XBL DotW Sales 2012 |- CLOSED

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[quote name='Royal High Knight']:lol: yeah I suppose. Hey maybe some wanted it on a big hd screen?

Makes EVERYTHING better ;).....:D......[/QUOTE]

I don't like it. Too much detail :whistle2:#
[quote name='Bloomy']Does the new dash play well with premium themes?[/QUOTE]

No. You can forget about those. Since the blocks are bigger you kinda see even less of the background. Honestly screw themes. They might make a comeback with the next xbox, but its clear that microsoft has given up on these.
[quote name='Royal High Knight']:lol: yeah I suppose. Hey maybe some wanted it on a big hd screen?

Makes EVERYTHING better ;).....:D......[/QUOTE]

One word - boss! lol That's hilarious, though, wish I got in on the beta, but oh well.
The new dashboard is definitely faster. Hopefully it doesn't break anything. My 360 froze one time. Seems like a random thing though.
[quote name='irafreak']Anybody able to access the live update forum? The link is dead on the instruction page. I do like the new dash. Is is ok to discuss that here per microsoft's agreement we signed to test it?[/QUOTE]

Takes up to 5 days to register your username to the private forums. Not loading for me yet either.
This might interest some people in here..Left 4 Dead 2 trade-in value is currently 22.95 at amazon. It's actually gone up in the last few days (i sent one in at 21.60).

Very good deal if you want to swap it for a digital download from games on demand (which is a good deal if you're looking to use it on 2 consoles). I
[quote name='tylerh1701']They included it in the challenge 3 weeks ago, which makes me think it won't be included again this week.

Told you so. :roll:
[quote name='tylerh1701']I call unfair because the way they overhauled the whole format!!! ;)[/QUOTE]

Yeah seems like a waste of time now. 5 out of a couple of hundred entries. Not even worth the trouble.
[quote name='Royal High Knight']I better not find out someone in this thread works for MS, or else............[/QUOTE]

The enemy has many spies in his service. Birds... beasts... lurkers. :whistle2:#
I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft had people come on here to see what people are saying, at least in regards to reactions to deals. (Although, if they do come on here, the "deals" they have certainly don't reflect any sort of feedback we've been giving. They're still pretty shit deals).

Just abide by the NDA, enjoy the beta, and you'll be fine. I've tested for them for years, and never have broken the NDA.
[quote name='cthomer5000']This might interest some people in here..Left 4 Dead 2 trade-in value is currently 22.95 at amazon. It's actually gone up in the last few days (i sent one in at 21.60).

Very good deal if you want to swap it for a digital download from games on demand (which is a good deal if you're looking to use it on 2 consoles). I[/QUOTE]

Wow, thanks for the alert. It was a strange place to find it but a heck of a value. Do we have a thread for random high-value trade-ins like this? I think that would be pretty useful.
[quote name='gubmccargen']Wow, thanks for the alert. It was a strange place to find it but a heck of a value. Do we have a thread for random high-value trade-ins like this? I think that would be pretty useful.[/QUOTE]

Might not be a bad idea or a thread. It does seem crazy that the TIV on this game is still that high, right?

I should also add that amazon's TIV for Left 4 Dead 1 GOTY edition is 11.95. That is again a great price if you plan on buying the 'Cold Stream' DLC (especially if you already own 'The Sacriice' DLC). Every campaign from L4D1 will now be available as DLC for L4D2.
I don't really understand an NDA for the dash beta. I mean, with games you don't want people bashing an unfinished product and affecting sales. But with the dash, microsoft is going to force it down our throats whether we want it or not. What do they care if we know what's coming?

I don't even see why either of their competitors would care what the dash will bring. And it's not like an NDA ever stopped corporate espionage anyway.
[quote name='biledriver']I don't really understand an NDA for the dash beta. I mean, with games you don't want people bashing an unfinished product and affecting sales. But with the dash, microsoft is going to force it down our throats whether we want it or not. What do they care if we know what's coming?

I don't even see why either of their competitors would care what the dash will bring. And it's not like an NDA ever stopped corporate espionage anyway.[/QUOTE]
It's because it's constantly being tweaked and refined, every time I've done this it's been much different on the last day then it was the first day.

The reason for the NDA is for the jackasses that complain about everything, the ones that see it on the first day and because they don't know any better think that's the finished product.

Having people quiet about the dash let's Microsoft tweak it and let's people take it in when it's a finished product.

People breaking an NDA really bothers me, there's no reason to trust anyone who does. I make it very clear to the people who work on my site that their reputations are nothing if they break their word.
[quote name='tribalnoise']is there a way i can get all the free levels for trials evolution if i do not own the game yet? i will be buying it when it goes on sale.[/QUOTE]

no, you have to do it in game from Track Central.
[quote name='nypickle']no, you have to do it in game from Track Central.[/QUOTE]hmm. i wonder if they will still be available for download of summer of arcade ends...
[quote name='tribalnoise']
hmm. i wonder if they will still be available for download of summer of arcade ends...

