WebRidestv.com: Free Ps3/Wii/360/iphone/amazon gift cards+many more

[quote name='Shady3011']+100000 for flashing. :applause:[/quote]

What if your a guy and you flash them:booty:? They dont want to descriminate now! LOL:lol:
[quote name='Nathan_Sama']done
also sending a pic of you and your swag adds 3000 to your account[/quote]

Swag for 3000 whats a swag then?
[quote name='finsfan0210']Swag for 3000 whats a swag then?[/quote]

Swag = anything you got as a prize from them. Game, Gadgets, Consoles, etc. all are considered "swag"
Update from earlier

I email them telling them I got the wrong game (got the attention of the manager in the process) soooo now I have to ship it back if I want NFS
[quote name='Shady3011']Restock is this Friday 7PM EDT (4PM PDT) if they keep this new found schedule.[/quote]

Sweet. Now I just have to find a way to be online this time. I swear, if anything, I mean anything, prevents me from doing so, Ima go apeshit. I've been sitting on these points for about three weeks now.
[quote name='drtomoe123']I FINALLY got my PGR4 that I got when it was still 6000 points...now I'm very happy to say that I'm officially done with this site. :)[/quote]

If ur done, send me ur leftover points XD Too bad you cant...or can you?
u cant lol, i was wondering the same thing but unfortunatly its not going to happen. im going for the itouch and forgetting about the 360 cuz it will take me literaly 2 years to get it plus another like 2 months til it gets to my house.
[quote name='Foladar']Apparently they aren't doing bi-weekly updates, FYI.[/quote]

They never did. They do bi-monthly updates, meaning two times a month or every other week. Do you mean they got rid of this too? Who is your source?
[quote name='Foladar']Apparently they aren't doing bi-weekly updates, FYI.[/quote]

Meaning that they're doing them at random now? I haven't checked on the site in quite a while, probably a monthish. Have been meaning to get in on a friday but keep forgetting as I'm tied up with other stuff.
[quote name='antlive84']They never did. They do bi-monthly updates, meaning two times a month or every other week. Do you mean they got rid of this too? Who is your source?[/QUOTE]

My "source" is the man himself, he posted it on their forums on the 15th.
He posted this the 24th: "I restock now randomly, and we are increasing the amount of schwag we're adding tremendously! You've just gotta be around to get it, items sell out in seconds!"

Just gotta check their forums, hes said it in several places.
[quote name='africansk8er']I got GTA for PS3, even though I don't have a PS3. I'll trade it in or something. I can't believe it wasn't sold out.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I checked earlier and it wasn't there, came back and it was sold out .. apparently he stocked 10 for each console.
[quote name='Foladar']My "source" is the man himself, he posted it on their forums on the 15th.
He posted this the 24th: "I restock now randomly, and we are increasing the amount of schwag we're adding tremendously! You've just gotta be around to get it, items sell out in seconds!"

Just gotta check their forums, hes said it in several places.[/quote]

i don't really check their forums. thanks for the info. have a good one.
Just a question for anyone who has ordered 2 or more items. Did you get the email to mail your name and address back to them with your second+ order?

I ordered a 50$ amazon back before they jacked the prices up, and just recently (April 11th) placed an order for Burnout Paradise to kill off the last of my points. But I never got the email to send them my info again, so I just figured they kept it on file or something.

I'll send them an email, but they take about 2 weeks to reply. Just wondering if anyone else had that happen.
damn i hate that its gunna be random now :(

now we don't what time they restock or if they will stock every day or anything... it could be months before i even get one game :(

i dont feel like earning anymore points i just want burnout :p
[quote name='orbit18']damn i hate that its gunna be random now :(

now we don't what time they restock or if they will stock every day or anything... it could be months before i even get one game :(

i dont feel like earning anymore points i just want burnout :p[/QUOTE]

Haha. Im actually the one who suggested doing it randomly in the forums there. I think its better because now you dont have to compete with every other person on the site trying to get the same game at 8pm Friday night.
Woohoo! I refreshed the page right as both versions of GTA4 and Mario Kart Wii went up, and I ended up cashing in for the 360 edition of GTA4. I shortly got my email asking for my address, and now the long wait begins ...
[quote name='Gohan']Woohoo! I refreshed the page right as both versions of GTA4 and Mario Kart Wii went up, and I ended up cashing in for the 360 edition of GTA4. I shortly got my email asking for my address, and now the long wait begins ...[/quote]

