XBLA - Castle Crashers - 1200pts - Necromatic DLC 160pts 8/26

You when the catfish in the water level when the boat comes?

Thats the most annoying boss I have ever played. I hate that stage. But to get easy levels maybe.
[quote name='KingBroly']Thanks to Panda Owning Em for helping me get past that boss. Even with 2 people, it was still tedious as all hell. Seriously, that boss sucks! We beat him though! Oh, and the Catfish boss was almost as bad because it took really long too.[/QUOTE]

NP. Thanks for helping me out too. Sorry I suck so much ass. I didn't think you could block the Cat's punches for some reason.
[quote name='lolwut?']Ah, rats. I don't have the boomerang yet. I guess I'll just keep beating him normally for now.

Anyone have any tips on beating the
wedding crash boss? He always seems to kill me with his cheapass bombs when he gets off the organ.

I tried to beat him maybe 3-4 times I found out you really have to block, and just keep acting when you get a chance or at least that's how I beat him.
[quote name='seanr1221']WHen do you get the boomerang?[/quote]

take the cardinal to theives forrest. he will pull it out early on.

Even w/ the catfish quick xp, I got myself to lvl 69 and still can't hold my own during the Insane boss 2. the problem is @ 25% hp he starts moving around screen, when u fall and get hit by the trolls u gotta use a pot since they hit for 71 each.

ill probably look for a game later tonight, im not a blue knight like everyone....red knight ftw.
[quote name='Azumangaman']Block and Dodge. Its probably the most difficult boss in the game (the last boss took me 1 try with full health and 5 potions).[/quote]
Really? He was easy enough for me to beat if I'm thinking of the right boss, though I was using the Blue Knight so I could freeze him in his tracks when he came after me.

The only boss that's been that hard was the Catfish boss before I figured out the pattern.
For the boss Frisky Tanuki is talking about, there is yet another glitch to exploit, involving throwing him over and over again. At some point, he'll get stuck like that. Remember to hit him a few times afterwards to get him back down to end the level.
Still can't get an online game. Got a friend on live and we're inviting each other. I tried clearing the cache by holding "A" to no avail. Anyone?
So that screen glitch is associated with me not catching the boomerang in time?

Basically im not supposed to kill the boss with the boomerang..only get it NEAR death, catch boomerang, then finish it off. Good to know. I hope Behemoth fixes that lil issue post-haste. It'd be a pain to have to wait weeks for things to get fixed.

Are the online concerns still relevant or was that first-day load?

Anyone having experienced the glitch, knows what the glitch is. It's like the v-sync on your TV goes nutzoid, causing major graphical distortion and basically giving you no chance to know what the hell yer doin. Another example would be hooking up NTSC equipment to a PAL tv...or vice-versa.
OK, I really am getting a bit angry at this now. I couldn't even get into the list of games! I started a custom match and couldn't get my friend in. I had two other people start to join but I didn't get the game going. So after we gave up and decided to both see if we could join a custom game (since quick match keeps saying "game no longer available") what happens? The first time in 10 tries that I even see the list of games it locks my system up completely! fuck this game until they fix the online.
I'm at level 31 ...and had previously 14 animals and 13 weapons

Now Im at level 31 and have NO animals and NO weapons.

I am NOT happy.
[quote name='KingBroly']For the boss Frisky Tanuki is talking about, there is yet another glitch to exploit, involving throwing him over and over again. At some point, he'll get stuck like that. Remember to hit him a few times afterwards to get him back down to end the level.[/quote]

That's how I beat him today soloing the game, I thought I broke the game when he was just in the air losing health, lol.

Since no class for me tomorrow, I'll be playing tonight, if anyone is up late, give me a message if you want to play.
Hey guys I got quick question. I've got some saving issues, where every time I reboot the game I am back at level 1. I make sure it autosaves before I quit and when I reboot the game it's as if I never played it; everything is reset. I did not press Y and reset the stats at the player statistics screen or anything. The leaderboards say that I am a level 9 Blue Knight, but from some reason I can only access a level 1.

Anyone know what's wrong? Thanks in advance.
[quote name='Ma12kez']Hey guys I got quick question. I've got some saving issues, where every time I reboot the game I am back at level 1. I make sure it autosaves before I quit and when I reboot the game it's as if I never played it; everything is reset. I did not press Y and reset the stats at the player statistics screen or anything. The leaderboards say that I am a level 9 Blue Knight, but from some reason I can only access a level 1.

Anyone know what's wrong? Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]
The same thing just happened to me. I played the first couple levels single player, quit to try and play on Live and my stats are reset. Bah?
wow what a fun game...well worth the 1200 points. I will be looking to play some 4 player coop if the multiplayer starts working.
[quote name='joe2187']I'm at level 31 ...and had previously 14 animals and 13 weapons

Now Im at level 31 and have NO animals and NO weapons.

