Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

Whats the band? Miley Cyrus doesn't count FYI. :booty:
Fear Factory. They're my favorite along with In Flames, The Killers, and Yellowcard (quite the odd combination, I know).

I hung out with Burton C. Bell, the lead singer of FF, last time I saw them in May. It was after the show and one of Burton's long time friends kinda knows me and he grabbed me from my spot against the front railing after the show and said come with me you're meeting the band. I was wearing this limited edition shirt Burton made himself and he said he had noticed me in the crowd (we had previously met briefly in 2010) and we took pictures together and talked for like a half hour. That guy doing that for me was the nicest thing anybody had ever done for me in my life. I still can't believe it.

The bassist personally handed me his signed guitar pick too right after the show. Burton reached out and gave me, and me only, a huge high five at the 2010 show too, of which I was also front and center. I won't be that close tonight since I can't stand outside in line for hours in the 18 degree weather but hopefully he sees me still. His friend couldn't make it tonight so there's no chance of hanging out again I assume.

Reminiscing to this while listening to the Forza 5 music is getting me choked out.

Never Heard of Fear Factory. Surprised you listen to In Flames because if I am thinking of the right band they are really heavy metal. I love metal and hard rock music.

They are really heavy.  So is Fear Factory.  In Flames is an all-time classic.  Been around for so long and their 2011 album is probably their best.  I've gotten a high five from Anders the lead singer. :)  He had to put in a bit of effort to reach for me (the last person who got one) but he did it and I got one.  Meant a lot to me, especially since it wasn't a standard one like most people who got one that night.

Not since Brandon Flowers of The Killers touched it August 1st of this year, no.


Gotta go!  Gonna have a few shots tonight as well.  Concert tradition.

Anyone having issues launching a downloaded game? I am trying to play Dead Rising 3 and I get to the initial load screen (the one with Nicks back to you with zombies coming at him) and then it just drops back into the menu screen. I can figure out why I can get into the game.
So i just wanna clear things up.

Optical does not support Dolby Surround right now correct? 

So the DTS im getting through optical is just stereo and not surround?

I ask because when I have my 360 in surround mode going to my soundbar it sounds AMAZING. And hearing the xbox one on the soundbar sounds freaking awesome too, but I cant even imagine how it is going to sound when I can get a surround signal going to it. 

Speaking of xbox fitness.  Has anyone tried it yet?  I went to the free workouts that were listed as such with a gold membership, and it keeps kicking me out saying "xbox fitness can not connect to the internet, try again later".  Didn't know if it was just unavailable now, or something was broke.

I just sold my day one xbox one preorder (I was literally the stores first preorder). I let the guy have it for $110 and I had $100 down so I only got $10. I was more so trying to help an actual nice person get one. I avoided people I knew were the reseller type or if they were just an asshole to me in general. Glad I could help someone get one for near cost. Very nice guy with his two kids and they were all excited. Im happy I helped them avoid those reseller prices. Oh he was also really generous he was like "Thank you for this you made my kids and I really happy have an extra $20" and I insisted on not accepting but he wouldn't leave without me taking it. Very nice people.  :bouncy:

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So i just wanna clear things up.

Optical does not support Dolby Surround right now correct?

So the DTS im getting through optical is just stereo and not surround?

I ask because when I have my 360 in surround mode going to my soundbar it sounds AMAZING. And hearing the xbox one on the soundbar sounds freaking awesome too, but I cant even imagine how it is going to sound when I can get a surround signal going to it.
optical out has dts surround up to 7.1 in settings

Speaking of xbox fitness. Has anyone tried it yet? I went to the free workouts that were listed as such with a gold membership, and it keeps kicking me out saying "xbox fitness can not connect to the internet, try again later". Didn't know if it was just unavailable now, or something was broke.
just tested it and it worked perfectly. This is great for me since I already do insanity & t25. Although those health warning screens stayed on screen for quite a while before the app & workout loaded.

optical out has dts surround up to 7.1 in settings
uhhhh I only get options for up to 7.1 in HDMI output on the system....

Now Im confused because most places are reporting xbox does not put out surround through the optical port....


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uhhhh I only get options for up to 7.1 in HDMI output on the system....

Now Im confused because most places are reporting xbox does not put out surround through the optical port....

nm yo uare right it's only hdmi optial has dts digital surround so if your sound bar supports dts you should be able to use that.

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Does anyone have any suggestions on an optical audio hub?

I was running everything through my tv and out to the soundbar with the optical cable, but my 360 would have audio lag when in 5.1

I need to be able to run all of the optical connections into the one optical port on the soundbar directly 

I just checked and yes, at the bottom of the list of cable/satellite providers, there is an "Antenna" option.
Truly thanks for checking. It works with my TiVo and OTA well, only hitch is during rewind and fast forward it will sometimes dorandom stuff when you tell it to play again. I ended up just putting my Tivo back to my AV unit directly.

And with twin toddler boys, it has a lot of trouble understanding voice commands over the all the chaos that can be going on.

The UI and features are much more impressive than I expected. I can't wait for them to smooth it out, there is a lot of potential.

Forza 5 is awesome as expected from the little I have played. I do agree with the others, there is noticeable aliasing compared to my PS4 games.

Controller feels too light IMO. Prefer the DS4 by quite a bit.

Mine had plastic shavings on faceplate edges that hadn't been removed from manufacturing process. Packaging was excellent in its box. Had more of a "ooooo" during the unboxing than the PS4, may just be do to the day one box. I don't really get those who say it looks more premium than PS4, I Think the opposite.

