Wii Shop Channel Thread - 12/29 StarTropics II, Maboshi's Arcade, Cue Sports: Pool

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I'm torn on Mega Man 2. I bought Mega Man 1 on the VC and enjoyed sending Dr. Wily to his knees begging me for mercy, but Mega Man 9 is right around the corner and I still haven't bought SMRPG yet. Decisions decisions.
[quote name='Mr. 420']Secret of Mana is great, but it is so much better if you have a friend to play with.[/QUOTE]
When SoM came out, I played the first 20% with a roommate at college over x-mas break and then the 30% following that with my sister the summer after. I filled in the second half by myself, but it was a fun game to play with someone else. Made things a little less challenging, but still it was fun to do real-time boss battles simultaneously.

If SoM is in fact to be sprung on us, I hope 3P is possible. Not that I'll be able to take advantage of it, but still...I was never able back in the day due to the lack of the lack of a multi-adapter. Would be nice if more people could enjoy that, as I'm sure it's fun.

Why are we so certain that SoM is on its way, btw? It's not listed on the ESRB website. Not that the ESRB is a definite indicator, but it's gotta be listed eventually. I don't know if everything on the VC is also ESRB approved, but I checked a recent release (SMRPG) and it showed up with ESRB.

Also, Earthbound is on the ESRB site for the Wii. EVRYBODY PANIKk.
[quote name='dothog']
Also, Earthbound is on the ESRB site for the Wii. EVRYBODY PANIKk.[/QUOTE]

Just makin' sure you know that this happened at least....oh, I'd say 2-3 months ago, following a reader poll in Nintendo Power that stated that Earthbound was one of the top 5 most wanted (if not THE most wanted).

Then just underneath that they had a NP editorial staff most wanted. I can't remember if EB was on it, but the basic idea I took from it was "Oh, if the NP staff says they want X, then that means X actually has a chance of showing up, and if EB isn't on there, then there's no way in hell NoA gives a shit."

(does some digging)

Yep, just as I thought:

Public requests

1. Earthbound
2. Super Mario RPG
3. Chrono Trigger
4. Mother
5. Majora's Mask

NP staff requests

1. Mega Man: The Wily Wars
2. Terranigma
3. FF6
4. Super Mario RPG
5. Rocket Knight Adventures

This screams out "even our official magazine staff doesn't give a shit, or at least knows it's a lost cause."

I think there was another poll recently...

Yep. July 30:


1) Earthbound
2) Mother
3) Mario RPG
4) Chrono Trigger
5) Smash Bros 64


1) Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
2) Mega Man: The Wily Wars
3) Terranigma
4) Mario All-Stars
5) Super Punch-Out

Once again, no EB on the staff picks.

And one from 4-5 days ago:

1) Earthbound (SNES)
2) Mother (NES/Japan only)
3) Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (SNES, already released)
4) Super Smash Bros. (N64)
5) The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask (N64)

NP staff’s most wanted:

1) Mega Man: The Wily Wars (Sega Genesis/Europe and Japan)
2) Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (TurboGrafx CD/Japan only)
3) Terranigma (SNES/Europe and Japan only)
4) Super Punch-Out!! (SNES)
5) Pilotwings (SNES)

Notice the trend. Notice it, and cry.

The point is that the NP staff maintains a group of games that they want. And how do we even know the reader picks are accurate? I'm sure Goldeneye is at the top of the list, and I wouldn't be at all surprised to see the staff being told to omit it based purely on the entire debacle that shit turned out to be.
[quote name='Strell']Just makin' sure you know....[/QUOTE]
Yes, I'm aware of how easy it is to fuck with Mother fans.

We've got to remember, though, that the NP staff are serious gamers. More than that, they are critics who have a professional responsibility to understanding this medium as art.

And in that sense, yeah, Rocket Knight Adventures over EarthBound is a no-brainer.
[quote name='dothog']
We've got to remember, though, that the NP staff are serious gamers. [/quote]

Wait for it....

More than that, they are critics who have a professional responsibility

Wait for it....

to understanding this medium as art.

Waaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiit for it....

And in that sense, yeah, Rocket Knight Adventures over EarthBound is a no-brainer.

OH that's GOTTA hurt!
[quote name='Strell']
OH that's GOTTA hurt![/QUOTE]
Please to not dissect my body slams. Now that SMRPG's accounted for, we bring tha ruckus to Mother 2.

Unless people start clamoring for Wily Wars with enthusiasm.
Wily Wars would be awesome. I have a hard time believing that Nintendo would put a compilation up on VC. It is nice to see Rondo of Blood appearing so often on the Nintendo staff picks.
[quote name='integralsmatic']Time to Destroy the King of Towns' Army


[quote name='Cao Cao']Mega Man 2's intro is pure excellence.

In 200X, a super robot named Megaman was created...

We're runnin' out of 200X's here and still no cheesily themed androids.
[quote name='VioletArrows']We're runnin' out of 200X's here and still no cheesily themed androids.[/QUOTE]
Give it time. We've still got one election yet to go.
[quote name='Halo05']Wily Wars would be awesome. I have a hard time believing that Nintendo would put a compilation up on VC. It is nice to see Rondo of Blood appearing so often on the Nintendo staff picks.[/QUOTE]

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ys_I_&_II ;)

I know what you actually meant, and I don't think we'll ever see Super Mario All-Stars or Mega Man: The Wily Wars show up on the Virtual Console. Either of those titles would cut into the sales of their NES precursors.
Sitting here checking out the Nintendo Channel:
-Nothing new on the DS demo side. Looks like all of last weeks demos are still the same
-A really good video of Wario Land Shake It. I'm not sure if it's Day 1, but it's def a DAY SOMETIME! The animation just looks awesome.
-Potpourri 30 second video. Yawn. Skip.
-Some 6 minute+ video with the developer of Lost Winds. :whistle2:k The developer is like a big fat guy StinkyCheese....:rofl:
-A neat video on :ds: Lock's Quest. Hmm..:whistle2:k
-Videos with Spiderman Web Of Shadows. LOL? It's a game with Spiderman & Wolverine? What the fuck?

They also have sections now for "New Videos" "Mario Kart Videos" and "Wii Fit Videos"
Sorry! I had morning dislexia!
I meant some "Big fat stinkycheese guy" :lol:

It was some guy with a british or even irish (?) accent. Of COURSE Im going to think of YOU :grouphug:
Stinkycheese, lilboo wants a mustache ride.

And a bowler ride.

All English guys have those, right?


Gee, this game is actually a little better than I remember. I know I was arguing with dothog about it's authentic joy earlier on in this thread, but I actually agree with him more than I let on in the sense that SMRPG sometimes felt pretty flat to me. I had remembered it being like this - much like he had put it, as a Square game with little more than Mario plaster all over the front.

But damn, the music is just so cheerfully good. And the battle system is still serviceable (can you not do preemptive attacks in this one like you can in Paper Mario? Or am I just missing an accessory that allows that).

But playing it now makes me appreciate the humor of the game more. I remember the slapstick stuff being hilarious (like Mario wanting to punch the little kid when he implies Geno is a lot stronger than him), but the dialogue itself can be fairly amusing. Which you should read as "anything Booster says or does is hilarious, and his little Snifit drones are somewhat amusing themselves."

I'm about to go into the pirate ship. Really enjoying the game.
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Surprised to see Strong Bad Episode 2 up already, I still haven't finished the first one.

I'm liking SMRPG a lot as well, first time playing it... I'm only up to Mole Mountain or whatever it's called.
Yeah, I'm just not used to episodic games coming out so fast... they tend to be months apart rather than every month.

