XBL DotW Sales 2012 |- CLOSED

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XBLIG Gateways! is on sale for 80 msp for a limited time. It's sort of a 2D Portal platformer. Normal price is 240 msp and it's $5 on Steam. It's by Smudged Cat, the same people who made The Adventures of Shuggy. It's gotten some positive buzz and it was part of the Indie Games Uprising promotion.

The price should be good for at least a week because XBLIG devs can't change their prices more frequently than that.

[quote name='vlv723']Was it a price mistake? Damnit, I wanted it for $9.99. My CAG instincts will not allow 400 more points.[/QUOTE]

Prototype is janky as hell anyway. I couldn't recommend it even if it was 10 bucks. Your gaming hours are better spent elsewhere.
Anyone else play the Arkadian Warriors demo? Is there seriously no way to change the camera controls? To me, both the X and Y axes are backwards.

Not having the simple option of adjustable x-axis and y-axis camera controls is a cardinal sin to me. I can't even justify spending 200msp on it, maybe I'll spend a buck on that Smudged Cat game instead.
[quote name='louiedog']XBLIG Gateways! is on sale for 80 msp for a limited time. It's sort of a 2D Portal platformer. Normal price is 240 msp and it's $5 on Steam. It's by Smudged Cat, the same people who made The Adventures of Shuggy. It's gotten some positive buzz and it was part of the Indie Games Uprising promotion.

The price should be good for at least a week because XBLIG devs can't change their prices more frequently than that.[/QUOTE]

Geez, this only came out a couple weeks ago. I can most definitely justify the $1 for it.
[quote name='tylerh1701']Anyone else play the Arkadian Warriors demo? Is there seriously no way to change the camera controls? To me, both the X and Y axes are backwards.

Not having the simple option of adjustable x-axis and y-axis camera controls is a cardinal sin to me. I can't even justify spending 200msp on it, maybe I'll spend a buck on that Smudged Cat game instead.[/QUOTE]

I didn't really enjoy the Arkadian demo either. The camera, the graphics, the combat....everything felt kind of low grade, not very crisp. It may be worth the 200 msp, but it's not worth my time.
[quote name='airco']Just a quick reminder, SSF2THDR is on the Capcom Digital Collection disc, which is pretty cheap right now (I don't know exactly where to put this on the wiki).

Speaking of HDR, does anyone who has it know how much of the game can be made to be exactly like the original? I remember hearing that the game had an option for the original sprites, but is it also possible to get the original 4:3 AR back? 16:9 just feels iffy for this game.[/QUOTE]

+1 for recommending the Digital Collection. If you can catch it for like 15 bucks, it's a absolute steal. SF: HDR is amazing by itself for $7.50 honestly.

You can play either the rebalanced HDR mode or Classic SF2: ST (a.k.a the best game of all time).

You can indeed change it to original 4:3 gameplay, or the new zoomed=in 19:9 widescreen.

You can change the characters to smoothed out HD art (which does looks great) or the timeless (and outstanding looking) sprites. The ONLY thing you really can't do is change the backgrounds to non-HD.

You can AND should pick it up if you're at all a fan of 2D fighting games. It's the best without a doubt. There are also a TON of optional advanced stuff you can enable or disable if you were at once point serious about your Super Turbo.

This game gets a lot of bad rep because of the updated HDR moveset, but it can be disabled. Both are viable to be played seriously.
Just want to say that NiGHTS is a very nice port. It's widescreen, still looks pretty good other than some simple geometry, and has a fantastic soundtrack. There seems to be a lot of extras, like character art, movies (including an interview with the producer), and the ability to view the little Nightopians living in your game world. Plus Christmas NiGHTS, which I haven't unlocked yet. However, I expect the game will be too hard or weird for many new players - it's like no other game, and takes a lot of getting used to and practice.
New deals mean the thread starts jumping, and there are quite a few. Some nice new ones, and a decent bunch of repeats just for others to catch up.

