Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

Oh here we go with the fanboy shit again. Don't you guys get tired of spouting the same shit in thread after thread? Enjoy the fucking game systems you got, and stop wasting time posting garbage. You guys act about as stupid as politicians.
I thought we were having a pretty civil conversation.

I thought we were having a pretty civil conversation.
Yes, cause civil conversation always includes lines like "But I guess you can identify with Mr. Penello because like him you are also a liar as you made a bet there wouldn't be Xbox One launch issues and if there were you would not post again. There were, yet here you are in all your Microsoft apologist glory." Name calling is great in civil conversation indeed.

Yes, cause civil conversation always includes lines like "But I guess you can identify with Mr. Penello because like him you are also a liar as you made a bet there wouldn't be Xbox One launch issues and if there were you would not post again. There were, yet here you are in all your Microsoft apologist glory." Name calling is great in civil conversation indeed.
To be fair, thats not so much anything against the Xbox One but more against Neo because he is a lair and goes against is word which no one should respect.

Whether it's as awful as the reviewers say or not isn't the point. Microsoft knew the reviews were going to be harsh and made sure to put an embargo up until the last second so it wouldn't sway sales. This isn't honest and upfront like Neo claims they have been and this is just one of dozens of examples of this sleazy companies "upfront and honest" practices.
what company is always upfront with people? Sony was the same way with alot of things on ps4 and nintendo has done it in past also.

i don't agree with alot of things ms and sony has done with these launches. They announce features that will be in the system then closer to launch you find out oh well that stuff is not ready yet. I think that junk is b.s and you should not release a product or just don't announce the stuff if you know it will not be ready.

Only in the realm of uptight console war stupidity can a meaningless statement such as "Sold out at most retailers" can be turned into "Oh my lawd they are not sold out in Times Square." Most retailers, meaning it doesn't really matter if your local stores have them all over. In fact it doesn't really matter at all. It's a meaningless phrase that seems to only matter to folks with an agenda.
For anyone that as a few games, is the loading time on them all kinda slow? I noticed KI and DR3 felt a bit slow when loading. Not as slong as when Wii U came out but like, about as slow as after the first system update it got.

Ps4 loading doesnt seem slow at all.

Played some Dead Rising 3. It basically feels like GTA with Zombies which isnt a bad thing. The graphics are not amazing at all but the amount of zombies on screen is pretty impressive. I think the 78 metacritic is about right. Not like the game is a 9 or 10 or anything.

So far, the Xbox One is alright. I don't have the Kinect or Cable set up to it so im sure thats like 75% of the features not being used.

And yeah, saying that they are "sold out" is crazy.
wow, that is crazy.

nba 2k14 has pretty long load times but seems like its that way on both systems. ac4 loads pretty fast. forza takes awhile to load. load times on x1 are no where near the load times i have seen on last gen systems.

what company is always upfront with people? Sony was the same way with alot of things on ps4 and nintendo has done it in past also.
You are the master of deflections, again the point isn't about companies being upfront and honest it's about Neo claiming Microsoft has been upfront and honest and proving otherwise.

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You are the master of deflections, again the point isn't about companies being upfront and honest it's about Neo claiming Microsoft has been upfront and honest and proving otherwise.
better watch out he will come get you dressed as master cheif and wearing his halo boxers :bouncy:

Only in the realm of uptight console war stupidity can a meaningless statement such as "Sold out at most retailers" can be turned into "Oh my lawd they are not sold out in Times Square." Most retailers, meaning it doesn't really matter if your local stores have them all over. In fact it doesn't really matter at all. It's a meaningless phrase that seems to only matter to folks with an agenda.
I guess it's just as stupid as claiming piles of consoles in one of the most populated cities in the nation is meaningless and that this is the only example of this bold faced lie. But I guess discrediting these stories is part of Microsoft apologists agenda.

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I guess it's just as stupid as claiming piles of consoles in one of the most populated cities in the nation is meaningless and the only example of of this bold faced lie. But I guess discrediting these stories is part of Microsoft apologists agenda.
DIdnt they have their big launch party in Time Square like, near that Best Buy or something?

Oh, another question, does air blow out like, 4 of the sides? the top the rear and the left and right? I was getting it set up and had to move stuff around and I have the Wii U pad to the right of it and hoping it doesnt cause any damage to it.

I guess it's just as stupid as claiming piles of consoles in one of the most populated cities in the nation is meaningless and that this is the only example of this bold faced lie. But I guess discrediting these stories is part of Microsoft apologists agenda.
Sold out at most retailers. If there are a million unsold consoles in NYC, does that make "most retailers" a bold faced lie? I'm not an apologist but I refuse to let people twist words just so they can pretend to have their aha moment. Seriously at least try to not be stupid.
Oh, another question, does air blow out like, 4 of the sides? the top the rear and the left and right? I was getting it set up and had to move stuff around and I have the Wii U pad to the right of it and hoping it doesnt cause any damage to it.
the only vent i ever feel hot air coming out which by the way even after hours of using it is almost never trully hot is the big upper vent that is where the GIANT cpu cooling fan is. If x1 has heating issues something is really bad i seen a photo of the heat sink fan and it's MASSIVE lol.

