XBL DotW Sales 2012 |- CLOSED

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[quote name='Monsta Mack']
I was able to download Viva Pinata:TIP on my wife's 360. While she was playing it I was able to download it on my 360 and play online with her. Not sure if MS will appreciate it, but looks like GoD is a nice alternative for a one copy share of multiplayer games. Might even grab Saints Row 3 if this is legit and not banworthy. Can anyone else comment on this?[/QUOTE]
How does this work? Same gamertag on 2 different consoles?
I was able to download Viva Pinata:TIP on my wife's 360. While she was playing it I was able to download it on my 360 and play online with her. Not sure if MS will appreciate it, but looks like GoD is a nice alternative for a one copy share of multiplayer games. Might even grab Saints Row 3 if this is legit and not banworthy. Can anyone else comment on this?

I actually forgot about that with on demand games, probably the only plus side to them since they are overpriced. People have been doing this for years with XBLA and will work as long as you download it on the console that doesn't use the Gamertag. Although if you ever need a new Xbox and do a license transfer then it won't work anymore.
[quote name='thenutman69321']How does this work? Same gamertag on 2 different consoles?[/QUOTE]

When you purchase something on the Xbox Marketplace, you're essentially buying two licenses: one that entitles anyone on the console on which you purchased the game/content/etc to play it, and one that entitles your gamertag to play it. Thus, if you go to a friend's console and use your gamertag to download a game, you can go home and download the same game to your console and play it as long as your gamertag is signed in to Xbox LIVE. Of course, all of this is predicated on not needing a license transfer to a new console at some point and having a reliable internet connection.
[quote name='eastx']Speaking of beat-em-ups, my Dungeon Fighter LIVE Co-Op Review is now online. Please check it out.[/QUOTE]

Good review and very fair. It definitely could've been much better if they had thought out some of their decisions. At the very least it would've benefited from having an extra button to pick up items instead of using "X". It was infuriating to be in the middle of a combo and have your character bend down to pick up some coins a monster dropped.
Also, the last level (floating gardens) was incredibly cheap and served only as a reason to make people buy Resurrection Stones. This is all evident by the fact that you are not allowed to use potions in that EXTREMELY long level.
[quote name='Sath666']Still playing Spelunky - can't get enough of this game! Got the speedrun achievement, also the one for collecting $500k (yesterday i was ranked 23th out of 27k people ^^). Reached the Hell for first time as well, but my shotgun go down into lava during the battle with Olmec and i didn't last long there. Man, the achievements in this game are tough as nails.:)

How the hell MS didn't put game like this in SoA line-up? Instead there are Hybrid, Tony Hawks and that Kinect game, ugh. -__-[/QUOTE]

Impressive, you're a far more dedicated gamer than I. I told that game to fuck off a soon after release, and haven't been back since.

[quote name='eastx']Speaking of beat-em-ups, my Dungeon Fighter LIVE Co-Op Review is now online. Please check it out.[/QUOTE]

Good review, I agree with the majority of it (can't comment on the MP because I didn't do much of it). My absolute biggest gripe about the game (which you briefly mentioned) were the inventory screens. Whether you're selling something, disassembling something, or just looking for something, there are 0 sorting options, making navigation much harder than it needed to be. The menus are also pretty intimidating when just starting up the game, because of them I was actually ready to banish this game to my backlog when I first started it. It was only saved because it was part of the Cheeve Challenge last week.

It was also a little bit too grindy and repetitive for my tastes. I'm sure this is remedied a good amount when playing MP, because each room of each dungeon won't take nearly as long with 1-3 extra party members.

[quote name='ooga']Good review and very fair. It definitely could've been much better if they had thought out some of their decisions. At the very least it would've benefited from having an extra button to pick up items instead of using "X". It was infuriating to be in the middle of a combo and have your character bend down to pick up some coins a monster dropped.
Also, the last level (floating gardens) was incredibly cheap and served only as a reason to make people buy Resurrection Stones. This is all evident by the fact that you are not allowed to use potions in that EXTREMELY long level.[/QUOTE]

Wow Floating Gardens sounds like an awful "reward" for clearing all the other levels on King's Road difficulty. I'm really glad I didn't bother with them. You, like Sath before you, are far more dedicated than I.
[quote name='ooga']Good review and very fair. It definitely could've been much better if they had thought out some of their decisions. At the very least it would've benefited from having an extra button to pick up items instead of using "X". It was infuriating to be in the middle of a combo and have your character bend down to pick up some coins a monster dropped.
Also, the last level (floating gardens) was incredibly cheap and served only as a reason to make people buy Resurrection Stones. This is all evident by the fact that you are not allowed to use potions in that EXTREMELY long level.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for reading, you guys!

