XBLA - Castle Crashers - 1200pts - Necromatic DLC 160pts 8/26

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I finally unlocked the Ninja character
the ones you fight on the wooden ship
and he is by far the most badass.[/quote]

How? If it has been answered already sorry didnt have time to search....please link.
[quote name='seanr1221']Beat the game with the red knight, Sood.[/quote]

Damn it....I hate the red knight.....:cry: Is there something cool for the kick ass blue knight that I am playing with?

Thanks though.

Also...the boomerang glitch. So does that mean you get xp for landing hits not actually killing people?
[quote name='Soodmeg']Damn it....I hate the red knight.....:cry: Is there something cool for the kick ass blue knight that I am playing with?

Thanks though.

Also...the boomerang glitch. So does that mean you get xp for landing hits not actually killing people?[/quote]

Errr... By "Red Knight" in this case, I think you mean "Red Demon Knight", the one with the crazy teeth that some also call the "Dragon Knight".

The Normal Red Knight gets you the skeleton, not the Ninjer ^_^

Just had to point that out, before you went and played the wrong character!
[quote name='Soodmeg']Damn it....I hate the red knight.....:cry: Is there something cool for the kick ass blue knight that I am playing with?

Thanks though.

Also...the boomerang glitch. So does that mean you get xp for landing hits not actually killing people?[/QUOTE]

You get one of those knights that carry the lightsabers.
[quote name='SAB-CA']Errr... By "Red Knight" in this case, I think you mean "Red Demon Knight", the one with the crazy teeth that some also call the "Dragon Knight".

The Normal Red Knight gets you the skeleton, not the Ninjer ^_^

Just had to point that out, before you went and played the wrong character![/quote]

Ahhhh urgh?

What the hell is the Red demon knight? And how does one acquire his services? Yellow pages?

Thanks...because I really do hate the normal red knight for some reason.

Panda what do you mean by carrying the light saber...maybe we should update the OP with the how to get all the goods kinda like a faq in spoilers so its easier to look at.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Ahhhh urgh?

What the hell is the Red demon knight? And how does one acquire his services? Yellow pages?

Thanks...because I really do hate the normal red knight for some reason.

Panda what do you mean by carrying the light saber...maybe we should update the OP with the how to get all the goods kinda like a faq in spoilers so its easier to look at.[/QUOTE]

The Knights you encounter in the Cyclops' Fortress level

At least I think those are the ones...IDK. I haven't actually used the character yet, but on the character select screen it looks to be the one I'm talking about.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Ahhhh urgh?

What the hell is the Red demon knight? And how does one acquire his services? Yellow pages?

Thanks...because I really do hate the normal red knight for some reason.

Panda what do you mean by carrying the light saber...maybe we should update the OP with the how to get all the goods kinda like a faq in spoilers so its easier to look at.[/quote]

Following List Compiled from a post by THE EVIL MONK3Y on Official CC forums on Live.com:

Main Cast Unlockers.

(finish game with) - (unlocked after finishing game)

Orange Knight - Fire Demon Knight
Blue Knight - Industrial Iron Knight
Green Knight - Chain Mail face Knight
Red Knight - Skeleton Knight
Grey/Gray Knight - Black Knight (full moon not 2nd to last boss)
Barbarian - Killer Beekeeper
Skeleton - White Bear
Fire Demon - Ninja
Royal Guard (Chainmail Face) - Saracen
Industrial Iron Knight - Fencing Knight
theif - wood knight ( knight from the marsh level)
eskimo - brute (confirm?)
peasant- hoodless peasant

Characters unlocked through game.

Alien Hominid - Purchase Alien Hominid HD and obtained one or more achievement
Grey/Gray Knight - Defeat Barbarian Leader
Barbarian - Finish Kings Arena (10 rounds)
Thief - Finish Thieves Arena (10 rounds)
Periwinkle knight - Finish Lava Arena (10 rounds)
Peasant knight - Finish Peasant Arena (10 rounds)
Eskimo - Complete Ice Arena (10 rounds)
Cool thanks SAB you be the man.

Also just a comment...hawster is the fucking truth for completing arena rounds....not only does he take out 1 damage every time a person is lying on the ground BUT after you kill them he brings you fruit from their dead bodies thus keeping your ass alive during the 10 rounds.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Sooooo how have been people getting the glitch where they lose all their animals and weapons? I'd like to avoid that...[/quote]

Mine just came from trying to do 4-player co-op. Here's the thing - everyone's been saying online in general is craptacular right now, but I've basically only been playing with one of my friends online, and if you stick to just 2-player, it isn't bad at all. It only seems to be when we try to go for 4 players (4 player Arena never works, 4 player CC never connects fourth for us, let alone the third most of the time...strangely enough I've never had any troubles while in All You Can Quaff). Keep it down to a 2-player game, and you should be golden.

