XBL DotW Sales 2012 |- CLOSED

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[quote name='Sath666']I doubt this is possible. The whole dashboard is packed with worthless stuff and i believe this is the main problem. :S[/QUOTE]
I think its the ads loading that cause the slowdown. There's an ad in every slide.
[quote name='xbox_man']is there still 2 plyer tony hawk even though no split screen, meaning player1 goes first the player2 after[/QUOTE]

Like 'H.O.R.S.E.?'
No, there isn't.
[quote name='Sath666']Good price. The game doesn't look good tho.[/QUOTE]

Yeah doesn't do anything for me either. Neither does Rock Band Blitz at 1200msp. I am excited for that "Hell Yeah Rabbit" game that should be coming out soon.
[quote name='ooga']Some game franchises are better off left in the past. Double Dragon definitely needs to stay in the land of nostalgia.[/QUOTE]

You are all dead to me. Played Neon at E3 and it's terrific. :p

Wow, no local multiplayer for THPS HD? Man, after reading Destructoid's review & hearing all this other stuff, I'm getting more & more disappointed in how it turned out. I thought the original 4 were great, & I'm not into sports games of any kind, excluding the unrealistic kinds like Mario Tennis or Sega Superstars Tennis.
[quote name='Zonic505']Wow, no local multiplayer for THPS HD? Man, after reading Destructoid's review & hearing all this other stuff, I'm getting more & more disappointed in how it turned out. I thought the original 4 were great, & I'm not into sports games of any kind, excluding the unrealistic kinds like Mario Tennis or Sega Superstars Tennis.[/QUOTE]Just read the Destructoid review, man this really makes me sad. I was really looking forward to this. I will still be trying the demo, but if the reviewer is correct, I will be passing on it. Sad, sad day for brother daz :cry:
[quote name='Brother Daz']Just read the Destructoid review, man this really makes me sad. I was really looking forward to this. I will still be trying the demo, but if the reviewer is correct, I will be passing on it. Sad, sad day for brother daz :cry:[/QUOTE]

That reviewer really went all out to shit on the game in every way he could. I haven't tried the demo yet but I can't imagine it's as bad as he made it out to be.
[quote name='ooga']Some game franchises are better off left in the past. Double Dragon definitely needs to stay in the land of nostalgia.[/QUOTE]

I beg to differ: games like Shank, Castle Crashers and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World shown that competent developers can put together amazing old school beat'em ups with the right amount of fun and playability. So, I think a decent brawler faithful to the Double Dragon franchise and in the same vein as the aforementioned games could be perfectly successful even today.

This Double Dragon Neon, however... while light years ahead of that horrible Double Dragon II remake that popped up some time ago (it was called Wander of the Dragons, IIRC), and hopefully was quickly buried straight after, it still does not seem to show enough love for the original. Rather stiff animations, bland backgrounds, dreary character designs, looks like it will be an hit box nightmare as well...

I read that the reveal trailer was taken from a mere 4 weeks build of the game, so I'm trusting WayForward here. Even their Bloodrayne: Betrayal, while not exceptional, was better than what I expected, so I'm willing to wait and see what the final product will look like.

Still, what I really can't understand is why, aside from Scott Pilgrim, nobody ever did a more synth-powered soundtrack for an 80s game remake, ever falling back instead to really boring and generic hard rock/metal covers of original tunes. True, I'm nitpicking here, but I'd really like to hear a TRUE back to the roots treatment for a remake's music, sooner or later... a man can dream! :cool:
[quote name='tylerh1701']That reviewer really went all out to shit on the game in every way he could. I haven't tried the demo yet but I can't imagine it's as bad as he made it out to be.[/QUOTE]
I read that review and then immediately went and bought it because I had forgotten it was out today. Haven't played it yet but I also can't imagine it's as bad as he says. In fact I'm sure I'll love it but I have never played a single TH game I haven't loved and I've played every one except Ride and Shred.
[quote name='ooga']I hope they have a dashboard update soon to address slow downs. It take 30 seconds for my quick play list to show up. Crappy performance in launching stuff overall.[/QUOTE]

