Wii U - General Discussion Thread

[quote name='KingBroly']Except that Hitman is coming out this year and not next.[/QUOTE]

Probably something that hasn't been announced then. Maybe something like Thief 4?

Course, it could also be a port of FFXIV, which will cause many to commit suicide in despair.

[quote name='therealdanhill']How come there's no WiiU subforum? I keep seeing discussion being shut down in the Deals forum in the Preorder thread, why not give all that stuff a home? I mean now that we're a month away from lauch and all.[/QUOTE]

The powers that be seem to have decided to share it with the Wii forum, which honestly makes sense to me since Wii discussion is pretty dead (and still somewhat germaine to Wii U owners.)
They require Origin on other platforms too, to play online, don't they? It sucks for kids, because their online blocks online play in all games if you are younger than some age I'm forgetting.
Yup. They do. All EA games on PS3 and 360 ask for a separate login. So this isn't really news.

News comes Thursday though. Hopefully it's OS/Online information.
My money for that Square game is on Final Fantasy Versus XIII. There has to be some reason it is taking so damn long to make and it makes a lot of sense if they were porting everything to the Wii U.
[quote name='crunchewy']They require Origin on other platforms too, to play online, don't they? It sucks for kids, because their online blocks online play in all games if you are younger than some age I'm forgetting.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's at least 13 since my 12 year-old couldn't play anything from EA recently. My kids couldn't even play NBA Jam online with me (on one PS3 vs. the other). Suckage.

But 13 seems to be the magic number by which risk-averse Internet related companies let kids do stuff (parental supervision/desires/requests be damned). So at least my older son will be able to play some more stuff online when his birthday hits in Feb. The younger one (who likes NBA Jam) is out of luck for 3 more years (unless he wants to start up a new account but both of them are sort of invested in their acquired gamerscore/trophies).

Meanwhile my 12 year-old has had no problem playing Halo Reach online since it came out :roll:. None of it makes much sense.
Eh its not like Sonic Racing needs voice chat. Now if Black Ops II was missing it that would be a crucial thing. Halfway decent Mario Kart clone? Not so much.
Admittedly I was pretty dissapointed in both of those. The last one I really enjoyed was DS, which I still have and play every now and again.
Ok I'm going to start making threads for Wii U titles. We have just over three weeks til launch and it will help the Wii forum stay active beyond just this thread.
[quote name='io']Yeah, it's at least 13 since my 12 year-old couldn't play anything from EA recently. My kids couldn't even play NBA Jam online with me (on one PS3 vs. the other). Suckage.

But 13 seems to be the magic number by which risk-averse Internet related companies let kids do stuff (parental supervision/desires/requests be damned). So at least my older son will be able to play some more stuff online when his birthday hits in Feb. The younger one (who likes NBA Jam) is out of luck for 3 more years (unless he wants to start up a new account but both of them are sort of invested in their acquired gamerscore/trophies).

Meanwhile my 12 year-old has had no problem playing Halo Reach online since it came out :roll:. None of it makes much sense.[/QUOTE]

You can thank the feds for that:

[quote name='io']Yeah, it's at least 13 since my 12 year-old couldn't play anything from EA recently. My kids couldn't even play NBA Jam online with me (on one PS3 vs. the other). Suckage.

But 13 seems to be the magic number by which risk-averse Internet related companies let kids do stuff (parental supervision/desires/requests be damned). So at least my older son will be able to play some more stuff online when his birthday hits in Feb. The younger one (who likes NBA Jam) is out of luck for 3 more years (unless he wants to start up a new account but both of them are sort of invested in their acquired gamerscore/trophies).

Meanwhile my 12 year-old has had no problem playing Halo Reach online since it came out :roll:. None of it makes much sense.[/QUOTE]

PSN's system is worse as my brother's account won't/can't even age along with him. Admittedly, it's not as restrictive, but it's pretty stupid.
This holiday season is going to be tough of my wallet.

First of all, the Neo Geo X Gold Limited Edition is coming out in early December, and I am sorely tempted to buy one of those things. If I do, it will set me back $200, and its not the kind of item that they are going to have sales for at launch. (perhaps in half a year if it doesn't sell well initially) But stock will most likely be limited for this item across the board, they aren't expecting Nintendo-level sales with that thing.

In mid November, the WiiU is dropping, and I'm sorely tempted to pick one of those up as well. I don't know how my plans for Thanksgiving are going to look now. (that depends on the family) And a major reason for picking up a WiiU early is playing it with my family. A WiiU would set me back a hefty $350. (gotta get the deluxe package if I do pick it up) And that's without the additional games, so closer to $500 all told.

