Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

Was the event even played on XB1s? Nothing seemed next gen at all to me.

This will be the last COD I buy on launch anyways, and It's only because of the XB1 coming out, otherwise I would have waited to grab it cheaper. Unless all these new improvements actually help the game, cause watching that first multiplayer map I wasn't all that impressed.
it was hard to tell they never said but the small views you got at he players hands it looked like xbox one controllers so if that was xbox one i can see why it's possible for the game to run on both gens it's the same game as mw games.

the ai calling out guys is pretty cool but it's not ground breaking at any means. But i like that seems like the yare going away with air kill streaks and making more on the ground kill streaks.

i think i will stick with this cod on 360 seeing all the people i play cod with are not getting x1 at launch

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the ai calling out guys is pretty cool but it's not ground breaking at any means. But i like that seems like the yare going away with air kill streaks and making more on the ground kill streaks.

not for 200 bucks :(

even harden for 120 is pushing it but seeing you get season pass it's worth it

Aren't season passes $20/$30?
Aren't season passes $20/$30?
cal of duty is like 50 but you also get tons of special stuff for the game and a wrist ban that alot of military people wear. so it's worth it. mw3 hard version was only 100 bucks with season pass so sucks this one is 20 dollers more.

if you buy every cod map pack it coms to about 60 so you in the end don't save anything

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Yea so pretty much this one isn't a deal unless you want the extra crap.

Yea I'm going to stick with game + season pass.
i hated bo2 map packs so im not going to buy season pass right away. bo2 maps alot of them in dlc was just remakes of old bo maps but im sure that will not be case with ghost.

Season pass this year is $50, buying individual map packs is $60.. so it's a $10 savings.

If I did not want to go all digital, I'd buy the Gamestop copy, buy the season pass (since we know it carries over), then trade it in for the X1 version once it launched... really good deal honestly.

i don't see the need for me to get x1 version seeing it's the same game nothing new and all my friends are not getting x1 so need it on 360 to play with them.

i don't see the need for me to get x1 version seeing it's the same game nothing new and all my friends are not getting x1 so need it on 360 to play with them.
If your friend's are not getting it then yeah makes sense not to get it on X1.

But simply because there's nothing new in the game really does not mean that the experience itself would be the same on the 360 or the X1. Game sharing, Snap, and enhanced matchmaking alone should make it a far more pleasurable experience on the X1.

BTW IGN had this to say regarding COD Ghosts X1 graphics upgrade.

Infinity Ward’s made a big deal of its new engine, which, yes, with the power of a kickass PC and next-gen consoles, definitely puts Ghosts in a league above any other Call of Duty game. That said, nothing about it looks spectacular. DICE’s Frostbite 3 Engine and Battlefield 4 put Call of Duty: Ghosts to shame -- you’d never guess they were coming out in the same year. This isn’t to say Ghosts looks bad. It just doesn’t look like you’d expect a next-gen Call of Duty game to look. Its textures are still sort of washed out and the characters move in particularly inhuman ways. The real-time lighting in the next-gen and PC versions, on top of the density of detail (garbage, dust, and other particles blowing through the world) bring certain sections to life, though.

So some good parts - COD looks better then past iterations but doesn't hold much weight vs Battlefield 4 visuals.

Has CoD ever had BF's visuals to be honest?

CoD got where it's at not because of graphics, but because of ultra silky smooth control's, due in part to a constant 60FPS, but also due to the overall design of the engine.

There's just something about the "feel" of CoD vs Battlefield.. it just feels smooth, instant responsiveness, etc..

to be honest ghost looked the same as mw3 did and i rewatched the thing today and theyr were playing it on xbox one by look of controller so i really don't see what is so next gen about it runs at 60 fps which 360/ps3 does. 

Pretty interesting discussion of the game market and the importance of hardcore games (and why MS is backpedaling to cater to them) in this episode of The Point that I saw posted on GAF--just ignore the flamebaitish title:;Slot3

Basically, it talks about how the market is really three groups:

1.  Hardcore gamers.  People like posters on here or GAF who spend time talking about games online, buy a bunch of games each year, try more different types of games etc.

