Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

Time for a shower.
Are you looking for a warranty for your XB1 cause you took a shower with it after your concert. I wouldn't worry about getting a warranty since MS builds great machines that never fail! Watch out CAGs Neo will probably be posting his shower pics w/ his XB1.

Neo also might be the first to take his XB1 to Vivid and ask about making a video.

Unfortunately the people I know with XB1 came purring like a dead cat. Good job MS! Some people like cats.

Wow.. so the system I ordered from Amazon last week at 8 am arrived today. 

It seems they used Lasership which I find odd for this large of an item. Either way I wasnt expecting it and since my gates were locked, I'm pretty sure they just tossed it over my fence... :(

I found it on my lawn inside a plastic bag. 

So how does that SquareTrade warranty thing work? Do they just give you the cash or do they send you a new one or...?

Edit: I've read up on it now. I see two years for the $450-$500 game console plan is about $35. I've been trying to find a coupon code though since I hear those are common. I signed up for the newsletter too. If they don't fix it within five days they give you the purchase cost of the product too. Yummy.
Where do you see the two years? On their site I see 3 years for 69.99 for $400-499 range

I think I asked this before, but can't remember..why does Neo get so much shit?
Because those people have unhappy lives, arent strong enough to bully people in real life so are reduced to trying to bully people on the internet. And then you have those who are just followers, have the mob mentality and join in to fit in. That pretty much sums it up.

Because those people have unhappy lives, arent strong enough to bully people in real life so are reduced to trying to bully people on the internet. And then you have those who are just followers, have the mob mentality and join in to fit in. That pretty much sums it up.
yep, pretty much neo right there

I won't be in love with the One until I can have my SoBe Kate Upton theme staring at me with those gorgeous vacant eyes. And yes I fully acknowledge I have no life.
So, I was rearranging my game systems to find a more permanent home for the XB1 and noticed that the only non-vented part of the XB1 is almost exactly the same size as the Wii U.  It's like it was a place made to set the Wii U and it won't obstruct airflow.  I'll snap a pic later when I'm done rearranging.

so has anyone have issues with the disk drive? reading the amazon reviews worry me
I have. I contacted xbox and I have to ship them my entire console with accessories. They will send me a whole replacement. I was told it would take 2-3 weeks. I hope not.

As for my PS4 I just got my second replacement unit. I'm 3 for 3 with defective units.
I have. I contacted xbox and I have to ship them my entire console with accessories. They will send me a whole replacement. I was told it would take 2-3 weeks. I hope not.

As for my PS4 I just got my second replacement unit. I'm 3 for 3 with defective units.

You need to stay away from lightning storms in shark attacks.
Every Microsoft repair case I've seen so far, including their official statement, details the repair process as them sending you a replacement first and then you give them the broken one. Makes it much faster.
Every Microsoft repair case I've seen so far, including their official statement, details the repair process as them sending you a replacement first and then you give them the broken one. Makes it much faster.

Most places do it 2 ways. One wat is what yoy described but you also have to give them your CC info.

The other way is you send it, and wait for a replacement.
So BB customer support told me that all three games for their $25 promo had to be on the same receipt. That's different than what the forum rep said. What the deuce? :(
yep, pretty much neo right there
How so? I don't go anywhere but this thread. If I was a bully I'd be in the Sony threads doing what you guys do here in the Xbox thread. It's just nothing but negativity with you and a few others and it's sickening. I enjoy making you angry by actually enjoying something.

How so? I don't go anywhere but this thread. If I was a bully I'd be in the Sony threads doing what you guys do here in the Xbox thread. It's just nothing but negativity with you and a few others and it's sickening. I enjoy making you angry by actually enjoying something.
I hope you do realize at this point, no one is even bashing the Xbox. Just you for being a douche.

I think I asked this before, but can't remember..why does Neo get so much shit?
He basically owned him to infinity and beyond.

It's playing playing a round of Mortal Kombat. Deader just scored two perfect rounds with a fatality move to finish it off but the defeated keeps lingering around the arcade machine begging for more.

Had a question I've been curious about with the TV functions. Do you need to own a DVR in order to make use of the Pause/Rewind live tv feature? I have a very basic Comcast Box, that's SD and gets all the channels you would expect plus on demand but it's not like one of those HD Boxes or DVR boxes.

And another xbone sound of death from ign
And another xbone sound of death from ign

They made the console big and heavy enough where stuff like that shouldn't be happening. Is that a widespread issue? Is it fixable or would it require a new drive (i.e. sending it back to MS)?

hmm strange mine says nov 22 2014 but im thinking of paying for the extra year for 60 bucks cheaper then best buys two year protection.
Is yours a Day One or a standard edition?

Had a question I've been curious about with the TV functions. Do you need to own a DVR in order to make use of the Pause/Rewind live tv feature? I have a very basic Comcast Box, that's SD and gets all the channels you would expect plus on demand but it's not like one of those HD Boxes or DVR boxes.
You need a DVR. I have a Comcast DTA (basic cable converter) and the rewind stuff doesn't work. I think the Xbox DVR is just for games.

