XBOX360 General Questions - Setups/Hrdwr/Accessories/XBOX Live...etc.

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[quote name='metaly']Eternal Sonata and Oblivion I'll probably check out on the PS3 because of the extra content, but I'll give Blue Dragon a try.[/QUOTE]
There is no extra content on the PS3 version of Oblivion. The Game of the Year Edition includes all the expansion packs (shivering isles, knights of nine, etc), and is exactly the same on both the PS3 and the 360.

Though one multiplatform game you should get on the 360 especially, is Orange Box (game is horridly ported on the PS3). Amazing game. Unless, of course, you already have it for PC.

Then there's Dead Rising (must have), Condemned: Criminal Origins, Viva Piñata, Call of Duty 4, BioShock, Rainbow Six: Vegas, Hitman: Blood Money for cheap, Kameo for cheap, Crackdown for cheap...

Since it seems like you already have a PS3, you should acquaint yourself with all the 360 exclusive games. Here's a list:

Here are some recommendations, strictly from the "exclusives" list:

Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation
Beautiful Katamari
Blue Dragon
Burnout Revenge
Call of Duty 2
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Dead Rising
Dead or Alive 4
Earth Defence Force 2017
Eternal Sonata
Forza Motorsport 2
Gears of War
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
Guitar Hero 2
Halo 3
Hitman: Blood Money
Just Cause
Kameo: Elements of Power
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition
Mass Effect
Need for Speed Most Wanted
Perfect Dark Zero
Project Gotham Racing 4
Saint's Row
Scene It? Lights, Camera, Action
Viva Piñata

Then there are all the great XBLA titles. Go download all of the demos, and check them all out. See what you like. Geo Wars, Puzzle Quest, UNO, Carcassone, Hexic 2, Catan, Bomberman Live, Puzzle Fighter, Marble Blast Ultra, Lumines Live, E4, Space Giraffe, Worms, Cloning Clyde, and Castlevania are just a few of my favorites.
Agreed on what everyone said here.

Don't put your 360 in a closed media center type housing. Although it looks nice, the heat it produces can possably affect your other equipment. Put it this way when I got my 360 and I put it into the area I had it, although it had plenty of open space in the front and back, the heat created an oven like effect and 28 days later my 360 died. Now I have it out in the open. Yes get the best buy 50 dollar warranty if you got the money for it.
Then there are a lot of great BC games.

I highly recommend Ninja Gaiden, Knights of the Old Republic, Indigo Prophecy, Prince of Persia, and Fable.

Here are all the ones well worth buying:

• Breakdown™
• Conker: Live and Reloaded
• Crimson Skies®: High Road to Revenge™
• Darkwatch™
• Dead or Alive® 3
• Dead or Alive Ultimate
• Deathrow
• DOOM 3®
• DOOM 3®: Resurrection of Evil™
• The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind®
• Fable®: The Lost Chapters™
• Fatal Frame™
• Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly DIRECTOR'S CUT
• Full Spectrum Warrior™
• Full Spectrum Warrior™: Ten Hammers
• Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy
• Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
• Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas™
• Guilty Gear Isuka
• Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
• Halo®
• Halo 2
• The Incredible Hulk™: Ultimate Destruction
• Indigo Prophecy
• Jade Empire™
• JSRF: Jet Set Radio Future
• Manhunt
• Marvel vs. Capcom 2
• Max Payne
• Max Payne® 2
• MechAssault® 2: Lone Wolf
• Mega Man® Anniversary Collection
• Mercenaries™
• Metal Arms™: Glitch in the System
• Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
• Namco Museum™
• Namco Museum 50th Anniversary Arcade Collection
• Ninja Gaiden®
• Ninja Gaiden Black
• Outlaw Volleyball
• Pariah
• Panzer Dragoon ORTA™
• Phantom Dust™
• Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time™
• Psychonauts
• Puyo Pop Fever
• Return to Castle Wolfenstein
• Scarface
• Shenmue II
• Sid Meier's Pirates!®
• Silent Hill® 2: Restless Dreams
• Silent Hill 4: The Room
• Sonic Mega Collection™ Plus
• Soul Calibur 2
• Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic™
• Street Fighter® Anniversary Collection
• Stubbs the Zombie™ in Rebel without a Pulse™
• The Suffering
• Syberia II
• Tecmo Classic Arcade
• Thief: Deadly Shadows™
• Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell®
• Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Chaos Theory™
• Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Double Agent™
• Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Pandora Tomorrow™
• Ultra Bust-A-Move
• Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict
[quote name='guinaevere']
Halo 3 in multiplayer split screen is bizarre. The sides of the playing screen are basically cut off (left and right sides). The menu screens all go to the proper full widths, and you can even tell that the HUD goes beyond the playing field (basically, the grenade meter extends a tiny bit into the black void of the left side of the screen). I called MS and they had no idea what was causing this.

