XBL DotW Sales 2012 |- CLOSED

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Why are both Left 4 Dead DLC showing up as on sale for 560? That's the regular price. The only sale is the scratch loser deal for 400.
[quote name='Dustinator']Don't pay full price. I'm still holding out too. Wait with me!!!! :lol:[/QUOTE]

Haha ok, I'll wait a little bit longer. But that one's definitely gonna be my next "breakdown and buy at full price purchase" here in a couple months if it doesn't drop soon. And I'm also always a little concerned about any game that has licenses that it may disappear from the marketplace at some point.

[quote name='Cornelius']FYI, this showed up @ another deal site ...

Toys 'R' Us.com
  • 4000 points card - Buy 2 @ $49.99 each, get 20% off & free shipping = $79.98+tax shipped

Hey, there's those ellipses again!

Good deal, but the way sales have been lately, it would take me 2 years to spend 8000 points.
As for the Toys R Us deal shows me their out of stock for shipping.

Would of been a good deal, but spend my money on Borderlands 2 Pre-Order instead :)
[quote name='vherub']So I guess xldb can't pick up sale prices within the sales app?
for example, raskulls at 400 points (50% off)[/QUOTE]

This is correct. I will be tracking these manually and creating a way for the community to announce any new deals in this app.

Later today I will also be posting the missing deals in the database, this will include crystal defenders and others. The update should make xbldb have all known us deals. If something is still missing please don't hesitate to PM me or post on xbldb.
This was discussed awhile back but I don't remember all the details. Were Bulletsoul (from the Hong Kong marletplace) and Crysis 1 (from the Hungarian) ok to download from without a vpn?
[quote name='Spylon']This is correct. I will be tracking these manually and creating a way for the community to announce any new deals in this app.

Later today I will also be posting the missing deals in the database, this will include crystal defenders and others. The update should make xbldb have all known us deals. If something is still missing please don't hesitate to PM me or post on xbldb.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Spylon']Missing deals post on xlbdb is up:

Sweet! Your site is really an awesome resource, thanks!
[quote name='Junpei']My point is that those are, first and foremost, solid titles. If you can build a game like that and then work on all features that made the old one stand out from the bunch (peculiar moves, distinctive characters and enemies, original music covers, familiar stages, etc.), then you're practically set.

Obviously, I'm over simplifying things, but the fact is that this DDN doesn't seem a good game even on its own, at least from what I've seen until now: animations and collisions have nothing to do with being more or less faithful with the franchise. Slapping a beloved name on a lackluster title will only aggravate things...[/QUOTE]

I jut don't know where you're getting all that. Ask anyone who has played Double Dragon: Neon - it's been at PAX and E3. It plays wonderfully. Whether or not you dig the new look, it's a very solid beat-em-up. Wayforward is no slouch at updating classic games.
My Scratch and Match loser offers are lower prices then the ones in the OP.

EDIT: Ignore this, I'm an idiot.
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[quote name='jumpman17']My Scratch and Match loser offers are lower prices then the ones in the OP.

Left 4 Dead 2: The Sacrifice - 160 Microsoft Points
Zombie Apocalypse - 240 Microsoft Points
All Zombies Must Die - 240 Microsoft Points[/QUOTE]
I'm pretty sure the points you're listing are just the amount taken off from the normal price, not the sales price.
[quote name='bardockkun']I'm pretty sure the points you're listing are just the amount taken off from the normal price, not the sales price.[/QUOTE]

Yep, now I see it. Wow, I feel stupid, lol.
[quote name='jumpman17']Yep, now I see it. Wow, I feel stupid, lol.[/QUOTE]

Don't feel stupid.
It is Microsoft's new way of marketing to make people think that they are actually getting it for less than what they are.

