Wii Shop Channel Thread - 12/29 StarTropics II, Maboshi's Arcade, Cue Sports: Pool

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[quote name='mykevermin']The latter.[/QUOTE]


I don't remember all the details, Doomed, but basically the game was ready to go. NoA decides it isn't worth it (even after having print ads, boxart, a guide, etc, all complete) and cancels the release, due to the SNES having come out by now.

Eventually the test cart with translated Mother ends up at a garage sale somehow. A guy buys it and determines what it is. Then HE sells it to someone else for a few thousand dollars. Guy #2 decides he's going to dump the ROM and release it.

However, if you downloaded it from the 'net, you could get about 75% through the game before a DRM message popped up saying that "this is an illegal ROM, you cannot play this." So you couldn't finish the game.

Then there was talk that the above wasn't a complete ROM, that there's another full cart out there, but no one knows where it is, bla bla bla bla bla.

I'm sure starmen.net has all the details, and I'm probably fudging them up.
[quote name='BlueLobstah']I thought Bomberman was only getting a full retail release in Europe? Unless I'm thinking of something else...[/quote]
Well, Japan is getting the retail release on September 25th, and the WiiWare release on September 30th. America is "TBA" for both versions, though.
[quote name='snipegod']That sells me off it.[/QUOTE]

This is an odd sentence. Usually you get sold on something, or turned off something, instead of the Frankenstein combination you've come up with.

I'm intrigued.
Any date on Megaman 9 yet? Would like to know a date on it since I need to fucking go home to download Wii games (fuck you rescomp for not supporting Nintendo systems).

Hopefully it comes out the 22nd because my girlfriend is moving close to me (don't know when but it could be early as October) and I have basically promissed her my Wii, but I want that fucker bet before things happen.

Finally I downloaded SMRPG, hopefully I find it is as epic as you guys say it is.
[quote name='Strell']This is an odd sentence. Usually you get sold on something, or turned off something, instead of the Frankenstein combination you've come up with.

I'm intrigued.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='lilboo']?![/quote]

tut-tut boo. you dont often misspell words, but this is the second time you spelled neighbor (well, its neighbour to me, but thats how you americans spell it, right?) wrong
Reality's Fringe;4852127]I've got like 4 of them. I'd still buy that shit on the VC though said:
Honestly, I might too, I never played through MM and I really should. It depends on the emulation on the VC vs the GC collection. I didn't notice anything too terrible but gamefaqs was ablaze with nerd fury when stuff wasn't perfect on the collection.
[quote name='lilboo']I spelled it right (this time)! Shut up! Go look for your vagina! :nottalking:[/quote]

FYI, me and Mrs. Princess Pink Sparkles and I are having a jolly good time shooting rainbows out of our matching vaginas :nottalking:
Reality's Fringe;4852127 said:
I'd still buy that shit on the VC though, because I'm a goddamn whore.

I'm more a whore. I download games and don't even play them. I'm looking at you My Life as a King, Strongbad, and Mario RPG.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']I love me some MM, but I'll be damned if I'll ever play the GC version again.[/QUOTE]
Yes. I assume you were glitched and/or froze out of that one also. What a way to treat a great title. I hope if they bring it to the VC they get all that worked out.
Was it due to having an off brand memory card? I asked support what the hell was going on, and they blamed having a 3rd party memory card. I lost EVERYTHING on that card too after it tricked me into reformatting.
[quote name='VioletArrows']Was it due to having an off brand memory card? I asked support what the hell was going on, and they blamed having a 3rd party memory card.[/quote]
...WHAT!? That has to be the dumbest excuse for the game glitching/freezing that I've ever heard. I used a normal, 1st party memory card, and I was still getting glitched/frozen, not that this "memory card issue" (if one can call it an issue) is the reason for it.

I really, really, really want them to bring this to the VC with all the kinks worked out. MM is my favorite Zelda title, and I hate to see the GC version be the last version they make
this century
I think we might be talking about two different things. I could never save the game because when I did, it would corrupt the memory card and erase everything on it. Freezing and weird play errors were sort of rare, I thought.
We probably are talking about two different things. Although, to be perfectly honest, having support blame use a memory card as a scapegoat wouldn't surprise me. Freezing/glitching in the GC MM weren't all that rare, but it wasn't super-common, either. More like an unhappy medium.
My Gamecube copy of MM froze twice before I got to the first save point and several times after that. Needless to say I never actually finished the game, though if it was given a good VC release I might actually buy it.


Sept. 15, 2008 - Two is your lucky number at the Wii™ Shop Channel this week. You'll find a pair of totally different yet equally awesome sequels on offer: the second installment in the outrageous Strong Bad game series on WiiWare™, and a memorable sequel from the classic Mega Man™ series on the Virtual Console™. Two is also the total number of WiiWare titles debuting this week, including an eye-popping new puzzle game that's suitable for two players. And while it only takes one Wii™ console to access them, you'll need two hands to applaud this ever-growing selection of great games.

