Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

To me, the 8th Generation is about making a better platform for developers and creating a more user friendly experience for all involved. The problem with the 7th Generation is that there were design flaws that were not immediately apparent that made the consoles somewhat hard to continue to develop on and to also keep up with what users want out of a console.

We're used to devices that have super fast start-up times and the operating systems flow very naturally. The old systems just were not designed that way. I think this new generation is going to be sweet because I honestly believe that by making the systems easier to work on developers will have more time to concentrate on the fun in gaming and spend less time just trying to get a stable build.

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the problem with systems is that they are outdated by the time they come out and this gen is no diff. I'm still not sold on these systems at launch thankfully i still have about 3 months to decided to pull the trigger at launch or not.

i've decided that i am going to stick with one console this next gen.  I'm pre-ordered and paid off my ps4 due to MS's handling of the Xbone since before e3. the misdirection, the lies, etc. I'm, glad they have back-tracked on this and have turned it into a gaming console. I cannot however support a 60 dollar per year ad filled playspace.

maybe it's just me but i expect to be betrayed by ms rather than appreciated as a customer.

also steaming over windows 8

8.1 does not add back a start button btw

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well looks like all the haters having nothing more to hate about other then the price and it still being bundled into the system.
Im just enjoying the fact the Microsoft seems to have no idea what they wanted to do with this console and now going back on everything.

I can fully admit I did not care for the Xbox One, My biggest problem was DRM which they went back on, but at least they were trying to do something different than PS4 even though it personally wasn't for me.

But now, seems they instead of trying to make something different, they are just going to make it just like PS4.

With all that said, none of their games interest me and im not sure if going forward they will still keep up with exclusive games.

the problem with systems is that they are outdated by the time they come out and this gen is no diff. I'm still not sold on these systems at launch thankfully i still have about 3 months to decided to pull the trigger at launch or not.
You can make that argument for any electronic device.

Im just enjoying the fact the Microsoft seems to have no idea what they wanted to do with this console and now going back on everything.

I can fully admit I did not care for the Xbox One, My biggest problem was DRM which they went back on, but at least they were trying to do something different than PS4 even though it personally wasn't for me.

With all that said, none of their games interest me and im not sure if going forward they will still keep up with exclusive games.
If none of these games interest you then what are you doing here in this thread? Microsoft had an idea what they wanted their system to be in the future - a digitally distributed connected online platform- and have gone back from the gambles, let's face it they have to predict what the gaming future will hold so they can build a system that's around it, that they went out with initially (a steam like system). Both Sony and Microsoft are listening to the gamers and developers, that's why you have many features and specs very similar to each other. How is this a bad thing, everyone's feedback is being addressed!?

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i've decided that i am going to stick with one console this next gen. I'm pre-ordered and paid off my ps4 due to MS's handling of the Xbone since before e3. the misdirection, the lies, etc. I'm, glad they have back-tracked on this and have turned it into a gaming console. I cannot however support a 60 dollar per year ad filled playspace.

maybe it's just me but i expect to be betrayed by ms rather than appreciated as a customer.

also steaming over windows 8

8.1 does not add back a start button btw
i don't want the start button back in windows 8 destroys the point of windows 8 plus it was never going to be a full blown start button justa button to take you to the metro thigns which are amazing. i still don't understand why people hate windows 8. it's pretty much windows 7 but with metro apps and metro start area which in my mind is better to view then small text in a start menu.

Im just enjoying the fact the Microsoft seems to have no idea what they wanted to do with this console and now going back on everything.

I can fully admit I did not care for the Xbox One, My biggest problem was DRM which they went back on, but at least they were trying to do something different than PS4 even though it personally wasn't for me.

But now, seems they instead of trying to make something different, they are just going to make it just like PS4.

With all that said, none of their games interest me and im not sure if going forward they will still keep up with exclusive games.
lets me honest 360 was never a ultimate exclusive system it had a better over all online service and community. We shall see if that stays the same or changes this coming up gen.

If none of these games interest you then what are you doing here in this thread? Microsoft had an idea what they wanted their system to be in the future - a digitally distributed connected online platform- and have gone back from the gambles, let's face it they have to predict what the gaming future will hold so they can build a system that's around it, that they went out with initially (a steam like system). Both Sony and Microsoft are listening to the gamers and developers, that's why you have many features and specs very similar to each other. How is this a bad thing, everyone's feedback is being addressed!?