You are not stupid.
It has happened to all of us.
I imagine that MS spent a lot of money to research that this little "illusion" will work.
[quote name='WonkyToad']
It has happened to all of us.[/QUOTE]
Nope. I Look on CAG first before anything and I've yet to be confused.
Can anyone who's played tony hawk give their opinion on it? Is it worth buying now for the full price? I am a long time fan, but have heard mixed feelings from reviews .
[quote name='bardockkun']Download the sales app and you'll see.[/QUOTE]

Just fired up the App and was prompted to download a hefty 100MB update. What on earth has been changed, the whole thing? :lol:
[quote name='LondonGaijin']Just fired up the App and was prompted to download a hefty 100MB update. What on earth has been changed, the whole thing? :lol:[/QUOTE]

Just look a few pages back I already stated that and the app seems to recognize now if you've purchased items earlier (horde pack & raam's shadow via season pass)
[quote name='LondonGaijin']Just fired up the App and was prompted to download a hefty 100MB update. What on earth has been changed, the whole thing? :lol:[/QUOTE]
The chain reaction purchase thing has been updated so now it sees what you've purchased. Same with the deals so now it acknowledges your past purchases as opposed to people possibly repurchasing things.
[quote name='vantheman']Can anyone who's played tony hawk give their opinion on it? Is it worth buying now for the full price? I am a long time fan, but have heard mixed feelings from reviews .[/QUOTE]

I decided to buy it last night and I've enjoyed my time with it. I've always loved the earlier THPS titles and while it took a game or two to refamiliarize myself, I've enjoyed my time with it. I don't see where all the hate is coming from. Do I wish there were a few more levels, sure. But at the same time, the levels that are here are varied.

As for the music, yes, there are some old favorites missing, but most of the new songs actually aren't bad. I'm loving the Pigeon John song and I most of the time can't stand hip-hop.
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']This was discussed awhile back but I don't remember all the details. Were Bulletsoul (from the Hong Kong marletplace) and Crysis 1 (from the Hungarian) ok to download from without a vpn?[/QUOTE]

Bulletsoul doesn't require a VPN. Check out my Co-Op International column on it. (To get the DLC, you have to use a Japanese account, even if you bought the game from Hong Kong.)
[quote name='vantheman']Can anyone who's played tony hawk give their opinion on it? Is it worth buying now for the full price? I am a long time fan, but have heard mixed feelings from reviews .[/QUOTE]
If you're a die hard TH fan then grab it otherwise hold off. It does not play quite the same as the original. Controls aren't quite right, physics aren't quite right, tricks are harder to pull off. Graphics are updated but still pretty dated looking and needlessly darkened. I have still been enjoying it but unless you must have the achievements and the updated graphics I'd say find a used copy of TH 2X for the original Xbox instead, it's definitely superior to this new version.
[quote name='KaneRobot']http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=310978

Lots of buyer's remorse and "this hasn't aged well" comments. I'm personally waiting for a sale, at which point more levels will be available.[/QUOTE]

The game has aged fine.

It's just that this version sucks.

THPS 2X is still a great game, and that's the version people should be buying if they want to play an updated THPS.

Not this crappy RoboModo remake.
[quote name='wEEman33']The game has aged fine.

It's just that this version sucks.

THPS 2X is still a great game, and that's the version people should be buying if they want to play an updated THPS.

Not this crappy RoboModo remake.[/QUOTE]

My 2 cents -

It's definitely a little glitchier than I remember. But I'm enjoying it. Bought a code for $10 and after 2 hours, I can say I've gotten my money's worth already. Your fingers will pick it up again like riding a bike. Honestly, the best reason to buy it is to be able to skate as your avatar. Fun stuff watching him nail the concrete. I wish they included more than 7 levels (you know that the DLC is coming, both the announced THPS 3 one and other THPS parks), but for the money, I find it quite worthwhile. Dig up 2X if you like, but this is just fine for a fix.
I'm a little confused here.

Other than the obvious difference in game releases (LFD1 & LFD2)...

What difference is there between the DLC 'The Sacrifice'?

I have both games and would figure that if they are the same the better one (not just because of the points but I would imagine the improvements made between releases) would be the one for Part 2.

BUT...are they the same or are they different for each game release?
[quote name='IronsideGrunt']I'm a little confused here.

Other than the obvious difference in game releases (LFD1 & LFD2)...

What difference is there between the DLC 'The Sacrifice'?

I have both games and would figure that if they are the same the better one (not just because of the points but I would imagine the improvements made between releases) would be the one for Part 2.

