*Wii Conga!* old

bump for me forgetting it was my week. if your one of those who saw this thread and decided to check it out not sure if you really want to do it, trust me - you do. its as easy as getting the free 360 games, but you only need to do 1 offer and there are much more to choose from.

edit: forgot to mention, its run by the same company
I am now offering 500 MS Points to my new referrals but only if I get all 3 before this sunday. So if you want an added incentive to join now (and signup under my name in the OP + go green) here you go
thanks for signing up. i dont see the green yet either. im not sure how long stamps takes to credit but if you have any other questions this is thread to do so
just a little update: I had to cancel the stamps.com trial because they charged $15-something dollars to my checking acct. so needless to say I cancelled it. I am gonna try again with another offer and hopefully I'll get one that won't screw me
[quote name='xXBrandonHeatXx']just a little update: I had to cancel the stamps.com trial because they charged $15-something dollars to my checking acct. so needless to say I cancelled it. I am gonna try again with another offer and hopefully I'll get one that won't screw me[/quote] The $15 charge was a "holding charge" during your free trial. Now that you have cancelled, you should be receiving the $15 back. If not, raise hell with their customer support.
Um, did you sign up under somone one funkidelicbill? If so, please list who you signed up under, the offer you did, and post your email address. Keep in mind, if you did not sign up under someone in this Conga you cannot advertise your referral link here. Thanks.
I removed his link, however left his post for the time being .. I'm sending the link to the OP, so he can hang onto it .. funkidelicbill will have three days (72 hours) to come back, inform us who he signed up for, before being removed for spam.
Ok, sorry I haven't been able to go green yet but I should within a day or so...been having issues with my financial institution. Do I need to provide my referral code when I do turn green?
[quote name='xXBrandonHeatXx']Ok, sorry I haven't been able to go green yet but I should within a day or so...been having issues with my financial institution. Do I need to provide my referral code when I do turn green?[/quote] Yes, please send your referral link via personal message to psincubus once you go green.
[quote name='xXBrandonHeatXx']Ok this is my first time doing anything like this!

I signed under nyj1218
[email protected]
Am doing the Stamps.com offer, downloaded and installed software and logged in, still haven't seen anything about the credit.[/QUOTE]
Quoting his old post so he can be confirmed
Hey everyone who hasnt signed up yet. I know it may not be much but I do have "2" xbox live arcade codes. I think its between Joust, Frogger, and Robotron. I need to double check. I got them from Microsoft for registering my system. The thing is though that I had already received some other codes from them about 7 months ago. So Im not exactly sure if these new ones they sent actually work. Im sure they do though but just wanted to let you guys know. Im thinking of giving one each to the first two to sign up under me and go green.
editted first post to remove pictures (they switched the arrows with men in spandex) and removed jacobmunford
Thanks for keeping this up incubus! Hopefully we will get some new folks soon. C'mon people, join up and get your referrals!
bread's done