XBLA - Castle Crashers - 1200pts - Necromatic DLC 160pts 8/26

[quote name='KingBroly']Actually, if you go to Newgrounds, you'll see that Mr. Fulp decided to go to PAX this weekend. So...unless someone else is working on it, no one's working on it.

I decided to start a new character, the Green Knight. I want to try and unlock every character, but I don't think my attention will last that long. So does anyone want to rush unlock characters by just beating the final boss over and over again?[/QUOTE]

I'm down for a few sessions, but I think it's a whole playthrough. Pretty sure you're already on my friends list as well.
So I was trying to level my blue knight in the catfish area and after I beat him, the screen streaks like it is trying to go plaid. It only happens when I beat him really fast.
You have to grab the boomerang really quick if it kills the Catfish. I tend to get him low on health then club him to death.
[quote name='Kendal']So I was trying to level my blue knight in the catfish area and after I beat him, the screen streaks like it is trying to go plaid. It only happens when I beat him really fast.[/quote]

It only happens when you kill the Catfish while it's stunned with the boomerang.
Christ, insane difficulty is insane. On the stage
Cyclops' Fortress
and I shouldn't have too much trouble but died the first time in because I thought I had more health left than I did. Then I went and tried the
Industrial Castle
and dear god those fuckers hurt. I was being hit for 200 damage a normal hit and 300-350 damage per each special ability. Died right before the boss but chances are I wouldn't have won anyways.
Final sword
+2 str/magic/agi, fire proc lv.20

Edit: Fixed a stat
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Has anyone gotten the Arena achievement yet? I just got my 40th and 41st wins, but the game didn't award the achievement to me. Wondering wth is up.
Just finished the game with my friend. Great game, going to do some leveling up with the Giraffe and start Insane Monday after I enjoy some Mercs 2.
Ok I clearly count 25 animal orbs in my ark yet still dont have the cheesement for it.

Also just beat my first run through with the blue knight...the guy you unlock afterward it sweet looking. Also have all the arena done with.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Ok I clearly count 25 animal orbs in my ark yet still dont have the cheesement for it.

Also just beat my first run through with the blue knight...the guy you unlock afterward it sweet looking. Also have all the arena done with.[/quote]

There's 26 orbs I think, so your missing one more.
Here's a list of all the orbs. Credit to XBL Forums.

Animal Name :: Animal Power :: Area :: Description

1. Chicken :: Increase to defense, strength and agility :: Flooded Temple :: First dry land section, there's an X right in front of two giant fish statues in the background. Dig there.

2. Cardinal :: Helps you find secret items :: Industrial Castle :: Top floor of castle, kill the brute and get the Cardinal.

3. Owlet :: Retrieves hidden fruit from trees :: Forest Entrance :: Right before you exit the deadlands go behind the overgrown area and swing your weapon.

4. Mr Buddy :: Helps you dig faster :: Home Castle :: Go back into the first room where all the tutorial people are. At the back far wall, near the veterinary lady, there's an X on a pile of straw. Dig it up.

5. Giraffey :: Helps you level up faster ::Desert :: Look for the X shapes on the sand (or have Pazzo as your animal :: he'll show you where to dig), the giraffe is one of the last ones before the end of the level.

6. Snoot :: Increases your strength :: Cyclops' Fortress :: Bomb the cracked wall in the very first room.

7. Piggy :: Makes food give you more health :: Swamp Village Store :: Purchased for 585 gold.

8. Zebra :: Helps you find food in grass :: Desert Chase :: Taken from the guy on the camel, when you see him run off, follow as fast as you can (on the back of another camel, obviously). You'll need to dodge the quicksand, and then use an arrow to knock him off his camel before he reaches safety.

9. Rammy :: Knocks down enemies :: Tall Grass Field :: Taken from the large bear with the banner.

10. Spinny :: Increases your defense :: Volcano Store :: Purchased for 680 gold.

11. Bitey Bat :: Chomps enemy's heads :: Pipistrello's Cave :: Found after the boss bat.

12. Troll :: Slowly regenerates your health :: Thieves Forest :: Behind a wall, use 3 bombs to set him free.

13. Frogglet :: Can pick up items with his tongue :: Marsh :: Halfway through the first graveyard, the X is directly in front of an open crypt, just before the wall goes back and the area widens.

14. Seahorse :: Allows you to move quickly through water :: Thieves Forest :: Right after the dear leaves a poo streak and before the stream in the forest.

