XBLA - Castle Crashers - 1200pts - Necromatic DLC 160pts 8/26

[quote name='HotShotX']Well if that's how you feel, paypal me $15, and I'll email you an image of a naked woman. However, I'll completely fuck up the delivery and instead email you an image of a middle finger, take 4 months to roll in your money, and then send you the photo of a naked woman, which I probably could have done a lot sooner.


PayPal sent. Oh man, I can't wait to get my naked woman picture from HotShotX...that last picture he sent was brilliant and I've been waiting for him to release a new picture for a while now.
we have no specific time frame for the release as the entire update and certification process is entirely under MS discretion. What can I say you ask ? Well we’ve addressed the data loss issues, networking issues, and other random bugs that we were able to fix. John mentioned back in October that the title was sent to Microsoft for testing and certification and that information still holds true to this day. Testing and certification have several different steps and we’ve been trying to get through them all. More information to come as I receive it.


No mention of the DLC, but here's hoping :pray:
Wait, the patch is up now?


Some of the issues that we’ve addressed with this update are:
Saved data loss issues
Quick Match/Custom Match multiplayer games not working/displaying error messages
Xbox LIVE games dropping unexpectedly
Arena Master achievement will now unlock after any mixed arena matches.
Overall network performance improvements
A few crash bugs
NXE related issues
Max experience cap lifted
Boomerang exploit is now resolved
Alien Hominid can now drop the pitchfork!
There are other issues as well and I’ll be gathering the full list and making another update as soon as I can gather all the info together. On behalf of everyone here at The Behemoth I want to thank those who helped out with awesome feedback and support. Although we couldn’t give you daily updates or an exclusive look into the inner workings of how a title update is developed and released we hope that the information that was provided helped inform everyone a little bit more on the process. Thanks again, and we hope you all have a safe holiday break!
[quote name='VidPower']so what's the final verdict on the patch? does it fix or not fix online?[/quote]

Wait a few days if you're using it to decide on whether or not to buy the game.

[quote name='georox']Son of a bitch they broke the game![/QUOTE]
:lol: I have no problems getting rid of boosting in favor of playing with 3 other people. But at the time it looks like its still up in the air whether the patch actually works.
patch worked for me. ive played ranked matches on arena and a 4-player coop.

so far so good, yes the boomerang is fixed, but im still trying to figure out if level 99 is max or not. it says max xp was removed so i should be seeing people level 100 soon
[quote name='HotShotX']fucking game just booted me and Syn. I want my 1200 pts back.


I just played an entire play-through of the game with two of my friends. There was alittle lag at times, but the game held up fine until we finished.

So, the patch did work, because I tried paying with these same friends before the patch, and we couldn't even last 5 minutes without getting booted.
IDK who made up the rumor about the DLC and why people chose to believe said user...

Absolutely no mention of any kind of free DLC with the patch anywhere at all, no idea why people are bitching over something that never existed.

DLC is in the future and you'll probably have to pay for it. Cry about it.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']IDK who made up the rumor about the DLC and why people chose to believe said user...

Absolutely no mention of any kind of free DLC with the patch anywhere at all, no idea why people are bitching over something that never existed.

DLC is in the future and you'll probably have to pay for it. Cry about it.[/quote]
Hey, here's an idea. Try reading the thread before making stupid posts. People were figuring that the patch would come out around the time that the DLC did, and were hoping that as a sort of apology to those of us that have had the game since launch and had to deal with all the problems, that they might give the DLC to us for free. Nobody is complaining about the lack of free DLC. People are complaining that the patch didn't fix things for everyone. Sure, there might have been one or two idiots bitching about no DLC, but they're the minority. Try reading next time, eh?
[quote name='A Happy Panda']IDK who made up the rumor about the DLC and why people chose to believe said user...

Absolutely no mention of any kind of free DLC with the patch anywhere at all, no idea why people are bitching over something that never existed.


Their wording is a little confusing there. They didn't actually say it would come with the patch, whoops.

