XBLA - Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix - 1200pts

[quote name='DJSteel']Is Street Fighter II HF on XBL? so why not just update that instead? it's a bunch of bs...[/QUOTE]

Because it's a different game.
What's hilarious is that when the first SF 2 came out on Live, we were told they didn't want to double dip on Live and this is the definitive version of Street Fighter 2 we were getting, that they don't want to have multiple versions of the same game up.

What a crock of shit that was.
[quote name='DJSteel']what's is so different that an update wouldn't fix?[/QUOTE]

Can't fill Capcom's pockets with an update, hombre.
exactly... in the end we'll see 5 versions of Street Fighter on XBLA...and achievement whores and huge SF fans will still buy it.. thus making this practice okay in producers and in MS's eyes...this is one practice that needs to stop.
[quote name='DJSteel']exactly... in the end we'll see 5 versions of Street Fighter on XBLA...and achievement whores and huge SF fans will still buy it.. thus making this practice okay in producers and in MS's eyes...this is one practice that needs to stop.[/QUOTE]

To be fair, while I see where you're coming from, and I'm sure "can we make money on it?" was the only question Capcom used before deciding to charge for it as a new game, another element to consider is that it's coming to the PSN as well. Capcom surely couldn't give the title away as an update on XBLA and charge PSN users for it, else they'd suffer from charges of favoritism.

Now, of course, if the price for the title is different from XBLA and PSN (the latter tends to be cheaper, but the multiplatform DLC will really prove that), then my explanation is all shot to hell. ;)
[quote name='Roufuss']What's hilarious is that when the first SF 2 came out on Live, we were told they didn't want to double dip on Live and this is the definitive version of Street Fighter 2 we were getting, that they don't want to have multiple versions of the same game up.

What a crock of shit that was.[/QUOTE]

Was that another Canessa line? If so, its not surprising. The man had shit literally falling out of his mouth when I met him. Also, as a result, he didn't smell that great.
[quote name='DJSteel']what's is so different that an update wouldn't fix?[/QUOTE]

While the basic gameplay stays the same, overall Hyper is much different than SSF2x. Tiers, combos, specials, priorities, they aren't all the same. Not to mention Super Turbo introduced supers, and has 4 more characters than Hyper, and hence 4 new backgrounds and music. Basically it wouldn't be an update, it would have to be a replacement.

Hey why not just upgrade 2nd Impact to Third Strike. ;)

Even if it were possible to update it, I wouldn't want them to. I'd want to be able to play each game separately since they both play differently.

I hope we do see 5 versions of SF on XBLA.

Hyper, SSF2x, Alpha 2, Alpha 3 and Third Strike work for me. Shit make it 6, I wouldn't mind seeing 2nd Impact as well.
[quote name='terribledeli']Was that another Canessa line? If so, its not surprising. The man had shit literally falling out of his mouth when I met him. Also, as a result, he didn't smell that great.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I think it was.

I remember I was pretty upset when we didn't get SSF II Turbo to begin with, and was told that Canessa had told developers that only one version of a game was going to be on the marketplace so they better pick the definitive version.
[quote name='DJSteel']what's is so different that an update wouldn't fix?[/QUOTE]Well the implication is that they are scrapping 100% of the original graphics. That goes far beyond the scope of a mere "update" in my opinion! If they were just giving us an ST rom it would be different.
[quote name='Roufuss']Yea, I think it was.

I remember I was pretty upset when we didn't get SSF II Turbo to begin with, and was told that Canessa had told developers that only one version of a game was going to be on the marketplace so they better pick the definitive version.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. It was an interview with EGM. His words were something along the lines of "The arcade isn't a dumping ground to put your PSOne ports online". I remember he cited UMK3 as the definite version of Mortal Kombat so we had no reason for MK2.
[quote name='BustaUppa']If they were just giving us an ST rom it would be different.[/QUOTE]

No it wouldn't.

In addition to what I posted above, Hyper is a CPS1 game, Super Turbo is a CPS2 game. Different hardware. You can't just update the rom, you'd have to replace it.
[quote name='DJSteel']exactly... in the end we'll see 5 versions of Street Fighter on XBLA...and achievement whores and huge SF fans will still buy it.. thus making this practice okay in producers and in MS's eyes...this is one practice that needs to stop.[/QUOTE]

Why does it need to stop? It makes money and keeps the fans happy, and it's not like you have to purcahse the new one or anything.
[quote name='buttasuperb']No it wouldn't.