Ooga, those are both great points that I originally intended to include in the review. Went back and put this in:
Standard attacks use only a single button (X), which seems like a legacy of the game’s keyboard-friendly origins. The same button also picks up items, sometimes leading to interrupted combos as fighters accidentally scoop up trinkets during the heat of battle.

The review is a bit overlong already (500 words above the sweet spot), so I could only squeeze in a passing reference to Resurrection Stones (and now the garden):

(The only PDLC so far is Resurrection Stones, which function as extra lives during dungeons and are mandatory for completing the final level.)

Now then...

[quote name='tylerh1701']Good review, I agree with the majority of it (can't comment on the MP because I didn't do much of it).[/QUOTE]

I've seen you say stuff like this before. Why dontcha play multiplayer in co-op focused games like this? You sure seem social enough otherwise.
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Finally won Scratch & Match today. I've played pretty much every day since it launched. It was a Zombie Pet avatar prop from All Zombies Must Die. Cool award as I'm big into zombies, but nothing I'd have paid for.

EDIT: Updated the main page since it wasn't listed.
[quote name='eastx']Thanks for reading, you guys!
I've seen you say stuff like this before. Why dontcha play multiplayer in co-op focused games like this? You sure seem social enough otherwise.[/QUOTE]

Haha I'm actually not that social in real life. This game would have been perfect for co-op though, because you can start dungeons by yourself and people can just hop in and out as they want. Unfortunately I didn't find this out until after I had beaten the game.
Just a quick heads up for those that don't frequent spylon's site...

The Command and Conquer game is now showing up as $13 and Star Wars Force Unleashed is at 800 points ($10) so that's how these games should be priced normally but it's nice to see them getting this low.
yeah, 800 MSP for SW:TFU is a good price if you want a digital version. The GOTY edition is still costing a good amount so I dont know how if you were to buy the G.O.D., how you would get the dlc. I guess paying the full 800 MSP, even though neither one is worth that much. Hell 400 MSP is a huge stretch.
Glad to see prices coming down a bit more.

My guess is they jumped the gun with Madden 11 since It was already $30 before the deal. Probably will drop to $15 to later.
So the GOD Command and Conquer finally gets the right sale price late last night then expires. SMH. You'd think they would extend it a day since they forgot to actually drop the price to $13 until later in the evening.
I keep dying in Spelunky since the only way to get more lives is by rescuing the girl, yet I love playing it. I might buy if it reaches 800 points again.

Has Comic Jumper ever been on sale? Once they introduced Brad and his fembots, I knew this was worth buying. I read there is even a manga level.
Note that I purchased Raskulls through the Sales App last week, and even after the app update the game still shows up as re-purchasable through the xbox.com Marketplace. Not sure if other people are seeing the same thing?

I'll probably get the Scott Pilgrim Knives Chau pack even though I don't really care for the game all that much (I can't put my finger on it, but the gameplay in Scott Pilgrim just feels "off"). At only 80 MSP and a couple new game modes, how can you go wrong?
[quote name='Cage017']Has Comic Jumper ever been on sale? Once they introduced Brad and his fembots, I knew this was worth buying. I read there is even a manga level.[/QUOTE]

It was on sale for 400 when I bought it, and I truly loved it. You should also check out the retail game of Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard. It's dead cheap now ($5+shipping at Gohastings.com used or new) and it was pure silly perfection, everything that Duke Nuke'm should have been but much less raunchy (it's rated T, even).

Also: start checking XBLDB if all you want to know is "was this on sale?" for XBLA games. Here's comic jumper's page: http://xbldb.com/offers/001-cbf
I hated Comic Jumper. The opening level is a hoot and the writing is charming but the gameplay is just so weak.

There is a manga level but it is written by people who have never read a manga ever so it isn't actually a sharp parody.
[quote name='Cage017']Has Comic Jumper ever been on sale? Once they introduced Brad and his fembots, I knew this was worth buying. I read there is even a manga level.[/QUOTE]Yeah, it's been on sale a few times for 800 MSP, & was even 400 MSP as part of an April Fools sale.

