YouTube Video Thread

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[quote name='onetrackmind']:rofl: i laugh everytime that little kid gets owned by that basketball... it never stops being funny[/QUOTE]It's a classic. :lol:
It's almost as if that kid was destined to be hit by that basketball. If you think about it, so many things had to have gone exactly right for him to get that way. I mean, he was a moving target! i love it!
[quote name='DT778']Basketball blooper. short clip

ESPN's 2005 sports bloopers. That last baseball one looks painful

Banned Porky Pig Blooper.

Awesome funny karate skit on a japanese show.[/quote]

That Porky Pig one was one of the first vids I ever saw on the internet.

Love the baseball fights one. Classic stuff.
that baseball fights was cool. That dude ran straight into a headlock. And in that orioles-yankees one that pitcher from the orioles was trying to punch like if he was throwing a baseball.
okay, am i just stupid or is my computer just weird or did a lot of the videos on youtube disappear between yesterday and today?
[quote name='vietgurl']I am not seeing things! Videos ARE disappearing from youtube! I tried to use the google query thing but it seems like a lot of the videos are no longer there.


Yeah, WWE is having them take down old wrestling stuff too, which really sucks, I don't even understand why, I mean, fuck copywrite the legend of Andre The Giant should live on forever.

They maybe taking down music videos and old school wrestling but they'll never be able to take away Kyle popping a massive blister on his finger.
[quote name='JimmieMac']Yeah, WWE is having them take down old wrestling stuff too, which really sucks, I don't even understand why, I mean, fuck copywrite the legend of Andre The Giant should live on forever.

They maybe taking down music videos and old school wrestling but they'll never be able to take away Kyle popping a massive blister on his finger.[/QUOTE]

They're also taking down stuff from other countries. I didn't know that music videos from Asian artists and trailers of Asian movies/dramas were also considered copyright infringement! I am not happy with this at all :bomb:
This is what happens the more popular somethng becomes, it falls under the ever watching eyes of the corporate lawyer, looking to show The Man that they are worth their salt by fuckin' with what people want.
only a matter of time before shows and stuff are taken down and youtube becomes completely broken.
[quote name='JimmieMac']This is what happens the more popular somethng becomes, it falls under the ever watching eyes of the corporate lawyer, looking to show The Man that they are worth their salt by fuckin' with what people want.[/quote]


I swear to god its like that dont have anything else to fuck ing do. I think alot of lawyers feel that since they went to law school that everyone else should give a shit about them and since they dont they have to strut their stuff by cracking down on shit no one really cares about.

O is showing videos of stuff that 90% of people wouldnt see other wise NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

They should be happy that people are even watching their shit.
[quote name='Shayde']Wow, I had no idea the GBA games stick out like that...thats kinda lame.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I thought that kinda sucked, but the little piece they give you to fill it in looks cool. :p
[quote name='Metal Boss']haha, you looked up handjob didn't you.[/quote]

I didnt. It sounds like you know what you are talking about though....:cool:
here's some gimmie gimmie octopus for all you crazies out there

gimmie gimmie cotopus sword fight: gimmie octopus

Gimmie Gimmie Octopus - Shoot the Sun gimmie octopus

gimmie gimmie octopus and his squash friends steal the dragon's stash gimmie octopus

trippy indeed

edit : found 2 more
da bomb Kure Takora

baby octopus Kure Takora
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