Guys - let's cool it with the back-and-forth ridiculousness. I'm tempted to ban the whole lot of you.

sp00ge said:
I just picked up DR3 tonight, but haven't had a chance to install it yet.

I still can't believe that my local GS had a used copy already, and after using the birthday coupon and a $25 off coupon (both stacked, btw, no override), I only paid $17.xx. And I was ready to drop $60 on a digital copy since I still have a ton of MS fun money left over.
I did just that (used $60 in MS moneys to buy DR3) and am now regretting it as my son (who I bought it for) hates it. I know nothing about the game but he claims the devs lied because they said you could turn off the timers on levels and you can't? I don't know how much there is to that, but he says you can't get anything done with the timers on. But then he's 13 and I'm sure some exaggeration is happening ;).

He's moved on to playing AC IV which I had forgotten I ordered from Newegg (for $40) a few months ago. Now he wants NFS Rivals so he can have another game people are playing online (as he hates CoD which is the only other game his friends are playing). Anyway - not going to use $60 in MS cash on that so I'm looking for it cheap. Fool me once, shame on, shame on you. Fool me, you can’t get fooled again!
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Guys - let's cool it with the back-and-forth ridiculousness. I'm tempted to ban the whole lot of you.

I did just that (used $60 in MS moneys to buy DR3) and am now regretting it as my son (who I bought it for) hates it. I know nothing about the game but he claims the devs lied because they said you could turn off the timers on levels and you can't? I don't know how much there is to that, but he says you can't get anything done with the timers on. But then he's 13 and I'm sure some exaggeration is happening ;).

He's moved on to playing AC IV which I had forgotten I ordered from Newegg (for $40) a few months ago. Now he wants NFS Rivals so he can have another game people are playing online (as he hates CoD which is the only other game his friends are playing). Anyway - not going to use $60 in MS cash on that so I'm looking for it cheap. Fool me once, shame on, shame on you. Fool me, you can’t get fooled again!

He may be playing DR3 in Nightmare mode. The other mode doesn't have a timer as far as I know. I have only played about 30 minutes so far but haven't had the timer issue yet. Definitely not as much as in DR2!
I did always get annoyed by those timers in Dead Rising 1 & 2. Glad to see they took the pressure off a little. Have people here who have played it still enjoying it? As in it doesn't get old after 5 hours does it? Im interested in playing that game eventually.

the only vent i ever feel hot air coming out which by the way even after hours of using it is almost never trully hot is the big upper vent that is where the GIANT cpu cooling fan is. If x1 has heating issues something is really bad i seen a photo of the heat sink fan and it's MASSIVE lol.
I would hope a 16lb console would not have problems cooling itself.

I only played it for about an hour. It was alright but I think for me its one of those games I can take in short burst. Feel like if I play it for to long id get bored of it fast.

Deader2818 said:
I didn't notice any timers so far in DR3.

Chalupa Batman said:
He may be playing DR3 in Nightmare mode. The other mode doesn't have a timer as far as I know. I have only played about 30 minutes so far but haven't had the timer issue yet. Definitely not as much as in DR2!
OK, I just asked him about it. He says he is not playing in nightmare mode - in fact he is playing in "casual" or something where you are supposed to be able to explore. He said the main missions don't have timers but all of the side missions do - and I guess he is frustrated by those because he is supposed to be playing "casual".
Yea sometimes the way I game backfires. I usually complete one game at a time and then move on. Usually. That tends to cause some games to become tedious, Dead Rising 3 looks fun though. Looks like more of the same zombie massacres. :twisted:  

OK, I just asked him about it. He says he is not playing in nightmare mode - in fact he is playing in "casual" or something where you are supposed to be able to explore. He said the main missions don't have timers but all of the side missions do - and I guess he is frustrated by those because he is supposed to be playing "casual".
Give him an NES or SNES and tell him to see what hard really is!

OK, I just asked him about it. He says he is not playing in nightmare mode - in fact he is playing in "casual" or something where you are supposed to be able to explore. He said the main missions don't have timers but all of the side missions do - and I guess he is frustrated by those because he is supposed to be playing "casual".
Both modes have a timer, nightmare just points it out since in the other mode time moves very, very slowly. Same for the side missions, in nightmare you are more rushed to do them while in normal mode you can still take your time and usually beat them without worrying as much.

Yea sometimes the way I game backfires. I usually complete one game at a time and then move on. Usually. That tends to cause some games to become tedious, Dead Rising 3 looks fun though. Looks like more of the same zombie massacres. :twisted:
I do that too because I know if I don't play a game through ill never finish it but yeah, it can make it tedious for me as well.

Im very much going to treat this one where if im in the mood to kill some zombies ill pop it in a play some.

i have yet to play dr3 but just from watching people play it seems pretty fun but could see where it would get boring after awhile. Might be one of those games you play for a hour or so and get your fix and don't play it for awhile.