Also, woot to finally getting my Hominid back to his gun instead of the pitchfork. Bye bye lvl 40 though :( Figure I'll just use the Catfish glitch to get it back up, but in a lvling game those types of glitches just seem so...wrong...or at the very least, detrimental to my 'Lasting appeal vs. Cash spent' quota.
I'm emailing Microsoft about this to see if there is any plan for action. Because otherwise I'm considering this a waste of my money. They may not have developed the game, but I'm sure they don't just throw anything onto live without some type of quality control. Or at least there SHOULD be some kind of final testing/approval process.

Hopefully I'll hear back something soon about a patch.
Has anyone got the last bosses weapon?
Once you kill his last form he drops it and it flashes X for like a split second, I wasn't able to grab it yesterday.
What are the stats on it?
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']I'm emailing Microsoft about this to see if there is any plan for action. Because otherwise I'm considering this a waste of my money. They may not have developed the game, but I'm sure they don't just throw anything onto live without some type of quality control. Or at least there SHOULD be some kind of final testing/approval process. [/QUOTE]
There is a final testing/approval process.
[quote name='pete5883']There is a final testing/approval process.[/QUOTE]

Well, since I do not work for Microsoft and their Live division I could not say. That's why I said there should be one. I didn't say there was not or "you know, you'd think microsoft would test this before it came out". More like "there HAS to be one right?" I think it's hard to get across that tone across a message board.

Anyway, has anyone else dug up anything about the issues?
When doing the catfish glitch, I can't seem to get it to stay for the whole thing. It always moves up out of the way when it loses about half its life. It's my only source of grinding!
[quote name='ighosty']Has anyone got the last bosses weapon?
Once you kill his last form he drops it and it flashes X for like a split second, I wasn't able to grab it yesterday.
What are the stats on it?[/quote]
I almost had it, but it happens so fast and I wasn't expecting it. I'll try again tonight on my next play through.
Sucks people are having problems playing online... I've beaten 2+ full games with no problems. :(
[quote name='Bretters']
I almost had it, but it happens so fast and I wasn't expecting it. I'll try again tonight on my next play through.
Sucks people are having problems playing online... I've beaten 2+ full games with no problems. :([/QUOTE]

Again it sounds like most of the people having problems are people that have messed around with multiplayer and their HDD.
Out of curiosity regarding that final weapon
Was that weapon a glowy orange color? I believe you can get four diff types of that particular blade, one with each of the four main knights powers. I got the weapon with Orange Knight and its +2 Magic/Strength/Agility with a Flame attribute which causes fire damage at random when equipped. It also looks to carry over to other weapons, so the boomerang and bow and arrow catches the random fire damage as well.
[quote name='the4thnobleman']Out of curiosity regarding that final weapon
Was that weapon a glowy orange color? I believe you can get four diff types of that particular blade, one with each of the four main knights powers. I got the weapon with Orange Knight and its +2 Magic/Strength/Agility with a Flame attribute which causes fire damage at random when equipped. It also looks to carry over to other weapons, so the boomerang and bow and arrow catches the random fire damage as well.
I don't think so. I beat the game with the Green and Red dude and got the same weapon.
[quote name='SAB-CA']Following List Compiled from a post by THE EVIL MONK3Y on Official CC forums on Live.com:

Main Cast Unlockers.

(finish game with) - (unlocked after finishing game)

Orange Knight - Fire Demon Knight
Blue Knight - Industrial Iron Knight
Green Knight - Chain Mail face Knight
Red Knight - Skeleton Knight
Grey/Gray Knight - Black Knight (full moon not 2nd to last boss)
Barbarian - Killer Beekeeper
Skeleton - White Bear
Fire Demon - Ninja
Royal Guard (Chainmail Face) - Saracen
Industrial Iron Knight - Fencing Knight
theif - wood knight ( knight from the marsh level)
eskimo - brute (confirm?)
peasant- hoodless peasant

Characters unlocked through game.