[quote name='airco']Capcom fighters do the same damn thing. At least Sega had the decency to charge only $15 for the base game instead of $60. They were also very upfront about their reasons for doing so: the base game was already nearly 2GB, so giving the costumes out for free would have put them over the limit. It also lets them sell the base game for a low price, allowing new players to get into the series (you know, since VF has never been the most popular game overseas), while still allowing hardcore players to get the customization options that the arcade version had. Speaking of customization, the DLC isn't just some crappy costume, it's a ludicrous amount of items that you can use to customize your character (I think a thousand? I dunno what the numbers are). I abhor DLC more than most people here, but even I'm with Sega on this one.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='SonicXtreme']The DLC is an ok idea but, it costs $30 to buy skins for a fighting game that costs $15. completely cosmetic, i don't see how that's not a rip off, regardless if capcom or every company around does it as well, that black horse is still black. its legit they split it up if they had to but the DLC packs didn't need to be $15 each come on that's ridic for more or less playing dressup on xbox. and if you just want wolf you have to pay five dollars to put a hat on him! i love me some sega but those economics don't make any sense. IMO it's solely trying to suck money from the 'man i love VF i hope they make another one, so i better spend $30 on their DLC and support them' loyal fans that sega lives on, and that's just silly no matter what company is pulling it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='eastx']Yes. It's silly to complain about completely optional cosmetic DLC. That kind of content is a good way for publishers to make money without shafting people who only buy the base game since it doesn't deprive anyone of meaningful content.[/QUOTE]

I am mostly with eastx, yet I still do feel the price of the non-meaningful content could be priced lower for my liking. I appreciate how I can play Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition as is, however I would love some variety with alternate costumes, just not that much at the current standard price for the alternate costume packs. I still desire some slightly meaningful DLC in a couple of Konami games like the characters and music packs for Castlevania: Harmony of Despair and Otomedius Excellent but unfortunately they are priced high especially for the quantity of DLC. Speak of the additional characters of Street Fighter X Tekken and the effect it has on the overall game, debate would ensue. Fortunately for me, Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown is worth the deal price for the base game and I can live with just that. However, all the costume packs could use a lower entry point in price. Want to give, but won't.

[quote name='BobbyTastic']The Activision sale is for the most part a giant repeat but that's not necessarily a bad thing (Assault Heroes 1 & 2, and Geometry Wars 2 were included in that massive Back2School sale, kinda regret picking up the AH games instead of Warp now because of this repeat sale..) but I'm loving seeing WFC for such a low price, had always meant to pick up the game because I got the 2 DLC packs (also on sale during Back2School, and stuff I would have waited on 'till now) but the disk copy is still so expensive. But I see I'm not the only physical-disk lover who is tempted to cave on this. The only GoD I have is Crysis, afterall..[/QUOTE]

I am in the same situation. I have a preference to have a physical copy. Can't find the physical release at a comparable price. Purchased the Transformers: War for Cybertron DLC on the Back2School sale, showing good faith that I will purchase the game eventually. Only bit on Crysis to be my lone Games on Demand title because there was no disc equivalent to my knowledge for the 360. Very tempted to just ... 800MSP ...

[quote name='LordVila']Deathsmiles 2 X seems like a horror themed marketplace item to me.


Send some support my way :)[/QUOTE]

Hells to the yeah! That would make me hit my 2000MSP quota needed for this month's rewards and I highly desire that title still since it is the only other Games on Demand title I had highly desired alongside last week's discounted Crysis. Granted I would like a larger discount or reward, but I am growing a bit impatient, so in my current mood I am willing to take what I can get for a Deathsmiles 2X purchase. It's also a fine way for me to say, "I do want to throw some money at a region freed title on Games on Demand." Cave games are some of the few games which once in a while I shed my humble Cheap Ass Gamer hat, and pretend I get to be a Rich Ass Gamer, until my hat turns into a pumpkin again ... for Halloween.
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[quote name='eastx']Just want to say that NiGHTS is a very nice port. It's widescreen, still looks pretty good other than some simple geometry, and has a fantastic soundtrack. There seems to be a lot of extras, like character art, movies (including an interview with the producer), and the ability to view the little Nightopians living in your game world. Plus Christmas NiGHTS, which I haven't unlocked yet. However, I expect the game will be too hard or weird for many new players - it's like no other game, and takes a lot of getting used to and practice.[/QUOTE]Glad to hear the port was well handled, though from Joystiq's review, it seems some of the Christmas Nights content was removed, like a playable Sonic (noooooooooooo!). Not sure if other bonuses like the A-Life, Time Attack, music mixer, & such are gone. Someone with a PSN version will have to confirm this.

