XBOX360 General Questions - Setups/Hrdwr/Accessories/XBOX Live...etc.

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In a similar vein, is the only to get songs stored on my 360 HDD to stream them from my PC? I put some songs on a flash drive last night and popped it in, but nowhere could I find the option to transfer them to the 360 itself; it would just let me play them from the flash.

Anyone know?
[quote name='Gourd'] Q: Can I play music from my iPhone or iPod Touch?

A: No. The iPhone and and iPod Touch use a different mechanism for storing music than a traditional iPod, and the Xbox 360 console can't play music from those sources. However, you can browse pictures stored on these devices through the Media area of the Xbox 360 Dashboard.
then I hope they comeout with some sort of download that let's it work.
Is it possible to connect my router via Coax through my modem, and then my 360 through the modem via ethernet? It detects an IP but fails at DNS when I do this.
If a backward-compatible game had 5.1 surround sound on the original XBOX, will it have 5.1 surround with you play it on the 360 (assuming of course that you have all the proper hardware)?

If so, is there any special way to activate it? Or will it automatically enable surround sound for the old game if your 360 is using the optical out?
Hey guys, I got the RRoD and now my DLC wont work unless I'm online.

My question is; If I buy rock band songs and then take my 360 to someplace without internet will I be able to play them?

Like if I buy something on the console and harddrive does that have the same restriction of the stuff I bought before my console died?

Understand what I'm saying? I havent had coffee today...
[quote name='GenghisJohn']Hey guys, I got the RRoD and now my DLC wont work unless I'm online.

My question is; If I buy rock band songs and then take my 360 to someplace without internet will I be able to play them?

Like if I buy something on the console and harddrive does that have the same restriction of the stuff I bought before my console died?

Understand what I'm saying? I havent had coffee today...[/quote]

DLC is tied to the console and the gamertag. If the console doesn't match, as in the case of a RROD replacement, it requires gamertag verification via Live connection.

If you were to get some new DLC, you could use that offline, as it will be tied to your current console. But if your console would die again, it will require connection to Live to use it.
Once purchased, all content may be used:

1. On the original CONSOLE it was downloaded on.


2. With the original GAMERTAG it was downloaded with, when said Gamertag is signed onto Xbox Live.

It's REALLY not that complicated.
I just got a 360 and have a question. If I create a Gamertag on can I import that tag onto my 360 when I set up Live? I created a profile on my 360 when I set it up but its a different name.
I managed to get the last 360 Pro at Best Buy today. I got lucky and got a Falcon with a BenQ disc drive. (It's still disconcertingly loud, though.) Anyway, I was wondering what the deal with the included XBL Gold trial is. Is it suppose to come with a card or code you redeem, or does it just give you a free trial when you create a new XBL account? I imported an account I created earlier for my main profile. Does that mean I'm out of luck?
[quote name='PyroGamer']Once purchased, all content may be used:

1. On the original CONSOLE it was downloaded on.


2. With the original GAMERTAG it was downloaded with, when said Gamertag is signed onto Xbox Live.

It's REALLY not that complicated.[/quote]

Just REALLY annoying.
[quote name='Dunvane']In a similar vein, is the only to get songs stored on my 360 HDD to stream them from my PC? I put some songs on a flash drive last night and popped it in, but nowhere could I find the option to transfer them to the 360 itself; it would just let me play them from the flash.

Anyone know?[/QUOTE]

I'll just ask this again, in hopes of an answer.
i heard the original xbox wireless adapter works with the 360 is this true if so there all over ebay for 40-50$ buy it now only
[quote name='metaly']I managed to get the last 360 Pro at Best Buy today. I got lucky and got a Falcon with a BenQ disc drive. (It's still disconcertingly loud, though.) Anyway, I was wondering what the deal with the included XBL Gold trial is. Is it suppose to come with a card or code you redeem, or does it just give you a free trial when you create a new XBL account? I imported an account I created earlier for my main profile. Does that mean I'm out of luck?[/quote]

It signed me up for the 30-day Gold trial when I created my Live account. I was a little nervous about this too, since I bought the system used, but it worked without a hitch.