15. Snailburt :: Increases your defense but decreases your agility :: Marsh :: Towards the end, he is right out in the open so you cant miss him.

16. Scratchpaw :: Increases your strength and agility :: Sandcastle Interior :: There are two barred windows at the back of the room, the tiger is behind the second one. Use bombs on the cracked wall to get to him.

17. Yeti :: Protects you from being frozen :: Snow World :: As you go down the ramp and check behind the huts.

18. Monkeyface :: Increases your luck finding items :: Church Store :: Purchased for 750 gold.

19. Pazzo :: Helps you find buried treasures :: Snow Store :: Purchased for 750 gold.

20. Sherbert :: Helps you jump higher :: Animal Art ::Stand in the middle of the door and use a sandwich. Now jump and start pressing XXY button. You should start to rise up the door as you attack it.

21. Meowburt :: Increases your agility :: Parade :: Go to the level directly after PARADE and as soon as it loads go left and the next screen is the entrance to the tunnel where you hit your head and fell of the carriage previously. The cat should be in the middle of the road right there.

22. Hawkster :: Attacks fallen enemies :: Tall Grass Field :: Blow the horn outside the huts just before you get Rammy.

23. Burly Bear :: :: Tall Grass Field :: With a sandwich and a couple of bombs. Go to where you climb up the grass section of the cliff but don't go up, instead head to the left side of the cliff, eat the sandwich and you'll find you can move the rock on the side. Inside there are two chests and a crack in the wall, the bear is in the crack.

24. BiPolar :: Mauls Enemies (and Friends) who are near death :: Snow World :: As you walk up the ramp, use the horn by the sign post signaling it. He pops out of the tunnel.

25. Beholder :: Gives you a magical boost :: Full Moon :: Play through the level with Cardinal as your animal. At the second hut up the mountain path, it'll bring you a golden key "weapon". This unlocks the padlocked door in the ark, and inside is the Beholder.

26. Install Ball :: Shoots enemies with his photons :: Alien Ship :: Play through until the countdown begins. Shoot the mechanism that destroys the first green laser gate (after the toilet) and head straight up. There's a door there (hard to see what with it being dark etc). Go left slightly. It's still possible to exit the ship before the countdown ends.
I checked out the demo. To me, this seems like a flash game that I could play on my computer online for free (albeit one with high production values). It looked cool, seemed like a decent game, but I don't think I'm willing to spend $15 on it.
[quote name='Bretters']Final sword
+2 all stats, fire proc lv.20

Are you talking about the sword the last boss drops? Because the stats for that are
+2 strength/magic/agility; Fire damage lvl 20
[quote name='PrarieD0G']I checked out the demo. To me, this seems like a flash game that I could play on my computer online for free (albeit one with high production values). It looked cool, seemed like a decent game, but I don't think I'm willing to spend $15 on it.[/quote]

Seriously. What the fuck? Is 15 bucks that huge for you people? And I am not even talking about this game...(although for it has a little more depth than a handful of full $60 360 games) but damn dude will 15 bucks really break the bank with you? And its not just you...its a handful of people that have been in and out of this thread.

Its about the same as a value meal at burger king for 2.

And dude seriously I am not even really ripping on you at all. I am just completely confused at how 15 dollars is somehow an outrageous price tag for a game that is at least 6-10 hours even without doing the extras.

Most $60 dollar FPS single player is only about 8. And people buy those up like hot cakes. And even as a fellow Cheap ass who rarely pays full price for anything I still cant thing of 15 bucks people out of my price range for a full RPG for anyone.

I would like to know what you think will make this game worth 15 bucks.

And dude again I am not even ripping on you and I am not saying just because I like you must like it. I am just really confused at how a game that boost this many features is someone not worth 15 bucks. his game has more features than Assassins Creed did for 1/4 the price.
Nah, it's cool man. It's just that I've spent so much money on arcade games already this summer (GW2, Braid, BC:Rearmed). I really don't see the need to spend another $15 (or even $10) on a game like this. Not at the moment anyway.

I don't have anything against the game. It's just--I would have to be blown away/really impressed by a game for me to spend any more money on it at this point. It has some awesome features, but what really matters to me is the core gameplay. And from what I played of the demo, I don't feel like I really "need" to buy it.
You get 2 pics when you download the game (Blue Knight & Barbarian). You have to buy the others.

