*Wii Conga!* old

alright. thanks cachooka. please let us know when you go green.

What games do you guys plan on getting when you get your Wiis?
I just signed up under:

A) xbrooootalx
C)Advantage Language(german version)

I clicked other links to see if they are availalbe in Canada and they arn't so the Advantage Language might take a while because it was the only offer I could do that I have not done. I did order it tho so it is a 100% green. AM i still going to be under the COGNA if the person passes the rotation but he get's 3 sign up and I am the 4th because I know mine will be a bit longer because I have 5 click histories?

AWW man wtf I researched the person I just signed up under and he is banned from this site how am I supposed to get my 5 referalls now here is the site he is located in the #5th post and it says banned, do I still get to be added to the rotation.

[quote name='psincubus']alright. thanks cachooka. please let us know when you go green.

What games do you guys plan on getting when you get your Wiis?[/quote]

Resident Evil: UC!!! and from there on we'll see
xbrootalx has been banned it seems. should we remove him from the conga?

my reason for asking is anyone who signs up under him will have trouble confirming that they went green.

can we get a vote?
[quote name='psincubus']xbrootalx has been banned it seems. should we remove him from the conga?

my reason for asking is anyone who signs up under him will have trouble confirming that they went green.

can we get a vote?[/quote]
so wait what happens to me do I still get to be in the conga when I go green.
My two cents: If a CAG is banned, they should be removed from all Congas. I'm tired of a few bad eggs screwing it up for the rest of us and then having them benefit with more referrals. As for those who signed up under a banned CAGer- I think they should be allowed to stay, albiet with some kind of screening process to make sure they signed up while following the rules. Otherwise, we are going to get people creating multiple accounts who then get banned, but could theoritically keep getting into congas. None of this refers to you Sejad, you are a CAGiversary, and should be added. I am just speaking in general terms.
This looked really tempting, but I just didn't want to signup for it and not get any referrals for weeks, possibly taking months to get referrals.
[quote name='Ernest_360']My two cents: If a CAG is banned, they should be removed from all Congas. I'm tired of a few bad eggs screwing it up for the rest of us and then having them benefit with more referrals. As for those who signed up under a banned CAGer- I think they should be allowed to stay, albiet with some kind of screening process to make sure they signed up while following the rules. Otherwise, we are going to get people creating multiple accounts who then get banned, but could theoritically keep getting into congas. None of this refers to you Sejad, you are a CAGiversary, and should be added. I am just speaking in general terms.[/quote]

thx for clearing it up a little bit because I was getting the impression I got ripped off by signing under someone. And this is my first try at a conga so this should be fun.
[quote name='Aljaud']This looked really tempting, but I just didn't want to signup for it and not get any referrals for weeks, possibly taking months to get referrals.[/quote]
if I get like 1 referal I will be happy if I get 2 I still will be happy but after 3 I will be jumping because I can just use my sis and bro's credit card after that to get 2 more referals.

Hey nyj1218 how long you been in this conga because you seem to have the most referals I was just wondering.

hey psincubus are you going to add me tomorrow to the list on the bottom?
[quote name='Aljaud']This looked really tempting, but I just didn't want to signup for it and not get any referrals for weeks, possibly taking months to get referrals.[/quote] I've been in this conga for a few months and have received two referrals. Originally, this conga had a limit of three referrals...so under those rules I was two thirds of the way there! One tactic that might help your decision: You can always take the money instead of the Wii itself. With that being the case, you could sign up for this conga and start earning the cash prize via referrals, and then go to a retail store and buy a Wii (if you are lucky enough to find one of course) and enjoy it while racking up the referrals. Incubus has been running this conga like clockwork for a long time. We are committed to see it through to the best of our abilities.
just added Sejad to the conga.

Thanks for the input Ernest. I'll remove xbrootalx at the end of the week, I think.

what do you think I should do foladar?
[quote name='Ernest_360']I've been in this conga for a few months and have received two referrals. Originally, this conga had a limit of three referrals...so under those rules I was two thirds of the way there! One tactic that might help your decision: You can always take the money instead of the Wii itself. With that being the case, you could sign up for this conga and start earning the cash prize via referrals, and then go to a retail store and buy a Wii (if you are lucky enough to find one of course) and enjoy it while racking up the referrals. Incubus has been running this conga like clockwork for a long time. We are committed to see it through to the best of our abilities.[/quote]

hey Ernest thx for the info and everything you really seem to be on top of things too.
Hey guys I just signed up for this getyourwiiforfree.com I need referrals! :) I suppose you guys are helping each other out on this, I would like to join in if that's cool! :) Let me know.
Hey blackened. To join you have to sign up under one of the two people on the front page (where it says sign up under these people). then we'd be happy to help!
[quote name='xsteph1022x']1)chewster7777
3)Yahoo Success Center

Thanks xsteph1022x, for signing up under me!
nyj1218 has informed me that he got his 5th referral! Congratulations nyj1218 and thanks for signing up in the conga. Which option did you go for, the Wii or the cash?
[quote name='psincubus']nyj1218 has informed me that he got his 5th referral! Congratulations nyj1218 and thanks for signing up in the conga. Which option did you go for, the Wii or the cash?[/quote] Congrats nyj! You made it!!!
[quote name='psincubus']nyj1218 has informed me that he got his 5th referral! Congratulations nyj1218 and thanks for signing up in the conga. Which option did you go for, the Wii or the cash?[/quote]

I am jealous!!!!!! lol but Congrats!!!!!

Man I am so excited to get my hands on a Wii everyone is talking about it I want it more then my 360 that I own or the PS3 that I am trying to get too.
Well I hope ive made it; my account is under review right now which i know is a standard procedure but makes me nervous.

I went for the wii and im really crossing my fingers that it will make it here before christmas :pray: (Its gonna be a "family" gift)

I want to thank everyone that helped me get this wii, those in charge of the conga, my referrals and anyone else that feels they helped, thanks.

As I have said before, anyone who reads this thread with any interest in obtaining a nintendo wii, please get started in this thread
[quote name='nyj1218']Ive been approved! Now i play the waiting game.....well this waiting game anyway[/quote] Congrats! I'm glad everything went through without a hitch for you. Hopefully your Wii will arrive sooner rather than later! There was an article on Google today that talked about how GameStop is now handing out rain checks for the Wii on a limited basis. I think Trainn is pretty good about getting their orders out. Did they say how long it would take?
I believe I originally signed up on the NintendoWii4free website through this forum, meaning I was someone's referral, but I don't remember who it was. In any case, my email is kkulper@gmail, I signed up for the Wii, I'm green, and I have 3/5 referrals.
PM'd nnythm for confirmation, and put jetli in the conga. Let us know when you complete an offer Slim Gatsby so you can secure your place in the conga!
Hey guys I was looking at the offers they offer for gifts and the one that most striked me was the 6 referral with extra controller and game(of any choice) so I was thinking ANY CHOICE that means you can order Guitar Hero 3 Bundle!
bread's done