Also, 2-player mode was removed, though I didn't even know that feature existed in the original.
My kids bought Transformers last night, and I just bought Gateways for 80 points. Seems kind of shitty to put the game on sale so soon after the Indie Game Uprising release of it, but I'm not complaining really. :)
[quote name='Zonic505']Glad to hear the port was well handled, though from Joystiq's review, it seems some of the Christmas Nights content was removed, like a playable Sonic (noooooooooooo!). Not sure if other bonuses like the A-Life, Time Attack, music mixer, & such are gone. Someone with a PSN version will have to confirm this.

Also, 2-player mode was removed, though I didn't even know that feature existed in the original.[/QUOTE]

That review got posted awfully quickly given when the codes went out, so I'm hoping he might be mistaken. I'll try to check with SEGA about whether Sonic was actually removed. A-life is definitely part of the game. Didn't realize 2-player was gone, but that was such a throwaway feature, it truly isn't missed.
Hard to believe the wait for Nights is almost over!

Has there been any further word on anything regarding the Classics Collection for TJ and Big E? Thats what I'm literally dying for.
[quote name='CAiNiACprime']Hard to believe the wait for Nights is almost over!

Has there been any further word on anything regarding the Classics Collection for TJ and Big E? Thats what I'm literally dying for.[/QUOTE]

Someone discovered the cover art for ~35 unreleased XBLA titles recently. Toe Jam and Earl was one of them so I imagine it must be in the queue to come out relatively soon. Many of the titles on the list are announced games that are expected in the coming months.
[quote name='Zonic505']Glad to hear the port was well handled, though from Joystiq's review, it seems some of the Christmas Nights content was removed, like a playable Sonic (noooooooooooo!). Not sure if other bonuses like the A-Life, Time Attack, music mixer, & such are gone. Someone with a PSN version will have to confirm this.

Also, 2-player mode was removed, though I didn't even know that feature existed in the original.[/QUOTE]

On the original Sega Saturn version (demo of Christmas NiGHTS), the present to have Sonic run around the bottom was only available on the month of December. The other months of the year, the present would be locked up. Unless you were clever enough to change the system clock on the Sega Saturn ...

I only vaguely remembered the 2-player mode on the base NiGHTS: Into Dreams game. If I remember correctly it was a split-screen "boss attack" mode. Or I am fabricating a sort of vs. mode to encircle the other player. My memory is sort of hazy on this because I primarily played the main game.

I know my rose-colored nostalgia glasses are on. The game may be too simplistic for a modern audience, but I think this game will be ideal for the really young and persons who have reached my advanced age who remembered it. I can still almost vividly remember the wonderful colors and great music. I still envision the game a as simple stress-free point-attaining speedrun through sections over and over, avoiding the end goal until the last possible moment. Controls were pretty much free allowing players the freedom to move how they feel adds to its stress-free feeling. I am personally hyped for the XBLA release this Friday, and will pay the full 800MSP on release date.

This was one of the many games Sonic Team made before Sammy bought up the Sega name and forced Sonic Team to make Sonic games. Sonic Team used to express their creativity by producing wonderful games like Ristar, Chu Chu Rocket, Phantasy Star Online, Burning Rangers, Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg (I actually liked this one despite critical panning), Samba De Amigo, etc. I want to believe Sonic Team really did enjoy being free to make whatever they wanted to make, and then they hated being forced to make more Sonic games because, well, they were called Sonic Team. I think they purposely made crap Sonic games since, to try to send a message "help! they're hurting us" such that they are purposefully sabotaging the Sonic brand so it won't sell anymore so they can be free of making games with that character. I'm sure they thought they were free when they intended to bring a lawsuit or backlash onto their parent company by making the black hedgehog all urban by giving him guns looking for bling or with the inter-species erotica in glorious high def. Strange how no one ever got the message Sonic Team just simply doesn't want to make just Sonic games for over a decade. Or maybe I'm just delusional ^^.
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Major Nelson tweeted that NBA Live 2013 was supposed to be today's XBLA release but they decided not to release it. Interesting stuff. I think we suspected it would be digital, but that proves it.
[quote name='Felder71']Major Nelson tweeted that NBA Live 2013 was supposed to be today's XBLA release but they decided not to release it. Interesting stuff. I think we suspected it would be digital, but that proves it.[/QUOTE]

We knew it was going to be digital for a couple of months if I'm not mistaken and the news of EA canceling the series yet again made the waves a few days ago.
Played through Fable Heroes yesterday. It's got some interesting concepts and is worth the $5, in my opinion, but the floaty controls combined with not being able to move through fellow player characters made the game feel kind of weird. The end boss is good for a laugh.
[quote name='Tsel']We knew it was going to be digital for a couple of months if I'm not mistaken and the news of EA canceling the series yet again made the waves a few days ago.[/QUOTE]

At least I still have my NBA Elite 11 demo on my 360. I wonder if they will ever reduce the price of the online pass on the marketplace from 800MSP. I think it is due for a Deal of the Week in the future.

