XBLA - Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix - 1200pts

[quote name='mrchainsaw']Slightly OT, but is this game any good? I want to buy a fighter for either GBA or DS but I doubt a portable fighter would be much fun.[/QUOTE]

don't bother with ssf2tr on the gba unless you have no issue losing 1 match. there is an annoying glitch that causes the game to freeze right before fighting akuma...

also, as far as puzzle fighter and sf2 showing up on both the 360 and ps3.... i may have to buy both versions to beat up friends that only own 1 console....
I'm not that great at Super Puzzle Fighter but I think it'll be worth it for online play. SF II Turbo HD will also get my money :D
[quote name='Azumangaman']Exactly. BTW, I have the best pic of a guy I met that cosplayed as Zangief. Beautiful stuff.
Oh yeah, If it looks this good, this is SO mine.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm, I'm not sure I want to see that. I like to keep my big, burly, hairy guys in animated form.

So if this is gonna be a 800 point game do you think Hyper Fighting be reduced to 400 points? Who's gonna play that after the have SSFTIIHD. Honestly it should be 400 in the first place.
Here's a sneak peak of the Puzzle Fighter themes that will be available on XBLM soon:

Also, the last week of June I was able to put together the Xbox gamer pics for the gamer pic pack. I asked you all to vote and help me decide which characters to include. Well, based on the overwhelming response from you, I decided to (and got it approved) to include ALL 11 CHARACTERS. So, by buying one gamer pic pack at one low price (which I’ll reveal once things are finalized), you’ll be able to use any Puzzle Fighter (Street Fighter / Darkstalkers) character you want as your gamer icon.
If you ever thought "this would have been a great achievement..." Here's your chance:

Basically, we are working on the list of Achievements (Xbox 360) for Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, and we want input from you.
Here’s the deal. You get to make suggestions and then vote for the best Achievement, which will make it into the final game.
We want to put your thinking caps on and come up with any Achievements you would like to see make it into Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix. Post your suggestions for Achievements in the comments section here.
Then, at the end of August 1st, I’ll compile the full list of suggestions, and we will weed through them here internally. There are some things that it won’t be possible to track in the game, technologically speaking. So we have to make sure that anything we put out there can actually be done.
We’ll pick our favorite 10 ideas, and then put it up to you, the community, to decide by way of voting over on our Street Fighter forums.
We’ll monitor the voting, and the Achievement that gets the most votes will make it into the game.

All right, time to get crackin’!!! Let’s hear your ideas!


Anyone going to enter?
Naw, I'm not a big achievement guy, but it's a unique method to gain some intrest. I was hoping for a screen shot or some more sprites... :cry:
The main reason SF2 on XBLA sucks so bad is the xBox controller, never in my life have I felt such a shoddy dpad or more uncomfortable buttons. The DC pad is still the best hands down for any 4 button fighter followed by the Dual shock. Of course an arcade stick is always better but if your going to play SF seriously don't do it on a fucking xbox. The Dpad is in the most wrong place they could have put it on it's pad, and the left analog stick placement is a joke. You may say it's better for FPS games, but only a noob plays console FPS's seeing as how dated they are compared to there PC prototypes.

Back to SFHD, it's going to fucking rock, exact same gameplay just beutiful, and online. Would love to see a psp version. The idea of a fighter being played on the xBox with a stick is just retarded, DPad sucks too much.

SF2 thats currently on XBLA is fine, the control you have to play it with is not.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Guess we should be expecting it soon? What's Puzzle Fighter like anyway, never played it before...is it like tetris but with animations of fighters duking it out?[/QUOTE]

Closer to Columns/Puyo Puyo, but you get the idea. With a downloadable demo, though, you'll pick up on the idea in no time at all.
[quote name='sultan']but only a noob plays console FPS's seeing as how dated they are compared to there PC prototypes.[/quote]
[quote name='sultan']
Back to SFHD, it's going to fucking rock, exact same gameplay just beutiful, and online. Would love to see a psp version. The idea of a fighter being played on the xBox with a stick is just retarded, DPad sucks too much.[/QUOTE]
Wow. Talk about terrible d-pads and you want a PSP version?
Some of those Puzzle Fighter Achievements sound hilarious. I can't wait for both of these games to come out.

[quote name='zewone']:roll:

Wow. Talk about terrible d-pads and you want a PSP version?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='asianxcore']This will be my third version of the game. I already have the PSX and GBA versions.[/QUOTE]Same here! I actually had the PC version before I had any of those, but I could never get the damn thing to run so I had to return it (I'd run the .exe but for whatever reason Windows just never made any attempt to start the game).

It's cool though, because each version sort of serves its own purpose.

XBLA: definitive version, online play
PS1: widespread availability of the platform, will fill a 4:3 screen if that's what you have to work with, not locked to a console
GBA: portable

So I shall gladly purchase this next Wednesday and regret nothing!
Argh! I hate Puzzle Fighter. I'm colorblind and the yellow and green gems look like the exact same color to me. Same with Hexic's bombs. Blue and purple the other color pairs I can barely tell apart. Freakin' sucks.
boy o boy i cannot wait. i have longed for an online puzzle fighter for about 8 years now.

anyone who wants to play puzzle fighter send me an xbl invite as i am going to lose a lot of time to this game.

achievement list...