And that's just hardware. There are plenty of games coming out that I might be interested in getting, not to mention some of the releases already available that might go on sale over Black Friday. And naturally, I still need to do Christmas shopping for eight-twelve relatives/friends.
[quote name='Richard Kain']This holiday season is going to be tough of my wallet.

First of all, the Neo Geo X Gold Limited Edition is coming out in early December, and I am sorely tempted to buy one of those things. If I do, it will set me back $200, and its not the kind of item that they are going to have sales for at launch. (perhaps in half a year if it doesn't sell well initially) But stock will most likely be limited for this item across the board, they aren't expecting Nintendo-level sales with that thing.

In mid November, the WiiU is dropping, and I'm sorely tempted to pick one of those up as well. I don't know how my plans for Thanksgiving are going to look now. (that depends on the family) And a major reason for picking up a WiiU early is playing it with my family. A WiiU would set me back a hefty $350. (gotta get the deluxe package if I do pick it up) And that's without the additional games, so closer to $500 all told.

And that's just hardware. There are plenty of games coming out that I might be interested in getting, not to mention some of the releases already available that might go on sale over Black Friday. And naturally, I still need to do Christmas shopping for eight-twelve relatives/friends.[/QUOTE]

I agree I'm passing up a lot of things I would normally be buying (like X-Com, Dishonored, several books, some dvds, etc.) in order to get one. Also traded in a bunch of stuff as well.
[quote name='Erad30']Ok I'm going to start making threads for Wii U titles.[/QUOTE]
Great idea. Be sure to spam individual threads for each game in the WIIU library. Don't half-ass it.
[quote name='yourlefthand']You can thank the feds for that:


I'm not going to read all that, LOL, but it's only EA that is blocking kids from playing online. Or at least Microsoft does not. Microsoft does have an option to restrict voice chat to friends, as well as to require parent approval for friend requests. Etc, etc. But if you want to let them go unrestricted, you have that option. Regardless of any such settings, they can't play online in an EA game, because EA simply blocks them regardless.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/blog.php[/QUOTE]

I didn't think it warranted a blog entry.

And a large part of it is the expense of new hardware. That, and the increasing time cost of this hobby.

If I buy a WiiU at launch, there is a certain expectation of use. After all, why even bother getting one if I don't play it. But am I actually going to play it? With how my life is going right now, and all of the numerous other gaming options I have at the moment, signs point to no. My entertainment cup runneth over. I have heaps of fresh Blu-Rays and DVDs that I've been meaning to get to. I have book collections that are gathering dust. (mainly HP Lovecraft and Harlan Ellison at the moment) And I have a massive back-log of video games that I've barely touched.

The more I think on it, the less likely an early WiiU purchase seems. And it's not because I'm negative about the system or its prospects. It's just that I don't see any reason from a time perspective. I believe I will have the disposable income necessary. My current job has been fairly stable, and pays decently. I just no longer believe that I have the time to justify an early purchase.
Hmmm - I've always passed on screen protectors for DS/3DS but I might have to get one for this since I suspect my 4 year-old (and 2 year-old) will be playing with this quite a bit. I might have to get one of those too.
[quote name='io']I've always passed on screen protectors for DS/3DS[/QUOTE]

Oh, I would definitely recommend a screen protector if you are going to be having children handling it. Most DSs I've seen that were owned and operated by children get their touchscreens scratched to hell and back.

I have an original grey-brick DS that still has a pristine touch screen thanks to its screen protector.
I am worried about the 5.5 million consoles getting out and the 250,000 gamestop waiting list.

Hopefully gamestop.com is not stupid and fucks with my preorder.
So anybody wanting to do any downloads of big retail titles may want to budget for an external hard drive asap. Tekken Tag is a 16gb download so you wouldn't have enough on the basic set and that's half of the deluxe model.
[quote name='KingBroly']It sounds like an unexpected build cost. Until recently, Iwata said they were going to sell it for profit.[/QUOTE]
It's also due to the way the yen has changed in value compared with the rest of the world's currency. Don't exactly know the details, but it was mentioned several times in their financial report.
[quote name='madcatz1999']It's also due to the way the yen has changed in value compared with the rest of the world's currency. Don't exactly know the details, but it was mentioned several times in their financial report.[/QUOTE]

I assume that this is a function of US/EU sales as a matter of currency fluctuation as it looks like the change in the Yuan to Yen rate would favor Nintendo.
[quote name='Erad30']So anybody wanting to do any downloads of big retail titles may want to budget for an external hard drive asap. Tekken Tag is a 16gb download so you wouldn't have enough on the basic set and that's half of the deluxe model.[/QUOTE]
Tekken traditionally has a lot of pre-rendered movies, so that's no surprise. Something like Mario will probably be significantly smaller.

