XBLA - Castle Crashers - 1200pts - Necromatic DLC 160pts 8/26

I want to try and get a game of Insane going tonight just so someone (preferably someones) can help me beat that damn level (and the part before it because for some reason getting through that doesn't save). I feel like you have to do Insane Mode in co-op in order to get anywhere in it.
So I'm on
What I believe to be the last level. I just killed the Ice Guy and saved Princess #3. Question: For the last level, are there checkpoints at the bosses? Or do you actually have to play through all the boses with 5 potions? Thats insane!
[quote name='Azumangaman']So I'm on
What I believe to be the last level. I just killed the Ice Guy and saved Princess #3. Question: For the last level, are there checkpoints at the bosses? Or do you actually have to play through all the boses with 5 potions? Thats insane!

There are checkpoints. Even if you die on one boss, but beat 2 others, you won't have to beat those 2 others again, but you will have to get back there.
[quote name='KingBroly']
There are checkpoints. Even if you die on one boss, but beat 2 others, you won't have to beat those 2 others again, but you will have to get back there.
Thanks. I
Beat the Artist boss (best FIGHT EVER!), then almost beat the second guy, but I was too worried about conserving potions. Thanks for the tip.
[quote name='Zyzomys']This game was published for the PS2 in 2005. It is time to pony up and buy a new calender. :roll:[/QUOTE]

I meant DMC4, should have been obvious. Way to be an asshole.
This game makes me wish Alien Hominid had a leveling up system...maybe if this goes well we can get an Alien Hominid 2 game that plays like Castle Crashers...though I guess with the length it took to get this one done, we won't get to see it till the next XBOX.
I wish Alien Hominid HD would drop in price already. It would've been good promotion for a game that has already been bought over 55,000 times.
Hey, if the online is working any better later tonight, I'm down for playing some 4-player if anyone's interested. Last night was like water torture trying to get the game to allow all four slots to be filled.

Loving this game so far though - hoping it's gonna count all my All You Can Quaff wins whenever they get everything settled. Also...my Alien Hominid character got glitched during one online game - so now the little guy is carrying around a Pitchfork instead of his gun and I can't change it back :( At least he's unique...
[quote name='LinkinPrime']This game makes me wish Alien Hominid had a leveling up system...maybe if this goes well we can get an Alien Hominid 2 game that plays like Castle Crashers...though I guess with the length it took to get this one done, we won't get to see it till the next XBOX.[/QUOTE]

Wasnt tCC made by only like 2 people?
I did the Shipwreck XBLA trick and played it on my friend's 360 (after I dl'ed it on hers). Then dl'ied and it played it on mine, but now I can NEVER save... So this game is ruined for me.
Yeah, it was nice while it lasted. Maybe later. I really have to beat that boss on Insane. He's just so irritating. Better level up first using the Catfish glitch :)
My game is having save issues as well. I don't recall doing any tricks tho. Behemoth really let us down on the programming aspect.
For those with save issues try this:
I have another workaround for the bug…
Let the game start up normally then hit the start button to go to the menu. Go down to “Unlock Full Game,” press A, then just hit B (doesn’t have to be done quickly) to back out of the Dashboard menu. The “Unlock Full Game” option disappears. After that, go to “Exit Game” and then to the sign-in screen to get your save back.
It sounds complicated but it’s safe and only takes a few seconds. It works for me, anyway.

Thanks to JohnnyFoxDarko for bringing this to light.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']How do you dig? Is that an attribute that one gets at a certain level or is there a shovel weapon out there that I'm missing?[/quote]
At one point in the game you get a shovel.
Me and my bro just got all the animals in coop mode. I got the achievement but he didn't. We double checked and both have 26 orbs. Any tips?
Now this is weird. I played my character up to level 8 at my friends place.

Later I checked, and it was back to level 1.

Now I put my HDD in MY xbox, and my guy is at level 8.