One thing that kills me tho..." Look at how fancy our QR reader is!..." Then they put a character only Xbox Live trial code in Forza 5. Really?
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Anyone having problems with the install for Forza. I put the disc in and it got to about 42%. I accidently turned the system off and now it wont install anything. Tried to cancel and restart it and it just won't go past 0%.
u need to cancel the installation and then restart it. go to your my games and aps, go to the game, hit your menu button and cancel install. then restart

The Fear Factory concert was amazing and I ended up front row even though I didn't get there early due to not wanting to stand outside in the cold.  Pictures on the Flickr. :)

Look at what I got out of the mailbox on the way there though....





Anyone having issues launching a downloaded game? I am trying to play Dead Rising 3 and I get to the initial load screen (the one with Nicks back to you with zombies coming at him) and then it just drops back into the menu screen. I can figure out why I can get into the game.
I had that same issue with Dead Rising 3 just a little while ago, but mine is a disc copy. I've been playing it without any problems yesterday and earlier today, then I played it for a little bit tonight. I recorded a short clip with the Game DVR, edited it with Upload Studio, then uploaded it. After that, when I tried to get back into the game, it would go to that load screen you mentioned for a few seconds, then kick me back out to the Xbox Home screen. The disc was still in the XB1. I tried going to a few other things, like watching TV, checking my friends list, whatever, but every time I came back and tried to get back into the game, same result.

I eventually just gave up, ejected the disc, and shut the whole thing down. Going to try again tomorrow morning. I was wondering if it was caused by Upload Studio somehow. Maybe it's a bug with DR3.

EDIT: Just noticed someone started a thread about this same issue.

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I don't have cable, and Xfinity basically blocks my regular TV, so I can't use my digital tuner inside my TV. I do know that if I buy a digital antenna from Amazon, my TV can find some channels, because another TV has an antenna hooked up and it works.

Here's what I am thinking. I could buy one of those digital antennas on Amazon ( and plug it into a digital converter ( then plug an HDMI going from that to my Xbox, which would then use this in the TV app so I can snap it and watch news or a local ballgame while playing. Anybody knows if this works? Should it work, or am I missing something? 

Only problem is that  with the other TV, I had to do the channel search again after plugging in my antenna. How can I do this if I plug it into the box then into the Xbox then the TV? 

I just started testing out the Xbox Fitness app for the first time while still coming off many, many shots of vodka and also in jeans and long sleeve shirt.  Was almost sweating within a few minutes too.  Then it got to floor exercise and I was thinking I would have to move the Kinect, so as I was fiddling with it I decided to finally see if that thing on the bottom will allow it to angle and...there it was.  It can angle down!  I am so happy.  It can stay on top of my TV and can still see me wherever even when I'm only like four feet away swinging weights around while standing or doing push-ups.

Gonna get RIPPED.

I just finished the workout.  It was the 10-Minute Solutions 5 Da Get Fit Mix "Belly Fat Burner"

I have pretty much no stomach muscles at all so this was hard for me but I scored right where guys my age do it says.  I got 25 Achievements points for something during it too.  What an incredible experience.  Sweating now just from one, but I can't wait to do more.  It's got challenges and "stamp cards" to fill up and level up on for each challenge you complete, etc.  I just ate a little bag of Twizzlers too so I'm kinda nauseous but I'm going to do another now and shower.  

Literally the best purchase I've ever made in my life is the Xbox One.

Absolutely dripping in sweat right now after another 10 minute one.  "Rapid Results Kickboxing".  Did 300 better than men my age.  Holy moly this is even better than my ideal imagining of it.  This is seriously going to be life-changing.  How many workouts is someone supposed to do in a day?

From what I can tell the Achievement list is beautifully done as well.  Time for a shower. 

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anyone have any "record that" moments yet? Be sure to upload to skydrive and share the link here
Not exactly what you're talking about, but I was playing Ryse and on the fourth chapter, there is like 10 hanging bodies form trees. The game is beautiful and that scene kinda hit me. Before that, there's a beach with massive puddles of blood. The game might be repetitive, but it's pretty fun and as far as graphics and acting go, it's a masterpiece.

Not exactly what you're talking about, but I was playing Ryse and on the fourth chapter, there is like 10 hanging bodies form trees. The game is beautiful and that scene kinda hit me. Before that, there's a beach with massive puddles of blood. The game might be repetitive, but it's pretty fun and as far as graphics and acting go, it's a masterpiece.
He meant that Kinect can save the last 15 (I think) second clip when you say "Xbox Record That." If you did something cool, you could say that and upload it to Skydrive and Xbox Live to share.

So how does that SquareTrade warranty thing work?  Do they just give you the cash or do they send you a new one or...?

Edit:  I've read up on it now.  I see two years for the $450-$500 game console plan is about $35.  I've been trying to find a coupon code though since I hear those are common.  I signed up for the newsletter too.  If they don't fix it within five days they give you the purchase cost of the product too.  Yummy.

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Looks good to me. They are trying to go with the black theme throughout everything regarding the One. They wanted the buttons on the controller to appear to be floating. I'm assuming they wanted the same for the UI.
The black is ugly to me. Really, as users we should have a choice of background color selection in this day and age. Microsoft will probably add color selection eventually - the lack of storage management, various bugs, and such all show that the OS was rushed to meet release date.

bread's done