BUT...are they the same or are they different for each game release?[/QUOTE]
Outside of weapons and such, if you get L4D2's "The Sacrifice" it also comes with the L4D1 "No Mercy" campaign as well.
[quote name='eastx']I jut don't know where you're getting all that. Ask anyone who has played Double Dragon: Neon - it's been at PAX and E3. It plays wonderfully. Whether or not you dig the new look, it's a very solid beat-em-up. Wayforward is no slouch at updating classic games.[/QUOTE]

Those were my personal impressions after watching a few gameplay trailers, but I also said that I'm trusting WayForward since I even liked their Bloodrayne: Betrayal.

I'm more than willing to change my mind after trying the demo so, if they did indeed revive Billy and Jimmy adventures with the right amount of love and passion, they already have my money :D

Speaking of beat'em ups (sort of) and games shown during the latest conventions... did anybody had a chance to play R.A.W. - Realms of Ancient War? I'm thinking to scratch my itch for ARPGs with Crimson Alliance, but I recall watching some videos of this one and being pleasantly surprised.

Since it will supposedly be released on September, have betas and demos been shown during games festival or not? If so, what's the general consensus about it?
[quote name='garrett007']Joe danger released on PSN in 2009 or 2010 (I think 2010). So ps3 players have been waiting a while for a sequel[/QUOTE]

Yes, but this sequel looks to be a 360 exclusive. At least for now.
[quote name='ooga']Yes, but this sequel looks to be a 360 exclusive. At least for now.[/QUOTE]

Well the sequel was announced before the first was even released on XBL.
On the front page it shows the L4D1 Sacrifice as on sale 30% off at 560 msp, but it's always been that price. L4D2 Sacrifice has always been 560 msp as well, making it only 160 msp off for the sale.
It seems that Fire Pro Wrestling (with avatar support) is still coming. Microsoft mentioned it in an email they sent out today about the new Avatar FameStar feature, which is a weird cross-game feature that allows you to unlock new avatar awards. Other supported games include Wreckateer, World of Keflings, Full House Poker (both pending updates), and the upcoming Avatar Motocross and Homerun Stars.
[quote name='eastx']It seems that Fire Pro Wrestling (with avatar support) is still coming. Microsoft mentioned it in an email they sent out today about the new Avatar FameStar feature, which is a weird cross-game feature that allows you to unlock new avatar awards. Other supported games include Wreckateer, World of Keflings, Full House Poker (both pending updates), and the upcoming Avatar Motocross and Homerun Stars.[/QUOTE]

I kinda like this cross-game concept Microsoft has been playing with lately. Kinect PlayFit has certainly been interesting and this avatar stuff sounds intriguing as well.
Still playing Spelunky - can't get enough of this game! Got the speedrun achievement, also the one for collecting $500k (yesterday i was ranked 23th out of 27k people ^^). Reached the Hell for first time as well, but my shotgun go down into lava during the battle with Olmec and i didn't last long there. Man, the achievements in this game are tough as nails.:)

How the hell MS didn't put game like this in SoA line-up? Instead there are Hybrid, Tony Hawks and that Kinect game, ugh. -__-
What MS really needs to do is match the steam sales. Hello $2.50 Limbo!

Todays GoD 1 day only deal is C&C4 (the original, not the stand alone) for $19.99.


BTW I posted this in Shipwreck's half off thread but:

I was able to download Viva Pinata:TIP on my wife's 360. While she was playing it I was able to download it on my 360 and play online with her. Not sure if MS will appreciate it, but looks like GoD is a nice alternative for a one copy share of multiplayer games. Might even grab Saints Row 3 if this is legit and not banworthy. Can anyone else comment on this?
[quote name='Monsta Mack']
I was able to download Viva Pinata:TIP on my wife's 360. While she was playing it I was able to download it on my 360 and play online with her. Not sure if MS will appreciate it, but looks like GoD is a nice alternative for a one copy share of multiplayer games. Might even grab Saints Row 3 if this is legit and not banworthy. Can anyone else comment on this?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that has always worked for XBLA games and GoD ones. It can be a very convenient way to play online games together without buying as many copies of those games.
[quote name='Monsta Mack'] Not sure if MS will appreciate it[/QUOTE]

I am sure Microsoft appreciates anyone buying that game. I've heard it's pretty terrible. Right?
It's no Double Dragon though........ ;)
Man, aside from the awesome soundtrack, Double Dragon Neon is looking really rough.

I wish we were getting Double Dragon Advance instead. That's still the best game in the series IMO.
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