2. Softcore gamers.  Similar to hardcore in that they play regular games, but they buy many fewer and aren't branching out much and mainly just play Call of Duty, Madden and other big, blockbuster releases.

3.  Casual gamers.  Kids, familes etc. buying Wiis/Wii U's and playing more casual games and very little of the above.  This is Nintendo's domain and Sony and MS haven't had a lot of success getting into this market due to price, controller complexity, lots of violent games in teh library etc.

He notes that softcore gamers are the biggest chunk of the market and are why games like CoD sell millions and millions of copies.  However, it's the hardcore that drive the console wars as they early adopt consoles and when the softcore gamers get around to buying new consoles they're going to buy whatever their more hardcore friends already have so they can play CoD, madden etc. with them.

MS clearly catered the X1 reveal to softcore with their focus on the media stuff, NFL and the games being a bunch of EA sports, racing, CoD Ghosts etc.  Sony has focused more on the hardcore with showing a bunch of indie games at E3 and responding directly to all the concerns hardcore gamers had about the X1.

Then the early preorder data referenced in the video showed the PS4 with a 4:1 lead and Microsoft saw they had to change course as if they lose the hardcore crowd this year, they'll lose the softcore next year as they'll be deciding which to buy and seeing 4 times as many of their friends (if the trend doesn't/hasn't changed) owning PS4s and opt to buy that to play with them.

So MS reversed nearly everything to try to change that trend and not fall behind with hardcore and risk losing the softcore in the coming years as well.  It will be interesting to see how sales pan out between now and through 2014 and whether all these changes help.  I think unless MS puts out a Kinect-less sku for $400 the PS4 is going to pull ahead.  Just a question of by how much.  I think both consoles will sell very well in any case.

Anyway, his idea makes a lot of sense based on thinking about past industry changes.  Nintendo stuck with carts with N64, lost the hardcore to Sony and the market followed suit.  Sony lost the hardcore with the PS3 launch price, and the market followed suit and the 360 dominated in the US despite the utter dominance of the PS2 in the prior gen. Time will tell if MS still loses the hardcore due to all this uproar over the X1, and whether the market follows suit.

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People flock to the best system when it's all said and done. The PS2 was far better than the N64 or whatever else was out at that time. It also was a DVD player, a huge deal. Xbox 360 was a better overall machine all things considered, if PS3 didn't play back blu-ray movies it would have been totally DOA. Much of that was pricing, what saved it with most was that it was priced better than most blu-ray players at the time.

I'm definitely a soft-core gamer but also an early adopter. If my friends decide to get PS4's, so be it. There's still an online community on the system I have.
PS2 was actually the weakest hardware as it was up against the GC and Xbox which were both more powerful.  PS1 was up against N64.  And that was kind of a push.  PS1 could do video etc. with CDs, but the best looking N64 games looked better than a lot of the 3D stuff on the PS1 which was jaggy as hell.

PS2 just dominated as Sony smartly just built off the huge success of the PS1 by not changing anything other that making it more powerful (the DVD player part did help a ton--though the Xbox did that too.), and Sony has always had a solid lineup of exclusives.  MS would have been in great shape if they just revealed the X1 as it currently stands and just built on the success of the 360.  Even Kinect forced in wouldn't have been a huge issue if not for the DRM, online checks, Kinect forced to be plugged in and always on crap that got hardcores blood boiling and  led to them nitpicking everything. 

As for this gen, the Wii dominated sales, so clearly the best hardware didn't win.

There's a lot more that goes into determining what sells more than having the best hardware.  Price, marketing, features, brand loyalty, internet buzz, PR, and random luck (like the Wii catching lightning in a bottle by getting casuals/non gamers to buy in huge numbers).

