Wii Shop Channel Thread - 12/29 StarTropics II, Maboshi's Arcade, Cue Sports: Pool

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As botticus mentioned, last year's conference was pretty ground breaking, but I doubt we'll see anything new announced that would have any chance of being released before Christmas. The only (big) thing that I could expect would be released on such a short term would be a storage solution, but I'm certainly not holding my breath.
Uh, what does most of this have to do with the VC/WiiWare? Shouldn't it be in a new "I love Nintendo but I hate Nintendo" thread?

Has anyone tried Potpourri?
yeah, the Shop channel thread can get very off-topic sometimes. Speaking of off-topic, I got a new avatar from the new VG cats comic :whee: Wish I could make it bigger, but whatever
[quote name='wii skiier']Uh, what does most of this have to do with the VC/WiiWare? Shouldn't it be in a new "I love Nintendo but I hate Nintendo" thread?

Hey, remember when you were being arrogant about how you're the only person who apparently isn't hostile?

Yeah, I remember that too!
[quote name='wii skiier']Uh, what does most of this have to do with the VC/WiiWare? Shouldn't it be in a new "I love Nintendo but I hate Nintendo" thread?

Has anyone tried Potpourri?[/quote]
Nintendo OTT? Yeah that seems about right. :lol:

This place can get very homoerotic.
[quote name='Strell']

I cant find a strong badia advert..so i have the third army in this whaw.
[quote name='integralsmatic']

I cant find a strong badia advert..so i have the third army in this whaw.[/QUOTE]

For some reason, "Do you has?" makes me laugh every time.
[quote name='wii skiier']
Potpourri? Anyone played it?[/quote]
Haven't found it in my usual places yet.

Groovin' Blocks is, amazingly, a fun game. (Not an amazingly fun game) Helix is crap though. GB is actually staying on my Wii, and I'll play it... multiple times. An unthinkable feat for most WiiWare games.
Can someone learn me on how they determine block requirements at the time of download? For example, Punch-Out said it required 94 blocks or something like that. Of course I only had 90. After I dumped Check Mii Out, I had 177. After downloading Punch-Out I had... 154. So why did it need 94 up front?
94 blocks is way too much, that's close to 11MB. I imagine the largest NES games would be roughly 4mb (around 32 blocks). Apparently Nintendo doesn't even know how large their games really are.

I don't know how up-to-date this list is, but it looks pretty good: http://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/index.php/Virtual_Console_Installation_Sizes. I'm looking forward to once the thread wikis are implemented here so we can update the block sizes from within CAG.
[quote name='Doomed']
Groovin' Blocks is, amazingly, a fun game. (Not an amazingly fun game) Helix is crap though. GB is actually staying on my Wii, and I'll play it... multiple times. An unthinkable feat for most WiiWare games.[/quote]
Please post your impressions if you do find it. Since it seems like we share the same opinion on Groovin' Blocks, I'd like to hear what you think of Potpourri. I don't want to buy more points right now unless it is spectacular. Because I wasted some on Helix, which I also agree with you on.

Does anyone know how blocks/storage works for VC/WiiWare games being moved to an SD card? This isn't an invitation to complain about "storage issues" or how long it takes, but a technical question.

For example, say I start with 400 blocks free. Then I copy a 200-block game to my SD card. It seems like I should have 200 blocks free, but instead I only have 180 blocks free. This is specific to the game, not the save data. I

Does some of the game stay on your Wii? haven't tested moving the game back to see if the block total corrects itself to where it was originally, but I have started moving a lot of games and am worried my Wii memory will eventually be filled with small pieces of games but not enough room to put a full game back on. I apologize if this has been answered before.
Beat Ep.2 last night.

I really liked the ....Maps and Minions game? Is that it? Reminds me of the Waterloo level in Psychonauts to a small degree, if only for the whole "war boardgame" motif.

I'd say it's pretty much equal to the first, which I already think is equal to a typical SBemail in terms of hilarity and amusement. I wish they all had the "Please don't try to handle my style" opening, since I think that sets a good tone.

The next episode looks awesome. Baddest of the Bands? Come to daddy.
[quote name='wii skiier']Please post your impressions if you do find it. Since it seems like we share the same opinion on Groovin' Blocks, I'd like to hear what you think of Potpourri. I don't want to buy more points right now unless it is spectacular. Because I wasted some on Helix, which I also agree with you on.

Does anyone know how blocks/storage works for VC/WiiWare games being moved to an SD card? This isn't an invitation to complain about "storage issues" or how long it takes, but a technical question.

For example, say I start with 400 blocks free. Then I copy a 200-block game to my SD card. It seems like I should have 200 blocks free, but instead I only have 180 blocks free. This is specific to the game, not the save data. I

Does some of the game stay on your Wii? haven't tested moving the game back to see if the block total corrects itself to where it was originally, but I have started moving a lot of games and am worried my Wii memory will eventually be filled with small pieces of games but not enough room to put a full game back on. I apologize if this has been answered before.[/quote]

There is an option in the system menus to reformat your Wii memory completely. Not sure that you would want to do that, but if you ever filled up your Wii with tiny chunks here and there that weren't copying over (I think it would take an awful long time for that to happen - if it even could), that would be an option.