For the Arena/Quaff achievements, they have to be ranked.
How does the save system in this game work? I'll complete levels, it "saves" but then i have to redo like 2 levels prior when i come back to it?
Yeah, the saving seems a bit off. I'm all for a challenge but half the point of these arcade games (to me at least) is the ability to play them for short bursts of like 10 minutes. Thus far I've only had it happen once and it wasn't a huge problem, I just had to clear the UFO an extra time.
[quote name='ighosty']Are you talking about the sword the last boss drops? Because the stats for that are
+2 strength/magic/agility; Fire damage lvl 20
Yes, my mistake :whistle2:# - edited my post. Thanks
The online is kinda broken I'm afraid. I hope they fix it soon as the game is really good (Note: Over 105,000 served. TAKE THAT BIONIC COMMANDO!).

Insane Mode update: I just managed to beat
The Giant Bat. He's not really that tough if you hang back and use magic. His mini-bats come in waves, but are killed in 1 hit. The only tough part is that one tongue lashing takes away 3/4 of your health.

Insane Mode is the real reason I want this game's online to be fixed. It's so hard, but yet so fun. And Insane Mode, 4 player co-op online would be awesome if it weren't getting dropped every 5 minutes.
[quote name='shinryuu']Beat the game. Myehh.. it's a good game, but worth the extra $5? Maybe not.[/QUOTE]

Extra $5? How do you figure? How did you end up paying $5 more than everyone else?
[quote name='KingBroly']Insane Mode update: I just managed to beat
The Giant Bat. He's not really that tough if you hang back and use magic. His mini-bats come in waves, but are killed in 1 hit. The only tough part is that one tongue lashing takes away 3/4 of your health.

Insane Mode is the real reason I want this game's online to be fixed. It's so hard, but yet so fun. And Insane Mode, 4 player co-op online would be awesome if it weren't getting dropped every 5 minutes.[/quote]

That bosses damage in insane mode is always 999, not exactly 3/4th as you don't have much more than that once you've maxed out your defense attribute. :p

Good luck on the Industrial Castle though.
Yeah, I'm now 100% on the fact that the online is completely broken. I was sorta sure about it a couple of days ago, but now I'm 100% sure. I tried for 30 minutes to play with some friends, got disconnected every time. What a bunch of crap.
[quote name='rick3000gto']I just played the demo and it was a really great experience for me. It was like no other arcade game i've played.[/quote]

In a way it reminded me of Double Dragon for the arcade. But DD didnt have power ups and upgrades. But thats what i thought about when i was first playing it.
(Soodmeg, your rant inspired me to finally blurt all this out, lol. I felt much the same way you did, obviously... with a bunch more tossed in for good measure -_- )

You know, it's funny reading this thread. You do see people complain about CC not being worth 15 bucks, or the few that say they'd pay more for it.

When I play CC, the fact I'm playing "A smaller budget game" pretty much is nonexistent. The Game's Flash-based roots are irrelevant. It's like saying "Because this uses Pixel art, it must be an SNES game!" when talking about Capcom's Dungeon and Dragons Arcade games. The effect animations are extremely smooth. The characters themselves have lots of little animations that are rarely every used more than once or twice, such as shaking slimes off their heads, spiraling through the air in the "Wizard Castle Takeoff" stage, and climbing ladders in the "Full Moon" stage.

The game rarely ever reuses anything that it doesn't need to. Almost every stage has a unique graphic/gameplay element that often times doesn't exist anywhere else in the game. Examples being the Arbalest-like Rapid arrow shooters, the ice towers, the sparse use of the slime monsters, the scorpions in the desert stages, the mer-men in Medusa's Lair, and the Alien-Boss Homage in the alien ship.

Even the bosses that are reused are totally redesigned before you fight them again, such as the Cyclops, and the massive, Forest-sized uber-troll.

You could cite that different magic is reused between loads of the characters, but that's only slightly true. Most characters I've seen have unique elements (Some might share the arrow shower, but one might throw bombs as a projectile, one might throw a curved blade, and one might throw a straight blade.) And then there seem to be further unique details that still might exist, but aren't always apparent, such as the fact that the various NPC knights all seem to have different weight and armor to them. Examples: Royal Guards bounce extremely low when slammed or thrown, and Red Demons have uber magic and resist damage.

There are quite a few music tracks and ideas that are only used once in story, as well. For example, the Ninjas stage.

Games now-a-days often reuse and re-skin the same ideas all-the-time, because it saves on budget. XBLA games often reused elements and ideas all the time, because it saves on size. Castle Crashers offer one of the most fresh, continually renewing experiences in gaming since... err... wow. You know, I really can't think of many games that have this much attention to these kinds of little details.