If you start in a hole with hardcore gamers at launch, it's hard to climb out of it.  Sony caught up to 360 worldwide this gen, but had no chance in the US after falling way behind due to launching a year later and at too high a price.  If the X1 falls signficantly behind out of the gate, they'll be hard pressed to catch up.  Hence why MS is catering so much to hardcores with all these reversals as they know they have to make up ground in preorders and try to at least stay close to Sony through the first six months or so and then make a strong push once more softcores start moving into next gen in the next year or two.  That's when the sales battle will be won or lost.

And the friends thing is huge for a lot of people.  I know at least two of my friends, who I'd call softcore gamers who were big 360 gamers are going with PS4 because myself and most of their other gaming friends are switching.  One was still leaning X1, but I got him convinced to switch. :D  Just a matter of how important playing online with real friends is to you.

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You guys hang your hat too much on hardware and specs. Sure if one blows the other out of the water, fine. But PS2 was just an overall better system when you factor everything in. And, the DVD player was huge for it. In fact, DVD and Blu-Ray have effectively been so huge for Sony's last two systems it's going to be interesting to see a system for them out there without that added edge in the market.

And again, everyone is too busy focusing on What Xbox One was going to be and not what it is now. I'm not surprised by it in this day and age though.
Was the Wii and overall better experience?

Anyway, what people are focusing on is projecting how it will do among hardcores who are the majority of early adopters.

From forum posts, a huge chunk of that crowd is still hung up on what X1 was, still miffed about DRM and all that stuff that's been reversed.  And in terms of what it is now, a huge chunk of that crowd is still hung up on Kinect being forced in as they have no interest in it.

So time will tell what impact those have on sales the first six months, and whether MS can dig out of any hole they may find themself in by late 2014 if preorder reports are any indication.

Personally, I think the X1 will do fine.  The kids and softcores that love playing CoD etc. on 360 will probably mostly stick with the Xbox platform and that will keep their sales strong.  May still lag behind the PS4, but probably not in any huge amount in the US.  Worldwide I think the PS4 will win easily--especially with MS totally ignoring the Asian market at both launch and the next round of launches in 2014.

And personally, that's fine by me.  The online community in games like CoD was awful on 360 with far too much trash talking, slurs etc.  There's some of that on PS3 too for sure, but far less as a majority of people with headsets are just wanting to talk to teammates and try to work together.  Though that could change with PS4 since it has the earbud headset packed in and will probably sell more than PS3 did.

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Not all journalists still think the PS4 is so far ahead in the power department.

"Now, new info has come to light, and I am no longer convinced the PS4 is the more powerful of the two consoles. On the contrary, the playing field is much more level than previously thought, and the Xbox One may even have a slight edge over Sony's machine."
to be honest ghost looked the same as mw3 did and i rewatched the thing today and theyr were playing it on xbox one by look of controller so i really don't see what is so next gen about it runs at 60 fps which 360/ps3 does.

I was more blown away by the BF4 video than the CoD video. The visuals on the Frostbite engine look superior. But that shouldn't come as any surprise to anybody on here. So just basing it off of some online reveal isn't enough because by the looks of it, I thought CoD reveal was 'meh.' I actually agree with Timboslice on that.
Nintendo struck gold with the wii as a fad. Just thinking of all the plastic crap you can attach to controllers and other junk makes me shudder.

But they tried to pull the stunt again and the wii-U has been a complete bust.
Dmaul why do you continue to position the PS4 as such an elitist device?

You don't think trash talking kids will be on the PS4 especially now since it includes a headset (well an earpiece with a mic)?

There will be hardcore players on both devices. There will be no clear winner for years. The X1 has been doing nothing but picking up steam since June. I love how those who try and slam the X1 act like all the press coverage is hurting them. They have done everything right since June 10 no matter how much Gaf and others wanna debate it.

Sony is in for yet another surprise.
I think there was less-to-no trash talking on ps3 because most people had no mic and 5 times the amount of people were playing it on 360.

People are morons no matter what
Not all journalists still think the PS4 is so far ahead in the power department.