They made the console big and heavy enough where stuff like that shouldn't be happening. Is that a widespread issue? Is it fixable or would it require a new drive (i.e. sending it back to MS)?
what dose having the system being big and heavy have anything to do with disk drive error. Numbers are not out yet but it can't be that big of a issue seeing it's not tons and tons of reports of it. I would say it's possible the size of ps4 issues. Thankfully my system has worked flawless since getting it thurs night.

Due to the FUD being posted in here on Friday regarding a new model Xbox One coming out in Q1 2014, here's the truth in the matter:

Earlier this week there was a rumor on internet stating that Microsoft is all set to introduce a new version of Xbox One in Q1 of 2014, and Taiwan based supply chains has already received instruction to begin shipments of new model in that quarter.
But According to Microsoft's Albert Penello this is completely non-sense and FAKE. Via NeoGaf Albert utrightly denied the rumor of Xbox One getting a new version in 2014.
Penello said: "no. Just no. I’m not even going to let this one get started. No."
Xbox One is already out in 13 countries and has sold over One million units in just first 24 hours time period, fastest selling Xbox console ever.
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Finally got around to setting this up.

The UI is pretty nice but I can see how the system was made to be used with kinect. Kinda of a pain to navigate with the controller.

Speaking of the controller its weird because it feels really small and the sticks just seem really tiny. Think the DS4 is a lot better.

Only game i played so far is Killer Instinct which plays well but not a lot to do till I want to pay for more content.

Installing Dead Rising 3 right now and its really shocking how slow the installs are on the system. Im going to guess they will patch this soon to make it a lot faster.

And yeah, I thought you could play while it installs but it looks like it has to be quite a ways in before you can do that.

If anyone wants to add me my tag is Deader2818.

Finally got around to setting this up.

The UI is pretty nice but I can see how the system was made to be used with kinect. Kinda of a pain to navigate with the controller.

Speaking of the controller its weird because it feels really small and the sticks just seem really tiny. Think the DS4 is a lot better.

Only game i played so far is Killer Instinct which plays well but not a lot to do till I want to pay for more content.

Installing Dead Rising 3 right now and its really shocking how slow the installs are on the system. Im going to guess they will patch this soon to make it a lot faster.

And yeah, I thought you could play while it installs but it looks like it has to be quite a ways in before you can do that.

If anyone wants to add me my tag is Deader2818.
Added you. I just picked up DR3 tonight, but haven't had a chance to install it yet.

I still can't believe that my local GS had a used copy already, and after using the birthday coupon and a $25 off coupon (both stacked, btw, no override), I only paid $17.xx. And I was ready to drop $60 on a digital copy since I still have a ton of MS fun money left over.

Due to the FUD being posted in here on Friday regarding a new model Xbox One coming out in Q1 2014, here's the truth in the matter:

Earlier this week there was a rumor on internet stating that Microsoft is all set to introduce a new version of Xbox One in Q1 of 2014, and Taiwan based supply chains has already received instruction to begin shipments of new model in that quarter.

But According to Microsoft's Albert Penello this is completely non-sense and FAKE. Via NeoGaf Albert utrightly denied the rumor of Xbox One getting a new version in 2014.

Penello said: "no. Just no. I’m not even going to let this one get started. No."

Xbox One is already out in 13 countries and has sold over One million units in just first 24 hours time period, fastest selling Xbox console ever.
You realise that Albert Penello has been caught lying through his teeth on several occasions about the Xbox One. This guy is not to be trusted, so I hope another source confirms what he's saying. And I hope that other source isn't Larry Hryb cause he's just as bad.

I feel the same way about Dead Rising 3. Reviewers are idiots.
Dead Rising 3 was pretty well received so your comment makes no sense.

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seems like the only games that take for ever to install is the first party games. 2k14 install takes about the same time on xbox one as the ps4. ac4 installed in like five mins, bf4 took like ten mins. Seems like day one games mostly first party had giant update forza 5 had a 6 gb update that installs before the game installs.

i will say it took time to get used to the lighter weight of the controller but i do love the thumb sticks more then 360 they fit the finger tips better then 360.

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I really wish people would stop pounding on Neo. He has a right to his own opinion. This is an X1 forum/thread for those who forgot. He is allowed to be a fanboy as is everyone else. Don't see the reason to berate him on every comment he makes...
I really wish people would stop pounding on Neo. He has a right to his own opinion. This is an X1 forum/thread for those who forgot. He is allowed to be a fanboy as is everyone else. Don't see the reason to berate him on every comment he makes...
It's so predictable too. I literally quote an official Microsoft employee (the Director of Product Planning for the Xbox brand) and one of the usual trolls of this thread come right back and smear the guy and just tear the whole thing down (not literally though, since he provides no proof or evidence of any kind). Microsoft has been nothing but open and honest about the Xbox One and its policies from day one (something that can''t be said about their main competitor) so what basis would make someone think Microsoft is suddenly flat-out lying about something that is soon-to-come? I don't doubt there might be a Titanfall-skinned console or something, but that's not what the FUD rumor was talking about. It was simply put out by someone in order to make people think twice about buying a Xbox One.