My theory on this is that it is relative to the size of your profile and number of games owned. I have literally hundreds of arcade games along with a ton of dlc and such. My quickplay and games library loads very slowly just as you describe. My wifes profile is pretty bare bones and it loads up quickly. Also, when recovering profiles on different consoles, mine literally takes ten times the amount of time hers does.
[quote name='garrett007']Everytime you die you will go back to 1-1, unless you get shortcuts. But that doesn't let you earn a few achievements and get a post on the leaderboards[/QUOTE]

Spelunky is great. You have to think of it is a side-scrolling platformer rogue-like. When you die, you start over, and you will die a lot, but you learn things as you go and so can get farther. It is addicting and fun. I love it. Last night I finally got to the 3rd world. 3-2 to be exact. Well, that was with shortcutting to 2-1, then playing through that and getting to the 3rd world. Damn shortcut guy raised his prices, though! LOL.
While I'm most likely gonna wait for Double Dragon Neon to go on sale (though I'll still try the demo out), I have some faith in WayForward considering I enjoyed some of their other games, like Contra 4, Mighty Flip Champs, & Mighty Switch Force (which had some amazing music, BTW). Kind of wish the original would get put back up on the marketplace, though.

& I might as well try the demo for THPS HD just to see if it's as bad as I'm hearing. Though I'm already disappointed there's only 7 levels and only 7 songs.
[quote name='crunchewy']Spelunky is great. You have to think of it is a side-scrolling platformer rogue-like. When you die, you start over, and you will die a lot, but you learn things as you go and so can get farther. It is addicting and fun. I love it. Last night I finally got to the 3rd world. 3-2 to be exact. Well, that was with shortcutting to 2-1, then playing through that and getting to the 3rd world. Damn shortcut guy raised his prices, though! LOL.[/QUOTE]

So in trying to understand the term "roguelike", permanent death seems to one of the descriptors. Is this true of all "roguelike" games? That there's no level progression at all and death = starting over from scratch?
[quote name='crunchewy']Spelunky is great. You have to think of it is a side-scrolling platformer rogue-like. When you die, you start over, and you will die a lot, but you learn things as you go and so can get farther. It is addicting and fun. I love it. Last night I finally got to the 3rd world. 3-2 to be exact. Well, that was with shortcutting to 2-1, then playing through that and getting to the 3rd world. Damn shortcut guy raised his prices, though! LOL.[/QUOTE]

I love the game, I as well only made it to the third world. I was almost at the end of 3-1 and I landed on the green jump pad right into a UFO!
[quote name='Junpei']I beg to differ: games like Shank, Castle Crashers and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World shown that competent developers can put together amazing old school beat'em ups with the right amount of fun and playability. So, I think a decent brawler faithful to the Double Dragon franchise and in the same vein as the aforementioned games could be perfectly successful even today.)[/QUOTE]

Yes beat'em ups do have a place in gaming. HOWEVER, the examples you gave are not games that have been saddled with the legacy of an old franchise. To make a game that is part of an old franchise you have to conform to certain guidelines and live up to certain expectations. These are things you don't have to worry about when creating a brand new property.
I thinking reviving an old franchise like double dragon, that has really nothing to distinguish it from other games in it's genre back in the day will just hamstring the developers. It will never live up to the expectations of die hard fans who still remember DD as a great franchise. It will also not add much to the experience of new comers who have no idea who the Lee boys are.
If it's a good game, and for all I know it could be, I wish they had not labeled it as part of the DD franchise and just made it it's own game.
Just read GamesRadar's review & discovered there's no character creator, clothing customization, or level editor as well. Oh, & you can't customize the song list, let alone actually skip any songs or SEE the song list. Man, I'll still play the demo (I've got it downloaded, might try it tomorrow or this weekend), but I seriously cannot get over how underwhelmed this HD version feels in comparison to the original games.
[quote name='therealdanhill']Man, THPSHD got skewered over at DToid. I'm gonna hold off for a sale on this one. Anyone here played it?[/QUOTE]
Been playing it for a little while now. When I was reading the Destructoid review I was thinking he was a fucking idiot but now having played it he makes a lot of good points. I'm still enjoying it but it definitely doesn't have the same feel as the original. Unless you're a die hard TH game fan like myself you're probably better off waiting for a sale.