You're completely right. MS has listened to the complaints and addressed them. The Sony fanboy can keep moaning on and on about "backtracking" but here's the deal: MS DID listen. They did make the changes. And sorry guys, console wars aren't won at E3. They're not won on message boards. They're going to be won when the consoles enter the marketplace and consumers make choices based on the quality of the product and its software. The Xbox One's big flaws (DRM, forced Kinect) won't be flaws when it enters the marketplace because they'll no longer be a part of the other than the droning message board pundits who want to cry about "...but they WERE going to include them! They're evil!", the system will sink or swim (as will the PS4) based on the quality of the product, its software and how it performs.

The only people who could possibly view this as a negative are biased fanboys who can't see the big picture.

i've decided that i am going to stick with one console this next gen. I'm pre-ordered and paid off my ps4 due to MS's handling of the Xbone since before e3. the misdirection, the lies, etc. I'm, glad they have back-tracked on this and have turned it into a gaming console. I cannot however support a 60 dollar per year ad filled playspace.

maybe it's just me but i expect to be betrayed by ms rather than appreciated as a customer.

also steaming over windows 8

8.1 does not add back a start button btw
Like this guy.
Yes, because making Kinect installation optional completely eliminates all of its new features and all of the new features of the X1. Get real.
It's a long line of broken promises in what could have been a truly next gen console.

Instead, we get PS3.5, and Xbox 360+1.

While that's all some people really wanted, for others it's a severe disappointment. Those who wanted a traditional system had a choice. Those who did not had a choice. An that's a argument I'll stick by to be honest.

Wrong. They are still hating they tried to do it in the first place.

Microsoft betrayed us!!!
I mean it is a fair point. They wanted all that lousy DRM stuff and only reneged due to all the backlash they got, and the preorders lagging as a result.

That doesn't make me want to line up and give them my money. That's not my main reason. My main reason is my 360 mostly gathered dust the past two years so I was already leaning PS4 since I only want one console next gen as I don't game enough for two anymore. Add in that I'm pretty burnt out on shooters, and never liked racing and sports games, and the MS platform just isn't a good fit for me since that's the genre's it's strongest in in terms of exclusives, more active online communities etc.

MS seems focused on casual gamers/mainstream gamers that just want to play CoD/Battlefield, Madden and other sports games, Forza style racers etc. and that's fine. I'm just not in that market, and also have zero interest in the non-gaming features on either platform.

But all that aside, the DRM attempt still chaps my ass as someone who sells every game as soon as I'm done playing it. I'm not a collector and think gaming is terribly overprice relative to the enjoyment I get out of it compared to my other hobbies so reselling to recoup costs is crucial to my continuing to game and I don't like companies attempting to mess with that.

Serious question, what would you consider "truly next gen:?
What X1 was before? ;)

This gen is almost akin to the NES->SNES generation. Very little in terms of anything that actually makes you want to buy either console now... which is the primary reason so many people are wobbling on if to purchase or not.

Really no doubt about that when you look at the preorder numbers from EA and Ubisoft. It's crystal clear people arent entirely enthusiastic about either of these consoles.


- 180 on DRM

- 180 on Family Sharing because DRM was removed

- 180 on Indie Games policy

- 180 on requiring Kinect

- 180 on having Kinect Sports Rivals ready for launch

- 180 on price to make it 399?

Anything else I'm missing here?

Regardless, these are all good things. People will assume this means $399 or less Kinect-less versions is coming, but what if It's just for people who have their Kinect break? Do you really want to spend $200 on a new Kinect for features you may not use?

Wrong. They are still hating they tried to do it in the first place.

Microsoft betrayed us!!!

I'm hating on the way they have gone about everything. Yes I know they listened, but 100% true fact is that they said from day one all the policies we have can not be reversed.... Then slowly it gets reversed. I get it. it's damage control. It just makes my head hurt.
People want innovation but then laughing at Nintendo for trying to do it. its great, lol.
Well to be fair, MS did their damn best to try to innovate at least in terms of going all digital for consoles and it backfired. This gen isn't ready for the glorious world of steam on consoles yet. Yes, I am aware that MS prices would be much higher then Steam but at least it was a start.

I will say the new Kinect looks pretty lagless compared to the 360 Kinect. Illumiroom also looks great but I doubt It will be ready for awhile. Either way the only good titles for the XBox 360 Kinect that WERE NOT dance games? Gunstringer and Child of Eden.

People want innovation but then laughing at Nintendo for trying to do it. its great, lol.
no one is lol at nintendo doing innovation they are lol at nintendo for having no games for thier system and lame 3rd party support that companys take away online stuff becaus their system backing is not that great.

One thing im learning, the term "true next gen" is nothing but a buzz word.