And THIS is the kind of game we complain about costing 15 dollars? When Halo Mirrors it's original stages and stick a dark ambient light on them for "night time" stages, we complain, but still consider it worth 60 dollars. When Big-budget games throw the same enemies, with slight color mods, at us, over and over, back to back, we still consider them worthy of full price.

The only "fetch quest" in CC are for things that actually offer personality to you and your character, and actually effect gameplay. The "artificial" lengthening of the game doesn't occur till after the main meat of the game is over. What is given to you upfront, without searching, is STILL satisfying. And there is no feeling that the "meat" of the game was compromised in order to make these "extra" things happen.

Of course, all of this is without looking at the online problems, and other weird glitches. If full-on games didn't have these kind of glitches and exploits, I would say "obviously, Behemoth spent their money in the wrong place!" But come now, almost every single online game on consoles now-a-days has at least one of these: Matchmaking glitches, DRM issues messing up access to saves/content, or Leaderboard/EXP glitches. This seems to be more of an industry-wide problem, rather than just a single company.

In the end, as a mature gamer who often sees many of the things he likes in older games beginning to be contested as more casual players enter the gaming world, it's weird to see a game this inspired being undervalued or unappreciated, in any way. This game deserves to start trends that not only effect downloadable titles in the future, but all gaming as a whole. I guess I just hope random slander and negativity don't keep the real triumphs of this game from being brought to light!
[quote name='thrustbucket']Extra $5? How do you figure? How did you end up paying $5 more than everyone else?[/quote]
Err, I meant that it shouldn't have been 1200pt title.
Haha! I love the rant Sab Ca!

I have found the game very enjoyable (and hopefully no one here actually payed 20$ for points cards recently with all the 15$ opportunities Target has had lately...). The music/art/gameplay is quite entertaining and the online "would" rock if they ever get it fixed so any four players can play together and those you start off with don't get booted at the load screens... :( ! I look forward to them fixing this and getting some online action going!! :)
[quote name='Shan82']Haha! I love the rant Sab Ca!

I have found the game very enjoyable (and hopefully no one here actually payed 20$ for points cards recently with all the 15$ opportunities Target has had lately...). The music/art/gameplay is quite entertaining and the online "would" rock if they ever get it fixed so any four players can play together and those you start off with don't get booted at the load screens... :( ! I look forward to them fixing this and getting some online action going!! :)[/quote]

^^ I still has my "rain check" good till the end of September for 5 more at that price! I managed to buy three that Saturday the deal was set to end.
I think it's funny how people are getting mad over others not wanting to buy the game, haha. We all have our own opinions which should be respected. Live and let live.
I read how people have had their saves corrupted, has that happened to anyone here? Just curious. Im thinking of getting this game, but i may wait for these issues to be patched first. Unless its just the online thing, then i can do without.
It didn't happen to me, but a fellow CAG I played with was at level 30 and lost all his animals/weapons, but it kept him at level 30 . He had to re-get all the animals toward the achievement. That did not happen until he played online though, so if you stick to single player only, you may be able to get by without the same problems. :)

It's woth the money in my opinion! :bouncy:
Meh, it wasnt that bad, Actually going through to reaqquire all my animals and weapons was better for me in the long run, I've managed to grab alot of rare and useful weapons and level myself up enough for me to actually beat the game on my own when the connection issues wouldnt allow us to party up.
[quote name='SAB-CA'](Soodmeg, your rant inspired me to finally blurt all this out, lol. I felt much the same way you did, obviously... with a bunch more tossed in for good measure -_- )

You know, it's funny reading this thread. You do see people complain about CC not being worth 15 bucks, or the few that say they'd pay more for it.

When I play CC, the fact I'm playing "A smaller budget game" pretty much is nonexistent. The Game's Flash-based roots are irrelevant. It's like saying "Because this uses Pixel art, it must be an SNES game!" when talking about Capcom's Dungeon and Dragons Arcade games. The effect animations are extremely smooth. The characters themselves have lots of little animations that are rarely every used more than once or twice, such as shaking slimes off their heads, spiraling through the air in the "Wizard Castle Takeoff" stage, and climbing ladders in the "Full Moon" stage.

The game rarely ever reuses anything that it doesn't need to. Almost every stage has a unique graphic/gameplay element that often times doesn't exist anywhere else in the game. Examples being the Arbalest-like Rapid arrow shooters, the ice towers, the sparse use of the slime monsters, the scorpions in the desert stages, the mer-men in Medusa's Lair, and the Alien-Boss Homage in the alien ship.

