XBLA - Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix - 1200pts

No file size restrictions for SSFII:THD and BC:Rearmed:

In January of 2007, Microsoft made a special exception for Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, which could not stay under the then 50MB cap. In May of '07, realizing the 50MB cap was stifling development of original games, Microsoft pushed the limit to 150MB. It's possible that even this size is about to become a thing of the past as two Capcom titles have been granted special permission to ignore Microsoft's restrictions.

Both Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix and Bionic Commando Rearmed will exceed 150MB. Capcom said that Rearmed holds far too much content to fit the current limits. To meet standards, Rearmed would need to shed some of the bonus material that would still appear on the PlayStation Network and PC versions. According to Capcom, SFII could not run in 1080p if not for Microsoft loosening the file size cap.

Bionic Commando Rearmed arrives this spring on XBLA, with Super SF II Turbo HD Remix coming in the summer.

i wish they patch the puzzle figher with a filter or something... the graphics should be in HD but the charaters are so blurry...
i know it is a remake but still...

[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Awesome. They really need to just officially can the stupid size limit entirely.[/quote]
thats because people have 20gb harddrives back then and some with only 64mb memory units...
[quote name='ogbaka']thats because people have 20gb harddrives back then and some with only 64mb memory units...[/QUOTE]

I know why they have the limit in place. I think they should just remove the limit for any game that needs to be bigger, and for those without harddrives, well, they just don't get to play those particular games.
What I don't get about the limit is this... there is a TON of downloadable content on the Live marketplace. Trailers, HD Movie rentals, demos, map packs, etc. None of these have any size limit, and you're pretty much left in the cold if you're a Core system owner. So why do XBLA games get singled out??
Anyway... I'm glad the right thing is being done here!
[quote name='BustaUppa']What I don't get about the limit is this... there is a TON of downloadable content on the Live marketplace. Trailers, HD Movie rentals, demos, map packs, etc. None of these have any size limit, and you're pretty much left in the cold if you're a Core system owner. So why do XBLA games get singled out??
Anyway... I'm glad the right thing is being done here![/quote]

I've done software development in the past -- the limits are likely there to keep developers honest. It's very easy to get sloppy and end up with installs that are far larger than they need to be, simply because someone didn't go clean up before release.

there is also a bandwidth consideration. bandwidth costs MS $$$. The less bandwidth used to download a game, the cheaper their cost is.

Support of the core system is also a complication... and one that I bet they didn't have to deal with. It's not easy to say to a consumer you can have everything but this, that and the other thing.
[quote name='daminion']there is also a bandwidth consideration. bandwidth costs MS $$$. The less bandwidth used to download a game, the cheaper their cost is.[/quote]
That's a completely invalid point, considering that they let even users of the free Silver service download demos upwards of 1 gigabyte for free. The largest XBLA games, at around 150 megs, cost a microscopic fraction of a penny's worth of bandwidth to deliver to the purchaser.

[quote name='daminion']Support of the core system is also a complication... and one that I bet they didn't have to deal with. It's not easy to say to a consumer you can have everything but this, that and the other thing.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, except they already do that. For instance, Core users with the 64 meg memory cards could purchase, download, and use any of the downloadable single tracks for Rock Band (most of which are under 40 megs), but I they would NOT be able to download and use Mass Effect's Bring Down The Sky, or F.E.A.R.'s Nightmare Pack, as, at over 250 megs each, they far exceed the card's capacity.
I'm gonna download this when it comes out, I've Street Fighter was one of the first videogames I played, and this one looks pretty sick... I'm such a tool.
Beta June 25th for those who purchase(d) WOTB: Commando 3