& yes, there's a manga level where you look like Cloud & are riding an unicorn and it ends with a boss of a Japanese kid who shoots out snot bombs and laser beams out his eyes. As a manga reader, I found the stage quite hilarious.
[quote name='SporkWielder']When you purchase something on the Xbox Marketplace, you're essentially buying two licenses: one that entitles anyone on the console on which you purchased the game/content/etc to play it, and one that entitles your gamertag to play it. Thus, if you go to a friend's console and use your gamertag to download a game, you can go home and download the same game to your console and play it as long as your gamertag is signed in to Xbox LIVE. Of course, all of this is predicated on not needing a license transfer to a new console at some point and having a reliable internet connection.[/QUOTE]
So are both consoles using the same gamertag at the same time?
Watch a playthrough of Comic Jumper on youtube. Guarantee it will be a more enjoyable experience than actually playing that game.
[quote name='Kerig']It was on sale for 400 when I bought it, and I truly loved it. You should also check out the retail game of Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard. It's dead cheap now ($5+shipping at Gohastings.com used or new) and it was pure silly perfection, everything that Duke Nuke'm should have been but much less raunchy (it's rated T, even).

Also: start checking XBLDB if all you want to know is "was this on sale?" for XBLA games. Here's comic jumper's page: http://xbldb.com/offers/001-cbf[/QUOTE]

I actually paid full price for it (I was rather new to XBLA at the time, foolishly still paying full price for games) and really enjoyed it. My only regret was that it did drop down to 800 rather quickly and then even hit 400 during a sale.
[quote name='crookshow']Watch a playthrough of Comic Jumper on youtube. Guarantee it will be a more enjoyable experience than actually playing that game.[/QUOTE]

THIS, and I am a big fan of Twisted Pixel.
[quote name='thenutman69321']So are both consoles using the same gamertag at the same time?[/QUOTE]

I was using two different gamertags and it worked fine. I just
A) Have to be constantly online and signed in to play on my side and
B) Can't do any license transfers. So hopefully none of our xboxs break again.
[quote name='RollingSkull']I hated Comic Jumper. The opening level is a hoot and the writing is charming but the gameplay is just so weak.

There is a manga level but it is written by people who have never read a manga ever so it isn't actually a sharp parody.[/QUOTE]

I didn't hate it, but yeah it was definitely disappointing imo. Fun premise and story, gameplay... not so much. Luckily I got my copy free through here by trading for a GH code.
TES: Oblivion is up for $10 on the us marketplace. I'm gonna get it with my 400msp bing rewards. Sold my goty copy to a friend for $20 last year sweet deal.
I'm diggin' the Section 8 and Monster Madness DLC discounts from out of left field. But seriously, wtf? Tempted to pick up just because, but something tells me these drops are permanent. ?
[quote name='thenutman69321']So are both consoles using the same gamertag at the same time?[/QUOTE]

It's not that they're using the same Gamertag at the same time, it's that you purchase two different licenses: one for the console your'e currently using, and one for the Gamertag spending the points.

As an example:

Xbox A (Home to Gamertag A)
Xbox B (Home to Gamertag B)

Gamertag A recovers his profile on Xbox B and purchases Castle Crashers.
Gamertag B (or anyone else, even a non-Xbox LIVE enabled account) can play Castle Crashers on Xbox B even when Gamertag A isn't logged in or even when the console isn't connected to Xbox LIVE.
Gamertag A can download Castle Crashers from his Download History onto Xbox A, but has to be logged into Xbox LIVE in order to play the full game.
Using this system, it is possible for Gamertag A and B to play the same game on two different Xbox consoles, having only paid for it once.
[quote name='tylerh1701']Demo for All Zombies Must Die was pretty fun, I think I'll pick it up. Probably not worth $7, but I've got lots of points dying to be spent.[/QUOTE]

Trial version bored me to death. Easy skip for me. :p
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']Thanks, eastx!!!![/QUOTE]

As a quick note, he said the same thing about Virtual On Force, which I ended up needing a VPN for. Granted, there's a free HK VPN out there that's pretty easy to use, and downloading via VPN isn't terribly hard if you have a spare laptop and wireless router, but it's just something to keep in mind.
Your Shape™ Fitness Evolved 2012 - Bundle Pack: Back in Shape Lose It & Keep It Off! - 320 Microsoft Points - 50% off