Yes, of course they will not remove them. There are a bunch more levels you can download from RedLynx. There is Foosball, first-person-shooter-time-trial from Call of Duty (run around and shoot all the targets with the fastest time), there is the Limbo level in the game, and there is Super Bike Boy.

Super Bike Boy
[quote name='gordojones88']Yes, of course they will not remove them. There are a bunch more levels you can download from RedLynx. There is Foosball, first-person-shooter-time-trial from Call of Duty (run around and shoot all the targets with the fastest time), there is the Limbo level in the game, and there is Super Bike Boy.

Super Bike Boy[/QUOTE]
I didn't think it was possible for people to laugh during this game.
[quote name='Jaysonguy']It's because it's constantly being tweaked and refined, every time I've done this it's been much different on the last day then it was the first day.

The reason for the NDA is for the jackasses that complain about everything, the ones that see it on the first day and because they don't know any better think that's the finished product.

Having people quiet about the dash let's Microsoft tweak it and let's people take it in when it's a finished product.

People breaking an NDA really bothers me, there's no reason to trust anyone who does. I make it very clear to the people who work on my site that their reputations are nothing if they break their word.[/QUOTE]
thank you! I agree. People agree to remain confidential and be part of the program. It is also a silly risk to take since leaking info can have repercussions that are not pleasant. Plus, like you mentioned, someone's word is important and telling if someone breaks their word. plus the point is to share concerns, positives to *MS so they can improve products.

OT- I may buy undergrounds dlc if it is good.
So jealous of those who got into dash beta, everything is so frustratingly slow right now. Anyone who got sky drifters and wants to play add me, the multiplayer is DEAD but the game is really fun. Mario kart + hydro thunder + airplanes is a great combo.
The time of the year is around where I get a bit on edge on this thread, because Summer of Arcade brings repeat sales or offers less widely desired content just to steer our buying focus on the XBLA promotion titles. The Gold Memberships a decent number of us pay for seems to be devalued with the majority of weeks of membership discount offers that do not interest us during this period (and maybe some more outside the period). I thought we were off to a great start with XBLA DLC sales having Scott Pilgrim and Clash of Heroes DLC on discount week 1 of Summer of Arcade. Coupled with the Sales & Specials + app, we have gotten a larger variety of offerings of discounts across different formats (DLC, XBLA DLC, XBLA titles, Games on Demand, avatar parts), it appeared as if this year's DotW offerings during Summer of Arcade were poised to be the best since the 2010 Summer of Arcade DotW offerings (a lot of DLC for AssCred2, Borderlands, Forza3, DragonAge:O, Bioshock2). Then we learned this week's and next week's offerings and the discounts on the Sales & Specials + app has underwhelmed (so far this week); not smooth sailings for me.

[quote name='airco']Meh, maybe it was different in other years (it's best if I don't comment on the quality of those games), but this year has pretty much nothing to offer besides two games that we can hope might be good. Why not just go with the standard "release two games a week" thing that MS usually goes with, so they can give their users more games that they might possibly pay for? Or better yet, why not use the promotional period to release even more than that? If Skullgirls was any indication, games have a tendency to just sit for a while before being released, so MS could use a promotional period to release a bunch of good games at once, therefore giving us a reason to use our 360s, instead of playing Steam games due to their manufactured dry spell.

Oh well, guess I'll just go back to Ys.[/QUOTE]

Amazing, you enjoy games I enjoy. JSR, GGXX:AC+, and even Ys! I wish Nihon Falcom whould license out the rights again for the Ys Eternal series to be on XBLA, and have the pixel art instead of the poly art. The more recent editions would also benefit with a larger display and higher texture resolutions as well. I can only dream.

As a fan of brawlers, a big fan of Guardian Heroes back in the day, I know there's still XBLA games I look forward to ^^. At least I will get this (not to be confused with the other game in the franchise that Amazon keeps telling me my preorder has been delayed so many times):

[quote name='Royal High Knight']I better not find out someone in this thread works for MS, or else............[/QUOTE]

or else, they may catch me constantly complaining on the lack of good sales that interests me =P ... followed by their evil laughter, knowing they torture me on purpose >_< ... and maybe catch me doing the following:

[quote name='rpmboy']Well we can't get http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=325711.[/QUOTE]

Even though I am not in the beta, I block the ads (on the lower right corner of every section) on my dashboard, so I don't get the item either. Blocking the random ads makes it so that I miss out on all the "download and win" or "play and win" notices, and I'd have to check the gamerpics/themes section for those registration items; but if it is one of those interactive ads for avatar parts (like the Windows Phone) I have to completely miss out. [I think I set my router to block rad.msn.com or something like that and my dashboard just replaces the ad with 3 avatars but clicking on it does nothing]. I block just because I feel I pay for Gold, but not to be advertized to.