Guess I'll seeya when you get there, yeah

EDIT: I wanted to see how popular this DLC was, but I hit a wall and cannot see just after 4000 of the 10706 most popular add-ons. I am on the non-beta dashboard, and when I go to games>add-ons>most popular then use the RB to scroll through, either any entries past 4000 just keeps spinning the concentric circles or my system locks up. Is this happening for anyone else? I am also curious to know what is the 10706th most popular add-on is.
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[quote name='Cornelius']THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS!

Sorry, but going to overwrite your edits, since you're missing the (most-important) Activision titles. I've saved your work, and will re-integrate now ... or later. :)

And until you fix your BBcode editor (or find a new one that doesn't mangle the source), please make your changes manually !!![/QUOTE]

Just saw your work, it was definitely better that you overwrote my edits, but thank you for incorporating them (but you left out Brawlers & (Dungeon) Crawlers? Jeeeeez, everybody's a critic.)

And I'm SORRYYYYYYYY. :cry: I've just about given up on new approaches because I keep breaking the OP, getting better at manual edits. Honestly, I think it's the computers in this library (or the fact that I'm editing from IE) because when I do the edits at home on Chrome there's MUCH less of a problem.

Either way, fantastic job as always. I made a few pointless edits (and I only messed up one set of bullets this time!) and I boldened the WFC deal because I feel like it should stand out in that section a bit amongst all the crap. So thanks again for making my job easier/futile this week, you master editor, you.

I'm curious about this vandalism that got re-edited. Is it the "Games that are free on PSN" thing? Is that even true?

Definitely gonna recommend avoiding Prototype GoD for $15 (did you really have to change the price Activi$ion? you already closed down the studio behind the game..), you can easily pick up the disk version at around that price, and as others have said, it's not that great a game.

@Juice I saw Diaries in theatres, I'd say it wouldn't be worth a Zune rental, but if you do watch it, just temper your expectations. The first half is good build-up, but then it just gets really bleh and ends too quickly.

@Everyone For those wondering, Cornelius is pretty much single-handledly responsible for the much-improved OP format (especially the purty colours) so feel free to give credit where credit is due.

Edit: Okay, so I was just going over the OP one more time to call it a day (or week, really) and I just noticed all the random-ass spoiler tags. Originally I thought I broke something (I have no idea how), but upon going to the edit history I find -> limelight022 Reason: Condensing the thread because Cornelius thinks its "vandilism".

First of all, isn't it "vandalism"? Second of all, I'm pretty sure this is one of those times where you strip someone of Wiki Moderator status. Thank god for edit history.
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[quote name='louiedog']Someone discovered the cover art for ~35 unreleased XBLA titles recently. Toe Jam and Earl was one of them so I imagine it must be in the queue to come out relatively soon. Many of the titles on the list are announced games that are expected in the coming months.[/QUOTE]

Fantastic! Is there a link to this or the the arts found?
I'm liking the new OP however I don't like so much stuff being behind spoiler tags. Looks like some other random person came in and did that for some reason though.
[quote name='CAiNiACprime']Fantastic! Is there a link to this or the the arts found?[/QUOTE]

Ask and ye shall receive!

-> http://venturebeat.com/2012/10/02/leaked-xbla-games/#s:boxartlg-28

It's legit because some of the artwork has been verified as correct. Enjoy.

Edit: My bad, had it bookmarked. All better now. Though louiedog posted the same exact thing, lmao.

