XBLA - Castle Crashers - 1200pts - Necromatic DLC 160pts 8/26

I think you're right. It's still selling gangbusters. And even if people who bought the game early are upset the people buying it now won't care. This DLC is going to make them quite a bit of cash.
[quote name='The 7th Number']OH MY GOD 2 DOLLARS!!! I HAVE A 360, 12 MONTHS OF XBLG, AND 15 GAMES BUT I CANT AFFORD 2 DOLLARS!


It's not about what we can and cannot afford. It's about whether were dumb enough to continue paying good money just to be treated like shit.

To each his own, I suppose.

[quote name='KingBroly']The DLC is up, and I'd just like to mention that I called it!

It's a 108kb unlock key[/quote]
So it's something they had done before the game was even released...bravo. Had the patch been out within a month of the game releasing, i could have overlooked this, but as far as i'm concerned, i won't spend another penny on anything made by Behemoth. They are claiming that MS set the price point, and i'm not doubting that, but you don't release one of the best selling games on XBLA (@ 1200 points) and not have a say in pricing. Either way, i haven't really had a desire to go back to this game since i first bought it.

[quote name='KingBroly']The DLC is up, and I'd just like to mention that I called it!

It's a 108kb unlock key[/quote]
Yeah I saw the 108kb and did a /facepalm. I'm still buying it though because I was one of the few that had no issues playing co-op or anything with the game.
...but didn't they claim they were "working on DLC" at the same time they were patching or something similar to that? I could have sworn I read on one of their blog posts that they were developing the DLC concurrently, and it would have to go through certification, etc.

But it's already been on our hard drives.
They are claiming that MS set the price point, and i'm not doubting that, but you don't release one of the best selling games on XBLA (@ 1200 points) and not have a say in pricing. Either way, i haven't really had a desire to go back to this game since i first bought it.


That's a moot argument when it's a release key. If they really cared about making DLC that was already in the game free, they would have released it with the full game. It's not hard to figure out Microsoft would charge for anything taking up bandwidth on XBL.

I wouldn't doubt it if they had many more chracters on there for future DLC...I mean it can't be hard to duplicate another characters moves and change their armor a bit. Really this DLC is barely even worth 2$.
Unlock keys are lame, but the content seems worth $2 to me. The king is a cool character and both weapons in the pack are really good.
I did download it, and for those wondering, on your HDD, it's 56k, half of the original 108kb. Here's what you get in the package:

- The King (Does not have a special intro in story mode, and it looks weird)
- Open-Faced Gray Knight
- King's Scepter (King's Default Weapon)
- Golden Pointed Sword
- Lollipop
- Pelter (Animal Orb) - Occasionally fires ice

I assume the Open-Faced Gray Knight's Weapon is the same as the Gray Knight's, as well as abilities and whatnot. The King's magic attack initially is different, although I can't say much past that.
Here's a nice breakdown of all the DLC from GameFAQs user NekChaos:

The King

1. His splash magic attack is healing. The amount he heals is determined by your magic. Take your total magic (Stats + Weapon + Pet) and divide it by 2. If the amount ends in a decimal, round it up. I'm not sure if it heals the party in co-op but I'm assuming it does.
2. His RT+B and RT+A+B throws golden knives.
3. His magic aura is golden.
4. He starts off with the King's Mace. (It's the official name for it, not the King's Scepter.)
5. I believe, but I need more opinions on this, that the King causes enemies to drop more money. I noted this during the beginning when I saw the Barbarians sometimes dropped more than a 5 gold bag. I don't know if that's normal but I saw them often drop more than usual.
6. So far (I just beat the Corn boss), even though you're the King, the scenes involving the King don't change. Such as the beginning with the Wizard stealing the crystal, the boat during the Catfish boss, and the King riding his horse during the Flowery Fields. The only change I seen so far was that the King NPC wasn't at the beginning of the Tall Grass Fields.

Open Faced Grey/Gray Knight:

I've read from other posts that the Open Faced Gray Knight has no new abilities, he is exactly like the regular Gray Knight, just that his visor is open.

Pelter the Seal

The new pet is a seal named Pelter. He occasionally shoots ice. I tried him and he's not very useful. I don't know if he freezes enemies or not, but I assume he does.


NG Lollipop - Level 1 - +5 Agility
NG Gold Sword - Level 1 - +6 Strength, +1 Magic, +1 Defense (Awesome!)
King's Mace - Level 20 - +3 Strength, +2 Magic, +3 Defense


As for beating the game with either character, I have yet to beat the game with them, but I doubt anything new will unlock. If you beat the game with one of these characters please feel free to post with what happened. If I made any mistakes, feel free to correct me.
[quote name='Spades22']So is the King then pretty good/cheap for multiplayer? In the arena, just run away and heal when you get hit.[/quote]

The healing is in really small increments early on, and even at high levels I don't think it'd be enough to be a benefit in arena; you'd probably get hit more times just trying to use it.