That's perfectly normal. Halo 3 in split screen is letter boxed with the sides cut off. It's one of the big complaints most have about the game. Annoyed the piss out of me.

Only thing that sounds od is the grenade meter extending into the black, as you should see everything normally, just having the picture letterboxed on the sides on widescreen TVs.
[quote name='dmaul1114']That's perfectly normal. Halo 3 in split screen is letter boxed with the sides cut off. It's one of the big complaints most have about the game. Annoyed the piss out of me.

Only thing that sounds od is the grenade meter extending into the black, as you should see everything normally, just having the picture letterboxed on the sides on widescreen TVs.[/quote]

Yeah, who came up with the bright idea of 4:3'ing splitscreen on a wide screen TV? All that wasted space and any time we play co-op, we have to sit that much closer to the TV.
I've been configuring the network in my apartment, and I wanna make sure everything for my game consoles remains as "unblocked" as possible. Best way to do that is to just set my router's DMZ to the 360's (static) IP address, correct? I did this and my NAT was still in the middle, but then I reset the router and tried again, and that time my NAT was listed as "Open." So I should be fine, right?

I wanna have my PS2 and original Xbox online too, even if I rarely use them. Every site I read says to put the PS2 in the DMZ, but I'm already using that for the 360. So are there ports I gotta open or anything like that?
[quote name='zerowing']Is there anyway to preview Picture Packs and Themes on Xbox Live?[/QUOTE]

Nope. That's something that needs fixed. I bought a team (WVU from NCAA football) and was very disappointed with it so I doubt I'll buy any more until they add a preview option.
[quote name='sp00ge']Yeah, who came up with the bright idea of 4:3'ing splitscreen on a wide screen TV? All that wasted space and any time we play co-op, we have to sit that much closer to the TV.[/quote]

I could have swore I read something along the lines that they HAD to do it that way to preserve the graphical quality. Definitely annoying, but I hardly ever split screen, so it's not a huge issue.
Re: Halo 3

Without the letterboxing, that would be what... a 32:9 aspect ratio for each player? That would be kinda crazy. I always just assumed it was an artistic choice to have the letterboxing, so the field of view wasn't insanely wide.
Anyone? Basically how can I tell if it's a Falcon (which is the best model right)?

And is the EBgames warranty any good because I have to buy it there if I was to buy it...
[quote name='naes']Which SKUs should I try and get if I get a 360 Pro?[/quote]
[quote name='dmaul1114']Nope. That's something that needs fixed. I bought a team (WVU from NCAA football) and was very disappointed with it so I doubt I'll buy any more until they add a preview option.[/QUOTE]
Yeah thats terrible and the reason I haven't bought one despite wanting one, thanks.

Anyone? Basically how can I tell if it's a Falcon (which is the best model right)?

And is the EBgames warranty any good because I have to buy it there if I was to buy it...

I don't think EB provides warranties anymore. And to tell from the box if its a Falcon is to look at the sticker with the information with the team name etc, if it says 175w that means it uses the Falcon, if you can't see that look at the serial number and just above it there is a manufacture date, if its recent it most likely has a Falcon.
[quote name='zerowing']Yeah thats terrible and the reason I haven't bought one despite wanting one, thanks.