Hell, might as well just build a PC and make a "steam box" if you want a true "next gen" console

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we all know deader is a sony/nintendo fan boy. sony and nintendo can do nothing bad in this guy eyes. Every time i say something bad about nintendo on their forum he jumps on me.

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we all know deader is a sony/nintendo fan boy
Is that really necessary? Can you please not resort to name calling? It's pretty immature.

Im not going to turn this thread into some kinda debate about Nintendo now so sorry. Not going to play that game.

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Honestly, I might as well just wait for the kinect-less sku to come before I get an xbox one.

That's my current plan lol. Regardless, my last request for the xbox one was that they get rid of the "always listening" Kinect and they it looks like someday (not for at least 2-3 years though) I will own an Xbox One :lol:

Hell, might as well just build a PC and make a "steam box" if you want a true "next gen" console
That's really where MS's initial plan was misguided.

Who wants to go digital/DRM only on a console that's a closed platform with no competition to drive down prices? Why would anyone opt for that over just building a gaming PC where Steam is dirt cheap as they have to compete with all the other stores that sell download games?

And that really probably is the future. Consoles will just morph into gaming PCs optimized for use on a TV with no keyboard/mouse where we can browse multiple stores to buy and download digital games.

Is that really necessary? Can you please not resort to name calling? It's pretty immature.

Im not going to turn this thread into some kinda debate about Nintendo now so sorry. Not going to play that game.
can you stop trolling this forum any chance you get? you come here and do nothing but bash or say bad things about x1

Dmaul yeah. I know that the future will be all digital. Its slowly starting to go there now. I think Microsoft was really banking on Sony also going with the DRM/digital thing but when they didn't it was only them and people werent ready for that yet.

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Microsoft has given ground once again on the XBox One. While I personally believe that this move will help them to move product for the system more quickly in its first few years, I can't say I'm happy about the reversal. This opens up the possibility of an XBox One bundle that doesn't come with the Kinect-next. That could potentially allow them to sell a version of the system at the same price as the PS4.

If I do acquire an XBox One in the coming year, I will still go for the Kinect-bundled version. While this decision has obvious practical considerations, I fear that it prevents the XBox One from standing apart from the competition. The cable television integration is now going to be the XBox One's major feature advantage.

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It's a long line of broken promises in what could have been a truly next gen console.

Instead, we get PS3.5, and Xbox 360+1.

While that's all some people really wanted, for others it's a severe disappointment. Those who wanted a traditional system had a choice. Those who did not had a choice. An that's a argument I'll stick by to be honest.
If you want a DD-centric console, build a fucking Steam Box for your home theater, preorder Oculus Rift and quitcher bitchin'. You can tailor the specs to whatever magical fairytale gaming platform that would satisfy you, and you could constantly upgrade it to remain "next-gen", whatever the fuck that means to you.

The only things Microsoft has removed from the X1 are:

1. 24 hour online check

2. Kinect installation mandate

3. The "Family Share Plan" that only existed as a rough outline built on a few talking points

4. One-time use discs/tightly controlled secondary market

Features that are still there:

1. All Kinect functionality

2. Enhanced Achievement system

3. Enhanced matchmaking

4. Multitasking/snapping

5. TV integration

6. Automatic/seamless game installation to the HDD

7. Better controller and headset (now included!)

8. XBL Home Gold working for every account on your home system

9. Gaming DVR/sharing

10. First MS console with developer self-publishing

11. Great system specs that have actually gotten better since E3

12. Working on legacy headset support

13. Finally axing MSP and going with actual dollar amounts for content

You have no reason to bitch. None. You're just being a contrarian for the sake of it.

I think it's funny how much folks are underestimating the X1. It will be fun to watch how surprised everyone will be in a few months!
I think it's funny how much folks are underestimating the X1. It will be fun to watch how surprised everyone will be in a few months!
Now that all of the things I was pissed about (controlling the secondary market, Kinect always watching, no legacy headset support) are gone I feel the same way. I'm still going to wait until next fall at the earliest but only because I want to focus on Wii U games this fall and none of the launch exclusives are worth a $500 upgrade at this point.

Now, if they put a bundle up on ExpertZone... :D/

I'm still going to wait until next fall at the earliest but only because I want to focus on Wii U games this fall and none of the launch exclusives are worth a $500 upgrade at this point.
Launch games rarely ever are worth the cost of entry. Gone are the days when a console that gets released in Japan comes out in other regions a year later. This was the usual cause of solid launch titles. The Dreamcast was notorious for having a terrible launch selection in Japan. When it came out in the U.S. a lot of the Japanese titles from the tail end of its first year came with it, and the U.S. launch had an incredibly strong selection.