Power Made Flesh
Play as Akuma in any mode

Meeting People is Easy
You joined or hosted a 4 person Player Match

Get Your Feet Wet
Win three Ranked Matches of X or X’ Mode

Playing to Win
Win 20 Ranked Matches in X’ mode

Modern Battle Master
Complete X’ Arcade Mode on Hard or Expert Difficulty

Classic Battle Master
Complete X Arcade Mode on Hard or Expert Difficulty

Alternative Lifestyles
Complete Y or Z Modes on Hard or Expert Difficulty

Quarter Miser
Complete the game in any mode without continuing

Mother Lode
Break a Power Gem size 25 or larger

The Longest Journey
Complete X’ Mode on Hard or Expert Mode using only Dan

Chain, Chain, Chain,
Perform a 5 chain combo in X or X’ mode

Chain of Jewels…
Perform a 7 chain combo in X or X’ mode

I love The Longest Journey, because I love to use Dan.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Argh! I hate Puzzle Fighter. I'm colorblind and the yellow and green gems look like the exact same color to me. Same with Hexic's bombs. Blue and purple the other color pairs I can barely tell apart. Freakin' sucks.[/QUOTE]

Thats why hexic has the option to put patterns inside each piece.
[quote name='seanr1221']Thats why hexic has the option to put patterns inside each piece.[/QUOTE]

I had to do that even though I'm not colorblind since the blue and purple looks nearly exactly the same on my TV.

Or maybe I AM colorblind...
Amazingly this is the 4th time I will be purchasing this game (PSX, GBA, and PSP (As part of Capcom Puzzle Collection where Y and Z modes were introduced to the US)... yes I own them all!) and I am Really pumped up as this looks to be the best version yet! (8.5 in OXM) I look forward to some awesome matches! :applause:
[quote name='seanr1221']Thats why hexic has the option to put patterns inside each piece.[/quote]

I use the patterns. The problem is the bombs don't have them. I waste a spin on the timer just trying to figure out what color the bomb is.
For the case against size limitations on XBLA: less animation in the backgrounds!
Seriously, do Core system owners matter that much?
no. they aren't even real people.

Last week, I mentioned that some of the levels will be changed slightly, but you’ll still recognize them. As you can see, we updated the cars and some elements of the stage. Some of the people will animate in the game, but as you may have noticed, there aren’t as many people on the screen as there were in the original. Being that this is a download title, we have to find ways to minimize the download size. One of the ways we’ve come up with is to subtly cut down on the amount of animation in the background. This will only be apparent in some stages. Yes, I know some of you are thinking it, but this unfortunately means we will not be giving them extra frames.

One thing before I move on: this isn’t a screenshot from the game, but these are the exact assets we are using for the game and the same resolution they will be in the game. So the window size and placement of some of the elements may not be the same as the final. Also, you’ll notice that the casino in the background is called the Crazy Buffalo. As you know, it used to be called the Golden Nugget. But as that is a real casino, I renamed it Crazy Buffalo in honor of one of Balrog’s moves.
Never played Puzzle Fighter before, but I might buy it depending on how much I like the demo, got exactly 800 points left too so this might be what I spend them on.
I'm wondering the same thing as gordy. If it is, I'll be on playing at 12. Add me (dragonsho) if you want to play. I think I'm alright but can't wait to find out how good people are.
I can't believe that they sill don't have any real gameplay screens of SSFIIHDR to show off. They must have some sort of playable code by now.



Be a part of videogame history! Capcom wants you to choose an achievement for the upcoming Xbox Live Arcade gem, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix! The voting was officially launched today, and Capcom has presented Street Fighter nerds with seven potential achievements:
*Beat Akuma (Arcade Mode)
*Win with every character in an Online Ranked Match
*5 Perfect Rounds in Ranked Online Matches
*5 Perfect Rounds in Story Mode (Any difficulty level)
*Defeat an opponent in under 15 seconds, Arcade mode
*Perform a 7-hit combo or higher (any mode, including training)
*Defeat Sagat with Ryu's Fierce Dragon Punch (any mode)
As of this writing, "Defeat Sagat with Ryu's Fierce Dragon Punch" is in the lead, with 40% of the vote. Both "5 perfect Rounds" achievements don't appear to stand a chance; perhaps because they're like, totally impossible to get? Who knows. Voting goes until October 1st, when the winning achievement should be announced.
Can you think of any achievements you'd like to see on that list that didn't make it? Capcom aren't listening, but we are, and if we ever remake a version of Street Fighter II for XBLA, we'll be sure to try to get them in.
Didn't see this anywhere else.


Yes it does, stupid picture making person! I can't wait. This will be the first game I get on 360 Live Arcade.
bread's done