I don't think EB provides warranties anymore. And to tell from the box if its a Falcon is to look at the sticker with the information with the team name etc, if it says 175w that means it uses the Falcon, if you can't see that look at the serial number and just above it there is a manufacture date, if its recent it most likely has a Falcon.[/quote]

Again, though, that's not the only way to get a Falcon. I picked up an Arcade unit with the 203w sticker on it, and it was manufactured 10-25-07... and a Falcon. So, it's almost a certainty if you get one with a 175w sticker, but there's also a chance if you pick up a 203w. Depends on how lucky you feel, really.
[quote name='Mojimbo']Bungie fucked up the splitscreen, it's not your TV or settings.[/quote]
Ah, thanks.

[quote name='halfbent']I could have swore I read something along the lines that they HAD to do it that way to preserve the graphical quality.[/quote]Unless I'm misunderstanding you, I find that unlikely. Sounds more like poor work on or with the engine.

Anyway, thanks guys. At least it's just that one game and not the new system.
I can't find the article again, this was around release that I read it. But it was the reason the game didn't run at a full 720p and why it was "boxed" for split-screen play as well. Even tho it's boxed for split-screen, you're still seeing MORE of the game, just on a smaller 16x9 box. It's not shrinking anything, you're still seeing the same size screen as far as aspect ratios go, and you're actually seeing a wider field of view at the same time.

Does anyone know why the movie 300 isnt on xblm anymore? I was looking at the movies and it wasnt there. But they had previews and shorts for the movie to download. Hmmm.

Also, when you buy a movie in SD does it look as bad as the movie previews? Because i dont want to waste points if it looks that bad.

One last question. How long do you get to watch a movie before you cant view it anymore?
I'm having trouble with a game on my 360, Assassins creed... I'm getting a "Disc unreadable" error, and although the disc does have unusual scratches, it works on all of my other friends 360s. So, I'm thinking it might have something to do with the save game files since it did work initially the first couple times I played it. All of my other games work, and I heard that clearing the Xbox 360 cache might help.

I'm not all too sure though on what clearing the cache will all delete. Will it delete all of my save game files, demos, updates, profiles, EVERYTHING, etc. I'd like to give it a shot...once AC began recognizing that I needed some update it seems to be more difficult to start up. If anyone could tell me what clearing the cache all deletes using...this process I guess, it'd be great:

a. Locate the System section of the Xbox 360 Dashboard. b. Select Memory, select Hard Drive, and then press Y to view the device options screen.c. On the Xbox 360 Controller, press the X button, press the X button again, press the left bumper, press the right bumper, press the X button, and then press the X button again.d. You will be prompted to confirm system maintenance, select Yes by pressing A.
AFAIK, clearing the cache deletes any downloaded game updates along with files stored on the game for faster load up on subsequent playthroughs (THPG being a title off the top of my head that caches game data to load it faster from the initial title screen next time you play). It doesn't erase other game related data (saves, etc.) demos, profiles or anything of that kind. Someone can fill in with more info in case I'm mistaken.
Alright so basically just game updates? Also, that process above with the "X" options doesn't seem to work for me...uhh in device options would I just press format and confirm that?
NVM tried clearing the cache...didn't help. Any suggestions on how to get this running, or should I just give up, return the game, and buy it some other year, lol. Had this console for almost a year now and I've never had any problems with slowdown or anything. Maybe my console just needs a disc that has no scratches at all...and its...slightly more delicate.
This is more of a question since my 360 isn't broken yet.

But has anyone had experiences with 360's eating discs? For the first time in my 26months owning a 360 it finally performed oddly. Last night while playing Call of Duty 4 for a good hour I heard a loud scratching noise and got the old style PS2 DRE aka "Your disc is unreadable" only to open my case and see a very nice set of circular scratches on my disc.

Luckily, I just got this game 30 days ago so I'm going to exchange it for another disc at my local Wal-Mart.