Are there any details about retail downloads or the Wii U's eShop yet? Where'd you get that information about the download size?
[quote name='Richard Kain']Oh, I would definitely recommend a screen protector if you are going to be having children handling it. Most DSs I've seen that were owned and operated by children get their touchscreens scratched to hell and back.

I have an original grey-brick DS that still has a pristine touch screen thanks to its screen protector.[/QUOTE]

Well, that's the thing - I've never put screen protectors on DS's and they've always been fine when the kids use them. But this is a little different with the larger screen and the fact that the little ones might use it a bit more (they never play the DS/3DS). But, yeah, I just hate putting those things on. I put them on our family iPhones and it was a serious pain doing those.
I got to play it at a gamestop this weekend, had a lot of fun with the Rayman Legends demo. But seriously, why a demo for a third party game that isn't going to be out at launch?
They probably prepared the demo unit before Ubisoft decided to delay Rayman until next year. I think it was only pushed back about two weeks ago and I bet the demo unit had already started being shipped to retailers.
[quote name='soonersfan60']I'm guessing no Nintendo games so that they can help out 3rd parties... Could have been more 3rd party games, though, with the demo unit.[/QUOTE]

That's an interesting possibility that I hadn't thought of.
I'm a bit behind, but I finally got a chance to check out the Wii U at a local Target, but sadly only videos and no demos to play. The Gamepad does feel a bit too large at first, but I'm happy that the lightness you all spoke of earlier was true, so it hardly feels cumbersome. I could certainly see myself playing games exclusively on the pad, so that point is good enough for me.

Also random, though I was at a garage sale last weekend and I was talking to a guy in his 40s or so about the Wii U (who didn't look like a typical gamer). He said he was looking forward to the launch, so apparently people outside of the core are aware they are launching a new console and are willing to plunk down the $300+.

In my limited sampling demographic of one dude at a garage sale, of course.
[quote name='SaraAB']Looks like games will get delayed even longer for this system but this explains why some supposed launch titles are being pushed back.

This article was posted on several websites so I assume its legit.


I guess this explains the Pikmin 3 delay. Considering that I'm getting Nintendoland, Mario, Batman, Sonic Racing, and AC 3, I can wait for Pikmin

Nintendo’s Deluxe Digital Promotion Makes Wii U an Even Bigger Holiday Value

October 30th, 2012 Posted in News, Posted by Valay, Wii U
Wii U Deluxe Set Owners Can Earn Points for Digital Purchases Through 2014 and Redeem Them for Even More Downloadable Games and Content
REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– As Nintendo prepares to launch the revolutionary Wii U home console on Nov. 18, consumers in the United States can look forward to a special promotion that will give select Wii U owners even more bang for their entertainment buck. Nintendo today revealed details about the Deluxe Digital Promotion, which lets consumers who buy the Wii U Deluxe Set earn points when they purchase downloadable games and redeem those points for even more fun digital content in the online Nintendo eShop. The promotion gives Wii U Deluxe Set owners a big incentive to connect their systems to the Internet and discover a constantly expanding array of downloadable games, entertainment offerings and cool ways to connect with family and friends.
All Wii U Deluxe Set owners who purchase digital content for Wii U, including downloadable games in the Nintendo eShop for Wii U and download codes sold at select retail stores, will earn points with a value equivalent to approximately 10 percent of the Nintendo eShop list price of each purchase. For example, a game priced at $59.99, such as New Super Mario Bros. U, would earn 599 points. For every 500 points they earn, participants will receive a code worth $5 in credit to be used in the Nintendo eShop for either Wii U or Nintendo 3DS. Points will be earned on all digital purchases made on a Wii U Deluxe Set from Nov. 18, 2012, until Dec. 31, 2014. When the Deluxe Digital Promotion website launches in December, participants can see the points they’ve earned and receive codes for Nintendo eShop credit by signing in with their Nintendo Network ID and password. Codes must be received at the website by March 31, 2015. Received codes must be exchanged for Nintendo eShop credit on Wii U or Nintendo 3DS by June 30, 2015. Nintendo eShop credit on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS does not expire.
“From day one, we want Wii U owners to experience the full breadth of great downloadable games and content available for the console,” said Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “The Deluxe Digital Promotion is our way of encouraging Wii U Deluxe Set owners to explore the Nintendo eShop and discover how Wii U offers an incredible combination of fun, innovation, convenience and value.”
The Wii U Deluxe Set offers extraordinary value right out of the box. Launching Nov. 18 at a suggested retail price of $349.99, it includes a black Wii U console, black touch-screen Wii U GamePad controller, sensor bar, AC power adapters and stands for both the console and the controller, a charging cradle for the GamePad, an HDMI cable and a copy of the Nintendo Land game, which features 12 playable attractions based on Nintendo’s most imaginative and beloved game franchises. Consumers who purchase the Wii U Deluxe Set can use the Deluxe Digital Promotion with a Nintendo Network Account.
Qualifying Nintendo eShop purchases in the Deluxe Digital Promotion include games and content published by Nintendo as well as games from third-party publishers. Digital content purchases from the Wii Shop Channel are not eligible for Deluxe Digital Promotion points. Purchases from the Nintendo eShop via Nintendo 3DS hand-held and Wii U Basic Set systems are also ineligible.
Remember that Wii U features parental controls that let adults manage the content their children can access. For more information about this and other features, visit http://www.nintendo.com/wiiu.
For more information about the Deluxe Digital Promotion, visit http://ddp.nintendo.com.
Source: Nintendo PR
That's pretty cool. Sounds like Nintendo is trying to undermine the used-games and retail-store market while providing an incentive for customers to buy digital.