In addition to what I posted above, Hyper is a CPS1 game, Super Turbo is a CPS2 game. Different hardware. You can't just update the rom, you'd have to replace it.[/QUOTE]Agreed. I was mainly just trying to reason with the indignant folks. :D
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Why does it need to stop? It makes money and keeps the fans happy, and it's not like you have to purcahse the new one or anything.[/QUOTE]

I can understand being unhappy with the original promise that franchises will only have one iteration on XBLA. We saw that when UMK3 came out on XBLA, but MKII was not, and was released on PSN. At that point, I took them seriously with regard to franchise exclusivity - no rehashes.

So, I could reasonably argue that, when I bought SFIIHF, I expected it to be the only XBLA release of the SFII series. The new title is different enough that it can't be upgraded. Fine. Yet, it sure does violate the idea we all had - that we wouldn't see "double dipping" on XBLA.

It looks good, and if the graphics pan out and the gameplay is largely lag-free, I'm in. OTOH, I don't advocate the approach you take, which suggests it keeps the fans happy. Like much DLC this generation, it seems nice on the surface, but with people buying 100KB "unlock key" files which masquerade as DLC (and the items are already on the software disc), there's reason to say fans aren't all happy. When people explode with anger at the high price of Guitar Hero tracks, and make accusations that these songs could have easily made it onto the GHII disc, we can't say everyone is happy.

The digital era is just starting. Be smart, and don't give companies carte blanche to exploit you for every dollar you own.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Why does it need to stop? It makes money and keeps the fans happy, and it's not like you have to purcahse the new one or anything.[/quote]

true but it hampers releases.. If a street fighter is released.. then I don't expect to see anymore...
[quote name='DJSteel']true but it hampers releases.. If a street fighter is released.. then I don't expect to see anymore...[/quote]

Please. Please, for what remains of your dignity, just leave the thread.

[quote name='derder']Please. Please, for what remains of your dignity, just leave the thread.


shut the f up..
[quote name='ananag112']Why don't they just bring SF III with updated graphics to XBLA?[/QUOTE]

Oh, they are going to do that once they gouge every one out of their money for SF 2, telling every one it will be the "definitive" version of Street Fighter and then BAM, here comes a straight port of Street Fighter 3, and then BAM, an updated graphics port of Street Fighter 3 Third Strike.
[quote name='DJSteel']lol Roufuss..you are right.. I'm just surprise Mortal Kombat hasn't done it yet...[/QUOTE]

I guess because, like Myke said, they were originally told one definitive version, so they just took Mortal Kombat 2 and put it on the PSN instead.

I guarantee the 360 would have seen MK 2 if Canessa didn't tell developers that.

I also bet Midway is probably going to throw MK Trilogy on XBL if they get a chance.
Yech. MKT is the same fucking thing as MK3 and UMK3. The gameplay in MK2 is different enough that I'd rather see that on XBLA. Not that it matters, since I have it on PSN. I'm just sayin'.
[quote name='Roufuss']Oh, they are going to do that once they gouge every one out of their money for SF 2, telling every one it will be the "definitive" version of Street Fighter and then BAM, here comes a straight port of Street Fighter 3, and then BAM, an updated graphics port of Street Fighter 3 Third Strike.[/QUOTE]

That would be fine with me and many others.

The one game per franchise idea was a dumb one in the first place.
[quote name='mykevermin']I can understand being unhappy with the original promise that franchises will only have one iteration on XBLA. We saw that when UMK3 came out on XBLA, but MKII was not, and was released on PSN. At that point, I took them seriously with regard to franchise exclusivity - no rehashes.

So, I could reasonably argue that, when I bought SFIIHF, I expected it to be the only XBLA release of the SFII series. The new title is different enough that it can't be upgraded. Fine. Yet, it sure does violate the idea we all had - that we wouldn't see "double dipping" on XBLA.

It looks good, and if the graphics pan out and the gameplay is largely lag-free, I'm in. OTOH, I don't advocate the approach you take, which suggests it keeps the fans happy. Like much DLC this generation, it seems nice on the surface, but with people buying 100KB "unlock key" files which masquerade as DLC (and the items are already on the software disc), there's reason to say fans aren't all happy. When people explode with anger at the high price of Guitar Hero tracks, and make accusations that these songs could have easily made it onto the GHII disc, we can't say everyone is happy.