Original page wasn't busted, the guy just edited his post to say Oops (I assume because he was asked to take the content down).
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Anyone know anywhere doing deals on MS points this week? Or coming up this week? My account has been hacked twice when I use my card on my system, so I just don't trust MS with my card info anymore.
[quote name='louiedog']You can see them here. Unfortunately it's a slideshow.[/QUOTE]

I personally don't think all of those will be coming soon. I think there's a few in there that were created and ready to go, then hit a snag somewhere and didn't make it out. I hope I'm wrong though. And thanks for the link.
[quote name='tylerh1701']I personally don't think all of those will be coming soon. I think there's a few in there that were created and ready to go, then hit a snag somewhere and didn't make it out. I hope I'm wrong though. And thanks for the link.[/QUOTE]

I know Double Dragon 2 was planned for a while and I think they scrapped it in favour of Neon.

Edit: I'd fix the OP myself but I fear making it worse. Cornelius! Where art thou?
[quote name='tylerh1701']I personally don't think all of those will be coming soon. I think there's a few in there that were created and ready to go, then hit a snag somewhere and didn't make it out. I hope I'm wrong though. And thanks for the link.[/QUOTE]

You're not wrong. There are no guarantees. Skulls of the Shogun art has probably been there for 2 years now. ;) Of course that is coming out this fall. I mean, it has to, right? Unless of course something goes horribly wrong with the Win 8 release.
[quote name='BobbyTastic']I know Double Dragon 2 was planned for a while and I think they scrapped it in favour of Neon.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='louiedog']You're not wrong. There are no guarantees. Skulls of the Shogun art has probably been there for 2 years now. ;) Of course that is coming out this fall. I mean, it has to, right? Unless of course something goes horribly wrong with the Win 8 release.[/QUOTE]

Oh ok. As I mentioned above, Capsized is another one I don't think will see XBLA. I don't think Storm is going to make it either, and most of us know that Saint's Row: Money Shot was canceled as well.
Thanks guys, appreciate it.

Now I can put all my energy into pining for TJ & E 3 to come to GoD or an XBLA port, which will undoubtedly never happen.
[quote name='BobbyTastic']I know Double Dragon 2 was planned for a while and I think they scrapped it in favour of Neon.

Edit: I'd fix the OP myself but I fear making it worse. Cornelius! Where art thou?[/QUOTE]

I took most the spoiler tags back out again but the formatting is still a little off. Maybe limelight can join the conversation and justify why he thinks the thread needs condensing and wants to use spoiler tags on it all.

I will say I think there's too much in the OP. Things like the September price drops can just go, ReddJoey never used to post them and I don't think they're important enough to share in the OP. Also, maybe putting the Rock Band and Dance Central DLC behind a spoiler may be a good idea, since those sales are going on for quite a while and there's a ton of content there.

That's just my 2 cent.
[quote name='tylerh1701']I took most the spoiler tags back out again but the formatting is still a little off. Maybe limelight can join the conversation and justify why he thinks the thread needs condensing and wants to use spoiler tags on it all.

I will say I think there's too much in the OP. Things like the September price drops can just go, ReddJoey never used to post them and I don't think they're important enough to share in the OP. Also, maybe putting the Rock Band and Dance Central DLC behind a spoiler may be a good idea, since those sales are going on for quite a while and there's a ton of content there.

That's just my 2 cent.[/QUOTE]

I put spoiler tags because the OP is littered with a LOT of information.
And you just said yourself- "I will say I think there's too much in the OP."
Condensing them down made it easier to browse by section (or so I thought)...

...I dont appreciate Cornelius sending me a PM about what I did and asking if its a sarcastic joke, then having say I was "vandalizing all the hard work" in the wiki edit history. So much for a wiki thread when one person decides what stays and what goes. If my help isnt appreciated then I simply wont help anymore. Same exact reason I stopped posting Target ads because people complained that i put a music video in the bottom of the OP. Big deal. No room for creativity here besides an avatar and a sig. Whatever.

K I spoiler'd the Dance Central and Rock Band sales info. I have no idea where all these phantom spaces keep coming from, they're impossible to delete out.

To be honest, I'd like to see this thread closed and someone start and maintain a new one, non-wikified. Not that this one isn't fine, but it's easier when one person has full control of it, and can take suggestions from the rest of the group.

I know the 2 guys that I'd nominate, but they both already maintain other threads on this site and I'm sure they're not dying to take another one under their wing.
[quote name='tylerh1701']K I spoiler'd the Dance Central and Rock Band sales info. I have no idea where all these phantom spaces keep coming from, they're impossible to delete out.