Incidentally, not to rain on your parade, but according to Wombat and Cheapy on the most recent CAGcast, the Falcon CPU does not make your 360 any less likely to red ring. Supposedly the problem is the GPU overheating, not the CPU, and that's not expected to be addressed until Microsoft starts using even newer chips (forget the exact name) in models coming out this summer.
[quote name='Tybee']Incidentally, not to rain on your parade, but according to Wombat and Cheapy on the most recent CAGcast, the Falcon CPU does not make your 360 any less likely to red ring. Supposedly the problem is the GPU overheating, not the CPU, and that's not expected to be addressed until Microsoft starts using even newer chips (forget the exact name) in models coming out this summer.[/quote]

I've heard that too, and yeah, it sucks. I mostly took it as an indicator that it's a fairly recent model and not one they unearthed in some warehouse. Plus reports have said newer consoles are slightly less failure-prone, even if the Falcon wasn't the miracle cure everyone was expecting. At the very least, it should use a little less power than the 90nm chips.
has anyone had the problem of the 360 switching the lights between 1st and 2nd player positions when only one controller is hooked up? I do have the wireless headset on also but am not sure that that would effect it.
After having my red-ringed console replaced my MS, I can't access any of my old arcade downloads without being logged into Live. WTF?

I spent an hour on the phone with Live Support last night and they were walking me through recovering my gamertag, which would result in a "service unavailable" error after a long wait. I eventually had to get off the phone and try later, when I was able to recover the tag.

But the problem's still the same! Anything I've downloaded since the return of my console works just fine offline.

Is there a fix for this? Should I go to the game on marketplace and select "download again"? Any help is appreciated. I know there are more of you that this has happened to, but I haven't found any answers.

This guy's problem sounds pretty similar to mine:
[quote name='Sockey']I'm pretty fucking pissed.

I got my xBox back around two weeks ago. A few days ago my brother wanted to play shivering isles which I had downloaded on my old xBox. Since I got a new xbox (and shivering isles is linked to my old one) it wouldn't work on his profile. I knew this would be a problem but had delayed calling them. That day, after several hours of talking to hard to understand customer representatives, being put on hold, and having to call back later, one of the higher ups told me they would evaluate my account so they could reimburse all the MS points I had spent (and I could redownload the content on a new silver account). The Customer Service Rep told me they would call back within a week.

Today I got a call but wasnt home. MS left a voice mail telling me to call back. When I got home I called them. After getting past the automated messages and the lower representatives I got to a man who told me I wouldn't be needing the points. Instead he walked me through this process:
-Clear the cache
-Delete my gamertag (but not the items linked to it)
-Turn off Xbox
-Take out hard drive and leave it removed for 1 minute
-Turn on Xbox
-Recover gamertag
*While it was recovering (a lengthy process) he told me the rest of the instructions and hung up*
-Go to account management and redownload downloaded content from here.

I did all this and it didn't work. I even redid it and deleted the downloaded content before beginning the process. This didn't work either.

Now I am going to have to call MS back yet again. All I want is the fucking MS points so I can redownload everyting.

I am surprised there aren't more people angry at MS for this. I can't imagine your average Joe taking the time to go through this lengthy process so the rest of their family can play XBLA games and downloadable content.

Sorry for the long rant, I am just pissed about how long this is taking. But I have spent well over $150.00 on downloadable content and I don't intend to give it up.[/quote]
This question has only been answered about 62 times in the past three days.

It sucks. Microsoft is a bunch of dumbass fucks. Go make a petition or something. Or better yet: sue them.
It's a very common and known issue, and MS doesn't seem to really care about it. When I got my elite, CS wouldn't do anything for me.

Some folk have said if you go to your download history and download everything from there, it will work offline for all accounts on the system, but that did not work for me. You should try it though and see if it helps you any.
[quote name='Ryukahn']It's a very common and known issue, and MS doesn't seem to really care about it. When I got my elite, CS wouldn't do anything for me.

Some folk have said if you go to your download history and download everything from there, it will work offline for all accounts on the system, but that did not work for me. You should try it though and see if it helps you any.[/quote]

Thanks for the suggestion instead of just saying "I'm on these boards day & night and can't be bothered seeing more than one person have the same question."