Although I guess Sam & Max had the same release schedule but I bought them all at once rather than waiting for each episode.
[quote name='lilboo']Sorry! I had morning dislexia!
I meant some "Big fat stinkycheese guy" :lol:

It was some guy with a british or even irish (?) accent. Of COURSE Im going to think of YOU :grouphug:[/quote]

awww! you always make me feel special Boo :grouphug:

I was curious to see if nintendo has given us anything neat on the channel, but I was dissapointed by a few crappy videos, Iron man demo (meh), and a Spore Creatures demo (okay, but not enough)
If I made games for wiiware I would be pretty concerned that the system I am making my game for doesn't have a very big hard drive and that I would miss out on a lot of sales.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']http://kotaku.com/5050868/nintendo-holding-fall-2008-press-conference

Nintendo is having a press conference on October 2nd where there will be announcing "new products." Hopefully they'll be announcing something for the storage issues.[/QUOTE]

Let's take bets on the following:

1) The new wifi adapter - 100%
2) Pikmin 3 - 80%
3) Punch-out! Wii - 60%
4) Some more information on Wii Sports Resort/WiiMotionPlus - 60%
5) Potential rumblings on DS2 - 10%

I do not think a storage solution will be discussed.

Prove me wrong, Nintendo. Prove me wrong.
[quote name='lilboo']:rofl: Yeah, ok.[/quote]

:cry: You big meanie!

[quote name='Strell']Let's take bets on the following:

1) The new wifi adapter - 100%
2) Pikmin 3 - 80%
3) Punch-out! Wii - 60%
4) Some more information on Wii Sports Resort/WiiMotionPlus - 60%
5) Potential rumblings on DS2 - 10%

I do not think a storage solution will be discussed.

Prove me wrong, Nintendo. Prove me wrong.[/quote]

1, 2, 4 aren't new.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']
1, 2, 4 aren't new.[/QUOTE]

How many Nintendo meetings have we seen where they show us stuff we already know about, but they claim it's new anyway?

My thinking is that Nintendo execs assume we nerds will get our info through the same channels regardless of what they say in the public eye, and as such, until it IS said publically, it's still considered new.

But I'd love to be wrong and find out that there's all sorts of cool shit coming out for Christmas, even though I know that aint happnin'.

This is also the reasoning for their retarded E3 showing a few months ago. It's almost a foregone fact that we - the core - will be disappointed. Nothing short of 12 new awesome games coming out within the next 3 months can't change that. Nintendo most likely just leaves us be because they know we'll get our own hands dirty instead of waiting for a handout.
Ugh, you've got to be kidding.

I'm in the Mole Caves and I'm about halfway through, and I tend to mash on the A button after finishing a battle and I accidentally started that "double your coins or lose everything!" mini-game. Well, I lost since I wasn't paying attention so I reset and loaded my save and the coins are still gone!? This game is that smart?

I now have 4 coins when I had like 4000, this really sucks.
[quote name='yukine']
I now have 4 coins when I had like 4000, this really sucks.[/QUOTE]

You can't get more than 999 coins. And the double-your-____ game only affects the stuff won in the battle.

Unless I'm misunderstanding.

[quote name='yukine']Hey, you thought you h4x0red my account the other day. :lol:[/QUOTE]

I still actually think I did to some extent.
[quote name='Strell']How many Nintendo meetings have we seen where they show us stuff we already know about, but they claim it's new anyway?

My thinking is that Nintendo execs assume we nerds will get our info through the same channels regardless of what they say in the public eye, and as such, until it IS said publically, it's still considered new.

But I'd love to be wrong and find out that there's all sorts of cool shit coming out for Christmas, even though I know that aint happnin'.

This is also the reasoning for their retarded E3 showing a few months ago. It's almost a foregone fact that we - the core - will be disappointed. Nothing short of 12 new awesome games coming out within the next 3 months can't change that. Nintendo most likely just leaves us be because they know we'll get our own hands dirty instead of waiting for a handout.[/quote]To be fair, the October conference last year was hot shit. Nintendo Channel, WiiWare blowout, Fire Emblem DS, Sonic in Brawl, Monster Hunter 3 betrayalton, Mario Baseball, Mario Kart online, Card Hero DS, Eternal Chronicle DS, Kirby DS, Soma Bringer, Steal Princess, and Harvest Moon DS. I've given up having expectations for anything they do, but there is precedent here.
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