WebRidestv.com: Free Ps3/Wii/360/iphone/amazon gift cards+many more

[quote name='ParticleReality']Sitting at 3800 points. I figure if I upload a few rides and get a bunch of people to sign up under me, I should be able to get a PSP in under a year![/quote]

I'm trying to get the PSP by year's end or shortly after. I'll be working at a camp for 6 weeks so it will cut into my point gathering, but as long as I get it, i'm good :D
[quote name='orbit18']i really hope i get the stuff, i dont wanna wait another 2 weeks.[/QUOTE]

Well even if you do get what you want tonight, you will have to wait a good 7 weeks for it to be delivered:| Makes that 2 week wait not feel that bad if you do miss it tonight, does it not?
restock was changed to 4pm PST or 7pm EST!!!

EDIT: 7:15 EST Racing games have 1-2 copies and 1 $100 amazon gift card if you can grab them!
Mario Galaxy is out as well. Damn site, changed the time to right in the middle of my class. Hopefully I can get GT4 or Burnout the next time. I just want to dump my points and run. ;/
[quote name='Shady3011']I'm still far out from that $100 gift card. When I reached that point, I think I'll just wait it out for a DS instead or PSP.[/quote]

I've already got a DS so getting a PSP would complete my handheld fleet. Just a few more months:bouncy:
[quote name='WarriorBlake']YES!! YOU MISSED ALL THE ACTION!! At first everything was calm, then suddenly a volcano erupted with demons flying out of it! Then, out of no where, Mecha Jesus came out and kicked some demon butt! Yay Jesus!

...but yeah...missed a lot...[/quote]Damn, I knew I missed something big! Did you record it so you could put it up on youtube?
[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']Damn, I knew I missed something big! Did you record it so you could put it up on youtube?[/quote]

Tried, but apparently some "higher power" owns rights to any footage of Mecha Jesus©
tbh this site is getting really stupid and they think theyr going to get ppl by increasig the prices, wont get them anywhere.
There has been some changes to the Schwag. No more SMG :( and they added a F-1 racing game for the PS3. Meh, oh well. Still in it for the PSP and PS3!!!
since i saved points for the GH bundles, but cashed in for 360 games, i could probably get a GC if i continue this a little longer
[quote name='hksevo']whens the next restock? i kinda lost count of which week...[/QUOTE]

It was last night. So 2 more weeks. (Unless they change up the dates on us)
Doing some calculations, using the limit of 750 per day, the Amazon gift card at 75,000 and 150,000 mean that every day where you hit the limit is worth only $0.50 of the value of the gift card you want. Man, this is gonna take forever. :(
Aw fuck. I just noticed that they took down SMG and GHIII, which were my reasons for stocking up on points. Now I'm sitting on 89k and I can't get shit because the restocks for gcs are over by the time I get home on Fridays.

Looks like it's time to play the waiting game.
[quote name='crunchberries']Aw fuck. I just noticed that they took down SMG and GHIII, which were my reasons for stocking up on points. Now I'm sitting on 89k and I can't get shit because the restocks for gcs are over by the time I get home on Fridays.

Looks like it's time to play the waiting game.[/quote]
the waiting game sucks, let's play Hungry Hungry Hippos!
I'm playing an even better game: Preparing for a computer repair competition! Been studying all weekend and I get to go to Kansas City if I beat 4 other people in my state this weekend!!
[quote name='Shady3011']What kind of computer repair contest? Software, Hardware, or both?[/quote]

Both and a mock A+ exam too.
Just a heads up for everyone. The daily point limit has been raised to 1000. Referrals now earn you 5000 points after that person earns 15,000 points on their own account. Apparently, this is going to be the last increase for a while.
[quote name='Crazyglitcher']Hey, if my brother wants to sign up, its possible right? i guess what Im asking is, you can have 2 accounts per household, correct?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Shady3011']Just a heads up for everyone. The daily point limit has been raised to 1000. Referrals now earn you 5000 points after that person earns 15,000 points on their own account. Apparently, this is going to be the last increase for a while.[/quote]

SWEEEEEEEET!!!! I might get a PSP for Christmas after all!
[quote name='lilredvampy']erm where did you see this couse i am not seeing it not saying any thing bad but i just might be missing it pls tell me[/QUOTE]

Im not quite sure what you are trying to say. If I am correct you are asking where it says the daily points were increased to 1000 pts, then it is in the webridestv forums.

If thats not what you meant then I dont know what to tell you.
Its really cool that I can get to webridestv at school.:D I had 15000 and expected it to end at 15750 but now I have 16000. Its nice that they raised the limit right as I had an even number. I only saw that the FAQ page still had 750 as the limit but now I know its 1000.

For the referals is it 5000 for every 15000 or is it a one time deal?
oh sweet, now there is a chance i can get my 360 in under a year maybe? im going to start playing again if that wuts gonna happen. lol
[quote name='Shady3011']My best advice is to shoot them an e-mail and tell them your situation.[/quote]done
also sending a pic of you and your swag adds 3000 to your account
[quote name='Nathan_Sama']done
also sending a pic of you and your swag adds 3000 to your account[/QUOTE]

What if youre a girl and dont have a swag to show them?
bread's done