This quote from the GamesRadar review linked above me pretty much sums it up perfect "we’d gladly trade HD’s so-so graphics and unruly physics for straight ports of Tony’s first two PS1 installments."
[quote name='ooga']Yes beat'em ups do have a place in gaming. HOWEVER, the examples you gave are not games that have been saddled with the legacy of an old franchise. To make a game that is part of an old franchise you have to conform to certain guidelines and live up to certain expectations. These are things you don't have to worry about when creating a brand new property.
I thinking reviving an old franchise like double dragon, that has really nothing to distinguish it from other games in it's genre back in the day will just hamstring the developers.[/QUOTE]

The guildlines for a Double Dragon game are as follows:
  1. Hit guys until they don't get up anymore
  2. Pick up weapons
  3. Move to the right
These are more or less the same guidelines followed by the other games he had listed. The developers seem to be betting on the fact that the name will be enough to distinguish it.

[quote name='ooga']It will never live up to the expectations of die hard fans who still remember DD as a great franchise. It will also not add much to the experience of new comers who have no idea who the Lee boys are.[/QUOTE] It's also not to the detriment of the game for those who have never played a Double Dragon game before. Double Dragon is primarily remembered for popularizing the beat'em genre. As for it being a great franchise, that's debatable. Yes it had gems like DD1, DD2, and Super Double Dragon, but there was also DD3, DD5, and Battletoads & Double Dragon weighing the series down. The bar hasn't been set too high for a new game in the series. I'm willing to give WayForward the benefit of a doubt because they managed to do a pretty good job of dusting off the Contra series.
[quote name='Thrinn']The guildlines for a Double Dragon game are as follows:
  1. Hit guys until they don't get up anymore
  2. Pick up weapons
  3. Move to the right

Isn't that what I just said? Generic beat'em up with nothing to distinguish it from a hundred other games that play the same way.

These are more or less the same guidelines followed by the other games he had listed.

Really? So Castle Crashers, Shank and Scott Pilgrim follow the formula above and have nothing else to offer? No gimmicks? Nothing? I think you may want to re-download another copy of those games. You must've gotten a gimped beta version of them.
[quote name='Thrinn']The guildlines for a Double Dragon game are as follows:
  1. Hit guys until they don't get up anymore
  2. Pick up weapons
  3. Move to the right
why you picking on castlevania and mega man :(
[quote name='therealdanhill']Man, THPSHD got skewered over at DToid. I'm gonna hold off for a sale on this one. Anyone here played it?[/QUOTE]

I am playing it right now because I have to write a review for it, and it is a pretty bad game.

The game hasn't held up very well to begin with, and the changes they've made (soundtrack, graphics) are for the worse.

Don't buy it.
[quote name='wEEman33']I am playing it right now because I have to write a review for it, and it is a pretty bad game.

The game hasn't held up very well to begin with, and the changes they've made (soundtrack, graphics) are for the worse.

Don't buy it.[/QUOTE]
Damn thats pretty sad. How do you fuck up a port I'm about to play the demo right now.
[quote name='wEEman33']I am playing it right now because I have to write a review for it, and it is a pretty bad game.

The game hasn't held up very well to begin with, and the changes they've made (soundtrack, graphics) are for the worse.

Don't buy it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's right. I wish Jet Set Radio, Hell Yeah! or Retro City Rampage were in SoA list instead. And what's happen with MS? Most of the games in their recent promotions are bad.
[quote name='tylerh1701']So the "I'm the Boss" DLC for M&M:CoH is just multiplayer stuff, right?[/QUOTE]

I think so, I bought it and played a couple rounds of it last night. Enjoyed it quite a bit.