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It's so predictable too. I literally quote an official Microsoft employee (the Director of Product Planning for the Xbox brand) and one of the usual trolls of this thread come right back and smear the guy and just tear the whole thing down (not literally though, since he provides no proof or evidence of any kind). Microsoft has been nothing but open and honest about the Xbox One and its policies from day one (something that can''t be said about their main competitor) so what basis would make someone think Microsoft is suddenly flat-out lying about something that is soon-to-come? I don't doubt there might be a Titanfall-skinned console or something, but that's not what the FUD rumor was talking about. It was simply put out by someone in order to make people think twice about buying a Xbox One.
lol go to gaf and N4G and read the threads involving Mr. Penello, guy has been caught in numerous lies and PR FUD. And before you discredit gaf, he posts on that site so it's more than relevant.

And Microsoft being upfront and honest? Like holding the Ryse reviews until launch day? Or how about all the hidden microtransactions in all of their launch games with the exception of Dead Rising 3 or Zoo Tycoon? Or how about claiming they are sold out and sold over a million units when there are pictures of units sitting on shelves everywhere?

But I guess you can identify with Mr. Penello because like him you are also a liar as you made a bet there wouldn't be Xbox One launch issues and if there were you would not post again. There were, yet here you are in all your Microsoft apologist glory.

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Guys just drop it and leave it alone. This thread will be in the graveyard soon anyways. Then no one will post here except Neo praising MS no matter what they do right or wrong.

I really do hope everyone enjoyed their X1s so far.

EDIT: Actually I just noticed this was moved to shopping discussions. I guess the thread will remain then. 

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seems like the only games that take for ever to install is the first party games. 2k14 install takes about the same time on xbox one as the ps4. ac4 installed in like five mins, bf4 took like ten mins. Seems like day one games mostly first party had giant update forza 5 had a 6 gb update that installs before the game installs.

i will say it took time to get used to the lighter weight of the controller but i do love the thumb sticks more then 360 they fit the finger tips better then 360.
Do you own a PS4, and if so you own multiple copies of the same game to be making these types of comments? Because this site shows quite a big difference in times for 2k14 which you happened to mention.

Time for NBA 2K14 to be playable after inserting disc –
PS4: Instant — Xbox One: 6 minutes
Played some Dead Rising 3. It basically feels like GTA with Zombies which isnt a bad thing. The graphics are not amazing at all but the amount of zombies on screen is pretty impressive. I think the 78 metacritic is about right. Not like the game is a 9 or 10 or anything.

So far, the Xbox One is alright. I don't have the Kinect or Cable set up to it so im sure thats like 75% of the features not being used.

And yeah, saying that they are "sold out" is crazy.

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lol go to gaf and N4G and read the threads involving Mr. Penello, guy has been caught in numerous lies and PR FUD. And before you discredit gaf, he posts on that site so it's more than relevant.

And Microsoft being upfront and honest? Like holding the Ryse reviews until launch day? Or how about all the hidden microtransactions in all of their launch games with the exception of Dead Rising 3 or Zoo Tycoon? Or how about claiming they are sold out and sold over a million units when there are pictures of units sitting on shelves everywhere?

But I guess you can identify with Mr. Penello because like him you are also a liar as you made a bet there wouldn't be Xbox One launch issues and if there were you would not post again. There were, yet here you are in all your Microsoft apologist glory.
sucks for your logic that ryse is not a awful game at all like reviewers said.

Oh here we go with the fanboy shit again.  Don't you guys get tired of spouting the same shit in thread after thread?  Enjoy the fucking game systems you got, and stop wasting time posting garbage.  You guys act about as stupid as politicians.

sucks for your logic that ryse is not a awful game at all like reviewers said.
Whether it's as awful as the reviewers say or not isn't the point. Microsoft knew the reviews were going to be harsh and made sure to put an embargo up until the last second so it wouldn't sway sales. This isn't honest and upfront like Neo claims they have been and this is just one of dozens of examples of this sleazy companies "upfront and honest" practices.

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sucks for your logic that ryse is not a awful game at all like reviewers said.
Eh, reviews seem to be pretty spot on as to what the game is. The way I usually see it 10-8 is a must play kinda game. 7-6s are games that, while not bad, can be good if you take it for what it is. Anything 5 and low is usually just avoid at all costs.

Ryse seems to really fit the 7-6 range. Not a bad game, but not a really good game either. If you enjoy that kinda game it take it for what its for, its not bad.

Knack falls in that area too i think.

bread's done