XBL DotW Sales 2012 |- CLOSED

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[quote name='INCyr']Oooh, please buy it, EYEL1NER! I've been waiting for it to go on sale as well, so I can finish off 2 before heading into 3. Only I think I have enough games to keep me occupied until it does go on sale... Of course, I just started Amalur, and would love to see that DLC on sale as well.[/QUOTE]

I too have been waiting impatiently for the ME2 DLC to go on sale again. I got into the series late and I want to play 3 already.
Anyone buying Deadlight at 1200 points is wasting their money. I completely agree with the other posts in here. It has a GREAT (possibly 10/10) Act 1, but the rest of the game is shoddy and a mess. A 6/10 from me in total - 2-3 hours, of which 40 minutes are great, 1 hour is completely different, shitty platforming and sidetracks the story, while the last 10-15 minutes (that's how long Act 3 took me, first try, no bullshit) differs from both Act 1 and Act 2, and is more a stretched conclusion to the story and a bullet-fest with a big group of easy enemies, which the game doesn't need, than anything else.

Act 1 is up there with Shadow Complex and the other good SoA games. The rest of the game is low, and overall, it's not another one of those average SoA games like Hydro Thunder, it's one of the bad ones.
[quote name='Barry Burton']so do we know the deals for the week?[/QUOTE]
It's in the OP and the title of this topic.

7/31 - 8/6 Square Enix


Lara Croft Guardian of Light
- All the Trappings Challenge Pack 1 - 200 Microsoft Points - 50% off - xbldb
- Raziel & Kain Character Pack - 200 Microsoft Points - 50% off - xbldb - Trailer
- A Hazardous Reunion Challenge Pack 3 - 200 Microsoft Points - 50% off - xbldb

Tomb Raider Underworld
- Beneath the Ashes - 400 Microsoft Points - 50% off - xbldb - Metacritic(60) - Trailer
- Lara’s Shadow - 400 Microsoft Points - 50% off - xbldb - Metacritic(66) - Trailer
Deadlight? MORE LIKE... Alright. Echoing the sentiments said here, it's okay but not amazing.

Wouldn't call Hydro Thunder "average" though, but it's been 400 and is old now so like that matters.
[quote name='ooga']Check your email and download the app then.[/QUOTE]

I know I'm responding to you three days late, but - thank you for pointing that out, I somehow missed that email. Though I get probably 250 a day... and no, it's not because I'm that popular.
new dash runs pretty smooth, vast improvements in all loading times.

**The show I just finished working on is on the main page of the Hulu app, check out the Up to Speed trailer, its a new series starting in august directed by Richard Linklater, with animation by me! **
Talking about Summer of Arcade and scores...

[quote name='GUNNM']Wow castlevania HOD got that low of a score?[/QUOTE]

funny, cause it was easily the best game that year.

surprised that deadlight is getting lower scores. seems like the kind of game that reviewers love to give 9+. guess that shoots down the 2 games i was interested in. the other being tony hawk hd.
[quote name='Sath666']Talking about Summer of Arcade and scores...


Wow some pretty low scores i guess i will hold off till a sale
[quote name='Derextreme']funny, cause it was easily the best game that year. [/QUOTE]

I couldn't disagree with you more, all 4 of the other games that year were much better to me than castlevania. HoD remains one of my biggest XBLA purchase regrets!
I loved Tony Hawk H, I played it through to 400 / 400GS. If you don't like the classic's, then of course you will most likely find it feeling dated, I loved the classics and I utterly loved THPS-HD, don't always listen to the critics.
The average score goes down every year as well, kind of funny. (84.8, 80.0, 79.2, 78.8)

I'm not a huge fan of metacritic scores but they are kind of telling here. Though I think year one really got a boost because XBLA wasn't much of anything at that time, so games like Braid blew reviewers away.
[quote name='emwearz']I loved Tony Hawk H, I played it through to 400 / 400GS. If you don't like the classic's, then of course you will most likely find it feeling dated, I loved the classics and I utterly loved THPS-HD, don't always listen to the critics.[/QUOTE]

I loved the classics, but it still feels dated to me. Skate really set the bar for skateboarding games. I know THPS is supposed to be arcade while Skate is more realistic, but I just can;t go back to the old ways. Plus I hate the way the DLC was handled.
[quote name='Derextreme']funny, cause it was easily the best game that year.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='WTPolaris']I couldn't disagree with you more, all 4 of the other games that year were much better to me than castlevania. HoD remains one of my biggest XBLA purchase regrets![/QUOTE]

I gotta agree with Dextreme on this one. Look at the list for that year, it wasn't a particularly strong year so Castlevania really had little competition.