Well, I guess the Underworld DLC is a new offering for deals, for those who have the game. I had no idea the DLC is 360 exclusive, and I only got the game from PS+ but yet to try the game. Are the DLC worth it (for me to actually purchase the game and the DLC)?

Time is also running out for me to decide on the Live Rewards. Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 value pack, Pinball FX 2 Avengers Chronicle, or just not bother. I don't think I've ever seen the costumes for Capcom fighting games ever on sale (aside from the Japanese marketplace), yet it still does feel like a waste of MSP. I haven't been hitting Pinball FX 2 as much lately and I haven't even gotten to a few tables I bought from the last sale for the tables, and 200MSP back for 800MSP is not too shabby. I do enjoy Pinball FX 2 though.

Finally good luck to those who participated in this past weekend's cheeve challenge.
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[quote name='EYEL1NER']I think I'm finally just going to cave and get the Mass Effect 2 DLC. Seems like it isn't going to go on sale again.[/QUOTE]
The instant you do, it'll go on sale. So is the way of the deals.
Well I've already played through ME2 a while ago. I have been putting off starting 3 though until I got the ME2 DLC. I've decided to go ahead and start playing 3. But im just tired of waiting for a sale.
It's my luck that it will all go on sale for at least 50% off as soon as I buy it.
Try this.

I just got in a bit before 10. There was a new link posted on GAF and several people have gotten in from 8 to 10 AM.

Edit: It might be over now. I can't tell on my end. But it was discovered here: http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?p=40434755#post40434755
And someone last posted 13 minutes ago saying they got it.
Not trying to mislead anyone. I really did just get in. I had some registration problems and sign in problems and thought I missed out but I got it sorted out and got my key.
[quote name='bajingo']that link didnt work but the original from neo gaf did. maybe that space between your 1 and 2? thanks though im stoked!


Ah, I'm on safari on my phone and could have missed something with my copy pastin.'
Good deal though. See, I wasn't trying to tease anyone! I didn't realize it wasn't the same link from days ago though.
[quote name='EYEL1NER']I think I'm finally just going to cave and get the Mass Effect 2 DLC. Seems like it isn't going to go on sale again.[/QUOTE]
I realize my example has different games from a different publisher, but I will just point out that Fallout: New Vegas' release didn't stop F3 DLC from continuing to go on sale on a regular basis. ;)
[quote name='EYEL1NER']I think I'm finally just going to cave and get the Mass Effect 2 DLC. Seems like it isn't going to go on sale again.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='bardockkun']The instant you do, it'll go on sale. So is the way of the deals.[/QUOTE]

Oooh, please buy it, EYEL1NER! I've been waiting for it to go on sale as well, so I can finish off 2 before heading into 3. Only I think I have enough games to keep me occupied until it does go on sale... Of course, I just started Amalur, and would love to see that DLC on sale as well.
[quote name='GUNNM']No word on the L4D2 dlc or if it will have achievements? =/[/QUOTE]

tomorrow and most likely. I see no reason for it not to include 250 extra GS. What I need is a capcom themed sale. I would like to get that RE:ORC dlc
[quote name='Royal High Knight']tomorrow and most likely. I see no reason for it not to include 250 extra GS. What I need is a capcom themed sale. I would like to get that RE:ORC dlc[/QUOTE]
I'm guessing you liked the game enough to want to buy the DLC?
[quote name='GUNNM']I'm guessing you liked the game enough to want to buy the DLC?[/QUOTE]

nope. Haven't even touched the damn thing. Im an achievement whore so yeah...:cry:.
[quote name='mpaullin']IGN's review of Deadlight is up:


Looks pretty freaking great. I didn't realize it was set in the 80s and has a retro feel to it. This will probably be my second AoS game (had to get Tony Hawk), making it much more likely that I'll pick up a third. Which one though....[/QUOTE]

Shipwreck didn't seem to love it:

My full review will be posted to tonight, but Deadlight is 3 hours of super easy puzzle platforming. Looks nice though.
Seriously i cannot recommend Deadlight at full price. Finished the game for 2-3hrs. There are a lot of glitches and clipping, jumping is not responsive and sometimes you will die because of that. It's really, really linear, so people expecting something close to Shadow Complex will end up disappointed.

It's ok cinematic experience, but that's it. Once you finish it - i doubt someone will came back to it again. No replay value, achievements are dead easy and the game gift you 400G without even using any guides.

My two cents here. :bouncy:

edit: Ign sucks. :p

edit2: Will be there at least one game from Summer of Arcade with 80%+ Meta rating this year? lol

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[quote name='Strider Turbulence']Sath666: How did you get Deadlight early?[/QUOTE]

Got review code from developers. I was surprised to see 400+ entries on game leaderboards. o_O
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