Add me if you need someone to play with.

If you love this game, this DLC is a no brainer esp. at 120 points!
Final Fight and Double Dragon were largely generic, yes, but people who think DD has nothing to offer these days need their heads examined. Double Dragon Advance, the Zeebo DD, and the IPhone DD all were fantastic. Hell, the IPhone DD gave us new boss characters and new spins on old ones. DDA was practically SoRR tier fan service too and fantastic for it.

A beat em up needs a little bit more than "run right, mash buttons." this is where Shank succeeds well beyond Scott Pilgrim and a bit beyond Castle Crashers. Double Dragon Advance and the two successors above had killer move lists and just good variety.

However, in my experience, Wayforward is uneven as hell. I have nothing nice to say about the Shantae games, Bloodrayne Betrayal, or Contra 4. But if the demo of DD Neo interests me, I'll play it.
[quote name='Sath666']Yeah, that's right. I wish Jet Set Radio, Hell Yeah! or Retro City Rampage were in SoA list instead. And what's happen with MS? Most of the games in their recent promotions are bad.

They've been hit and miss. Minecraft, Trials Evo, Bloodforge, and Alan Wake were all pretty good. But I actually think it's better when games aren't part of their promos anyway, because there's a better chance for them to be priced at 800 (I think Dust could have been 800 if it wasn't part of SoA.)

[quote name='destro4eva']I think so, I bought it and played a couple rounds of it last night. Enjoyed it quite a bit.

Add me if you need someone to play with.

If you love this game, this DLC is a no brainer esp. at 120 points![/QUOTE]

Thanks for the info. I own the game but haven't gotten around to playing it yet.

[quote name='Rsmobile']However, in my experience, Wayforward is uneven as hell. I have nothing nice to say about the Shantae games, Bloodrayne Betrayal, or Contra 4. But if the demo of DD Neo interests me, I'll play it.[/QUOTE]

I've never had a chance to try the Shantae games, but I thought Bloodrayne was a very good game. There were a couple of boneheaded platforming sections, but (to me) they were mooted by very good hack n slash gameplay.
I love WayForward as a developer....I think they are highly under rated. Batman: Brave and the Blood was a fantastic game by them as well as Contra 4. I'll be buying this day 1!
[quote name='Rollobobo']I love WayForward as a developer....I think they are highly under rated. Batman: Brave and the Blood was a fantastic game by them as well as Contra 4. I'll be buying this day 1![/QUOTE]

Both were great games, especially Contra 4...plus that game was hard as nails!
THPS HD replaced the VHS tapes with DVDs. 0/10 My nostalgia is not pleased.

And why DVDs? They're not even HD, so they don't fit with the title. It'd make more sense if they used BDs. And if MS didn't like that, they could always just replace them with HD-DVDs for the Xbox version. ( ´∀`)

More importantly though, that demo was one of the worst demos I've ever played. It's a load of crap that it only allows you to play one level for two minutes. But wait, it doesn't even let you play for the full two minutes - it cuts off after 1:30 to tell you to buy the game without even having the decency to let you finish the damn level. Who does Activision expect will buy a game after a 90 seconds of gameplay?
banjo and kazooie N&B is $15 today. did they just randomly stop doing the DOTD for a little bit and start up? there were def a few days without anything. Yawn another pass. hoping blur gets knocked down, or EDF 2017, those would be good to have on the HD for short plays.
[quote name='tylerh1701']Where do all the ellipsis in the OP keep coming from? lol[/QUOTE]
Hey ... what's wrong with ellipses ... (not ellipsis) ... I kinda like ... all those ... pac-pellets. Maybe there's too many dashes! Maybe we need more percentage & caret symbols! Are you a symbolist? :)
[quote name='ooga']Yes beat'em ups do have a place in gaming. HOWEVER, the examples you gave are not games that have been saddled with the legacy of an old franchise. To make a game that is part of an old franchise you have to conform to certain guidelines and live up to certain expectations. These are things you don't have to worry about when creating a brand new property.
I thinking reviving an old franchise like double dragon, that has really nothing to distinguish it from other games in it's genre back in the day will just hamstring the developers. It will never live up to the expectations of die hard fans who still remember DD as a great franchise. It will also not add much to the experience of new comers who have no idea who the Lee boys are.
If it's a good game, and for all I know it could be, I wish they had not labeled it as part of the DD franchise and just made it it's own game.[/QUOTE]