Question is: Will this be a active problem eventually that I would have to send my 360 in repairs? I've never had a RROD death yet so if this is one time problem or rare occurence I rather have a few scratched games then risking my 360 sending it and getting a refurb die in days on me.

I couldn't decide if this should be posted here or the general questions topic considering my 360 is still functional outside of scratching a disc.

[Posted this in the coffin support group, will delete there if it gets replied to here]
Another new 360 owner here. Buying a slightly used Elite this weekend from a friend (he has the 2-year Best Buy warranty and says he will help me with a replacement if (when) the system red rings). But it's a great deal:

- 360 Elite (complete)
- Extra controller
- Battery charger
- Halo 3
- Bioshock

All for $400.

Historically I've been more of Nintendo guy, but I'm excited about seeing how the other half lives. First game I'm going to play is Orange Box!
[quote name='Riyonuk']What's the estimated time Xbox Live will work again? I'm tired of sitting on the computer, I want to play some games >_
My year is up and I will be exchanging my 360 tommorow at MC. They said their warranty kicks in when MS' shortest expires so I should be all good.
I'm planning to hook up my Elite via VGA since both HDMI inputs on my Samsung LNS3251D are occupied and I'd rather not have to use a HDMI switch. Are there any downsides to using VGA compared to HDMI? Also, I was going to go with the OEM cable, rather than, say, the ones from Monoprice or Monster.
[quote name='sasukekun']It's been working fine all day afaik.[/quote]

Well I try to recover my gamertag twice everday. Tried again this morning, still doesn't work :/
This is kind of a deal question, but what is the best way to purchase a 12-month Live gold subscription? I saw the Dell coupon deal, but that appears to have gone bad.
I've got a few questions about getting set up on Live. These are probably stupid questions, but whatever.

So I've had my 360 for a few months now, playing strictly offline. All my saved games and nerd points are under the name "Danimal" on my 360. That name is almost certainly already taken on Live, so I'll most likely need to come up with something else as a Gamertag. I believe renaming my offline file is simple enough, but it doesn't cause saves and points to be lost, does it? Whatever Gamertag I end up with, as long as it matches the one with my saves and points, will they all show up on my Live account? What if I created a Live account first and then switched the "Danimal" name to match the Live Gamertag afterward?

Oh, and lastly- is there any way to search and see if a name is already in use on Live besides trying to use it in setting up an account?
For Live if you create your xbox live account when logged into the offline one you've gotten with your gamerpoints, then that account will change to the online one with the name you select when they ask you for it during the sign up process. Nothing about that account will change aside from your name; no gamerscore/achievements/anything will be deleted.

When you go to the xbox live can try as many names as you want before confirming the one you like. So just throw in whatever you want there and you can see how it is. If I was you I'd just take a crappy account, sign in, and check out what you can do there before you make your real one.

Going back to the Assassins Creed problem I have though, I bought this "DVD Clean Sweep Laser Lens Cleaner for DVD." It was in the DVD section and nowhere does it say "XBox 360" or anything...but would it still work and not wreck anything on my 360? The DVD has a small red brush and a larger black one underneath...and it says designed for DVD...but I assumed that the Xbox 360 has a similar DVD type drive. Should I give it a shot, or do you think it has a chance of wrecking the Xbox 360 drive further? The brand is "ALLSOP" btw...if that helps anything. And it says "improves sound and picture quality and prevents skipping...doesn't say it makes the discs readable though!
[quote name='Spades22']For Live if you create your xbox live account when logged into the offline one you've gotten with your gamerpoints, then that account will change to the online one with the name you select when they ask you for it during the sign up process. Nothing about that account will change aside from your name; no gamerscore/achievements/anything will be deleted.[/QUOTE]
So the name of that account will just automatically get changed to match the name I choose as my Gamertag? That's nice; I didn't think it would be that simple.

