XBLA - Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix - 1200pts

All those achievements are great and should be in the final game. Especially defeat sagat with ryu's fierce dragon punch.
How long of a gap was there between the end of the voting for Puzzle Fighter's achievements and it's release? I'm growing impatient for this game's release. I have 800 points that I'm on the edge of getting Castlevania with but I know this game will be out soon.
So I really want to get this game.

But, does anybody know if there are any controllers for the X-Box 360 that have a six button layout?

I know that the arcade sticks have a six button layout, but I was never used to playing with a joystick. I really need to get a hold of a 360 controller with a six button layout, is this available or am I stuck with the regular four button layout 360 controller =(
Sorry there are no 6 button layout pads. Would be all over the internet if one existed.

Learn to play with a 'stick like us real men. =P
[quote name='bostonfrontier']When is this game coming out..... It seems to be taking forever[/QUOTE]
Another month gone by and they still don't have a single actual screenshot. It's the dreaded "when it's done" stalemate.
[quote name='ananag112']Why don't they just bring SF III with updated graphics to XBLA?[/quote]

THIS I would love I loved SF3 the new characters in it were great :).
[quote name='PhoenixT']THIS I would love I loved SF3 the new characters in it were great :).[/QUOTE]

True, but I liked the old characters more.

SF4 announcement is better though. Now we have classic SF redone and a new SF games as well. Life is good.
I hope in the final version of the game they include the objects you can throw your opponent through. When I watched that vid last night, I noticed the drum/barrel isn't on Ken's stage.
The animations look really bad. They said they couldnt add more frames without changing gameplay but Im sure they could have found a way if they tried. Just looks so choppy
[quote name='CouRageouS']Did I read somewhere that this was delayed to 08 or am I imagining things?[/quote]
No you're not imagining things, it's kind of disappointing its coming out next year. But by looking at the video the game still need some work.
My gut feeling is that one of Capcom's goals is to have this new HD game replace the current SSF2T that is currently being used in all the tournaments, especially in Japan. That's why they want the gameplay to remain 100% intact.
[quote name='GBmanNC']The animations look really bad. They said they couldnt add more frames without changing gameplay but Im sure they could have found a way if they tried. Just looks so choppy[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure that's cause of the video, not the game.

Also, SSF2 Turbo didn't have the breakable objects, did it?
I'd really like to see a better quality video so I can see the sprites better. The quality of the animation doesn't bother me, since I knew they wouldn't add any new frames.

I play alot of SF2 Hyper FIghting on XBLA so this is gonna be a nice upgrade.
[quote name='eastx']Pretty sure that's cause of the video, not the game.

Also, SSF2 Turbo didn't have the breakable objects, did it?[/QUOTE]
Look at the video again and the easiest way to notice the bad animation is when they jump. Its like 3 frames and it looks really choppy.

On the plus side I really think they did a good job on the shadows.
if anything, capcom should change the sound effects for punches and kicks landed. it sounds like bug squishes.

i loved the sound effects used for sf2 & sf2t for the snes.
[quote name='eastx']Also, SSF2 Turbo didn't have the breakable objects, did it?[/quote]

SSF2T the anniversary edition had the breakable objects.
[quote name='akilshohen']http://www.gameinformer.com/News/Story/200710/N07.1019.1516.29680.htm
reblanced mode[/QUOTE]Wow, that was a VERY encouraging article. They seem to really be listening to the fans. So apparently they want Udon drawing EVERYTHING now, instead of just the concept art and key frames? Nice. And they went out of there way to say that they WILL patch the rebalanced mode if any exploits are found. This is gonna be awesome.
[quote name='ananag112']How much do you think this game will cost? It looks like it will be the most expensive XBLA game yet. I am guessing it will cost 1600 pts.[/QUOTE]
I have little doubt that it'll be 1200 pts/15 dollars. There isn't enough to justify it costing so much more than any other XBLA title, and I'm pretty sure they're smart enough to know that they'll probably make more money selling it for $15, than they would for $20 (there's enough of a difference between $15 and $20 to make a lot of people second-guess the purchase if it were the higher price, especially considering how many times Capcom has managed to sell us different versions of Street Fighter before).
I'm disappointed with them improving Ken's Dragon Punch... It's already way overpowered, IMO. I hope it leaves him vulnerable or something.

And yeah, $15 is the most they should charge.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']I have little doubt that it'll be 1200 pts/15 dollars. There isn't enough to justify it costing so much more than any other XBLA title, and I'm pretty sure they're smart enough to know that they'll probably make more money selling it for $15, than they would for $20 (there's enough of a difference between $15 and $20 to make a lot of people second-guess the purchase if it were the higher price, especially considering how many times Capcom has managed to sell us different versions of Street Fighter before).[/QUOTE]

IDK, everyone was perdicting that the original XBLA release of SF2 was going to be 1200-1600 points, and it turned out to be 800. Here's hoping it stays at 800 (very doubtful, but one can hope).
[quote name='-Never4ever-']IDK, everyone was perdicting that the original XBLA release of SF2 was going to be 1200-1600 points, and it turned out to be 800. Here's hoping it stays at 800 (very doubtful, but one can hope).[/QUOTE]
There's no way they'd offer both SF2 and SF2HD for the same price. Either SF2HD will need to be $15, or they'll need to drop the price of SF2 down to $5.
[quote name='PyroGamer']Hopefully this time they bother to redraw the sprites in their supposed "HD" offering.[/QUOTE]

read up and research... that's a large reason why this game is getting its attention... all art by udon.
[quote name='PyroGamer']Hopefully this time they bother to redraw the sprites in their supposed "HD" offering.[/QUOTE]
Uh...did you like, just hear about this thing or what? Or have you just not been paying attention?
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Hmmm, based on the DC version..... Hopefully it's a good thing.[/QUOTE]

I have it. DC version was the best home version until Anniversary Collection came along.
Forgive the thread interruption, but this CoffeeEdge, I need you to clean out your inbox. There is a PM that we have been attempting to get to you.
bread's done