I'll give that a try and post back. Wish me luck :whistle2:#
Jeez I was hoping I might be able to migrate almost all the stuff I've downloaded on my American 360 to my Japanese through my memory card but it sounds like I might be screwed.
Velvet you followed all the instructions given when it was replaced including keeping your original HDD? I mean if I'm following this correctly even if you haven't deleted any content from your HDD it still does the log-in crap? Jeez I always thought the idea was you only had to worry about the being logged in to play the game crap if you re-dowloaded something after deleting it on your HDD.
[quote name='scuba t']my 360 now has a full red ring when I turn it on not the three. What could this mean?[/quote]

Is the video cable plugged in all the way? That'll trigger a full red ring.
Ok how do I stream media from my XP PC to my 360, the page does not help at all. It tells me to download WMP11 which I did but everytime I allow media sharing it just freezes up and stops working. Any help?
[quote name='metaly']I managed to get the last 360 Pro at Best Buy ... I was wondering what the deal with the included XBL Gold trial is. Is it supposed to come with a card or code you redeem, or does it just give you a free trial when you create a new XBL account? I imported an account I created earlier for my main profile. Does that mean I'm out of luck?[/quote]

[quote name='Chronotrigga']Can anyone help me? I keep getting NAT Strict on my Xbox360. I'm using the router WGR614v6. How do I create a static IP for my 360?[/QUOTE]A website called "Port Forward" has a lot of great guides for stuff like this... heres the link that would apply to your situation

And when you're done setting up, you may need to reset the router before the NAT shows up as "open."
Does anyone know why the hell I cannot retrieve my gamertag? I've tried all the damn pw and it still doesn't work. Then I tried to recover the pw but its not recognizing my email address either, wtf? I know my gamertag and the email I used because I checked the news they send me and its the same ones.
Has anyone seen 175 Watt Arcades out there?

I already have the hard drive and headset, so I want to find an Arcade system but I can only find the older 203 Watt ones.

Its even hard to find 175 W Pros, although I have seen them. WTF is going on? Even new stock that stores are getting are still 203W! And Elites have been gone since Christmas. I smell a price drop or something coming up. :bomb:

Is it safe for me to swap hard drives with my account/profile on both hard drives? I just swapped my refurb today and they let me keep the old hard drive and *forgot* about the new one as the CSR guy didn't notice the new one in there. What I have learned is that somehow something on my old hard drive got corrupted so it won't allow me to play halo 3 anymore (causes lock ups). I thought it was the drive so that's why I did the swap. After installing the old hard drive, I learned that it was actually the hard drive giving me problems, so I installed the new one and imported my account and halo plays fine now. Problem is that all my good save games (like from Ace Combat 6 and so on) are on the old drive.
Question: I bought a VGA cable so I could upscale my dvd's. I don't know what setting to keep my tv at. I looked at this question below on the FAQ and I have no clue which one to use (I don't see a simple setting for 1080i on the xbox). Thanks!

The highest I can go is 1360x768, but it's set now at 1260x760.

My tv:
Max Res. :1366x768 Native Res: 1080i

9. Should I just set my XBOX 360 to output the highest resolution to my HDTV?
A: No. If you have a 720p HDTV, set the XBOX 360 to output 720p. If you have a 1080i HDTV, set the XBOX 360 to output 1080i. If you have a 1080p HDTV, set the XBOX 360 to output 1080i or 1080p depending on whether your HDTV has Component or VGA input.
So today I had 4 game freezes. 3 while playing Scene It and once while playing COD4. I think I'm headed toward a red ring and I'm furious!
Is my 360 going to break soon?

When I bought my 360 on eBay, the seller failed to mention that it also has the "Disc Dirty" error. It only happened a few times. Like, I would be playing CoD4 online for an hour or so and then out of nowhere the fans suddenly power down and then a message pops up saying "Disc Dirty.. please clean disc". When this happens, I usually just exit to the Dashboard. Wait a few seconds. And then play the game again and it starts right back up.

Anyhow, I was playing a few minutes ago and I pop in CoD4 and I start the game. I join a match and sometime in the middle of the match the fans power down -- like the noise you get when you're at the dashboard (very quiet). Anyhow, all I can really hear is the loading noises from the drive as I'm playing. After 5 minutes, the fans start to power up again. The match ends and the fans are still very loud. When the match starts up again, the fans power down, and then when I spawn they power back up again.