As far as your Assassin's Creed issue, if it was me, I'd try another copy of the game before I tried the DVD Lens Cleaner. I haven't had a lot of luck with those things even just using them on a DVD player, so I'd be a little nervous about using it on a 360. If you can borrow another copy of the game from a friend, or even just return/exchange the one you've got, that might be a safer way to go.
Yep...all it will do is change the name if you're logged in to that account when you select to create the online account.

And for Assassins Creed, this is my friends disc (I didnt buy it), so it has a few scratches...but I just can't see how its the disc. I mean it worked flawlessly on his 360, worked on mine the first or 2nd time, then after that I get the "disc is unreadable/dirty window." I could put it in and eventually get it to work after that, but now it doesn't even show any sign of starting up at all. All the games I've purchased new work fine, including the 2 used games with scratches I bought. So...ya you think it could actually wreck the drive? I don't know how sensitive these lasers are...but these bristles seem extremely soft and I could barely feel them when I put my finger over them once.

I only want to try the cleaner if it has no chance of damaging the drive. If I tried a new copy, it may work just as well as my other games...who knows (But I don't really feel like buying a 60$ game then returning it since I don't spend 60 bucks on any game anymore...generally I wait for deals at 30$. Only games I don't have that I want yet are CoD4 and ... well Assassins Creed)
Quick question, are Live Arcade games linked exclusively to your gamertag? Me and a friend were talking tonight, and wondering, lets say if you sell your 360, and delete your profile/gamertag, would the XBLA games work for the next person?
I don't know of any site in particular, but I've always heard of emulation problems on messages boards for a BC game. Like, going to the Marvel vs Capcom 2 or Third Strike board on gamefaqs or and you'll find people discussing it's various problems.
It's strange that you are having problems with NGB as I played through it recently with no problems. I have had problems with Psychonauts. Everything is fine except Raz is just a light blue color with no texture. Maybe we should just post our BC problems here.
[quote name='peteloaf']It's strange that you are having problems with NGB as I played through it recently with no problems. I have had problems with Psychonauts. Everything is fine except Raz is just a light blue color with no texture. Maybe we should just post our BC problems here.[/quote]

the screen froze when I got to Hans bar and the FMVs are choppy.

That is a good thread idea if it hasnt already been made. If it hasnt I will edit the title
I just tried to sign in.. I got an error message saying my account was invalid.
So I tried to recover my account, it made it about halfway through and said "XBOX LIVE SIGNUP IS UNAVAILABLE"...What the fuck?! Now I can't even sign in?! I tried my BF's account and it signed in just fine. What could be the problem?
My LAST resort is to call fuckin Pakistan because I HATE dealing with assholes I can't understand.
[quote name='Smug Dark Loser']I havent tried kotor but why are you saying NG doesn't play well. It plays perfectly on mine except that the movies are very choppy.[/quote]

I guess they fixed it now. When I played it a while ago it had problems
[quote name='mcdaking84']the screen froze when I got to Hans bar and the FMVs are choppy.

That is a good thread idea if it hasnt already been made. If it hasnt I will edit the title[/QUOTE]
KotOR is very choppy for me during cut scenes and during gameplay. Often times I adjust the camera and next thing I know I'm going a completely random direction. :bomb:
[quote name='lilboo']WTF?!
I just tried to sign in.. I got an error message saying my account was invalid.
So I tried to recover my account, it made it about halfway through and said "XBOX LIVE SIGNUP IS UNAVAILABLE"...What the fuck?! Now I can't even sign in?! I tried my BF's account and it signed in just fine. What could be the problem?
My LAST resort is to call fuckin Pakistan because I HATE dealing with assholes I can't understand.[/quote]

Calm your horses.

I hate gay people, always making me feel fucking uncomfortable. I can't understand them at all.
[quote name='anomynous']Anybody know how to get the 360 to recognize an ipod touch?[/quote]

Q: Can I play music from my iPhone or iPod Touch?

A: No. The iPhone and and iPod Touch use a different mechanism for storing music than a traditional iPod, and the Xbox 360 console can't play music from those sources. However, you can browse pictures stored on these devices through the Media area of the Xbox 360 Dashboard.
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