'm sure that there are plenty of diehard players still online. Are the servers actually going down in October or is this just an assumption based on Dark Souls coming out?

Either way, I need to go online at least one more time to get that item you only get by defeating someone else as the 3-2 boss. I stayed offline most of the time because I didn't want to get invaded by a Black Phantom.[/QUOTE]

Just play in soul form if you don't want to get invaded. That also makes it much easier to sneak up on the bad guys (and especially the crystal lizards).
[quote name='ihadFG']How far are you in it? It's the kind of game that takes a bit to get going. It really starts getting good once the demon fusing becomes more important.[/QUOTE]

I got to the point where I had to save Haru. But it's far enough in to know I'm not digging the game's combat.
[quote name='fwbweux']I'm sure that there are plenty of diehard players still online. Are the servers actually going down in October or is this just an assumption based on Dark Souls coming out?

Either way, I need to go online at least one more time to get that item you only get by defeating someone else as the 3-2 boss. I stayed offline most of the time because I didn't want to get invaded by a Black Phantom.[/QUOTE]

I played Demons Souls for about an hour. Havent touched it since. Keep telling myself to go back and give it another try. But making it through that first area where it's just trial and error and there's no checkpoints is too much of an exercise in brutality for me.
[quote name='eldergamer']I played Demons Souls for about an hour. Havent touched it since. Keep telling myself to go back and give it another try. But making it through that first area where it's just trial and error and there's no checkpoints is too much of an exercise in brutality for me.[/QUOTE]

I also didn't get into it, but I can defiantly see the appeal. I did beat a few bosses and what I did accomplish felt very rewarding.
[quote name='Rodimus']I also didn't get into it, but I can defiantly see the appeal. I did beat a few bosses and what I did accomplish felt very rewarding.[/QUOTE]

Maneater is the toughest boss that I've ever fought in any game (and was actually able to beat.) I think I was actually shouting YES! YEEEEESSSSS! when I finally beat him, hah.


Never forget.

However World 5-2 is like a boss battle in the form of an extremely oppressive level and I've never been able to actually beat Demon's Souls because of it :bomb:
[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']So I just picked up Dead Island, anybody else get it yet?

It's a WRPG.[/QUOTE]

Is it? know practically nothing about the game other than that one sweet trailer that was released. I plan on picking it up when I can snag it for like $20 though.
I dunno about any RPG elements, but it's co-op 1st-person melee combat against zombies.

From what I've heard the early consensus is that it is buggy and badly flawed and also quite fun in spite of that.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']Didn't the Wii Monster Hunter have fees in Japan and not in the US?[/QUOTE]

Yeah. That question is going to be the make or break for me if it does come here. There's no way I'm going to play a subscription fee for it, as much as I love Dragon Quest.
[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']So I just picked up Dead Island, anybody else get it yet?

It's a WRPG.[/QUOTE]

No conversation tree.


[quote name='Indignate']No conversation tree.



Leveling up, and a skill tree for characters, like Borderlands the WRPG.

So WRPG, with JRPG elements.

I think your post was in jest though...

Edit: But, ya I'm starting to think about that more, and almost every game has leveling and upgradeable weapons/skills...so I dunno if it'd qualify. Probably not.
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I wouldn't call Borderlands an RPG. A first person shooter with light RPG elements, definitely.

What are the JRPG-like elements in Dead Island? :whistle2:s
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I wouldn't call Borderlands an RPG. A first person shooter with light RPG elements, definitely.

What are the JRPG-like elements in Dead Island? :whistle2:s[/QUOTE]

Being forever alone.


But seriously, none. I don't know why I said that. I just has light RPG elements like Borderlands.
Well to me I consider Borderlands an RPG and an FPS because the overall structure is an RPG. Sounds like Dead Island might be the same way, but I don't know for sure.
I wouldn't consider Dead Island an RPG, in the same way I would not consider Borderlands an RPG. Borderlands is all about every crazy ass fucking weapon, and Dead Island is about well beating the shit out of zombies. Then again both have level up mechanics, skill trees and every weapon has stats on it.

Both are good games, but the stories in both are weak as hell, and unlike a game like fallout or dragon age with a conversation system, this doesn't have it so I will say no it's not an RPG but a first person action game with RPG elements to it.

Also pretty pissed that no best buy's in the area had Disgaea 4. I was going to go the ship to store option, but the earliest they quoted me was 9/22 so I had to pay for shipping. I got it at BB because I had a giftcard I was using for Disgaea and I am not waiting 16+ days to get it.:bomb:
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