Note that doing this deletes all channels and all save data that you have on your Wii as well. Even if you copied a channel to an SD card, it could not be copied back. I assume a game save could (but you would have to play the game at least once to copy the save to your Wii).
I'm still playing SMRPG, I'm up to the Sunken Ship. Really enjoying it.

I'll probably play some Paper Mario after I beat it, since I bought it a while back but haven't really played too much of it.
[quote name='wii skiier']Please post your impressions if you do find it. Since it seems like we share the same opinion on Groovin' Blocks, I'd like to hear what you think of Potpourri. I don't want to buy more points right now unless it is spectacular. Because I wasted some on Helix, which I also agree with you on.

For example, say I start with 400 blocks free. Then I copy a 200-block game to my SD card. It seems like I should have 200 blocks free, but instead I only have 180 blocks free. This is specific to the game, not the save data.

Does some of the game stay on your Wii? haven't tested moving the game back to see if the block total corrects itself to where it was originally, but I have started moving a lot of games and am worried my Wii memory will eventually be filled with small pieces of games but not enough room to put a full game back on. I apologize if this has been answered before.[/quote]
Here's what I know. If copying a game to SD card and deleting the data from Wii completely deleted it, you would never be able to redownload games. My guess is on the SD card you need more for the encryption on the game and on Wii it keeps some for redownloading purposes.
[quote name='Doomed']Here's what I know. If copying a game to SD card and deleting the data from Wii completely deleted it, you would never be able to redownload games. My guess is on the SD card you need more for the encryption on the game and on Wii it keeps some for redownloading purposes.[/quote]
That makes sense. It just seems like on some of these bigger WiiWare titles that the piece left behind is almost as many blocks as a VC NES game.
This week, Europe got Sonic the Hedgehog - Sega Master System/500 Points, Boulder Dash - Commodore 64/500 Points, and Jumpman - Commodore 64/500 Points.
September 22nd peoplez! MEGA MAN NINE! OMG! 1000 Wii points! BIIRIIVE IT!

Also, October 6th brings Proto Man DLC for 200 Wii points (not as exciting as above).
[quote name='Strell']I better finish MM2 this weekend, to beef up mah Mega Mayun skizills.[/quote]

I think I beat Mega Man 2 once before. I'm not quite sure. I did beat that dragon monster with the boomerang move before.
I'm actually at Wily's Castle now in MM2..and that thing with the Dragon is nuts. I can't make them fucking jumps. :wall:


My birthday is tomorrow. I expect my Wii to blow up with VC/WiiWare gifts :cool:
[quote name='lilboo']
My birthday is tomorrow. I expect my Wii to blow up with VC/WiiWare gifts :cool:[/QUOTE]

I can see all the screens tomorrow:

"You cannot send Cho Aniki to this person. They already have it. Stop asking us. Stop trying to send it. We had to make this message specially for today because this has happened four thousand times in the last hour."
[quote name='lilboo']
My birthday is tomorrow. I expect my Wii to blow up with VC/WiiWare gifts :cool:[/QUOTE]
I was just going to spam your Wii with shirtless photos of me taken in the mirror, like last year.
[quote name='BlueLobstah']I wonder what this means for VC titles on that day?[/QUOTE]

Watch it be Earthbound. AND Secret of Mana. Just to sabotage their sales.

Lilboo I already have your address. I'll send you frilly, previously-worn things.
[quote name='Strell']Watch it be Earthbound. AND Secret of Mana.[/QUOTE]

I think the internet would implode ending life as we know it. I'm not sure if Nintendo would want that kind of blood on their hands.
[quote name='CouRageouS']I was just going to spam your Wii with shirtless photos of me taken in the mirror, like last year.[/QUOTE]

I'm gonna hold you to your word, now. :shame:

[quote name='StinkyCheese']Boo, if colour a dinosaur comes out, I promise to buy you that[/QUOTE]

Thank you.
Also, shave yet? ;)

[quote name='BlueLobstah']It's official:

I wonder what this means for VC titles on that day?[/QUOTE]

Nice!! I'm REALLY wondering what the size of this is going to be! It HAS to be small. Erm, blocks are what I'm talking about of course. :cool:

If Secret of Mana comes out, than that means this is Nintendo's birthday gift to me..and because of that, it's my gift to everyone. So if SoM DOES come out, you all better thank me.

[quote name='Strell']
Lilboo I already have your address. I'll send you frilly, previously-worn things.[/QUOTE]

NICE. Hopefully they were worn during the summer! ESPECIALLY a summer in Texas!! BODY SMELLS FTW! :whee:
Lilboo, that might be the best avatar you've ever chosen.

[quote name='BlueLobstah']I think the internet would implode ending life as we know it. I'm not sure if Nintendo would want that kind of blood on their hands.[/QUOTE]

I'm not so sure they can tell anymore.
[quote name='lilboo']:drool:

If Secret of Mana comes out, than that means this is Nintendo's birthday gift to me..and because of that, it's my gift to everyone.


Lilboo gifting everybody Secret of Mana on Monday confirmed! Where's my friend code...:)
Damn. Let me get this straight. Next week I get Lego Batman, Disgaea DS, Rhapsody DS (okay not so cool), Duke 3d on XBLA and Mega Man 9 on VC? What a haul.
Mega Man 9 is coming out a lot sooner than I expected.

Now if I should play the Wii or 360 version... Wii has the better d-pad, but I love achievements.
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