The digital era is just starting. Be smart, and don't give companies carte blanche to exploit you for every dollar you own.[/QUOTE]

Again, just don't buy it then. If enough people agree with you and follow your example, Capacom will never try it again, if the majority doesn't agree with you, then I guess you would be S.O.L. Of course either way really doesn't change anything.
it's like releasing a DVD..and saying that this will be the only version of the DVD that will be released...then less than 1 yr later releasing a special edition...
Didn't think of this before, and wonder I didn't, but I'm guessing the PC versions of these will be Windows Live? if so... nice. Cross platform play with puzzle fighter makes it all the more nice.
This is definitely just the beginning. Immagine what else they might do down the road, especially with the live action street fighter movies coming in the next few years.
[quote name='DJSteel']it's like releasing a DVD..and saying that this will be the only version of the DVD that will be released...then less than 1 yr later releasing a special edition...[/QUOTE]

Ha! This is Street Fighter. they've been rereleasing it's various incarnations for almost 20 years. There's no stopping it and there's no use in bitching--everybody, the gaming media and all gamers included, gave up on complaining about it a few years ago. as long as they can pace themselves, they'll be re-releasing SF games forever.

and you know what? It's actually come full circle-- At first, I awaited the next SF2 game, then SSF2T came out and I stopped caring until SF3, then SF3 went through 2 upgrades and I thought they went too far, then SFA3 came out on 10 platforms and I thought I was done with it until SFA:Anthology came out...

and now I'm back to being very excited for the next SF2, SF3, or Alpha re-release no matter how many times I've bought it. :lol: I guess it's just that good of a series. It could be worse-- they could have released Resident Evil again on XBL.
[quote name='Roufuss']Oh, they are going to do that once they gouge every one out of their money for SF 2, telling every one it will be the "definitive" version of Street Fighter and then BAM, here comes a straight port of Street Fighter 3, and then BAM, an updated graphics port of Street Fighter 3 Third Strike.[/QUOTE]Well honestly, I'd have no problem with them putting out both Super Turbo and Third Strike. Both games are still played regularly at tournaments; it's not as if one of those games effectively "replaced" the other.

However, going from regular SF3 to Third Strike would definitely be a shady double-dip. If they released regular SF3, I'd just sit that round out and wait for the inevitable Third Strike.

The thing with Super Turbo is that it's basically as far as you can go within the "II" family of Street Fighter games. So in that sense, it is a "safe" purchase. Anything beyond that is going into the realm of Alpha or SF3 - separate branches of the Street Fighter universe that really do deserve their own distinct XBLA releases. If the options were offered, I'd gladly purchase HD versions of ST, Alpha 3, and 3s, and not feel ripped off. They shouldn't be released as "updates" because I wouldn't want to overwrite ST.
WOW. Looks amazing. Big improvement over the original.

good graphics.

hopefully the U.S. team won't screw up the fighting engine [/racist]
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I hope the backrounds get a facelift as well.[/QUOTE]

They will. This is just an image which a person on the forum made to compare the improvement of the character models. The backgrounds have not been shown yet.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']still waiting to see if Zangief is still manly.[/QUOTE]
Nothing can make Zangief not manly. Nothing.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']still waiting to see if Zangief is still manly.[/QUOTE]

I hear he's just going to be a big ball of chest hair in this game.
note to everyone... here's a preview of every fighter's look basically since they will all be based off the same artists who did the body and portrait shots for SFII on the GBA:

[quote name='RelentlessRolento']note to everyone... here's a preview of every fighter's look basically since they will all be based off the same artists who did the body and portrait shots for SFII on the GBA:

[/quote] Slightly OT, but is this game any good? I want to buy a fighter for either GBA or DS but I doubt a portable fighter would be much fun.
[quote name='mrchainsaw']Slightly OT, but is this game any good? I want to buy a fighter for either GBA or DS but I doubt a portable fighter would be much fun.[/QUOTE]

best fighter you can pick up for DS and/or GBA is SF Alpha 3 Upper/Advance... it's really really really good for a gba game.
[quote name='Jek Porkins']Nothing can make Zangief not manly. Nothing.[/quote]
Exactly. BTW, I have the best pic of a guy I met that cosplayed as Zangief. Beautiful stuff.
Oh yeah, If it looks this good, this is SO mine.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']best fighter you can pick up for DS and/or GBA is SF Alpha 3 Upper/Advance... it's really really really good for a gba game.[/quote] I've read good things about it, but doesn't the fact that SF uses six buttons make it really annoying to use with 4? I guess so many people can't be wrong, I think I'm going to buy it (SFA3).
[quote name='mrchainsaw']I've read good things about it, but doesn't the fact that SF uses six buttons make it really annoying to use with 4? I guess so many people can't be wrong, I think I'm going to buy it (SFA3).[/QUOTE]

the buttons aren't an issue if you don't mind primarily using only 4 buttons at a time out of the strong, medium, or light attacks.
bread's done