OK, I just asked him about it. He says he is not playing in nightmare mode - in fact he is playing in "casual" or something where you are supposed to be able to explore. He said the main missions don't have timers but all of the side missions do - and I guess he is frustrated by those because he is supposed to be playing "casual".
The big timer that was removed from the story mode was the 72 hour timer. In Dead Rising 1 & 2, if you didn't beat the game by that time, it was game over. Dead Rising 3's main campaign lets you play the main missions at will. If you don't activate the golden mission(s) in each chapter, then you can spend as long as you want exploring the game world.

The side missions do have a timer for their availability. Once the timer counts down, you won't be able to access that side mission BUT you can restart chapters at any time to complete those missions you weren't able to before (or just grind for exp, find collectables, etc.) Restarting any chapter keeps your current level, stats, found combo items and more, so there's very little penalty for exploring first and then doing the side missions later.

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I feel the same way about Dead Rising 3. Reviewers are idiots.
For having a different opinion than you? And in most cases, having no obvious psychological disorders?

(Not that it reviewed poorly in the first place, as has already been pointed out.)

I have a question. If I were to buy a game from Xbox Live would my g/f be able to play that game on her account on the same system?
Yes, it works exactly the same as the Xbox 360.

Battletoads without a Game Genie.
I will never understand why Rare would make a game with all those levels and fun core gameplay, and then make it virtually impossible to see anything past the third level. Whoever designed the bike levels, I hope he retired from game development soon after.

I really wish people would stop pounding on Neo. He has a right to his own opinion. This is an X1 forum/thread for those who forgot. He is allowed to be a fanboy as is everyone else. Don't see the reason to berate him on every comment he makes...
At least he's being a fanboy within a single thread... an xbox one thread.

Unlike the trolls constantly in an xbox one thread D-Riding other trolls all day via "likes" and posts of their own.
I love how to Neo everyone else is a troll and a fanboy, but not him. And oh, he's just posting his love for Xbox. At least he's not spewing hatred for Sony. :roll: It's not like he goes apeshit anytime someone posts something slightly critical of Xbox.

P.S. My favorite thing about Neo is how he's such a man of his word.  :rofl:

Is anyone else having an issue with Kinect not recognizing you, or thinking you're someone else?  It keeps identifying me as my son.  It's starting to really annoy me.  I've reset my sign-in image with the Kinect several times, but over and over again, it thinks I'm him.  We both have glasses and short hair, and there is some resemblance between us, but we're not that hard to tell apart. (I'm much taller and much wider, for starters)

A couple times yesterday, I paused my game and left the room for a minute, and when I returned, I got a "Hi Michael" message. (Michael is my son; I'm Dan)  Just now I was playing DR3, I'm signed in as myself, I'm the only one home, I didn't even move off the couch, and suddenly "Hi Michael" pops up.  I went back out to the home screen, signed him out and told Kinect it didn't recognize me yet again, reset my image on it yet again, and went back to playing.  Ten minutes later, "Hi Michael".  I go to look on my friends list activity page, and it says my son started playing DR3 an hour ago.

I was going to delete him from the family users, but I wasn't sure if I'd be deleting his whole account. (He has a 360 in his room and has an XBL Gold account)

Is anyone else having an issue with Kinect not recognizing you, or thinking you're someone else? It keeps identifying me as my son. It's starting to really annoy me. I've reset my sign-in image with the Kinect several times, but over and over again, it thinks I'm him. We both have glasses and short hair, and there is some resemblance between us, but we're not that hard to tell apart. (I'm much taller and much wider, for starters)

A couple times yesterday, I paused my game and left the room for a minute, and when I returned, I got a "Hi Michael" message. (Michael is my son; I'm Dan) Just now I was playing DR3, I'm signed in as myself, I'm the only one home, I didn't even move off the couch, and suddenly "Hi Michael" pops up. I went back out to the home screen, signed him out and told Kinect it didn't recognize me yet again, reset my image on it yet again, and went back to playing. Ten minutes later, "Hi Michael". I go to look on my friends list activity page, and it says my son started playing DR3 an hour ago.

I was going to delete him from the family users, but I wasn't sure if I'd be deleting his whole account. (He has a 360 in his room and has an XBL Gold account)
i tested that with friends on my system friday and it worked fine was able to tell who was who.

I love how to Neo everyone else is a troll and a fanboy, but not him. And oh, he's just posting his love for Xbox. At least he's not spewing hatred for Sony. :roll: It's not like he goes apeshit anytime someone posts something slightly critical of Xbox.

P.S. My favorite thing about Neo is how he's such a man of his word. :rofl:
You seem to be acting like quite the troll it seems like there's nothing but several pages of you bashing Neo. I mean this is the internet and you're putting a lot of effort into bashing an assumed "Troll" by trolling yourself. Just let it go, people love to get into internet disputes and drag them out of weeks with the conversation being the typical (YOU SUCK, LOL NO YOU SUCK).

Got mine in from amazon today, was packed in a box with little room to move and a strip of air packets. The xbox box wasn't sealed. Anyone else run into that?
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bread's done