"Now, new info has come to light, and I am no longer convinced the PS4 is the more powerful of the two consoles. On the contrary, the playing field is much more level than previously thought, and the Xbox One may even have a slight edge over Sony's machine."
No surprise there. I've said all along that it will be like 360/PS3 all over again with games looking mostly the same. Probably even more so since the architectures are mostly the same, unlike this gen where the PS3 was different and some ports that had 360 as the lead sku ran crappy on PS3.

Nintendo struck gold with the wii as a fad. Just thinking of all the plastic crap you can attach to controllers and other junk makes me shudder.

But they tried to pull the stunt again and the wii-U has been a complete bust.
My point exactly. The "best" system doesn't always win.

The PS2 wasn't the best system really. The Xbox played DVDs too. Had a robust online system with Live, had a better controller in many peoples eyes (well at least when the Type S launched). Sony just had all the hype and buzz after the PS1 and had better exclusives--arguably the best line up of exclusives ever.

A lot of it is just marketing, PR, hype that gets the early adopters buying--as well as big exclusives. Then the market tends to follow that as the softcores see the hype too, play the consoles their friends have when visiting and then want to play online with them, be able to borrow their games etc. and follow suit.

That's why doing well out of the gate with hardcores is so important--as evidenced by all of MS's 180s with the X1 to try to get back in the good graces of the hardcore crowd. They were (and still are) getting hammered in the hardcore buzz machine online, in the gaming press (like that video above) and are scrambling to get that turned around as much as they can before launch.

I think there was less-to-no trash talking on ps3 because most people had no mic and 5 times the amount of people were playing it on 360.

People are morons no matter what

Most likely. And yes people suck. I'm hoping that the PS4 party chat will always be available so I can just go into that as a way to mute everyone when not playing as a team.

Both platforms really just need more mute options. Every game (or the console) should have a mute all option--or just mute the chat channel if no headset is plugged in rather than putting it through the speakers. Put in option to mute the other team and/or to mute lobby chat but then open up team chat when matches start etc.

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Not all journalists still think the PS4 is so far ahead in the power department.

"Now, new info has come to light, and I am no longer convinced the PS4 is the more powerful of the two consoles. On the contrary, the playing field is much more level than previously thought, and the Xbox One may even have a slight edge over Sony's machine."
What? It's some random user on IGN, not a journalist...

And like people have stated in his comments, he's not even accurate with his post.

Not all journalists still think the PS4 is so far ahead in the power department.

"Now, new info has come to light, and I am no longer convinced the PS4 is the more powerful of the two consoles. On the contrary, the playing field is much more level than previously thought, and the Xbox One may even have a slight edge over Sony's machine."
John Carmack, arguably one of the smartest guys out there said they are both basically the same power-wise.

Used party chat my entire time on 360. That's why I never encountered the kids like you are referencing. But that's an exciting new feature for the PS4...
Dmaul why do you continue to position the PS4 as such an elitist device?

You don't think trash talking kids will be on the PS4 especially now since it includes a headset (well an earpiece with a mic)?

There will be hardcore players on both devices.
I'm not. The PS3 was more catered to the hardcore crowd, sold less to kids etc. That probably won't be the case with the PS4.

All I was saying is I hope a lot of the 360 CoD/Halo/Gears crowd stays loyal to MS just to minimize the amount of those types of people gaming on PS4. Those games had by far the worst online communities on 360--I didn't run into many issues in most other games I played online on 360.

Though honestly, I'm pretty much done with MP with randoms anyway so it's mostly moot for me. I more enjoy single player games, and the occasional co-op. But I'd like to check out some Killzone MP and other random stuff from time to time with out dealing with trash talk, slurs, kids being annoying etc. like I usually can on PS3 now and seldom can on 360. But you're right that that will probably not be the case this time around unfortunately.

Best I can hope for is better mute options so I can easily just mute everyone when playing with randoms, which this gen is a pain in many games that only allow muting people one at a time.