Anyways - I just wanted to ask if anyone knew if VC games I've downloaded on my Wii, when transferred to the WiiU, will be able to be streamed to the tablet for play away from the TV? I know that's a feature of WiiU games, but didn't know if that worked with older VC games.
[quote name='drktrpr1']

Anyways - I just wanted to ask if anyone knew if VC games I've downloaded on my Wii, when transferred to the WiiU, will be able to be streamed to the tablet for play away from the TV? I know that's a feature of WiiU games, but didn't know if that worked with older VC games.[/QUOTE]

They cannot. The Wii U will boot into Wii mode for current VC games. Nothing else has been announced at this time.
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It's a poor value for the consumer because you can't sell the games once done with them but I do agree its pretty cool to give early adopters some incentives. This will also quell game shortages at retail for holiday buying which is a very good thing. It ensures if you need to find a game as a gift and can't find it then you can give it digitally. Anyone who tried to find Wii games the week before Xmas 1-2 years after launch knows what I mean.

Just have to make sure the recipient of the gift has enough storage space for the games, the system doesn't have much storage which is bad if you want to give a digital gift.
[quote name='SaraAB']It's a poor value for the consumer because you can't sell the games once done with them but I do agree its pretty cool to give early adopters some incentives. This will also quell game shortages at retail for holiday buying which is a very good thing. It ensures if you need to find a game as a gift and can't find it then you can give it digitally. Anyone who tried to find Wii games the week before Xmas 1-2 years after launch knows what I mean.

Just have to make sure the recipient of the gift has enough storage space for the games, the system doesn't have much storage which is bad if you want to give a digital gift.[/QUOTE]

I think EU just passed a law about being able to resell digital copies. Hopefully, we see something similar.
I would love it if Best Buy or any other store did a b2g1 sale on Wii U games when the Wii U launches. I remember Target had a b2g1 sale when the Playstation Vita launched and I took full advantage of that sale.
As far as value for download games. That depends. My kids bought Transformers War for Cybertron as a GoD download on the Xbox and then they can play on our two xboxes (and thus play coop or online together), for the price of one game. Plus it was on sale. So for $10 they effectively got 2 copies of the game. Sure they can't resell, but the value is already there for them. :) Having said that, I suspect WiiU downloads will be locked solely to one console, and Nintendo is stingy with sales. So that sucks.
[quote name='crunchewy']As far as value for download games. That depends. My kids bought Transformers War for Cybertron as a GoD download on the Xbox and then they can play on our two xboxes (and thus play coop or online together), for the price of one game. Plus it was on sale. So for $10 they effectively got 2 copies of the game. Sure they can't resell, but the value is already there for them. :) Having said that, I suspect WiiU downloads will be locked solely to one console, and Nintendo is stingy with sales. So that sucks.[/QUOTE]

Yep, this is one of the small advantages of buying digital. It is best on PSN where there is no system-locking. On 360, the secondary person needs to play on the system you bought it on. The person who bought it can play on another system (as long as they are online). With PSN there is no restriction (games are just limited to 2 systems total). I feel you are right, though, that with Nintendo there probably will be no such advantage. But all of this is only valid for households with multiple gamers and multiple systems to play on.

The (only other, IMO) advantage of digital games is simply the lack of need for disc switching. I bought the Halo Reach 360 bundle last year for our second 360 and since my son plays Halo Reach so much it was nice to have that DL version to install on the system he plays on. It reduced the wear and tear on the disc drive (and the handling of different discs when he wanted to switch to other games) significantly.

For the 3DS, I was considering buying the digital version of Animal Crossing for the convenience of having it there all the time vs. switching carts. But then again, I have it preordered at Newegg for $10 off and since the digital one will never be $10 off (at least not in the first few years) I might just go with the physical version anyway. Being a cheap-ass trumps convenience nearly every time ;).
bread's done