Even the bosses that are reused are totally redesigned before you fight them again, such as the Cyclops, and the massive, Forest-sized uber-troll.

You could cite that different magic is reused between loads of the characters, but that's only slightly true. Most characters I've seen have unique elements (Some might share the arrow shower, but one might throw bombs as a projectile, one might throw a curved blade, and one might throw a straight blade.) And then there seem to be further unique details that still might exist, but aren't always apparent, such as the fact that the various NPC knights all seem to have different weight and armor to them. Examples: Royal Guards bounce extremely low when slammed or thrown, and Red Demons have uber magic and resist damage.

There are quite a few music tracks and ideas that are only used once in story, as well. For example, the Ninjas stage.

Games now-a-days often reuse and re-skin the same ideas all-the-time, because it saves on budget. XBLA games often reused elements and ideas all the time, because it saves on size. Castle Crashers offer one of the most fresh, continually renewing experiences in gaming since... err... wow. You know, I really can't think of many games that have this much attention to these kinds of little details.

And THIS is the kind of game we complain about costing 15 dollars? When Halo Mirrors it's original stages and stick a dark ambient light on them for "night time" stages, we complain, but still consider it worth 60 dollars. When Big-budget games throw the same enemies, with slight color mods, at us, over and over, back to back, we still consider them worthy of full price.

The only "fetch quest" in CC are for things that actually offer personality to you and your character, and actually effect gameplay. The "artificial" lengthening of the game doesn't occur till after the main meat of the game is over. What is given to you upfront, without searching, is STILL satisfying. And there is no feeling that the "meat" of the game was compromised in order to make these "extra" things happen.

Of course, all of this is without looking at the online problems, and other weird glitches. If full-on games didn't have these kind of glitches and exploits, I would say "obviously, Behemoth spent their money in the wrong place!" But come now, almost every single online game on consoles now-a-days has at least one of these: Matchmaking glitches, DRM issues messing up access to saves/content, or Leaderboard/EXP glitches. This seems to be more of an industry-wide problem, rather than just a single company.

In the end, as a mature gamer who often sees many of the things he likes in older games beginning to be contested as more casual players enter the gaming world, it's weird to see a game this inspired being undervalued or unappreciated, in any way. This game deserves to start trends that not only effect downloadable titles in the future, but all gaming as a whole. I guess I just hope random slander and negativity don't keep the real triumphs of this game from being brought to light![/quote]

I've seen proof of guys who've beaten Insane Mode. What does it get you? Well, I'll tell you.

It gives you
NOTHING! Well, not nothing, your white skull for beating Normal now becomes a Golden Skull
How is this game purely as a single-player experience? I've heard many reports of the online being broken and I don't have any local friends who would be into it. Is it still worth $15 just for one person, or is it really cheap and basically requires 2 or more people to complete?
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']How is this game purely as a single-player experience? I've heard many reports of the online being broken and I don't have any local friends who would be into it. Is it still worth $15 just for one person, or is it really cheap and basically requires 2 or more people to complete?[/QUOTE]
I'm having fun playing single player. I'm taking my time though cause I don't want to experience everything myself. Just kind of enjoying it slowly because I'm waiting for the online to work. I've only had it for the weekend, I'll get some local co-op going today and tomorrow to liven it up.

It really sucks, I keep trying randomly to go online and only got into games twice. Both times they froze at some point.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']How is this game purely as a single-player experience? I've heard many reports of the online being broken and I don't have any local friends who would be into it. Is it still worth $15 just for one person, or is it really cheap and basically requires 2 or more people to complete?[/quote]

It is certainly harder in single-player, since you have to work alone. I haven't had any major problems yet, and I've gotta be more than halfway done.

That being said, I'm really enjoying it. To me, it's worth the money. I'm sure the online will be fixed eventually, so you will certainly be able to play with others (in time).
Yeah, playing by yourself is fine. You'd probably have more enjoyment, but it's not more difficult, at least IMO. I said earlier it's not worth $15, that's just me though. Actually, when I think about it, I think the whole XBLA library is kinda, not worth buying. Maybe because I focus on replayability in games. Then again, all of the XBLA titles I've bought came from points from giveaways or referral sites.

You'll have fun playing single-player. Just take your time and savor all the goodyness from this game. =d
bread's done