XBL DotW Sales 2012 |- CLOSED

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[quote name='FriskyTanuki']So how do you explain Trials HD, which is one of the hardest games on XBLA while also being one of the most successful?[/QUOTE]

And I know several people that very much regret their purchase due to the crazy difficulty spike at the end. Luckily the track editor helps with this. Also, interesting new games that are difficult (like Demon's Souls/Dark Souls) fair much better than throwback games which appeal mainly to those people that remember the style.

As for Super Meat Boy I would point out that it was cheaper at first than Spelunky and really a different sort of difficulty quite frankly. More trial and error than trial, fail and restart the whole game. It also received a lot of press for an XBLA game which always helps even if it's just internet gaming sites.

I'm not saying all games that are difficult will not appeal to the broad audience, but you'd have to expect big names and Kinect games to get the nod over a niche game with little fanfare like Spelunky.
[quote name='cancerman1120']That would be cool.

Edit: IS The Sacrifice worth 400? I do not think there has been a discount on it ever. I guess the best I could hope for is to save another 120 points. Might just get it tonight.[/QUOTE]

imo its def worth it, and ive never seen the l4d dlc on sale.

@chrome - some sites were saying 1600 - 1200. at 1600 i wont bite no matter how much i love l4d. guess we will just have to wait a couple hours to see
Man that dlc should be free. To add dlc to a game that hasn't been revelant in over a year, and expect people to buy it would be fucked up on value's part. I doubt many still have this title, expect for hardcore L4D players.

BTW for the guy who asked, all L4D dlc are worth it,
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[quote name='Royal High Knight']Man that dlc should be free. To add dlc to a game that hasn't been revelant in over a year, and expect people to buy it would be fucked up on value's part. I doubt many still have this title, expect for hardcore L4D players.

BTW for the guy who asked, all L4D dlc is worth it,[/QUOTE]

It's a pretty massive expansion, effectively giving you L4D1 and another campaign. I would gladly pay for it personally. I've put hundreds of hours into L4D2 multiplayer.
wow i just looked on gamestop.com and there selling l4d 1 for 34.99 new and used . left 4 dead 2 is 29.99 new but 44.99 used . lmao
[quote name='officerrickyross222']wow i just looked on gamestop.com and there selling l4d 1 for 34.99 new and used . left 4 dead 2 is 29.99 new but 44.99 used . lmao[/QUOTE]

exactly I dont own the game anymore cause I thought they were done with l4d2 and that this dlc wasnt going to come out, but thats not the case. Now I have to wait to find a cheap copy on gohastings or perhaps gylde. If the dlc is indeed free tommorrow, then I guess all is forgiven. The only reason Im excited for this dlc is cause all the campaigns for L4D1 are included with Cold Stream.
[quote name='Royal High Knight']exactly I dont own the game anymore cause I thought they were done with l4d2 and that this dlc wasnt going to come out, but thats not the case. Now I have to wait to find a cheap copy on gohastings or perhaps gylde. If the dlc is indeed free tommorrow, then I guess all is forgiven. The only reason Im excited for this dlc is cause all the campaigns for L4D1 are included with Cold Stream.[/QUOTE]
It's missing No Mercy for obvious reasons
[quote name='cthomer5000']It's a pretty massive expansion, effectively giving you L4D1 and another campaign. I would gladly pay for it personally. I've put hundreds of hours into L4D2 multiplayer.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Royal High Knight']exactly I dont own the game anymore cause I thought they were done with l4d2 and that this dlc wasnt going to come out, but thats not the case. Now I have to wait to find a cheap copy on gohastings or perhaps gylde. If the dlc is indeed free tommorrow, then I guess all is forgiven. The only reason Im excited for this dlc is cause all the campaigns for L4D1 are included with Cold Stream.[/QUOTE]

So essentially you do not need l4d anymore if you buy this with l4d2?
[quote name='cancerman1120']So essentially you do not need l4d anymore if you buy this with l4d2?[/QUOTE]

In a sense yeah. I dunno, some will still prefer to play those maps on l4d1, but there isnt really a point.
If you hate the special infected in L4D2, there's your incentive for playing the original L4D. :p

I'm honestly not a big fan of them but I enjoy Left 4 Dead however it's served.
[quote name='ooga']I guess it's all about expectations. I've been playing Wreckateer for 3 days now and it's been a ton of fun. It gets a bit repetitive after a while, but for me, it definitely is the best Kinect arcade game out there, which may not be saying much. Anyway, play the demo when it comes out and make up your own mind.[/QUOTE]