To be honest, I'd like to see this thread closed and someone start and maintain a new one, non-wikified. Not that this one isn't fine, but it's easier when one person has full control of it, and can take suggestions from the rest of the group. I know the 2 guys that I'd nominate, but they both already maintain other threads on this site and I'm sure they're not dying to take another one under their wing.[/QUOTE]
I don't think the wiki formula isn't working, but Tuesday's are just a little hectic to keep up, and unless you're careful & check the OP history just before you hit "post", then a lot of helpful work by well-intentioned folks goes down the toilet.

I totally agree on adding "spoiler" tags to the music sale, as well as price drops, since the thread's focus is all about limited-time sales. What made limelight022's edit a little strange was spoiler'ing all the sections, which then forced the user to wonder which sections were most pertinent, so that was a little weird.

I don't claim to have editorial control, since I'm just like the rest of everyone. I merely want the OP to be "complete" on sales, and give first-timers a welcome & easy-to-understand place to find sales to increase CAG's readership. Apologies if I overstepped or went a little crazy. :D
I don't think that the wiki part is bad. In fact, I like that part. What I don't like is how the thread has become a megaconglomerate for everything on Xbox Live. People come into this thread to discuss anything and everything related to Xbox Live when the thread is supposed to be about Xbox Live Deals of the Week. This thread is an unwieldy mess. People just camp out in this thread. I guess that's fine for those with the dedication but for other people, we shouldn't have to go through pages of info just to find pertinent info.

With the way the thread is, it should just be called Xbox Live.
Sheesh, Reddjoey hasn't been involved with the OP since July--if the second post including Rewards info is any indicator, maybe a simple link to the Xbox Live Rewards thread would be more efficient?--that makes me a little sad.
[quote name='Cornelius']I don't think the wiki formula isn't working, but Tuesday's are just a little hectic to keep up, and unless you're careful & check the OP history just before you hit "post", then a lot of helpful work by well-intentioned folks goes down the toilet.

I totally agree on adding "spoiler" tags to the music sale, as well as price drops, since the thread's focus is all about limited-time sales. What made limelight022's edit a little strange was spoiler'ing all the sections, which then forced the user to wonder which sections were most pertinent, so that was a little weird.

I don't claim to have editorial control, since I'm just like the rest of everyone. I merely want the OP to be "complete" on sales, and give first-timers a welcome & easy-to-understand place to find sales to increase CAG's readership. Apologies if I overstepped or went a little crazy. :D[/QUOTE]

Ya my only concern is that there's too much in the OP, and it scares away the first-timers and casual checkers. I don't think many of us regulars even use the OP. When you come to this thread everyday, you pretty much catch every sale going on.

And you're find, I appreciate you and Bobbytastic keeping the OP up to date. And part of the blame for the jumbled OP actually rests with MS. There are literally 7 or 8 sales going on right now (DotW, Activision Sale, Family Deal, Kinect Central Deal, Rock Band Sale, Dance Central Sale, Scratch n Match Deals, and Chain Reaction). It's obviously a good thing that we're having so many concurrent sales, but putting them in a good, straight order isn't exactly easy.

[quote name='dirtyvu']I don't think that the wiki part is bad. In fact, I like that part. What I don't like is how the thread has become a megaconglomerate for everything on Xbox Live. People come into this thread to discuss anything and everything related to Xbox Live when the thread is supposed to be about Xbox Live Deals of the Week. This thread is an unwieldy mess. People just camp out in this thread. I guess that's fine for those with the dedication but for other people, we shouldn't have to go through pages of info just to find pertinent info.

With the way the thread is, it should just be called Xbox Live.[/QUOTE]

You're not wrong, but please point me to one thread on the main deals page that actually stays on topic of the mentioned deal and that's it? I don't think CAG would be nearly as popular (and therefore Cheapy wouldn't be bringing in nearly as much money) if it wasn't for the community here.
[quote name='tylerh1701']You're not wrong, but please point me to one thread on the main deals page that actually stays on topic of the mentioned deal and that's it?[/QUOTE]

That's true. But if you had a separate thread, that would limit any potential tangents. Because a separate thread would be more specific and have a smaller number of posts anyway. So even if a thread went off tangent by 20 posts, you'd still only have a couple of pages of posts.

But in a mega thread like this Xbox Live thread, that's hundreds of pages of posts. Fine for those who live in this thread. Not for the rest of us.

People in this thread are talking about the Midway compilation. Shouldn't that be in a Midway compilation thread? There's a perfectly fine one in the Xbox forum. Is the compilation an XBL sale?