Nintendo adds new and classic games to the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time every Monday. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points™ to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week's new games are:


Strong Bad Episode 2: Strong Badia the Free (Telltale Games, 1 player, Rated E10+ for Everyone 10 and Older-Crude Humor, Mild Cartoon Violence, Use of Alcohol, 1,000 Wii Points): Strong Badia the Free is the second of five monthly episodes starring Strong Bad-the self-proclaimed "coolest person ever"-and the rest of the cast from the popular Homestar Runner Web cartoons. When Strong Bad fails to obey the King of Town's totally unfair e-mail tax, he's placed under house arrest. Once freed from his wrongful imprisonment, Strong Bad goes on a mission to unite the local warring factions under the Strong Badian flag. Is Free Country USA ready for such an awesome ruler? Strong Bad Episode 2: Strong Badia the Free also has the Videlectrix arcade classic "Math Kickers Featuring the Algebros," plus all-new achievements, collectibles, costumes and Teen Girl Squad comics. You can even use Strong Bad's Lappy to send e-mails and pictures to your Wii Friends™. So what are you waiting for? Fire up Strong Badia the Free and get ready to kick some doughy King of Town butt.

Potpourrii (Abstraction Games, 1-2 players, Rated E for Everyone, 800 Wii Points): In the puzzle game Potpourrii, everything revolves around the seasons. For centuries, the seasons have followed a set pattern. But then things start to go awry in the forest. Suddenly it's snowing while the sun shines and flowers bloom while leaves are falling. Then a strange purple goo appears. The leprechauns are stunned. Even worse, the magic oak of life loses its power. It all turns out to be the fault of an evil wizard. You must help the leprechauns defeat him and restore natural order. To do this, you need to collect seasonal spirits. Pick them up with the spirit cannon, shoot them at the center of the screen, group them and make them disappear. But watch out-they get faster and faster. In short: Potpourrii is a puzzle game that keeps you hooked with its colorful visuals, beautiful effects and easy-to-use controls using the Wii Remote™ controller. Play alone or with a second player, and even use your Mii™ character.

Virtual Console

Mega Man 2 (NES™, 1 player, Rated E for Everyone-Mild Cartoon Violence, 500 Wii Points): Widely regarded by fans as one of the greatest action games of all time, Mega Man 2 is the second title in the seminal NES series. With even more stages and robot masters than the previous installment, its sheer size and scope are enough to get any action gamer's heart palpitating. The year is 200X. Dr. Light's super-robot, Mega Man, has succeeded in smashing the evil ambition of the nefarious Dr. Wily, and peace reigns over the planet. However, Dr. Wily proves to be a hard man to keep down and has returned with a new army of robot masters in tow to challenge our hero. Can Mega Man save the world again?
Need to do a quick lookup of the bosses in MM2, not really sure if I played the apparent best game in the series.

Edit: Oh, yes I have. I'd buy that for a dollar. Maybe even five dollars.
[quote name='botticus']Need to do a quick lookup of the bosses in MM2, not really sure if I played the apparent best game in the series.[/QUOTE]
I love MM2, though in this one it seemed like the "use x weapon on y boss" was a bit off. You can almost use any weapon on any boss and have decent results. Metal Man's weapon works wonders on most bosses. As my little brother and I like to say, "everyone is allergic to it!" :lol:

And a fun fact, a fully charged blast from Heat Man's weapon is a one hit kill on Wood Man and one other boss that I forget.

I didn't realize a new Strong Bad would be coming already. I haven't even finished the first episode.
Ya know, it's been a good few weeks! Nothing for me this week either, BUT, it's still a good week.

Secret of Mana is SO coming out next Monday :cool:
I got the WiiWare block game that came out last week and it's not bad. Not great, but it is basically like Columns with enough of a twist that it keeps it interesting. It suffers from the same thing Columns does, which is that it's not a very exciting puzzler- there is no feeling urgency and no real feeling of setting up big chains.
So does anyone think MM9 will be like ..40 blocks or something like that? :pray: I mean, if it's an 8 bit game..and the NES games run from 20-50 blocks...

I'm going to be so confused if this is 100+ blocks.
[quote name='lilboo']Ya know, it's been a good few weeks! Nothing for me this week either, BUT, it's still a good week.

Secret of Mana is SO coming out next Monday :cool:[/quote]
Wouldn't that mean that MM9 gets bumped back a week if rumors are true? Not that a week really matters either way, but I'd probably prefer to get a new WiiWare game before a VC game.
Well, wasn't the rumor that MM9 would come out the same day as some big VC release? :whistle2:k
Either way, I want Secret of Mana and Mega Man 9!

Oh, also Earthworm Jim.
[quote name='lilboo']Well, wasn't the rumor that MM9 would come out the same day as some big VC release? :whistle2:k
Either way, I want Secret of Mana and Mega Man 9!

Oh, also Earthworm Jim.[/quote]
-Capcom plans to upload new content every so often. Possibility DLC won't be available until two to three weeks after the game releases. (speaking of the game's release, Wii users can look forward towards the 22nd of this month...although they've discussed delaying it till the following week due to a BIG Virtual Console title that might take the attention away from RM9)

So it could go either way.
[quote name='lilboo']Well, wasn't the rumor that MM9 would come out the same day as some big VC release? :whistle2:k
Either way, I want Secret of Mana and Mega Man 9!

Oh, also Earthworm Jim.[/quote]

If secret of mana comes out (or earthworm jim or something that epic) ONLY then will I forgive Capcom for delaying MM9. If crap comes out next week and no MM9 I will be ready to kill someone :lol:.
Secret of Mana is great, but it is so much better if you have a friend to play with. My friend played about half the game without me so I missed a ton. It was my favorite game on the snes other than mariokart that I got to play. Of course I never owned a snes until the 64 had already come out.
[quote name='EXStrike']Strong Bad is 321 blocks.
Mega Man 2 is 17 blocks.[/QUOTE]

1. :wall:
2. :drool: Very nice!!

....this is so ridiculous that we (or at least I) get excited to hear about games with low block amounts...:lol:
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