GAH AGAIN! i was eating lunch! :( damnit! lol

i think im just gunna go for burnout, cause i want gta4 the day it comes out, plus i have a gamestop giftcard from my birthday.. I can wait a few weeks for burnout :p but must play gta4 :D
[quote name='Gohan']Woohoo! I refreshed the page right as both versions of GTA4 and Mario Kart Wii went up, and I ended up cashing in for the 360 edition of GTA4. I shortly got my email asking for my address, and now the long wait begins ...[/QUOTE]

Not a bad score at all. Hopefully the ship down is cut down from the 7 weeks its taken for the last too updates they did.
[quote name='antlive84']If you ordered a game, how long did it take to arrive?[/quote]
i ordered 2 on separate accounts
1 came in last week but it as the wrong game (week #4) and i have yet to receive #2 (almost week 5)
[quote name='BluesCluesMama']There is a daily limit of 1000 credit not 260! I read it on the site![/QUOTE]

They changed that awhile ago. I updated the OP.
Wow I didn't realize the thread made it to 29 pages so far. o_O Well maybe you can answer something for me. I accidently got over 1000 points because when I uploaded a photo for my profile they gave me exactly 1000 points after the fact that I had looked at and commented on some videos(554 points worth by now). Am I in trouble for that? o_O;; Or is that profile pic a gimme?
[quote name='orbit18']GAH AGAIN! i was eating lunch! :( damnit! lol[/quote]
Sorry if it sounded like the games were restocked today. It was actually around 7PM CST last night that those three games went up. 10 were in stock for each one, and I only one copy of the 360 version of GTA4 was taken before I got mine.

Fun fact: the PS3 version took a lot longer to sell out than the 360 version (not trying to start some console war; it is merely an observation) ...

[quote name='musha666']Not a bad score at all. Hopefully the ship down is cut down from the 7 weeks its taken for the last too updates they did.[/quote]
I sure hope I get it before the mainstream media gets a look at it. After watching a video of what prostitutes do in this game, I have a bad feeling that the game is going to be brought forth by the paranoid calling for its head.
[quote name='animemaniac14']gonna try this out...see what i come up with...so you can get 1000 pts/day?[/quote]

yes, it is 1000 pts/day. And you can have two accounts per address. So what I would do is use one for all the smaller prizes and the other for big prizes.
[quote name='WarriorBlake']yes, it is 1000 pts/day. And you can have two accounts per address. So what I would do is use one for all the smaller prizes and the other for big prizes. BTW, ifd you decide to sign up, plz refer me;)(when you sign up, put in sonic66 as a referral)[/QUOTE]

Folador is allowing us to tell our referral names again?
[quote name='musha666']Folador is allowing us to tell our referral names again?[/quote]

Errr...i dunno. The referral thing got restarted recently but If I shouldn't do it, I wont.
[quote name='WarriorBlake']Errr...i dunno. The referral thing got restarted recently but If I shouldn't do it, I wont.[/quote]
Well it's my understanding that referrals should only be in the referral forum.
Keep your referrals in the referral forum.
Its stated in the OP, I'm going to just delete any post dealing with referrals in the future. This includes those quoting it.
[quote name='Foladar']Keep your referrals in the referral forum.
Its stated in the OP, I'm going to just delete any post dealing with referrals in the future. This includes those quoting it.[/quote]
Did I quote his referral id??
I didn't think I did, but I don't remember.
[quote name='Foladar']Keep your referrals in the referral forum.
Its stated in the OP, I'm going to just delete any post dealing with referrals in the future. This includes those quoting it.[/QUOTE]

So thats a no then?
just a heads up if u didn't kno
they changed the amazon cards to a max of 20$ and there are 10 still in stock...

it's kind of a rip off compared to last time but it's the best thing close to it...
[quote name='hksevo']just a heads up if u didn't kno
they changed the amazon cards to a max of 20$ and there are 10 still in stock...

it's kind of a rip off compared to last time but it's the best thing close to it...[/quote]

Gone now. And kind of a ripoff? It is a ripoff. I swear, as soon as I get something, I'm outta there. I mean, hell, even GPT sites are more reliable about giving out prizes and keeping things in stock than those guys and that's saying something.
Wanted to thank BluesCluesMamafor add.

BTW I up'd some Eliza Dushku and Sofia Vergara pics on my account. ood way to get some points.
[quote name='crunchberries']Gone now. And kind of a ripoff? It is a ripoff. I swear, as soon as I get something, I'm outta there. I mean, hell, even GPT sites are more reliable about giving out prizes and keeping things in stock than those guys and that's saying something.[/QUOTE]

Wow yea, more then a ripoff. I was still interested until I saw the price. Ill just save up my pts and wait for something good to come on there to get.
bread's done