Also the Saturn d-pad was better for fighting games than the SNES one.
Man this game is a load of fun with friends and family. We were having so much fun that the non-gamers of the family were interested. I don't mind paying so much for the game now.
The patch works, though there is some freezing and sluggishness during some parts while playing four-player online co-op. However, it is a small issue.
[quote name='YodaEXE']Hey, here's an idea. Try reading the thread before making stupid posts. People were figuring that the patch would come out around the time that the DLC did, and were hoping that as a sort of apology to those of us that have had the game since launch and had to deal with all the problems, that they might give the DLC to us for free. Nobody is complaining about the lack of free DLC. People are complaining that the patch didn't fix things for everyone. Sure, there might have been one or two idiots bitching about no DLC, but they're the minority. Try reading next time, eh?[/QUOTE]

Oh I'm sorry, so people DID make assumptions about free DLC that was never going to come? People HOPING and FIGURING that the patch would come with free DLC despite there was never ever any official mention from Behemoth. Also, there's only been about 2 posts from people on this forum saying that the patch did not fix everything completely. Most every complaint has been about how people haven't been compensated with free DLC that was never ever promised.

Even the guy who mentioned the free chainsaw and king character said it was their mistake by misreading the writing from the kotaku article.
I was always thinking about buying this game, but i always heard it deleted your data of the character. Did they happen to fix that in the patch?
[quote name='KingBroly']Yes, it was mentioned in the patch notes on the Behemoth's site.[/quote]

Yeah, lots of stuff was mentioned in there, but I heard that stuff didn't get fixed. I'm wondering your guys experiences with the patch so far. Lemme know!:hot:
I popped this in tonight for the first time in months. It's still very fun,but I had no idea how hard it is on solo play. I'm talking regular mode, not insane. I had to start all over since I lost my stats and characters. I'd only done 2 player, and some very laggy, non-lasting 3 player, before.

If anyone wants to party up, let me know.
[quote name='dropbearGSH']so what's the general consensus on whether the patch worked or not?[/quote]

Well, saves stay saved and the boomerang glitch doesn't work.
[quote name='dropbearGSH']so what's the general consensus on whether the patch worked or not?[/quote]It seems to only boot you if someone in the game is lagging. I got disconnected frequently when I played four player co-op, but once the person with the bad connection left, all was perfect.
I need to play with 3 others so I can get the Medic Achievement. I also desperately want to play through the entire game from start to finish, no breaks with 3 others.
[quote name='KingBroly']I need to play with 3 others so I can get the Medic Achievement. I also desperately want to play through the entire game from start to finish, no breaks with 3 others.[/quote]

Once I have room again (20GB hard drive is full, 120 on the way) I think I'm going to download this finally. Something tells me I'll like it, but I'm wondering if I'm going to want to play this while I'm playing Fable II. Seems like like something I'll get more into after I'm done with Fable.
King Pack DLC Tomorrow for a measly 160pts:
Thanks to one helpful Major Nelson, we've just been informed that Castle Crashers' firstest downloadable content will be releasing to the Xbox Live Marketplace this Wednesday and will be priced at 160 Microsoft points. The King Pack is the DLC's name and if the name is any indication of what'll be included in the paid content, we'd say there'd be a king involved in it somewhere.



I'll definitely be picking this up.
yeah I just read that and was happy i have exactly 200 points left over from the last time I bout 1000 points online. I'll probably pick this up, it'd be nice to see people get back into this now because it's a great game.
Too little, too late. The first pack should have been released for free considering we paid 1200 points for a broken game (i know for a fact a lot of us bought CC for the co-op...which was broken for 4+ months).
I know it a measly amount of points, but nothing in the pack really seems worth while. Not enough in it toi make me wanna play this game again. A few new stages though..........
[quote name='SynGamer']Too little, too late. The first pack should have been released for free considering we paid 1200 points for a broken game (i know for a fact a lot of us bought CC for the co-op...which was broken for 4+ months).[/quote]
I can't wait for this pack. Unlike most people I have never really had any major issues with the game and always enjoyed playing with friends. Wednesday will be the Return of the King!
I'm waiting to see how big the file size is. I have a hunch that it's going to be one of the 108kb ones.

And isn't it just the King and the Open-Faced Gray Knight, a new Orb, a new Weapon, and an Item?
[quote name='KingBroly']I'm waiting to see how big the file size is. I have a hunch that it's going to be one of the 108kb ones.

And isn't it just the King and the Open-Faced Gray Knight[/quote]I thought it was those two + the Necromancer (gray/black knight with the wings) and the Wizard Knight (final boss). That, along with new animals and weapons.

Edit: nevermind, I just saw the update for the DLC. Oh well, the two new characters are cool as well.
Well its sure cheap enough, but it's kind of lame that they'd bother charging for it since they didn't patch the game for months whereas they told everyone it would be done quickly. It's 2 bucks, like everyone said, so I don't know why they'd be such cheapskates and bother charging for it at all. I mean, if your game is the top played live game, even when its broken, the least you can do is prevent angering your customers by ripping a toonie out of their pockets :D
bread's done