Any thoughts about this? I still don't have the actual game since my copy is backordered at Amazon. However, it does intrigue me if it adds to the workout. I really don't need to lose any weight (ok maybe 5 LBs) so I am questioning it's value to me.
[quote name='ooga']Any thoughts about this? I still don't have the actual game since my copy is backordered at Amazon. However, it does intrigue me if it adds to the workout. I really don't need to lose any weight (ok maybe 5 LBs) so I am questioning it's value to me.[/QUOTE]

I'm interested in this to.
[quote name='ooga']Any thoughts about this? I still don't have the actual game since my copy is backordered at Amazon. However, it does intrigue me if it adds to the workout. I really don't need to lose any weight (ok maybe 5 LBs) so I am questioning it's value to me.[/QUOTE]

The bundle consists of two add-ons, which each contain four different workouts. The workouts in the first half are 28 minutes each, and the workouts in the second are 18 minutes each.

The game suggests you complete each workout three times (their respective achievements have the same requirements), and if you do, that works out to about 9 hours of content.

It's not a bad value if you look at it that way. The workouts themselves are fairly rigorous. At a bare minimum, you get about 3 hours worth of content for $4. (The DLC bundle is usually $8, and each sold separately are $5.)
[quote name='Ham Salad 360']The bundle consists of two add-ons, which each contain four different workouts. The workouts in the first half are 28 minutes each, and the workouts in the second are 18 minutes each.

The game suggests you complete each workout three times (their respective achievements have the same requirements), and if you do, that works out to about 9 hours of content.

It's not a bad value if you look at it that way. The workouts themselves are fairly rigorous. At a bare minimum, you get about 3 hours worth of content for $4. (The DLC bundle is usually $8, and each sold separately are $5.)[/QUOTE]

I can't decide whether or not to jump on this and pick up 2012, or just wait for 2013 coming out in a few months.
[quote name='Sath666']What a start for Summer of Arcade -



I expect Hybrid to be even lower rated than these.


Well, a 66 isn't horrible, but the first two out of five both striking out is not very promising. I hope for good things from Hybrid but I was too tired/wasted to give it more than 15 minutes when I booted up the beta, and I haven't gone back. :whistle2:T Definitely has funky controls. I have a feeling its scores are going to be all over the place.
[quote name='Sath666']What a start for Summer of Arcade -



I expect Hybrid to be even lower rated than these.


I guess it's all about expectations. I've been playing Wreckateer for 3 days now and it's been a ton of fun. It gets a bit repetitive after a while, but for me, it definitely is the best Kinect arcade game out there, which may not be saying much. Anyway, play the demo when it comes out and make up your own mind.
[quote name='Ham Salad 360']The bundle consists of two add-ons, which each contain four different workouts. The workouts in the first half are 28 minutes each, and the workouts in the second are 18 minutes each.

The game suggests you complete each workout three times (their respective achievements have the same requirements), and if you do, that works out to about 9 hours of content.

It's not a bad value if you look at it that way. The workouts themselves are fairly rigorous. At a bare minimum, you get about 3 hours worth of content for $4. (The DLC bundle is usually $8, and each sold separately are $5.)[/QUOTE]

Interesting. I may have to get it then. BTW, good job on Playfit. :)
[quote name='Rollobobo']And yet, Microsoft didn't deem Spleunky a worthwhile Summer of Arcade game....idiots. Speaking of Spleunky, I think I'm going to go play again! :D[/QUOTE]

Yea whoever would think that a game with nearly unapproachable difficulty for all but very old school gamers wouldn't appeal to the casual gamers?

I'll never understand why "core gamers" don't understand that they aren't the key demographic anymore.
[quote name='biledriver']Yea whoever would think that a game with nearly unapproachable difficulty for all but very old school gamers wouldn't appeal to the casual gamers?

I'll never understand why "core gamers" don't understand that they aren't the key demographic anymore.[/QUOTE]
So how do you explain Trials HD, which is one of the hardest games on XBLA while also being one of the most successful?
Spelunky has had a long, long road to even becoming an XBLA game. I'm sure Microsoft's process about choosing Summer of Arcade titles is not some fancy pants curated selections first sort of ordeal. They probably made those decisions a long time ago with marketing round tables.
Btw this year there will be a winter of arcade around christmas...just saw the news today...

And sure it IS all about marketing put 1-2 top/good titles in it and games that won't sell otherwise (remember nexuiz thrown in? lol got a sale down to 200 and even then it's not worth it...) , but promise to get some points back...promotion done...lol
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