I sold my Kinect. There is only one good game for it - Child of Eden and that game supports standard controllers as well. So yeah, there is no point to keep it to collect dust. :lol:

Wreckateer doesn't look like something that i would spend more than 20-30mins with.
[quote name='Decker']Still no weekly sale info yet?[/QUOTE]
It's never this early in general. Usually Tuesday at around 8-10AM EST. Time to time the website says what's on sale at around 3AM EST, but won't update the price for a few hours.
[quote name='tylerh1701']Damn, almost made it through Monday...[/QUOTE]

It was technically Tuesday morning when he posted. ;)

/world revolves around EST
It seems like DOTW is 1 lone dlc piece for AC: Brotherhood (or as Ive seen lately on this website AssBro) The Da Vinci Disappearance DLC. Its showing full price right now (800 MSP) but its most likely going to be 400 MSP.

On a somewhat related note, did you guys know that amazon now sells 400 and 800 MSP codes separately?
[quote name='bardockkun']To which I reply to Microsoft, fuck your Summer of Arcade and fuck your upcoming Winter of Arcade.[/QUOTE]

winter of arcade? Perhaps you mean those 1 a day sales?
Someone earlier in the thread brought up Microsoft going to have a Winter of Arcade. If that's the case a large case of typed out profanity will be waiting for them.
If Microsoft thought they could get away with it, they would have an every season of Arcade promotion.

Funny how Cold Stream will either be free or forget it price. Seeing as how I already own both L4D's; I'm not paying >$10 for essentially one "new" campaign. Heck, I didn't even bite at The Sacrifice + No Mercy for 400 this week.
[quote name='Sath666']Trial version bored me to death. Easy skip for me. :p[/QUOTE]

With two or more friends is very funny but I think that 400 MSP is a better price.
[quote name='Saren Arterius']A Winter of Arcade? that sounds amazing I wonder what games will offer Battleblock Theater and Joedanger the movie for sure and maybe that Motocross game.[/QUOTE]

There are also Serious Sam 3, Skulls of the Shogun, Retro City Rampage and Black Knight Sword still listed for a late 2012 release, so this hypothetical Winter of Arcade could be packed with some meaty titles... :bouncy:

Plus, Monolith Productions announced Guardians of Middle-Earth during E3, which looks like a Tolkien-flavored DOTA clone, planned for Q4 2012. Seems decent enough, we'll see :)
[quote name='Royal High Knight']It seems like DOTW is 1 lone dlc piece for AC: Brotherhood (or as Ive seen lately on this website AssBro) The Da Vinci Disappearance DLC. Its showing full price right now (800 MSP) but its most likely going to be 400 MSP.[/QUOTE]

Figures, since that was just discounted last December.
[quote name='Royal High Knight']It seems like DOTW is 1 lone dlc piece for AC: Brotherhood (or as Ive seen lately on this website AssBro) The Da Vinci Disappearance DLC. Its showing full price right now (800 MSP) but its most likely going to be 400 MSP.

Actually kind of happy about this -- I'm just about finished with Brotherhood and was wondering how long I'd need to wait before the DLC went on sale. (Would be better if they'd put the DLC for the other games on sale as well, though)
[quote name='Antarael Dulacre']Btw this year there will be a winter of arcade around christmas...just saw the news today...

Greeeeeeeeat. :roll: Can't wait for Fall of Arcade, Mother's day of Arcade and Kwanzaa of Arcade. Jeez, the games will be released whether you make them a part of an event or not.
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Seriously not starting a flame war here but I really think I am done with Gold when my sub runs out (over a year). I have not even touched a MP part of a game in like 6 months and even at $30 I cannot justify the "sales" Gold has been giving out. It is just plain ridiculous.

If they would have at least put AC:Rev on sale it would be good but ONE fucking piece of DLC? Pathetic.
[quote name='cancerman1120']Seriously not starting a flame war here but I really think I am done with Gold when my sub runs out (over a year). I have not even touched a MP part of a game in like 6 months and even at $30 I cannot justify the "sales" Gold has been giving out. It is just plain ridiculous.

