XBLA - Bionic Commando Rearmed - 800pts - New Challenge Rooms w/Codes

Wow first time I've seen this. As others stated this is one of my favorite NES games. I'm just glad that they are re-making this one and not the arcade one. All the extras definitely are welcomed, I'll bite at $10, not sure much if I would at $15...oh who am I kidding, more than likely I still would.
I remember playing this a long time ago on the NES and it was really hard (or maybe I just didn't play it enough to get good). Is this a very frustrating game?
[quote name='Staind204']I remember playing this a long time ago on the NES and it was really hard (or maybe I just didn't play it enough to get good). Is this a very frustrating game?[/quote]
The NES era was definitely sink or swim, but I remember this game being pretty fair. Oh, and also ridiculously awesome. (Come on, bring back Hitler!)

Now games like Strider can stay buried forever for all I care. That game punched you in the face, banged your mom, and asked you to enjoy it with a smile on your face.
That size limit is fucking stupid.

No one puts Arcade games on memory cards.

I guess I'm getting this on ps3 now then. That size limit restriction is just going to hinder more and more games. They say they have it so games aren't big and don't take a while to download, but if someone wants to play this game and is willing to buy it then what is another few minutes waiting while it is being downloaded.
[quote name='Brak']That size limit is fucking stupid.

No one puts Arcade games on memory cards.

NOBODY.[/QUOTE]So true. They have their heads up their asses. And their "pick-up and play" excuse is bullshit. CastleVania SOTN, for example, is not "pick-up-and-play" in the slightest. Neither is a long-ass board game like Catan. And neither is a fucking Xbox Original game... which doesn't fall under the XBLA umbrella, sure, but how important is the label really? (important enough to be dicks over, apparently, but it's a rhetorical question.)
It's good to see where some people stand. I personally do not have a PS3 and could really care less about playing on my PC (I'm a console gamer...and to be honest the only game I truly played on PC was FFXI which was a console game to begin with).

I'm with Linkin, where the achievements are a plus to me...something about it actually makes me want to go back to a game to complete it and gain these pointless things...but it's addicting heh. Not to mention I still think it would look nice...I might have my HDTV by the time it comes out, but it is indeed about the gameplay...not to mention it's not like it won't look good as it is either. Still...from what it seems there should be something done about increasing this limit. Some future games might suffer.

I asked Judd for more information about “Rearmed,” which hadn’t been shown to reporters before, as far as I could tell. He mentioned that the Xbox Live Arcade version will include a leaderboard for special challenges, but that the PlayStation Network PS3 version will have better textures, because PSN doesn’t force the size restrictions that XBLA does (a Microsoft executive told me a day later that the company hadn’t been aware of the “BC” issue and would work with Capcom to address it). Judd said the PC version of “Rearmed” might have extra content. All versions of the game will also have “Metal Gear Solid”-style virtual reality training missions.
I LOVE the NES Bionic Commando and am really looking forward to Rearmed. From the preview, this was looking like a release day purchase.

But for me, it's either download on XBLA or not at all, so if MS gimps the XBLA version, I may not buy it (or wait for a sale). I have a stack of other games to play and movies to watch, so if Capcom/MS can't give me the experience I feel like I was shown in the preview, I suppose I can wait.

It remains to be seen if there will be a difference between XBLA, PSN, and PC. I sure hope there isn't (particularly if they charge the same amount for each).
No file size restrictions for Rearmed and SSFII:THD:

In January of 2007, Microsoft made a special exception for Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, which could not stay under the then 50MB cap. In May of '07, realizing the 50MB cap was stifling development of original games, Microsoft pushed the limit to 150MB. It's possible that even this size is about to become a thing of the past as two Capcom titles have been granted special permission to ignore Microsoft's restrictions.

Both Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix and Bionic Commando Rearmed will exceed 150MB. Capcom said that Rearmed holds far too much content to fit the current limits. To meet standards, Rearmed would need to shed some of the bonus material that would still appear on the PlayStation Network and PC versions. According to Capcom, SFII could not run in 1080p if not for Microsoft loosening the file size cap.

Bionic Commando Rearmed arrives this spring on XBLA, with Super SF II Turbo HD Remix coming in the summer.

[quote name='ThatDamnDave']Yes, blaze a trail for removing that ridiculous file size restriction.[/quote]

I just don't understand why a game has to have that file restriction but I can download map packs for twice that size. Seriously, we're on high speed internet, we download videos and trailers on PC 4 times that size.

I dunno about you, but I wouldn't mind starting a game download and going to eat lunch or something while it runs.
MS is still trying to be inclusive with people that haven't purchased hard drives and only have so much space on a memory card for games.

To them, I say too bad. You bought the cheaper version of the console and that means you've sacrificed some things for cost. That's fine, but they shouldn't expect to be able to d/l every single XBLA game that is put up.
[quote name='ThatDamnDave']MS is still trying to be inclusive with people that haven't purchased hard drives and only have so much space on a memory card for games.