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Wasn't the PS2 at least a year ahead of the Xbox though? I know they were the same "generation" but they did have more time to advance if I'm not mistaken.
Wasn't the PS2 at least a year ahead of the Xbox though? I know they were the same "generation" but they did have more time to advance if I'm not mistaken.
Yep. It had a year or so head start. That helped it a ton too as it already had a lead when the others launched. Same with 360 this go around. If they had launched same time as PS3 the race probably would have been closer.

Again, it speaks to that video. Once a console gains footing among hardcore early adopters (be it earlier launch, more hype, killer exclusvie, cheaper price or whatever reason), it's hard for the competition to catch up. It has the lead, it has the buzz and hype, people's friends have it and they want to game with them and be able to borrow games etc. Again, that's the reason for all the reversals. MS was falling behind in preorders and has been scrambling to try and turn that around before launch.

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Used party chat my entire time on 360. That's why I never encountered the kids like you are referencing. But that's an exciting new feature for the PS4...
Doesn't work for gaming with randoms. Better/easier mute options are the only fix for that. Also couldn't use it the whole time as Party Chat wasn't always an option--got added around the middle of the generation IIRC.

I've only got a couple real life gaming friends, sometimes play with CAGs, but not for some random game I just want to check out a little before selling or whatever.

That's more on developers needing to put easy mute all options in games. But console makers could make it easier to by building in a system level mute chat channel option (or automuting if no headset is plugged in--or at least giving that as a selectable option).

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I'm not. The PS3 was more catered to the hardcore crowd, sold less to kids etc. That probably won't be the case with the PS4.

All I was saying is I hope a lot of the 360 CoD/Halo/Gears crowd stays loyal to MS just to minimize the amount of those types of people gaming on PS4. Those games had by far the worst online communities on 360--I didn't run into many issues in most other games I played online on 360.

Though honestly, I'm pretty much done with MP with randoms anyway so it's mostly moot for me. I more enjoy single player games, and the occasional co-op. But I'd like to check out some Killzone MP and other random stuff from time to time with out dealing with trash talk, slurs, kids being annoying etc. like I usually can on PS3 now and seldom can on 360. But you're right that that will probably not be the case this time around unfortunately.

Best I can hope for is better mute options so I can easily just mute everyone when playing with randoms, which this gen is a pain in many games that only allow muting people one at a time.
You make it sound like a rampant issue when it's not. If you are going to jump in for an hour or two of multiplayer you'll encounter this once in a while, but it's not something that you stumble upon every other game.

You make it sound like a rampant issue when it's not. If you are going to jump in for an hour or two of multiplayer you'll encounter this once in a while, but it's not something that you stumble upon every other game.
It just varies by game. In CoD, Halo, and Gears on 360 it was pretty rampant. Not every other game, but I couldn't play for more than an hour without getting into lobbies/games I had to quit due to annoying ass people. CoD was by far the worst. Being the biggest online shooter, and a semi-realistic, military shooter it just seemed to really drag all the trash out of the woodwork.

Other games weren't nearly as bad, I think those games just attract all the kids and douche bags since they're the most popular online shooters. So hopefully I'll miss it since I'll only have a PS4 and will never buy another CoD game as I'm sick of military shooters.

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It just varies by game. In CoD, Halo, and Gears on 360 it was pretty rampant. Not every other game, but I couldn't play for more than an hour without getting into lobbies/games I had to quit due to annoying ass people. CoD was by far the worst. Being the biggest online shooter, and a semi-realistic, military shooter it just seemed to really drag all the trash out of the woodwork.

Other games weren't nearly as bad, I think those games just attract all the kids and douche bags since they're the most popular online shooters. So hopefully I'll miss it since I'll only have a PS4 and will never buy another CoD game as I'm sick of military shooters.
CoD around launch is usually pretty bad, but it simmers down. I really feel like you're exaggerating because my friends and I can play BlOps 2 for several hours at a time and only have to mute someone every once in a while. Halo 4 I've played on and off since launch and don't really encounter this either when my friends want to get an hour in. I can't speak for Gears since I avoided Judgement like the plague and had a love/hate with 3 after the beta. Even when playing Battlefield 3, I play on servers that require mics set to team chat and rarely find issues there. The issue is there, you're right, but it's not that rampant.