The thing I remember the most about DD was the satisfying feeling of landing a solid punch or kick. I would find it refreshing if a developer could re-boot a franchise like this and keep the weapons to a minimum. Don't just try to make the same game with newer graphics, but try to re-create the experience.

Just like Doom. There are plenty of shooters out there, but few have anything as satisfying as the shotgun in Doom, complete with choppy imp growl and animation. Still, Doom style games are released 1-2 or more times a year.
I for one am hoping the new DD is a blast. I enjoy a simple game of ass-kicking now and then. They could add zero features on top of the originals and I'd still consider it if it's buttery smooth in its delivery.

THPS giving you a minute and a half to play is just dumb.

Most of the S&S+ discounts are also dumb, or underwhelming at the very least. I'm considering the Sacrifice but only out of the fear that the damned thing will never drop again. Speaking of S&S+, what exactly is the freebie game this time?
[quote name='tylerh1701'].....But I kind of want MLB Bobblehead Pros I'm ready to just break down and pay full price for that one, so I've got to decide.[/QUOTE]
Don't pay full price. I'm still holding out too. Wait with me!!!! :lol:
[quote name='garrett007']RockBand Blitz releases 8/29 for 1,200 MSP http://www.rockband.com/forums/showthread.php?t=230583
This will definitely be a day one buy for me[/QUOTE]
Just saw this news too. Excellent price point. $15 for a brand new game with 25 songs that can be exported to RB3?? Even if you don't like the actual game, 25 songs for 1200 msp is a steal. Day 1 purchase
[quote name='Antarael Dulacre']Bulletstorm is now 35% off and f down to 1040 MSP from 1600 ...strange price...[/QUOTE]

Fun game that I paid $10 for last year thru Gamefly. Totally worth $10, and at $13 new that's not bad either. Will sadly probably never see a sequel as the game didn't sell very well, and that studio is working on the new Gears as we speak.
[quote name='ooga']Yes beat'em ups do have a place in gaming. HOWEVER, the examples you gave are not games that have been saddled with the legacy of an old franchise. To make a game that is part of an old franchise you have to conform to certain guidelines and live up to certain expectations. These are things you don't have to worry about when creating a brand new property.[/QUOTE]

My point is that those are, first and foremost, solid titles. If you can build a game like that and then work on all features that made the old one stand out from the bunch (peculiar moves, distinctive characters and enemies, original music covers, familiar stages, etc.), then you're practically set.

Obviously, I'm over simplifying things, but the fact is that this DDN doesn't seem a good game even on its own, at least from what I've seen until now: animations and collisions have nothing to do with being more or less faithful with the franchise. Slapping a beloved name on a lackluster title will only aggravate things...

[quote name='ooga']It will never live up to the expectations of die hard fans who still remember DD as a great franchise. It will also not add much to the experience of new comers who have no idea who the Lee boys are.[/QUOTE]

Someone will always whine over something even with the most lovely-crafted remake, but crafting a good game can greatly help reduce the numbers of those people. Haters gonna hate anyway :)

Plus, you can please old fans and newcomers altogether by offering some sort of history lesson about the game with screenshots, trivia, pamphlets and (*gasp!*) even an emulated version of the original. I think that would work with any remake, but I'm also pretty optimistic ;)

Changing subject, I'm happy to confirm that the new update for the Sales & Specials+ app did fix that bug in both ways, as now my Ms. Splosion Man shows as purchased even on regular Marketplace and, after deletion, I have been able to re-download it without extra charges... phew! :bouncy:
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