Alien Hominid - Purchase Alien Hominid HD and obtained one or more achievement
Grey/Gray Knight - Defeat Barbarian Leader
Barbarian - Finish Kings Arena (10 rounds)
Thief - Finish Thieves Arena (10 rounds)
Periwinkle knight - Finish Lava Arena (10 rounds)
Peasant knight - Finish Peasant Arena (10 rounds)
Eskimo - Complete Ice Arena (10 rounds)[/quote]

Thanks for the list, been wondering how to unlock new guys...guess I'll have to start playing the arenas.
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']
I don't think so. I beat the game with the Green and Red dude and got the same weapon.

I also got the same final weapon, but haven't seen one of a different color. Would be cool tho.
Is this game worth 15 bucks? I liked the demo, but i dont know since i just bought braid for 15. I dunno if i want to fork out that kind of cash again for an XBLA game that might keep me interested for 2-3 days max. How long does it take to beat this game?
[quote name='The 7th Number']Is this game worth 15 bucks? I liked the demo, but i dont know since i just bought braid for 15. I dunno if i want to fork out that kind of cash again for an XBLA game that might keep me interested for 2-3 days max. How long does it take to beat this game?[/QUOTE]

4 hours, maybe 5, John (on 2 player anyway). but I'm a guy who, once I finish a game, no matter how awesome, I don't want to play it again for a long time. This one, however, I want to play again today after finishing last night. There's so much to do- so many characters, Insane Mode, so many items. It's well worth the $15.
Was anyone else who frequented Newgrounds several years ago excited as hell when
the painter drew Carrot Clock
[quote name='Kyattsuai']Was anyone else who frequented Newgrounds several years ago excited as hell when
the painter drew Carrot Clock

I was kinda disappointed that it wasn't Strawberry Clock or a Giant B
If anyone wants to play on XBL, add me (SpiderLocMTGO). I'm level 20 on the Lava World atm, but I don't mind restarting a game as another character.
I went back after beating the game last night, and I have all my stuff except for the horn. I need that to get a couple animal orbs. Why did I lose the horn?
[quote name='Matt Young']I went back after beating the game last night, and I have all my stuff except for the horn. I need that to get a couple animal orbs. Why did I lose the horn?[/quote]

A friend who co-op'd with me (I was host) lost his horn too when we played again today. He also lost the wheel and the telescope while we were playing during the session we got it in too but later got it back during that same session.
Disappointing that the Hominid only seems to unlock with the full AH HD game -- my ass bought AH when it first dropped, as a $30 gamecube disk, and I don't plan on rebuying.
I too feel it's a bit cheap....basically if you want the "whole" experience and the ability to unlock everything, this game equates to 2000 MS points. (1200 for CC and 800 for Hominid HD)
There apparently is a way to get the Alien without buying AH-HD, but no one knows how. My guess is you have to beat Insane, but no one's beaten Insane because it's impossible to do so in Single Player.
Actually, if you go to Newgrounds, you'll see that Mr. Fulp decided to go to PAX this weekend. So...unless someone else is working on it, no one's working on it.

I decided to start a new character, the Green Knight. I want to try and unlock every character, but I don't think my attention will last that long. So does anyone want to rush unlock characters by just beating the final boss over and over again?
[quote name='KingBroly']
I decided to start a new character, the Green Knight. I want to try and unlock every character, but I don't think my attention will last that long. So does anyone want to rush unlock characters by just beating the final boss over and over again?[/quote]

I heard you have to play all the levels to unlock characters.
.....Really, from what I've seen, no one has unlocked all the characters we've seen previously available in the game in trailers and screenshots. There have been Character select portraits of the king, the Undead-summoning Knight, and the Mage Knights. Now, those guys COULD be downloadable content in the future... But I still don't think we have everything figured out yet. It's too early to be calling foul on Alien Hominid unlocking.

It's very intriguing, to say the least. This much content in an arcade- No, in ANY game, now-a-days, is a much welcome throwback to the old days.

Also, I think it'd be a good idea to make a list of "the additional unmentioned info" that this game has. Such as the difference in magic between similiar characters, the effects of the various effects, all that fun stuff.

Example: You can aim where you throw enemies, by holding a different direction after grabbing on. (Normal or Beefy mode, I believe.) Throwing enemies straight up is a great way to begin aerial rave combos XD Also, if you really skilled, you can run under an upthrown enemy, and throw him again!
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']If you have at least one other person to play it with, then it's all worth it.[/quote]

So single player isnt that good, or is it just too hard with one person alone?
[quote name='bardockkun']On Leaderboards it says I'm on 14, but I'm actually at 24 or so...[/quote]

Leaderboards are only updated after you go back to the main menu from the game. It's kinda stupid that it doesn't update automatically.
bread's done