I really wanted to like Limbo, but it was too dull for me to get into it. I usually crab about it because it gets far more praise than it deserves I feel. Lara Croft just bored me too. Hydro Thunder was fun, definitely a good one to play every now and then. MNC was kinda cool, I had some fun with it but not being big on shooters I burnt out fast on it.

WTPolaris, you're doing it wrong. I put around 200 hours into Castlevania HD. It's a really fun game if you like the style.
[quote name='Chrono Gear']I gotta agree with Dextreme on this one. Look at the list for that year,it wasn't a particularly strong year so Castlevania really had little competition. I really wanted to like Limbo, but it was too dull for me to get into it. I usually crab about it because it gets far more praise than it deserves.

WTPolaris, you're doing it wrong. I put around 200 hours into Castlevania HD. It's a really fun game if you like the style.[/QUOTE]

Limbo? Lara Croft? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!
[quote name='tylerh1701']Limbo? Lara Croft? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills![/QUOTE]

Yea normally I like unusual games, but Limbo just didn't do it for me. I'm sure part of the problem is that I don't like horror/suspense stuff (bare with me if this game doesn't fit these genres-it doesn't take much to scare me) so right off the bat it didn't groove with me. I won't argue that it was bad, just not for me.

As for Lara Croft, I just found it to be completely uninteresting. I don't know if I even finished the first level. I'm sure it's a lot better with a coop partner.
i didn't play limbo past the trial, and it didn't do anything for me. from what i heard from friends that played it, it was really short as well. which seems to be the same shortcoming for deadlight that is rated lower.

lara croft is ok in co-op, but it's essentially another twin stick. just a few puzzles thrown in the mix.

i guess for castlevania you just have to be a fan of it. i loved the ability to be the different iconic cv characters, and to run through stages for more loot/skills/scores. it's also a game that's better with friends. which i also had a bunch to play through it with me. only downfall on the game for me was the dlc and prices. which was obviously an ms deal. since at the time of that soa a survey went out about the games and dlc.
[quote name='WTPolaris']I couldn't disagree with you more, all 4 of the other games that year were much better to me than castlevania. HoD remains one of my biggest XBLA purchase regrets![/QUOTE]

Well then you must not like Castlevania games, because that is THE best Castlevania game ever. Well, aside from SotN. :p
[quote name='bajingo']So jealous of those who got into dash beta, everything is so frustratingly slow right now. Anyone who got sky drifters and wants to play add me, the multiplayer is DEAD but the game is really fun. Mario kart + hydro thunder + airplanes is a great combo.[/QUOTE]

I'm also down for some SkyDrift online if anyone here wants to. My gamertag is the same as my CAG username.
I guess I should explain why I think that then. For the record, I've liked every other Castlevania game I've played(SotN, I-IV on the NES/SNES, the three GBA ones. I even played Lord of Shadow last year and loved it despite it being God of War in Castlevania land) I still think HoD was a horrible grind required mess. For a game that was meant to encourage cooperation and level repetition to prolong gameplay, it had an almost non-existent tutorial or explanation to the mechanics behind it. I did not have a group of people to play the game with so I was left trying to play with randoms when the game came out. It never felt cohesive or connected and as someone who loves loot collecting and rogue like games it did not compel me to keep replaying levels over and over in the least.

I gave the game a second chance when the game's DLC went on sale sometime last year and tried to play it with some CAG's on here. While the experience was slightly better since I was able to socialize, I was still horribly underleveled and had no real way to contribute to it as it was played. I really feel like I gave it two fair chances to hook me or keep me interested and it never did.

I loved Monday Night Combat, more than a lot of folks, that's for sure. Raptr has me clocked in at almost 900 hours played since its release 2 years ago. I don't normally like shooters either but it hooked me. It had a smarmy presentation, a fun competitive scene(that only died in the past month) and was a great combination for me, keeping a balanced focus between player killing and objective gameplay.