I am NOT happy.[/quote]

Seriously, fuck this. I just had the same thing happen to me too. My game's already had other weird quirks happen to it (my Hominid being stuck with a Pitch Fork, etc) but yea, I tried to join a 4P game with three of my friends and now all my weapons, B button items, and animals are all gone. Luckily it didn't get rid of any of my unlocked chars...but still, that's screwed up. And even if they do fix it eventually, I'm sure we're still shit up the stream without a paddle.

Oh well, at least I still have the all-animals achievement...
There are workarounds to the bad bugs (not online though). There are some good bugs like the Catfish glitch, which also...leads to a game freezing issue if you're not careful.

I think the only benefit of going from level 78 to 99 is getting extra health. I might be wrong, but if I'm not that could make things easier. I'm at 79 at 1006 health. If anyone has a higher level, please share your health for that character.
I'm aroundabout the same as you...getting to 79 to figure it out.

The magic bar is the odd one out...like it might possibly have a second set of stats you can dump points in? It might just mean its when you learn the next spell, so to speak(start with splash, learn bolt, magic jump.....etc.
Huh, I just lost my Bow, shovel, and boomerang. I still have all my other items. Oh well, not too hard to get them back at least.

EDIT: Spoke too soon, there go my animals and weapons.
You do get extra health. I just got from 79 to 80, and it went up 3 to 1009. So, there is SOME point to getting a level 99 character.

EDIT: Also ranked 101st out of 69,443 players. Go CC go!
Me and a friend played almost all day from the beginning, and we were at the final battle
the second to the last form
and we got disconnected! :bomb:
Gah, that 'fix' for the item glitch that was posted on the last page didn't help at all. Damn, I'm not pissed at the Behemoth...they're small as hell and for their size and financial ability the game is just amazing...but couldn't Microsoft have stepped in and helped them with the net code? Considering how long this has been talked about, how supposedly harsh/long Microsoft's certification process is, and to put it as the send-off for their little Summer of Games push...this is pretty lame. And these are happening so frequently that it isn't like they didn't know the damned glitches were gonna happen I'd assume.
Does the stat glitch only affect that character? Or will it spread like a virus to the others?
And reseting the character is hit/miss, or is it guaranteed to not work?
Level 80...1009 hp

Also, the boomerang trick works lovely on just about every boss. I have managed to make it work for the Barbarian, Catfish, and Corn Boss. I'd definitely imagine the later ones would be difficult to pull it off on, but I'd almost bank on the ability to definitely be there, so long as they aren't a "your-sized" player. All the major huge bosses though, yep.

Drats to the no more stat points beyond 78 ;_;

Barbarian on insane took me from 56 all the way to 80 in a matter of an hour or two of consistent play. Once I learned the trick to keep the screen from freaking out, it's been smooth sailing.

I don't think it goes in order of who got it. I wanna know how it's possible to get the 1 (maybe higher) at the end like that. I'm guessing it's attack based.
I'm pretty sure he is since it's 10x as effective on Insane. No joke. 600 vs. 6000. Take your pick.

EDIT: Just got 99. I ranked 15th. The pic doesn't show it, but oh well. It's coming soon.

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I saw X on my friend leaderboards. Crazy shit.

I couldn't connect with various CAGs earlier, but I finally got to play online with RawIsJericho all the way through.

Amazing game that I can't wait to play again. I won't spoil anything, but the ending is the greatest thing in the history of gaming. It's so fucking trippy. The whole game is like one giant acid trip as is.
How do you get Hawkster in the
Tall Grass Level
I know that you are supposed to blow a horn. The only horn I can find is a picture of one at the huts beside the net full of fish (just before Rammy). What do I do here to blow this horn?
[quote name='Zyzomys']How do you get Hawkster in the
Tall Grass Level
I know that you are supposed to blow a horn. The only horn I can find is a picture of one at the huts beside the net full of fish (just before Rammy). What do I do here to blow this horn?

Do you have the horn yet? From that wording, I take it you don't - it's one of your B button items. Later on in the game, after you fight a particular boss, you'll be awarded the horn. Once you have it, come back here and blow it in front of the sign. He'll pop out.
It seems to be when you put your HDD into someone elses xbox.

My situation is bizarre though.

- I was level 18

- Brought HDD to friends xbox

- It reset me to level 1, I played until I hit level 8

- Turned it on the next day and I was back at level 1, didn't play

- Brought the HDD home and put it on my xbox, and I was level 8 :dunce:

Then, for kicks I tried the thing Brolly posted, about starting a live game and exiting out. The only thing that did was put me a stage behind! :dunce:

Um...basically, don't bring your HDD anywhere ;)
[quote name='Megaten']
Do you have the horn yet? From that wording, I take it you don't - it's one of your B button items. Later on in the game, after you fight a particular boss, you'll be awarded the horn. Once you have it, come back here and blow it in front of the sign. He'll pop out.
Thank you! No I do not have the
yet. I will keep looking.
bread's done