I think I even saw a post about what size hard drive to buy.

And I see a lot of posts for the Xbox Live Rewards. We do have a rewards thread as well.

The way I think this thread should be set up is all things on Xbox Live that are on sale this week. Just because this week is heavy on sales doesn't mean we shouldn't include them. If it's an Xbox Live deal that's on for a temporary time, regardless of whether it's officially a "deal of the week" or "activision sale of the week" or whatever, it should be listed in the OP.
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']Has anyone played Matt Hazard? It's been over two years and no sale, is it worth $15?[/QUOTE]

I did and only have a few achievements left to do...it was a fun game (more fun as I've expected for 5 bucks) I would say it's worth $10 but 15 seems a bit pricey hum

EDIT: Ignore my comment I may have confused the game with eat lead starring matt hazard LOL
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']Has anyone played Matt Hazard? It's been over two years and no sale, is it worth $15?[/QUOTE]

Played it. Got bored after about 15 minutes. Probably played another 2 hours. Regretted the wasted time. I could have been napping or, even better, watching youtube videos of pretty ladies napping. That's what I'm into now.

It suffers from a lot of the same problems as Comic Jumper, but without any of the redeeming qualities. It's dull, doesn't do anything that other, similar games do, and like the retail Matt Hazard games is sometimes made worse by calling attention to its own poor gameplay choices as jokes.

edit: Raptr confirms that I played for 2 hours. Apparently that was enough to get me the achievement for completing the game in single player mode. I don't know why I did that. It's one of only three achievements so it may not be the game for you if points are your thing.
[quote name='tylerh1701']Ya my only concern is that there's too much in the OP, and it scares away the first-timers and casual checkers. I don't think many of us regulars even use the OP. When you come to this thread everyday, you pretty much catch every sale going on.

And you're find, I appreciate you and Bobbytastic keeping the OP up to date. And part of the blame for the jumbled OP actually rests with MS. There are literally 7 or 8 sales going on right now (DotW, Activision Sale, Family Deal, Kinect Central Deal, Rock Band Sale, Dance Central Sale, Scratch n Match Deals, and Chain Reaction). It's obviously a good thing that we're having so many concurrent sales, but putting them in a good, straight order isn't exactly easy. [/QUOTE]
This is the thing that bugs me about the OP. It's far too busy and it seems like everything is given its own section when it doesn't really need to be. Maybe it's just my style of listing that sort of stuff that is getting in the way, but I'd just like to see a simple list of all the XBLA and Games on Demand games on sale, DLC, and other stuff with maybe just the Sales & Specials+ App deals being the only thing that needs to be separate. Since there's no one single post cataloging the new set of deals that have been added, I try to check the OP for the full scoop before being overwhelmed with colored text and a million sections. It probably doesn't help that Microsoft doesn't seem to do a good job of labeling things as sales or permanent price drops since I see everybody discussing that frequently when something new pops up.

It's probably a result of this being a Wiki thread, so everything is shoved into the one post since nobody can use the rest of the OP. Unless Joey's going to be coming back to man the thread full time, it may be time for somebody to step up and take the reigns to provide some stability and a singular vision about what the OP should be. There's no sense trying to keep this thread alive when it needs to be spread out over the first few posts so that all of that info can breathe a bit.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']This is the thing that bugs me about the OP. It's far too busy and it seems like everything is given its own section when it doesn't really need to be. Maybe it's just my style of listing that sort of stuff that is getting in the way, but I'd just like to see a simple list of all the XBLA and Games on Demand games on sale, DLC, and other stuff with maybe just the Sales & Specials+ App deals being the only thing that needs to be separate. Since there's no one single post cataloging the new set of deals that have been added, I try to check the OP for the full scoop before being overwhelmed with colored text and a million sections. It probably doesn't help that Microsoft doesn't seem to do a good job of labeling things as sales or permanent price drops since I see everybody discussing that frequently when something new pops up.

It's probably a result of this being a Wiki thread, so everything is shoved into the one post since nobody can use the rest of the OP. Unless Joey's going to be coming back to man the thread full time, it may be time for somebody to step up and take the reigns to provide some stability and a singular vision about what the OP should be. There's no sense trying to keep this thread alive when it needs to be spread out over the first few posts so that all of that info can breathe a bit.[/QUOTE]

+1 to everything you said.
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