To clarify, I'm not just talking trash talking, racial/gay slurs etc.  But just annoying people in general. 

Kids being stupid/silly (really I just loathe kids and don't want to game with them period), music blaring in mics, people just talking about random shit in middle of matches to no one in particular (or even to their friend they're playing with--go into party chat if you're just there to talk FFS) etc. etc.

It's pretty rampant to run into annoying people, the gay/racial slurs, insulting trash talk etc. isn't as rampant, though still pretty bad since it's so annoying when you do run into it and I have no patience for that kind of stuff.

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To clarify, I'm not just talking trash talking, racial/gay slurs etc. But just annoying people in general.

Kids being stupid/silly (really I just loathe kids and don't want to game with them period), music blaring in mics, people just talking about random shit in middle of matches to no one in particular (or even to their friend they're playing with--go into party chat if you're just there to talk FFS) etc. etc.

It's pretty rampant to run into annoying people, the gay/racial slurs, insulting trash talk etc. isn't as rampant, though still pretty bad since it's so annoying when you do run into it and I have no patience for that kind of stuff.
Much of this stuff is highly entertaining to me.
John Carmack, arguably one of the smartest guys out there said they are both basically the same power-wise.
In terms of general performance, they are probably going to be fairly close. Even if the PS4 does end up having a performance edge, it is going to be incremental, and isn't likely to matter much with 3rd-party published and developed games in particular. Sony's performance edge with the PS3 actually ended up working against them thanks to the poor decisions they made on the system's architecture.

Of course, this parity in general performance is going to work in the PS4's favor, not the XBox One's. Sony is shipping their system at a lower price point, with all of its alternate inputs optional. With the vast majority of other factors being equal, the lower price point counts for more than it would have otherwise.

In a situation like this Microsoft's best selling point becomes the established XBox Live community and strong branding. (at least in the U.S.) The cable TV integration could also be surprisingly beneficial for selling older consumers on the device. There will probably be a number of consumers who end up buying the XBox One to use the TV-integration themselves, and let their kids enjoy the games.

To clarify, I'm not just talking trash talking, racial/gay slurs etc. But just annoying people in general.

Kids being stupid/silly (really I just loathe kids and don't want to game with them period), music blaring in mics, people just talking about random shit in middle of matches to no one in particular (or even to their friend they're playing with--go into party chat if you're just there to talk FFS) etc. etc.

It's pretty rampant to run into annoying people, the gay/racial slurs, insulting trash talk etc. isn't as rampant, though still pretty bad since it's so annoying when you do run into it and I have no patience for that kind of stuff.

I don't play MP on my PS3, but on my 360 this shit drives me crazyyyyy. Makes me hate people even more.

The Mic is used to help each out, and use some strategy. Not be a douche nugget. That's the 1 thing I loved about BF3. Strategy. Even the kids weren't being annoying. It was amazing.
Whoa this is awesome!


Call of Duty: Ghosts developed for "Xbox One first", some features not possible on Xbox 360
only things not on 360/ps3 is smoot looks of the guns and the dynamic lighting which was on bf3 on pc which is cool but not that awsome everything talked about at the press event yesterday is on current gen systems. yet another reason why im still not sold im getting a new system at launch i can get the cod next gen on my pc if i wanted it.

i love what xbox one can do but i still can't get my self to toss down that much much it cost to get into a new gen of systems. So many great games our coming out this fall i want to play that are all on ps3,360,pc that if i buy the system i could only afford like one or two of those games. Its a tough choice which i don't think will be made till days before systems are shipping out. For me it's not about looks of games seeing i have a pc that is already next gen.

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bread's done