I'd say the King best serves as a good addition to a co-op group as a general healer, but he's limited in single player since you loose a primary attack.
I played some with CAG's tonight, and it was a blast, albeit confusing. The King is is really good for personal healing, but not so much for team healing as teammates have to be really close to get healed. However, I do see him being big in one-on-one fights, because as they could see, the King's healing powers definitely help me win those 2 fights, providing the creepy moments.
I took the plunge and bought Castle Crashers and the add on pack. I couldn't be happier! If anybody see's me on playing just send me an invite to play!
Live activity for Jan 12th -

1 Castle Crashers

2 Worms
3 Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
5 A Kingdom for Keflings
6 Braid
7 Banjo-Kazooie
8 Interpol
9 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
10 Bomberman Live

not sure why people were on the "too bad everybody moved on" deal with the game when the patch came out. looks like quite a few people are still playing it. ;]

i love this game. i had my doubts at first, and was kinda upset with the patch being so late, but i'm fine with it now. :]
Is there any kind of CAG clan for Castle Crashers, or do people just get together randomly. I'd love to play some castle crashers with CAGs once in a while.
Man I finally get my subscription card to play this with others and I catch the red ring syndrome...

Come 2-3 weeks when M$ gives me my stuff back I am certainly down for some online play.
We should get 4 people one of these nights and beat insane mode. My favorite high level dude is the red knight, but i also have a few others I can use if someone else has to be red.

Also, would anyone be interested in playing a game from the start. I have a million level 1 dudes, and I'd love to play through the game with a few cags one of these days.
what's the deal with insane mode? anything special happen? any level recommendations? I have a lvl 38 red knight, and alien homoman is at 20 or so. the rest of my characters are pretty low. :[
Insane mode just has a million more dudes, and they hurt you more, and they have a ton of health themselves.

I have a level 40-something red knight and I can't pass the little flying bat dude to save my life (by myself). It is a lot harder, but it's a ton of fun because the screen just gets totally filled with bad guys sometimes.

I was playing with some random dudes the other night and was able to get a lot farther. I think it's dang near impossible if you're playing alone.
I'd help, but I only have levels 1-15 on all my characters aside from my two level 99s. If there's that big a gap (lvl 40 vs. lvl 99), I'm fairly certain that it raises the difficulty of all enemies to match the higher level - making it very much impossible for the lower levels to stay alive :???:
[quote name='tiredfornow']how the fuck do you get your character to lvl 99? :rofl:[/quote]There used to be XP exploits throughout the game, but they've since been patched.

The leaderboards used to look like this for the longest time :cool:
I was so glad when the patch came out, but I was honestly a little disappointed that they fixed the boomerang trick. It was kind of nice to get a few quick levels if you needed them. It was annoying if multiplayer games if people were "hogging" all the XP though.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']There used to be XP exploits throughout the game, but they've since been patched.

The leaderboards used to look like this for the longest time :cool:[/quote]that kinda stinks the top spots are all cheaters. :[

[quote name='ChunkyB']I was so glad when the patch came out, but I was honestly a little disappointed that they fixed the boomerang trick. It was kind of nice to get a few quick levels if you needed them. It was annoying if multiplayer games if people were "hogging" all the XP though.[/quote]well, you can always just delete the patch and do 'em offline if you need the levels.
[quote name='tiredfornow']

well, you can always just delete the patch and do 'em offline if you need the levels.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. That's what I had to do to get the Alien Hominid Gun a few days ago (apparently the patch made that impossible too).
Before the patch came out, you could play with alien hominid and pick up the pitchfork in the first level. You would drop your gun, and then someone else could pick it up. So then any of your characters can use the gun.

The patch made it so the alien couldn't pick up the pitchfork, and, from the sounds of it, any other weapon. But, if you're able to get the alien gun from someone else, you can still use it.

I think they didn't originally intend for the alien to use any other weapon, or for anyone else to use the alien's gun, so I guess that was seen as a glitch.
[quote name='tiredfornow']that kinda stinks the top spots are all cheaters. :[
[/quote]More like..opportunists :cool:

It wasn't worth it, though. I think I received at least two or three XBL messages a day, along with 10 invitations from random-ass $$$$as, asking how to do various things in the game. However, since I posted about it back in the day, there's been a new wave of people glitching their way up the leaderboards and my score has been completely overshadowed ever since.
Is there something wrong with the rest of the characters? How come everybody chooses Red?
[quote name='ChunkyB']Before the patch came out, you could play with alien hominid and pick up the pitchfork in the first level. You would drop your gun, and then someone else could pick it up. So then any of your characters can use the gun.

The patch made it so the alien couldn't pick up the pitchfork, and, from the sounds of it, any other weapon. But, if you're able to get the alien gun from someone else, you can still use it.

I think they didn't originally intend for the alien to use any other weapon, or for anyone else to use the alien's gun, so I guess that was seen as a glitch.[/quote]ahh, I see. Thanks.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I cheated.[/quote]I know, dude, wtf is wrong with you?
[quote name='tiredfornow']Is there something wrong with the rest of the characters? How come everybody chooses Red?[/quote]He's got the cheapest/most effective magic.

Your boy X is all about that Orange Knight and Fire Demon - fire magic is waaaay too bawlin' not to use :cool:
[quote name='tiredfornow']I still need to mack up on those four hoes in a multi$$$$a game too, so maybe you can help me out with that one. :D[/quote]I usually don't let $$$$as all up on my women, but I can make an exception here. I still need to revive the whole team, does that sound like a fair trade-off?
bread's done