If they would have at least put AC:Rev on sale it would be good but ONE fucking piece of DLC? Pathetic.[/QUOTE]

6 months bro? Are you serious bro? Do you use netflix or hulu by any chance? It sounds like you should jump on that ps3 ship, but still keep the 360 for whatever reasons.
[quote name='TimTucker']Actually kind of happy about this -- I'm just about finished with Brotherhood and was wondering how long I'd need to wait before the DLC went on sale. (Would be better if they'd put the DLC for the other games on sale as well, though)[/QUOTE]

Plus this was on sale in Nov last year. Not saying they cannot repeat a sale but just 1 piece of DLC for the entire week?
[quote name='Royal High Knight']6 months bro? Are you serious bro? Do you use netflix or hulu by any chance? It sounds like you should jump on that ps3 ship, but still keep the 360 for whatever reasons.[/QUOTE]

I love the 360 but the PS+ has just opened my eyes to what a discount membership should provide. I am not even talking about free games. They at least give out more discounts...heck even to games dropping that week. Again, nothing but love for the 360 but it is obvious that MS cares lees about the gamer right now with the Gold subs and more about all the multi-media stuff they are piling on.
I really hope they're just slow in posting the sales, as one piece of DLC (decent DLC, incidentally, I bought it last time it was on sale) is rather sad.

Hopefully some decent other sales (like through the sales & deals app) as well...
Wow, that really is all that it is. And next week does suck too.

No, Microsoft, I will still not buy your Summer of Arcade games, even if you have terrible sales. Not until those games go on sale.
[quote name='ooga']Greeeeeeeeat. :roll: Can't wait for Fall of Arcade, Mother's day of Arcade and Kwanzaa of Arcade. Jeez, the game will be released whether you make them a part of an event or not.[/QUOTE]

yeah block party summer of arcade, winter of arcade = always weak DOTW...hope they will still do the 1 day special sales then ~~" not very happy about the news I brought in here myself lol
Lara Croft rehash next week also....sigh

Square Enix 31-Jul to 6-Aug
Lara Croft Guardian of Light – A Hazardous Reunion 200 (50% off)
Lara Croft Guardian of Light – All the Trappings 200 (50% off)
Lara Croft Guardian of Light – Raziel & Kain Character Pack 200 (50% off)
Tomb Raider Underworld Beneath the Ashes 400 (50% off)
Tomb Raider Underworld Lara’s Shadow 400 (50% off)
Dammit, if they're going to repeat sales, why can't they repeat sales I missed. Wouldn't mind picking up the Deus Ex Human Revolution DLC on sale... (i.e. as part of the Square Enix DotW)
[quote name='yamayama']I'll check the sales and specials app right now.[/QUOTE]

Looks Like

Snoopy Fly Ace is the Prize
200 off Choplifter HD (600 points)
400 off Skydrift (I do not know this game) (800 points)
80 off Air Force Flight Helmet (80 points)
[quote name='cancerman1120']I love the 360 but the PS+ has just opened my eyes to what a discount membership should provide. I am not even talking about free games. They at least give out more discounts...heck even to games dropping that week. Again, nothing but love for the 360 but it is obvious that MS cares lees about the gamer right now with the Gold subs and more about all the multi-media stuff they are piling on.[/QUOTE]

I think you're underestimating the LIVE framework's value. The tech that drives the LIVE service and makes sure that it's an effective curated environment for multiplayer is peerless. It's a big accomplishment for MS this generation. Do spend some time on the PS network playing some games. Let us know what you think about their netcode.

Sony is doing a great job of offering discounts for games, but they do that because they can't match LIVE's online experience. We'll see you again when you decide it's worth $30 a year to have stable multiplayer :)
Sales and Specials app:

Scratch and Match win = Snoopy

Scrath and Match sales:
Choplifter HD (XBLA) = 600 MSP
SkyDrift (XBLA) = 800 MSP
Air Force Flight Helmet (Avatar Item) = 80 MSP

Edit: Looks like cancerman just posted before me. :)
[quote name='midloo']I think you're underestimating the LIVE framework's value. The tech that drives the LIVE service and makes sure that it's an effective curated environment for multiplayer is peerless. It's a big accomplishment for MS this generation. Do spend some time on the PS network playing some games. Let us know what you think about their netcode. We'll see you again when you decide it's worth $30 a year to have a stable multiplayer experience :)[/QUOTE]

Dude I have been a gold member for 5 years...I think I understand the network.

Edit: My point was not that the network is better at PSN but the deals are better.
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