XBLA - Castle Crashers - 1200pts - Necromatic DLC 160pts 8/26

For some reason, I still want to blame Microsoft for having such crappy QA testers. They couldn't tell the damn game didn't work?
Biggest Fail of the Year!

I actually really hate Behemoth right now. They had action figures, shirts, but a functional game??? No, that'd be ridiculous. They clearly spent too much time on the art and not enough on the programming or testing the game. It has more than just network issues. The Co-op is just fail. Often times a character will get stuck floating on the screen.
Also, while I think the jump and attack is the most effective method, it's horribly cheap. It ruins Arena mode.
I think the only thing not broken atm is All you Can Quaff.
Hopefully something eventually happens, this is stupid.

I only ever got one game to work through Live, every attempt after that has always resulted in getting kicked out once we pick characters.
The patch was apparently sent out to MS for certification. 3 months after the game came out and we're seeing a patch? Noo thanks. :/
Damn. I didn't know about the data reset bug! I Just finished the game with a friend a couple of days ago and was about to play through it again. I'll wait for the patch.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Their incompetence ruined this game. Same story as with Alien Hominid, they release it broken and by the time they fix it everybody moved on...way on.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I hope that in the future, all parties will look back on this and realize that a great game can be ruined by poor online infrastructure.

That being said, I doubt Behemoth really cares, because they already have your monies. I feel like my MS points should be refunded to my account. I paid for something that was only half-there.
[quote name='yukafls']See whats sad is that when they fix it, it won't be popular and no one will be on it.[/quote]

I think a bunch of people on here will be down to play it. I know I will...
Yeah it should have worked right from day one, but at least it's getting fixed. If you bought it and don't want to play the fixed version, you're just being a whiny git.
I'll be happy when its fixed but I still feel as though they owe us some sort of DLC/more levels as compensation for a faulty game for this long.
Castle Crashers played its role as filler during a dry spell. Now, near the end of the great 4th Quarter 2008 release-o-rama, it's a bit too late. I have had my fill of Castle Crashers and moved on to better games.
I think if they made some free DLC available it might get interest back in the game (maybe in the form of The King or the Necromancer), but it's pretty much lost for this game. I'll go back to it for achievements once the patch is put up, but nothing else.
Quick question:

I was going to download this game today to play with 3 friends in the living room on the big screen. Is this "fatal bug" going to ruin the game for us?

Also, can people jump in at anytime, arcade style?

[quote name='LinkinPrime']Local play doesn't have any issues...its when you play on Live from what I've heard.[/quote]

Actually, it does have some offline issues. I only played the story mode with my nephew offline a couple times. When I went back to the game a few days later, my characters/stats/animals were gone. I remember another person or two mentioning the same issue a few pages back.

However, signing out and signing in to my profile within game brought my stuff back. I still consider this a game issue, and I don't know if signing out/in works for everyone.
wow, this sucks. my bro loves this game, but with all the bugs it is not worth it. i'll be careful when it comes to this publishers future releases.
[quote name='Rig']Actually, it does have some offline issues. I only played the story mode with my nephew offline a couple times. When I went back to the game a few days later, my characters/stats/animals were gone. I remember another person or two mentioning the same issue a few pages back.

However, signing out and signing in to my profile within game brought my stuff back. I still consider this a game issue, and I don't know if signing out/in works for everyone.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that happened to a friend of mine as-well, he had all weapons / pets (as-far as I know), and was close to level 99.. had his girlfriend over, wanted to play multiplayer (locally), and... *poof!* glitch appear.

So, now I'm not touching this game until they finally patch it.. which won't happen for quite some time. I remember waiting since what, the release of Alien Hominid HD, for them to patch the "hat" glitch? They are a great gaming company, and make fantastic games, but they sure do suck big time when it comes to maintenance and patching of their games.
The main problem I see with the save files is that they aren't separate from the game itself (like almost every other game). Might just be my opinion though.

I think that the patch failed certification, otherwise it would've been put out already. It's been in the certification process for how long now? 2, 3 weeks? No patch takes that long when it's announced it's been sent to certification.
Yeah this is bullshit. I'm tired of getting screwed like this on these digital downloads. No refund but feel free to play the same first 3 levels over and over just to have to do it again tomorrow....FUN!
[quote name='Rocko']...Personally, I haven't run into a single problem with the game.[/QUOTE]

I've only had 1 problem. My nephew and I were playing co op. We played a bit then stopped. The next day we went to play, and all the work I did the previous day didn't save for me but it saved my nephews stats. It was pretty aggravating since we put in about 2-3 hours and we had to do it all over again.
[quote name='Rocko']...Personally, I haven't run into a single problem with the game.[/QUOTE]

Same here, and I finished it co-op.

Well I did have a couple spots where the players got dropped, but it was easy to remedy.
I haven't had any problems other than it makes me not want to play it. Still no update, yet they found time to create a Premium Theme.
To those of you who haven't had issues, congrats. I hope your characters last longer than the rest of ours have. As for this new Premium Theme business: I have a few things to say about that in my CAG blog.
Yeah my issue on my game is that I have to load the game, try to start a new game, all my characters are at level 0, I have to then quit, sign out, sign back in then restart a game and magicly my stuff is back. Problem is I don't want to risk losing all my stuff so I have stopped playing thinking the patch would be been released months ago. ere we are half way through Novemeber and not a word.
For those of you who are losing your characters, when you log in and your stuff is gone DO NOT START A NEW GAME. Go online an create and online match, then back out and check your stats again, everything should be back.
Well, you can look at it 2 ways:

A - The patch failed certification so they had to start again (they had previously said that the patch was sent to Microsoft)
B - They lied about sending the patch to Microsoft in the first place
I loved playing this game solo (and local co-op) but now this 'patch/no patch/blame microsoft/take 3 months/push action figures to hope we forget about it' crap has pretty much convinced me not to buy another game from The Behemoth.
Anyone still playing this? I just picked it up and had a great time with my cousin playing local coop but when I head back home, I'll be on XBL looking for players.
I haven't played it since I bought it, pretty sad since I was pretty excited for this game. But I did buy it mostly for co-op, and it works like shit.
I honestly wish i could get a refund on this. My desire to play is has completely worn off and it amazes me there still isn't a patch out yet. If they release DLC for this and charge even a cent, i'm boycotting their games for life. This is just an overall piss-poor way to treat their customers.
Wow that sucks. It was fun in local coop so I'll just have to be content with that. I wonder why these problems aren't more prominently talked about. I hit the wikipedia page for the game and it said nothing about coop problems.
They'd do well to coincide the patch with a free DLC pack, but they're probably going to charge us $5 for that first DLC pack, which can kiss my dick at that price.
I don't think we're going to see this patch until at least mid January. And if the DLC isn't free, at least for a while, they've lost a good deal of their fans, myself included.
I'm going back to this game but now I remember why I stopped playing.

I am stuck on Lava World. I cant beat the boss/dragon at the end with the sock. For the life of me I die in two seconds from fire and rocks. Please help. I'm a level 26 blue knight.
Wail on the dragon with air combos until it does something...either the sock or the dragon does something to signal the fire. Once it does it, just stop air combo-ing and it should shoot fire over you. Then it will drop the rock. All you have to do is find a spot to stand so it will bounce over you. Obviously, it's been a while since I played it.
I think releasing the patch with a "I'm sorry" free DLC pack would help things a little. I still haven't purchased it because of the online issues and I'm not really sure I even care about the game anymore...but just enough to keep my eye out for the patch.
bread's done