I also picked up Lara Croft as soon as it was released and loved it as well. If you were playing it through solo I could see it being pretty forgettable as just another twin stick with shooting elements but with a co-op buddy, especially in person like I had, the game was a ton of fun. Figuring out the puzzles in tandem, working through the tense action sequences by having to think quick on your feet and combine your abilities really made it rise above the genre stereotypes for me.

Anyways, I don't want to derail the deal thread, but I personally got a lot more enjoyment out of the other 4 games that year!
[quote name='Jaysonguy']It's because it's constantly being tweaked and refined, every time I've done this it's been much different on the last day then it was the first day.

The reason for the NDA is for the jackasses that complain about everything, the ones that see it on the first day and because they don't know any better think that's the finished product.

Having people quiet about the dash let's Microsoft tweak it and let's people take it in when it's a finished product.

People breaking an NDA really bothers me, there's no reason to trust anyone who does. I make it very clear to the people who work on my site that their reputations are nothing if they break their word.[/QUOTE]
Castlevania was fun. The problem was everyone had the notion of it being a great single player game (since when was a Castlevania game going to be multiplayer?) so once everyone found out it was a timed dungeon crawl to loot with friends? They weren't exactly happy.

I spent a lot of time with it and it was damn fun while it lasted. I'd probably still play it today if they released more DLC stages.
Agreed that Castlevania: HoD was a very good game, but Konami dropped the ball as far as releasing enough new content to maintain the playerbase, severely overpricing said content, and failing to add new Achievements with it. BTW, the crazy prices in this case are Konami of Japan's fault, not Microsoft's.

[quote name='dark_inchworm']I know I'm responding to you three days late, but - thank you for pointing that out, I somehow missed that email. Though I get probably 250 a day... and no, it's not because I'm that popular.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like you should either switch to Gmail or stop signing up for so many newsletters - probably both.
[quote name='iNFiNiTE HORiZON']last weeks DLC is probably the worst one ever (the one piece of AC dlc...) and these next couple weeks are terrible as well....[/QUOTE]
Next couple? We only know just this weeks so far...
[quote name='Derextreme']i didn't play limbo past the trial, and it didn't do anything for me. from what i heard from friends that played it, it was really short as well. which seems to be the same shortcoming for deadlight that is rated lower.[/QUOTE]
Which is the exact opposite conclusion for a recent very short game like "Journey" ... it's all about atmosphere, narrative, delight to puzzle solving, something never seen before, and ultimately an ending that redeems (or at least wraps up) the journey & time invested.

We can agree to disagree about Limbo, but it was seriously a landmark game that year.
Castlevania HoD was terrible. I miss the old Konami and Symphony of the Night days - this game blew me away. It was so good back then and holds really good even today! I guess most of the people are leaving Konami, which explains why games are low quality nowadays. :(

btw I heard El Shaddai is going to be released in GoD. Would buy it if the price is low in hungarian marketplace. :)
[quote name='Sath666']Castlevania HoD was terrible.[/QUOTE]

It was not terrible if you wanted a multiplayer grindy Castlevania to play with your friends. For somebody who reviews games, I'm surprised you said that so unequivocally.
[quote name='eastx']It was not terrible if you wanted a multiplayer grindy Castlevania to play with your friends. For somebody who reviews games, I'm surprised you said that so unequivocally.[/QUOTE]

For me it was below average game. Huge disappointment after some of the previous Castlevania games.
This Weeks Deal App

Scratch and Match
Winning Game Prize
Pirates v Ninjas Dball

Losing Game Prizes
Orcs Must Die Save 400 (800 points)
Ninja Gaiden 3 Ninja Pack 1 Save 400 (400 points)
Deadliest Warrior Save 200 (600 points)

Chain Reaction
1st Tier: Save 80 on Uno (320)
2nd Tier: Save 240 on Risk Factions (560)
3rd Tier: Save 320 on Carcassonne (480)
4th Tier: Save 400 on Full House Poker (400)
Last edited by a moderator:
[quote name='Cornelius']Which is the exact opposite conclusion for a recent very short game like "Journey" ... it's all about atmosphere, narrative, delight to puzzle solving, something never seen before, and ultimately an ending that redeems (or at least wraps up) the journey & time invested.