WTF? What happened to my level 18 guy, and how was the level 8 guy "resurrected."
And Linkin that "unlock full game" is no where in my options as far as I can tell when I play that game so I'm still SOL.
It amazes me that this game was in development for so long (and delayed numerous times) and it still contains these pretty major save and online issues.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Wasnt tCC made by only like 2 people?[/quote]

Behemoth is a 6 man team. My guess is that they will expand (slightly) for their next title. It is glaringly apparent that they need someone with more network coding experience.
[quote name='seanr1221']It's a shame such an awesome game has so many glaring problems :whistle2:|[/QUOTE]

It sounds like most of it only involves online, multiplay and switching your HDDs though. Sounds like if you just DL and play it works fine.
[quote name='bardockkun']Nope, constantly choosing fire/orange and he's always at level 1 everytime I come back to play it (so all that level grinding constantly for nothing). Any other suggestions (no, I'm not being sarcastic, I really want to enjoy the game)?[/QUOTE]
That's fucked up.
[quote name='MSI Magus']It sounds like most of it only involves online, multiplay and switching your HDDs though. Sounds like if you just DL and play it works fine.[/QUOTE]

Those are major parts of the game.
Another save file work around:


sign in with your xbox live account check to see if you have you stats still if not follow this:

-create an xbox live castle crashers game

-sign in with your XL GamerTag

-create a match: i used these settings
-private slots 0
-maxplayers 4
-hidden characters (this maybe a *must* I haven't tested it though)

-then click create match

-toggle ready then back all the way out to the main menu then try your local game again
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Nobody wants to fight a level 99 in Arena, even though it balances your attributes.[/QUOTE]

The fucking Alien is cheap as hell, you can just spam his Laser gun the whole time, shit goes across the entire screen and is huge.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']The fucking Alien is cheap as hell, you can just spam his Laser gun the whole time, shit goes across the entire screen and is huge.[/quote]
Is there a way to get the alien without having Alien Hominid?
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Is there a way to get the alien without having Alien Hominid?[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure there's no work-around to having the full game on your HDD.

At least not that I know of.
Can you play the All You Can Quaff mode online without CPUs? They've won two of the three games I've played and it would be nice to have more than a 25% chance to win.
Yeah, you can set it up so that way. In about an hour I'm going to start up a Castle Crashers match for Insane. If you want in, send me FR between then and now. Please be at least level 40 as it gets pretty bumpy.

Insane Mode seems to be Classic Arcade Difficulty, but with a lot more swarming.
Even though I am level 25 I still feel very underpowered at many of the stages. Unless the game is actually meant to be hard then I am right on cue.

But damn I am getting owned at many of these places.
[quote name='KingBroly']Yeah, it was nice while it lasted. Maybe later. I really have to beat that boss on Insane. He's just so irritating. Better level up first using the Catfish glitch :)[/quote]

What is this glitch you speak of?
If you have the Boomerang, try the Catfish glitch if you want cheap, easy levels.

Basically, throw the boomerang at full strength so it goes off screen and it catches the Catfish in the back, constantly doing 1 damage. Just hang back and hold the Block button, should be dead like that. Remember to pull out and grab it though once he's down as I've glitched the game a couple of times by not grabbing it in time.
I have more trouble with a second person than I do solo personally. However in the Peasent Arena, I was minding my own business and on the final wave with just about 1/4th health left and wham I get hit by an arrow and juggled to death from the last two enemies alive. Hate when that happens. ~_~
[quote name='KingBroly']If you have the Boomerang, try the Catfish glitch if you want cheap, easy levels.

Basically, throw the boomerang at full strength so it goes off screen and it catches the Catfish in the back, constantly doing 1 damage. Just hang back and hold the Block button, should be dead like that. Remember to pull out and grab it though once he's down as I've glitched the game a couple of times by not grabbing it in time.[/quote]

Ah, rats. I don't have the boomerang yet. I guess I'll just keep beating him normally for now.

Anyone have any tips on beating the
wedding crash boss? He always seems to kill me with his cheapass bombs when he gets off the organ.
[quote name='lolwut?']
Anyone have any tips on beating the
wedding crash boss? He always seems to kill me with his cheapass bombs when he gets off the organ.
Block and Dodge. Its probably the most difficult boss in the game (the last boss took me 1 try with full health and 5 potions).
bread's done