The best that most systems can hope for these days is a single, first-party exclusive title. Mario 64 was the reason for having an N64. Halo helped launch the XBox brand. And the Wii sold for years on the strength of Wii Sports. It's somewhat telling that Sony has never truly had a "killer-app" to launch any of their systems, and certainly not from their first-party studios. Ico and Shadow of the Colossus were shooting more for artistry and craft than mass appeal. But then Sony's game business was built on strong third-party support.

I have single-day passes to the last day of the show at PAX Prime this year. I'll have to stop by the Sony and Microsoft booths while I'm there.

Launch games rarely ever are worth the cost of entry. Gone are the days when a console that gets released in Japan comes out in other regions a year later. This was the usual cause of solid launch titles. The Dreamcast was notorious for having a terrible launch selection in Japan. When it came out in the U.S. a lot of the Japanese titles from the tail end of its first year came with it, and the U.S. launch had an incredibly strong selection.
that's even more so this upcoming gen seeing most games people want to play are on pc,360,ps3

I think it's funny how much folks are underestimating the X1. It will be fun to watch how surprised everyone will be in a few months!
I've said this all along. Even if they hadn't changed a thing from the original plan I thought most people would see what this system actually is once they had a chance to, ya know, actually use it and totally be into it.
MS has just completely sold me on the X1 although I was heavily leaning in that direction already.  However it's a bit of a double edged sword.  They've also completely convinced me that it will only be a matter of time before a version without the Kinect is being sold.  So while they've assured this will be the console I buy they've also assured I won't be buying it immediatley.  I'll probably wait a year or so hoping to get a version without Kinect and if not that maybe at least a price cut.

It would seem like the logical next step is to produce a Kinect-less SKU.  Although, MS would probably wait since that would probably cause a mass confusion in the pre-orders.  I would chnage my Day 1 to a Kinect-less version.   I just hope it works better in my room this time around.  The first gen Kinect was garbage.

Features that are still there:

1. All Kinect functionality

2. Enhanced Achievement system

3. Enhanced matchmaking

4. Multitasking/snapping

5. TV integration

6. Automatic/seamless game installation to the HDD

7. Better controller and headset (now included!)

8. XBL Home Gold working for every account on your home system

9. Gaming DVR/sharing

10. First MS console with developer self-publishing

11. Great system specs that have actually gotten better since E3

12. Working on legacy headset support

13. Finally axing MSP and going with actual dollar amounts for content
Those are the ones I'm most excited about. I'm a big achievement hunter so the new system sounds really cool. It's about time we got multitasking on our gaming consoles. Installing a game is just one more barrier to not getting into the game so the automatic nature here is a plus. The Xbox 360 controller is the best, imo, and all the improvements to it look amazing (it has been said it was a $100M project). I love playing and watching great gameplay so I am really excited to see what comes out of the DVR feature. Ever since I had to wear headphones to play games at night I've been in love with deep bass stereo/5.1 surround sound headsets.

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If you want a DD-centric console, build a fucking Steam Box for your home theater, preorder Oculus Rift and quitcher bitchin'. You can tailor the specs to whatever magical fairytale gaming platform that would satisfy you, and you could constantly upgrade it to remain "next-gen", whatever the fuck that means to you.

The only things Microsoft has removed from the X1 are:

1. 24 hour online check

2. Kinect installation mandate

3. The "Family Share Plan" that only existed as a rough outline built on a few talking points

4. One-time use discs/tightly controlled secondary market

Features that are still there:

1. All Kinect functionality

2. Enhanced Achievement system

3. Enhanced matchmaking

4. Multitasking/snapping

5. TV integration

6. Automatic/seamless game installation to the HDD

7. Better controller and headset (now included!)

8. XBL Home Gold working for every account on your home system

9. Gaming DVR/sharing

10. First MS console with developer self-publishing

11. Great system specs that have actually gotten better since E3

12. Working on legacy headset support

13. Finally axing MSP and going with actual dollar amounts for content

You have no reason to bitch. None. You're just being a contrarian for the sake of it.
Honestly, a lot of these features could be done on current gen. System Specs cannot and some of the things that go with that. A lot of the changes are policy changes. Dollar amount for example is already on the 360.

It seems like they have been preparing us since E3 with all these reversals and each one getting bigger than the next. I wonder if at the end of Gamescom they will announce that the Xbox One with Kinect 2.0 will be $399.99. Microsoft could certainly take the loss and benefit from gaining a ton of momentum if this were to happen. It would benefit both those who already pre-ordered and those sitting on the sidelines.