We can agree to disagree about Limbo, but it was seriously a landmark game that year.[/QUOTE]

What ending? Limbo had absolutely no story. Nothing to be invested in. Indie games have had no shortage of abstract atmospheric mediocre puzzle platforners but I suppose that was the first that reached XBLA. well, I guess if you ignore Braid, which had better puzzles, better atmosphere, and, while so intentionally ambiguous as to be pointless to really get into, a good enough story with an actual satisfying climax.

As ill-conceived as HoD's terrible grinding mix was, it was still a proper game. Both it and the sublime Croft easily trounce Limbo.
[quote name='cancerman1120']This Weeks Deal App

Scratch and Match
Winning Game Prize
Pirates v Ninjas Dball

Losing Game Prizes
Orcs Must Die Save 400 (800 points)
Ninja Gaiden 3 Ninja Pack 1 Save 400 (400 points)
Deadliest Warrior Save 200 (600 points)

Chain Reaction
1st Tier: Save 80 on Uno (320)
2nd Tier: Save 240 on Risk Factions (560)
3rd Tier: Save 320 on Carcassonne (480)
4th Tier: Save 400 on Full House Poker (400)[/QUOTE]

Sweet. Might bite on Orcs Must Die. I kept putting off the Steam sale for it cause I spent too much on the Steam summer sale...but Microsoft Points I already have I can handle!
[quote name='gotdott']I recommend Orcs Must Die for 400 MSP[/QUOTE]

It's actually 800, saving 400 off the normal 1200 price.
[quote name='RiPPn']It's actually 800, saving 400 off the normal 1200 price.[/QUOTE]

dang, was about to pick it up, but for 800 i have too many other tower games. also, anyone know the release date for the sequel? it came out for PC yesterday? but cant find an xbox release date. the co-op would make this more better goodness.
[quote name='cancerman1120']This Weeks Deal App

Scratch and Match
Winning Game Prize
Pirates v Ninjas Dball

Fun Fact:

I was a Test Lead for this game. Well, the XBLA version at least.
[quote name='cancerman1120']This Weeks Deal App

Scratch and Match
Winning Game Prize
Pirates v Ninjas Dball

Losing Game Prizes
Orcs Must Die Save 400 (800 points)
Ninja Gaiden 3 Ninja Pack 1 Save 400 (400 points)
Deadliest Warrior Save 200 (600 points)

Chain Reaction
1st Tier: Save 80 on Uno (320)
2nd Tier: Save 240 on Risk Factions (560)
3rd Tier: Save 320 on Carcassonne (480)
4th Tier: Save 400 on Full House Poker (400)[/QUOTE]

Yuck. Thanks for posting. By the 4th tier in chain reaction, we really should be getting 75% or more off.

[quote name='gotdott']I recommend Orcs Must Die for 400 MSP[/QUOTE]

[quote name='RiPPn']It's actually 800, saving 400 off the normal 1200 price.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, and I don't recommend it for 800. It was ok but got repetitive and super frustrating. It was built like it had co-op in mind, except there was no co-op included in the game.

[quote name='bajingo']dang, was about to pick it up, but for 800 i have too many other tower games. also, anyone know the release date for the sequel? it came out for PC yesterday? but cant find an xbox release date. the co-op would make this more better goodness.[/QUOTE]

Not coming to consoles.
[quote name='cancerman1120']This Weeks Deal App

Scratch and Match
Winning Game Prize
Pirates v Ninjas Dball

Losing Game Prizes
Orcs Must Die Save 400 (800 points)
Ninja Gaiden 3 Ninja Pack 1 Save 400 (400 points)
Deadliest Warrior Save 200 (600 points)

Chain Reaction
1st Tier: Save 80 on Uno (320)
2nd Tier: Save 240 on Risk Factions (560)
3rd Tier: Save 320 on Carcassonne (480)
4th Tier: Save 400 on Full House Poker (400)[/QUOTE]
You suck Microsoft.

They could at least have made these repeat discounts equal in price to the repeat sales. (referring to the chain reaction mostly) I mean they are trying to entice people into buying things they may not really want to get to the end discount being....Full House Poker for no cheaper than the usual sale it hits on DOTW. Brilliant!

With the exception of Carcassone you can almost guarantee every one of those games will be a DOTW within the year and cheaper!
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