XBLA - Castle Crashers - 1200pts - Necromatic DLC 160pts 8/26

[quote name='LinkinPrime']Enough with the arguing please.[/QUOTE]

So you're going to delete everyone else's posts except the one that sparked the conversation? It wasn't exactly like we were telling each other to suck our dicks or anything.
[quote name='deadgopher']So you're going to delete everyone else's posts except the one that sparked the conversation? It wasn't exactly like we were telling each other to suck our dicks or anything.[/quote]
So i'm not entitled to an opinion now? Anyway, the more i see, the more i like. I'll try the demo but i think i can spare 1200 points for this game.
What the hell happened to CHEAP Ass Gamers? MS could have said "uhhh... 4000 points?" and some of you people would have swooned with delight.
[quote name='kevlar51']What the hell happened to CHEAP Ass Gamers? MS could have said "uhhh... 4000 points?" and some of you people would have swooned with delight.[/QUOTE]
Oh. Ok. But it's 1,200 points.
I think it was said Braid sold on Arcade very well, I can't imagine how well Castle Crashers is going to do now with this price tag! Hopefully Behemoth will continue support of the game with level packs or something like that.
So, do we have any hype for this game here, fellow 360 friends?

Somehow, over all these years, I never got Alien Hominid... till about a week ago. It's been fun to go through, I finally get to see the fullness of The Behemoth's Style. It's made me anticipate Castle Crashers a bit more.

I wonder if this will pull me away from Soul Calibur IV any... with all the modes, character leveling, item hunting, etc...
The only thing i didn't like about AH was it was a bit on the hard side (for me at least). Admittedly, i don't play a lot of these type of games so perhaps it was actually easy, but i found AH hard so hopefully Castle Crashers is a bit more balanced.
[quote name='SynGamer']The only thing i didn't like about AH was it was a bit on the hard side (for me at least). Admittedly, i don't play a lot of these type of games so perhaps it was actually easy, but i found AH hard so hopefully Castle Crashers is a bit more balanced.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I agree.

I will most likely get it on launch day (since i have the day off). If anyone wants to play, let me know.
[quote name='SynGamer']The only thing i didn't like about AH was it was a bit on the hard side (for me at least). Admittedly, i don't play a lot of these type of games so perhaps it was actually easy, but i found AH hard so hopefully Castle Crashers is a bit more balanced.[/quote]

Yeah, this actually does look addressed in CC. If everyone dies, there is no big, blunt "game over", the way it sounds. You'll just get kicked out to the map screen, and have to start the stage over. But you keep your experience, so you'll be stronger going in. And if at least one party member is alive, you should be able to preform CPR on the fallen allies, in order to revive them.

AH is surprisingly hard at points, I'll agree to that. I haven't officially beat it myself yet...
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Now I'm thinking that they might sell the game for 1200pts when it does finally come out. :roll:[/quote]
No way!

I'll be getting this! :)
This is the rare case where nobody is complaining about a higher price point. I have a feeling that this could be the top seller on XBLA this year. Can't wait.
[quote name='Decker']This is the rare case where nobody is complaining about a higher price point. I have a feeling that this could be the top seller on XBLA this year. Can't wait.[/quote]

I would honestly be willing to pay 20 bucks for a game like this. I would give up a full 1600 points card of maybe even 2000 for it. :D
i guess i have to get this based on hype and whatnot... plus i have some 3000+ points and the ONLY other XBLA i wanted this year i'm getting free via a Banjo Pre-Order... so this is a co-op beat em up? i need to make sure the achievements aren't too difficult before i commit to buying this...
[quote name='eminemobied12']i guess i have to get this based on hype and whatnot... plus i have some 3000+ points and the ONLY other XBLA i wanted this year i'm getting free via a Banjo Pre-Order... so this is a co-op beat em up? i need to make sure the achievements aren't too difficult before i commit to buying this...[/quote]

The achievements are not tough, pretty much on the easy side. Check them out for yourself.
what took this game so damn long to come out... this is the game (along with Gears) that made me buy an xbox. damn, now I need a wi fi adapter.
What time do they usually get games up on XBLA? I've gotta get some points for Wednesday, but I should be able to grab it as soon as it's released.
2 PM PST, which sucks for me, because that means 5 AM for me. Really can't wait for this game, and I hope that the Alien is really fun to play as!
[quote name='Rig']What time do they usually get games up on XBLA? I've gotta get some points for Wednesday, but I should be able to grab it as soon as it's released.[/quote]

Usually 3 or 4 AM CST.
[quote name='Rig']What time do they usually get games up on XBLA? I've gotta get some points for Wednesday, but I should be able to grab it as soon as it's released.[/quote]

They're up at 2am pst/5am est. Some arcades games get released 1 hour before the regular time and some don't. So you might want to check the arcade new arrival section 1 hour before, it might be up.
Holy Shi*

I was just checking to make sure I have 1200 points, and there on the screen, showed 1100 points. WTF THIS IS NOT HAPPENING TO ME!!
[quote name='v1et r1ce']Holy Shi*

I was just checking to make sure I have 1200 points, and there on the screen, showed 1100 points. WTF THIS IS NOT HAPPENING TO ME!![/quote]

Maybe you can find someone with some of those 200 or 400 Point Microsoft cards lying around. Anyone got some from a vision pack or such lying around?

-hums CC title screen music, because it's cool-
Less than 11 hours left!! I'm just gonna get someone's credit card and buy some points since I don't have a CC myself.
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Would spending the $5.25 or however much it is and loading the 500 points in your account really be a big deal if you wanted this game?

I am on central time (too late to stay up), just started class this week (9am), and then have to work a double....plus whatever homework.

I am going to try and go to bed early tonite so I can wake up at like 6 and play for a couple of hours.

same here. I don't think im gonna stay up @ 4am CST to play it but the afternoon will be flooded w/ little knights slashing away at giant cats.
bread's done