The Kinect change is another message to developers.  This Kinect 2.0 was hyped up to be something great but what difference does it make if people don't even need to plug the damn accessory into the console to play?  By not requiring it, we're forced to subsidize Microsoft's investment in a damn accessory that people may not even use! It only makes sense to sell the console without a Kinect now.  They really should give the consumer the option to buy an X1 without a Kinect.  I'd totally be open to preordering a Kinect-less X1. 

Console gamers just weren't ready for the digital age - the preorder numbers only validated Sony's decision.  The internet infrastructure just wasn't there for the masses.  I always thought the X1 was better suited for the "high income consumer" but their constant changing in position  to cater to the general public just sends a mixed message.  Frankly, I was content with the current gen.  I wonder if we should blame the developers.  It seemed like the developers were the ones crying about the next gen.  Now they get what they wanted all along - PS3/Xbox 360 2.0

Console gamers just weren't ready for the digital age - the preorder numbers only validated Sony's decision. The internet infrastructure just wasn't there for the masses. I always thought the X1 was better suited for the "high income consumer" but their constant changing in position to cater to the general public just sends a mixed message. Frankly, I was content with the current gen. I wonder if we should blame the developers. It seemed like the developers were the ones crying about the next gen. Now they get what they wanted all along - PS3/Xbox 360 2.0
This is a sentiment that I fear will be shared by a lot of consumers throughout 2014. Nintendo's decision to launch the Wii U when they did was understandable, the original Wii was dead in the water at that point. But Sony and Microsoft both might be jumping the gun with their new hardware this holiday season. Adoption for both systems is probably going to be slower than expected, and much slower than the 360 and PS3 got picked up. (which was already not that fast)

I do hope that both companies are taking notes on NIntendo's performance, and adjusting their sales expectations downwards. If not, their financials for the coming year are going to be really screwed up.

This is a sentiment that I fear will be shared by a lot of consumers throughout 2014. Nintendo's decision to launch the Wii U when they did was understandable, the original Wii was dead in the water at that point. But Sony and Microsoft both might be jumping the gun with their new hardware this holiday season. Adoption for both systems is probably going to be slower than expected, and much slower than the 360 and PS3 got picked up. (which was already not that fast)

I do hope that both companies are taking notes on NIntendo's performance, and adjusting their sales expectations downwards. If not, their financials for the coming year are going to be really screwed up.
I don't know if I can agree that people don't want new consoles. People have been pretty hyped for the last several years each E3 because they were hoping for these things to get announced. Now they are announced and coming out, it's hard for me to see those same people simply not caring.

And while next-gen won't be the greatest leap, I'm still super excited. I'm hoping this revitalizes the Xbox gaming exclusives, that Sony gets their shit together with the speeds of the system, and that the games themselves maybe expand in creativity gameplay wise since story and graphics seem to be the most important for AAA devs it seems.

Part of me is disappointed that it isn't fully digital yet, but consoles weren't there. They haven't proven that it would work the way everyone hopes it would, and until they do that, I think it's best they continue experimenting with digital this gen.

I don't know if I can agree that people don't want new consoles. People have been pretty hyped for the last several years each E3 because they were hoping for these things to get announced. Now they are announced and coming out, it's hard for me to see those same people simply not caring.

Part of me is disappointed that it isn't fully digital yet, but consoles weren't there. They haven't proven that it would work the way everyone hopes it would, and until they do that, I think it's best they continue experimenting with digital this gen.
The kind of consumers you're describing are game enthusiasts. They were going to be on board for new hardware no matter what. But they are a very small minority of the overall consumer base. The average consumer isn't nearly as excited about the new hardware on the horizon. Most of them probably don't even know these platforms are coming. The die-hard game enthusiast will move a given number of systems, but they aren't where the big money in the industry is made. And platform initiatives this large have to follow the money.

The move away from a purely digital system wasn't contingent on console hardware, but on on-line infrastructure. High-speed internet is not ubiquitous enough to make such a system viable. Once again, you have to follow the money for this big of an investment. This is the whole reason Microsoft has been backpedaling so hard on the XBox One. Their investors are concerned about the potential revenue they would be losing by sticking to their original plan.

I'm surprised to hear that they announced that Xbox One won't require your Kinect to be always on.  I actually think this decision might hurt pre-order numbers, since a lot of fence-sitters may now wait for a cheaper Xbox One without the Kinect attachment, which is reasonable to think one will be coming within the next year.

Similar to what htz said, I think a price drop could be coming.  Since the Kinect is no longer 100% required, why bother including it?  I'd say drop the price to $399 now and make the Kinect an optional accessory.  Just my thoughts on the latest revelation.  

bread's done