So the long-awaited Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 is out TODAY on Xbox Live. The game is a lot of old-school run+gun fun, and you can see the latest Commando 3 screens from CAPTIVATE08, watch some video here, and fall in love all over again.
That much is simple, but unfortunately there’s also a bit of confusion swirling around the details about the Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Beta (that you get free!). Let me try and clear this up.
To play the SSF2T HD Remix Beta, here’s what you do:
1) Buy Commando 3 on XBL. Play it, love it.
2) In the Commando 3 menu, you’ll notice an option for “Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Beta” (insert long name joke here). If you hit that option, you’ll get an error. Why is this? Because the SSF2T HD Remix Beta isn’t live until June 25th.
3) If you hit the Beta menu option on or after June 25th, 2008, you’ll be taken to an XBL blade offering to let you download the new SSF2T HD Remix Beta.
4) Download the Beta, and then you can find it your “Games Library” under “Demos.”
5) Start it up and commence dragon-punchery.
And also, just to be clear, the SSF2T HD Remix Beta does not come with Commando 3 on PSN. Unfortunately the Beta is only available with Commando 3 on XBox Live, although the network improvements that we make post-Beta will improve the final, full product on XBL and PSN alike.
[quote name='mtxbass1']I was reading today that the beta is only Ryu vs. Ken on a single stage. If that's the case, I'm highly disappointed.[/QUOTE]

They don't have to give us any beta at all. They're being nice enough to let us sample a small part of the game and see what its visuals and sound will be like, which is fine with me.
Its obvious that they're using this to drive the sales of Commando, so take it for what it is.

Theres no solid release date yet is there?
[quote name='mtxbass1']I was reading today that the beta is only Ryu vs. Ken on a single stage. If that's the case, I'm highly disappointed.[/quote]

Dude, it's a beta. Given this beta or nothing, I'll take the beta.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Dude, it's a beta. Given this beta or nothing, I'll take the beta.[/quote]

Of course. But seeing as how it's used to drive sales of a mediocre game, I hardly see how Capcom is doing us a "favor".
when does the actual game come out (street fighter) cause they said the beta is running for 8 weeks... i think i heard it on major nelsons podcast.. so at least another 2 months?!
They never announced a release date but the game is supposed to be at EVO2k8 (Aug 8 I think) so hopefully it should be on the XBLA around that time.

And the beta is just to test network connections. I really hope they get the online play to work smoother than SF2 Turbo.

Beta is now live!

[quote name='guyver2077']blah the beta is only ryu and ken?[/quote]

Well, it is a free beta. If they gave any more than this I would have been highly surprised.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Well, it is a free beta. If they gave any more than this I would have been highly surprised.[/quote]

True I guess. I really wanted to check out more stages since the music was supposedly remixed. Ill prob give it a shot. I tried the commando demo yesteday and I thought it was pretty cool. Old school style
[quote name='jkam']I can't wait to try this out. I just really want to see it in action on my big TV more than anything.[/quote]

Same here. It's gonna be sweet in HD. :drool:
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Well, it is a free beta. If they gave any more than this I would have been highly surprised.[/QUOTE]

Except that the vast majority of SF2 players seem to only play Ken and Ryu, they are getting quite a deal in this case.
yeah..it doesn't look like it's working yet. it now takes you to a screen that shows the beta but when you click the download button it doesn't work.
so WOTB Commando 3 is worth it? I really want to get my hands on Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD, but have to go through Commando 3. I played the demo and thought it was so so. Is the multiplayer fun?
[quote name='guyver2077']blah the beta is only ryu and ken?[/QUOTE]

Yes, and that is actually old news, although Capcom didn't exactly plaster the info where you could see it if you bought Commando 3 just for the beta.

I bought Commando 3 for Commando 3...this is just the icing.
I tried the Commando 3 demo and was 90% sure I was going to buy it cause I love these co-op shooters and for the SFIIHD beta. Honestly I didn't like it. It felt slow, I could barely see the enemy bullets, plus the power-ups weren't as cool as they could be (then again I only played the demo) Anyways it was enough to convince me to pass and wait a bit more for the full version of SFIIHD.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Except that the vast majority of SF2 players seem to only play Ken and Ryu, they are getting quite a deal in this case.[/quote]

I am Sonic Boom, not Hadoken. :)

I like Ryu and Ken, but I am a Guile player far and beyond any other character.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I am Sonic Boom, not Hadoken. :)

I like Ryu and Ken, but I am a Guile player far and beyond any other character.[/quote]

I would have never guessed it!

... ;)
[quote name='Rodimus']I could barely see the enemy bullets, plus the power-ups weren't as cool as they could be (then again I only played the demo) [/QUOTE]

Each weapon can be powered up like four times, and you can't get the flamethrower or rocket launcher in the demo, to my knowledge. Silly complaint.
bread's done