To them, I say too bad. You bought the cheaper version of the console and that means you've sacrificed some things for cost. That's fine, but they shouldn't expect to be able to d/l every single XBLA game that is put up.[/quote]

I hadn't even thought of that, and to be honest, F them. If they want to have the full experience and play the games, get a 20 gigger. :)
I never understood why XBLA titles were singled out, while the vast majority of Marketplace content absolutely crushes the 150MB limit. It seems pretty silly to push HD Movie rentals and then give Capcom shit for going over 150 MB. Glad someone slapped some sense into them!
[quote name='BustaUppa']I never understood why XBLA titles were singled out, while the vast majority of Marketplace content absolutely crushes the 150MB limit. It seems pretty silly to push HD Movie rentals and then give Capcom shit for going over 150 MB. Glad someone slapped some sense into them![/quote]

Seriously, if they have to have a limit, make it reasonable considering we're all on high speed internet.
Cool. When it was looking like XBLA was going to get a gimped version, I was regretfully thinking about skipping it. Day one purchase for me now, though.
I loved the original. I actually beat it (as in defeated hitler) on Hitlers birthday, it was weird. I'm really looking forward to this one.
Confirmed to be 800pts:

When deciding what should be the price of Bionic Commando Rearmed, Capcom asked the community how much they would pay for the game. Now the publisher has finally announced the price of this remake.

We first asked the question to our community about how much they would pay for Bionic Commando Rearmed here on the Bionic Commando community site.

Some people said it was stupid. Human nature dictates that people will choose the cheaper of two prices. Some people said we hated money. Well, while the results may suggest that $10 is the sweet spot for most people (in the US the final tally was 83% in favor of the $10 price point and 17% in favor of the $15 price point), there is another side of the story which wasn’t represented by the poll results – and that is the huge number of user comments that we received, where a majority were suggesting they would pay $15 or even $20 for the game.

When I first posed the question it wasn’t about whether people wanted something to be cheaper or more expensive. That answer is obvious. It was about whether people would be willing to pay more to support high-quality 2D gaming. 2D games are a bigger risk (no, they are not necessarily cheap to make. BCR has plenty of 3D models and uses much of the same tech and physics as the 3D version) because they are a harder sell. However, when we started the community site it was all about hearing from Bionic Commando fans and connecting with our community. The poll says $10 so that’s what it will be. Since the title will have to do quite well at that price point to break even (no, I’m not going to give you a specific number), I guess we have to roll the dice and see where they land.

Oh well, I’m tired of meta-emulated crap. These old 2D titles are where games were born. With some solid adjustments, new modes, and updated graphics they can still provide a hell of a lot of fun. Just updating the graphics isn’t paying them enough respect.

Besides, I’d rather fail having created the best game I could, even if the end result doesn’t justify 2D games like this in the future. So $10 it is for the XBLA and PSN versions (we haven’t decided on the PC version because it may have some additional content that can be downloaded later).

Let’s ride this train to the end of the line. Thanks for your feedback and your support.


I'm pretty sure it will release around the time the new Bionic Commando comes out so that it creates familiarity and hype for the new gen version.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I'm pretty sure it will release around the time the new Bionic Commando comes out so that it creates familiarity and hype for the new gen version.[/quote]
But I only want Rearmed!!!!!! I don't want former hot dog arm with dreadlocks!
[quote name='eliter1']I'll probably end up paying 800 MS pts to play the Street Fighter II HD Beta.[/quote]

Glad to know I'm not the only one. Hehehe...

[quote name='SpazX']Well unless somehow it really sucks I'll get it for 800.[/quote]

I too will get it for 800 points - unless it is said to be really broken.
New info on MP:
Bionic Commando: Rearmed will allow players to face off in a 2 - 4 person multiplayer match featuring:

• 4 different selectable characters, each with their own unique parameters
• 10 multiplayer stages utilizing props based on the original game, including spikes, conveyer
belts, slime blobs, and quicksand
• 3 different modes to play including Deathmatch, Last Man Standing, and a Bionic Commando
Rearmed original, "Don't Touch The Floor"
• Play in free for all battles, or in teams of any combination you can think of
• 9 different pick-ups that can turn the tide of battle in your favor

This coupled with the previously announced modes - co-op campaign mode, challenge rooms, and the hacking mini game - means that you are getting a lot of game for a great price.

Via email from Bionic Commando Newswire
Made this post in the PS3 thread and figured it's appropriate for this thread, as well.

Has this been delayed? I noticed this strange wording on Capcom's post on the PlayStation Blog and it's making me wonder what's up since this was supposed to be out this month:

Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3, a chaotic destroy-everything-in-site arcade shooter, should hit the store in early June. 1942: Joint Strike, the follow up to the 194X series, arrives in July, followed by Bionic Commando Rearmed, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, and a pirate themed RTS called Plunder!
[quote name='neudog']Well now I know where my 400 MS Points from the 7-Eleven/Guitar Hero Promo are going to.:D[/QUOTE]

Dude, I owe you. I forgot about that promo, after reading your post, I went to the site and damn if I didn't finally win one!
[quote name='neudog']Well now I know where my 400 MS Points from the 7-Eleven/Guitar Hero Promo are going to.:D[/quote]

I still havent gotten mine its still in verification stage >_>
bread's done