Earlier days like yesterday, the fans just power up for the entire time I play CoD4.

Is this normal, or is there something wrong?
I'm seriously considering a purchase of the 360 and I have a few questions that I hope CAG can help me with.

1. Where should I buy it? Do you know of any good deals going on right now?

2. If I buy it at some place like Best Buy, should I also buy their hardware warranty? Or does Microsoft's warranty tend to cover most problems?

3. How can I tell if my Xbox has the newer chipset that doesn't have the red rings or overheating problems? I've heard that you can tell by the serial number on the box, but I'm not sure how.

4. Since I don't have a HDTV, I can use my PC CRT monitor as long as I buy the VGA cables, right?

Thanks guys.
1. Where should I buy it? Do you know of any good deals going on right now?

Anywhere you can find one since a lot of stores are still out of stock. As for deals? Nope, not really. I got mine from with a coupon code to save $15 and not pay tax/shipping.

2. If I buy it at some place like Best Buy, should I also buy their hardware warranty? Or does Microsoft's warranty tend to cover most problems?

You could, but MS's warranty is good for 3 years. I would assume it covers anything, but at the least it covers RROD. I'd honestly buy it at Costco if you can. They take returns no questions asked.

3. How can I tell if my Xbox has the newer chipset that doesn't have the red rings or overheating problems? I've heard that you can tell by the serial number on the box, but I'm not sure how.

4. Since I don't have a HDTV, I can use my PC CRT monitor as long as I buy the VGA cables, right?

You could probably buy an adaptor for a hell of a lot cheaper than buying specific VGA cables. Thinking about putting mine on my LCD monitor.
[quote name='mike.m'] I'd honestly buy it at Costco if you can. They take returns no questions asked.[/quote]

Costco is 90 Days for Electronics. Thier Website doesn't list it, but I specifically asked when inquiring about buying a replacement and they showed it to me on the instore policy sheet.
[quote name='mike.m']
You could probably buy an adaptor for a hell of a lot cheaper than buying specific VGA cables. Thinking about putting mine on my LCD monitor.[/quote]

Very doubtful.. at least cheaply. You can score a cheap cable at
[quote name='CappyCobra']Costco is 90 Days for Electronics. Thier Website doesn't list it, but I specifically asked when inquiring about buying a replacement and they showed it to me on the instore policy sheet.

Very doubtful.. at least cheaply. You can score a cheap cable at[/quote] Costco is not 90 days on electronics. It's lifetime on electronics and 90 days ONLY on t.v.s, iPods and cell phones. Everything else, and I mean everything, is lifetime. In other words, Xboxs are lifetime. The items that are 90 days have a big sticker on them indicating that.
[quote name='CappyCobra']Costco is 90 Days for Electronics. Thier Website doesn't list it, but I specifically asked when inquiring about buying a replacement and they showed it to me on the instore policy sheet.

Very doubtful.. at least cheaply. You can score a cheap cable at[/QUOTE]

Dude, you are totally wrong.... video game systems aren't 90 days, it's lifetime.... only a select few things are 90 days (TVs, PCs, Mobile phones) and with these, there is a 2 year warranty for repair.......

Get your facts straight before you post.
[quote name='bostonfrontier']Dude, you are totally wrong.... video game systems aren't 90 days, it's lifetime.... only a select few things are 90 days (TVs, PCs, Mobile phones) and with these, there is a 2 year warranty for repair.......

Get your facts straight before you post.[/QUOTE]
I'd personally get it at Best Buy with the 2 year. If its broken (or you feel like a new one) just go there, give them your xbox, get a new one, and swap hard drives. Takes all of about 5 minutes, tops.
[quote name='CappyCobra']Costco is 90 Days for Electronics. Thier Website doesn't list it, but I specifically asked when inquiring about buying a replacement and they showed it to me on the instore policy sheet.


I personally know people that have brough TV's back after 5 years. And a co-worker got a replacement on his Xbox 360 after a year because it didn't have HDMI.

Generally, Costco will take anything back, for almost forever. At least the ones around my area will.
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